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Submitted URL: https://www.maderap.com/
Effective URL: https://www.eventrap.com/
Submission: On July 14 via api from US — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.eventrap.com/
Submission: On July 14 via api from US — Scanned from US
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<select name="category" id="category">
<option value="Team Anthem">Team Anthem</option>
<option value="Tribute Rap">Tribute Rap</option>
<option value="Course Summary">Course Summary</option>
<option value="Info Rap">Info Rap</option>
<option value="Public Service Announcement">Public Service Announcement</option>
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<label for="preferred_artists">Preferred Artist(s)</label>
<select name="preferred_artists" id="preferred_artists">
<option value="" disabled="" selected="">Event Rap Can Choose</option>
<option value="Abdominal">Abdominal</option>
<option value="Baba Brinkman">Baba Brinkman</option>
<option value="Corey J">Corey J</option>
<option value="Dex McBean">Dex McBean</option>
<option value="Dizzy Senze">Dizzy Senze</option>
<option value="Hila the Earth">Hila the Earth</option>
<option value="Jam Young">Jam Young</option>
<option value="Kosha Dillz">Kosha Dillz</option>
<option value="Lex Rush">Lex Rush</option>
<option value="Mega Ran">Mega Ran</option>
<option value="Nathanology">Nathanology</option>
<option value="Zeps">Zeps</option>
<option value="Muleca XIII">Muleca XIII</option>
<input type="hidden" id="selected_artists" name="selected_artists" value="">
<div class="artists"></div>
<p class="budget">
<label for="budget_amount">Budget <span>*</span></label>
<input type="range" name="budget_amount" id="budget_amount" min="2000" max="10000" step="1000" value="0" required="">
<span id="budget_amount_text">$2,000</span>
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<select name="event_type" id="event_type" required="">
<option value="Virtual Conference">Virtual Conference</option>
<option value="Virtual Meeting">Virtual Meeting</option>
<option value="Hybrid Event">Hybrid Event</option>
<option value="In-Person Event">In-Person Event</option>
<option value="Podcast">Podcast</option>
<option value="Seminar Summary">Seminar Summary</option>
<option value="Other">Other</option>
<label for="event_name">Event Name <span>*</span></label>
<input type="text" name="event_name" id="event_name" required="">
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<label for="number_of_attendees">Number of Attendees <span>*</span></label>
<select name="number_of_attendees" id="number_of_attendees" required="">
<option disabled="" selected="">Expected Event Size</option>
<option value="Less than 100">Fewer than 100</option>
<option value="100-300">100-300</option>
<option value="300-1,000">300-1,000</option>
<option value="1,000+">1,000+</option>
<label for="preferred_dates">Preferred Date(s) <span>*</span></label>
<input type="text" name="preferred_dates" id="preferred_dates" required="" class="datepicker-input">
<label for="preferred_artists">Preferred Artist(s)</label>
<select name="preferred_artists" id="preferred_artists">
<option value="" disabled="" selected="">Event Rap Can Choose</option>
<option value="Abdominal">Abdominal</option>
<option value="Baba Brinkman">Baba Brinkman</option>
<option value="Corey J">Corey J</option>
<option value="Dex McBean">Dex McBean</option>
<option value="Dizzy Senze">Dizzy Senze</option>
<option value="Hila the Earth">Hila the Earth</option>
<option value="Jam Young">Jam Young</option>
<option value="Kosha Dillz">Kosha Dillz</option>
<option value="Lex Rush">Lex Rush</option>
<option value="Mega Ran">Mega Ran</option>
<option value="Nathanology">Nathanology</option>
<option value="Zeps">Zeps</option>
<option value="Muleca XIII">Muleca XIII</option>
<input type="hidden" id="selected_artists" name="selected_artists" value="">
<div class="artists"></div>
<div class="services">
<label>Services Needed <span>*</span></label>
<div class="services-icons">
<label for="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-336" style="--bgColor: #FF9500">
<input type="checkbox" id="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-336" name="services[]" value="custom-rap">
<img src="https://www.eventrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/baba-eventrap-webgraphics-08.png">
<h4 style="margin-top:10px;">Custom Rap</h4>
<label for="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-334" style="--bgColor: #f90009">
<input type="checkbox" id="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-334" name="services[]" value="rap-up">
<img src="https://www.eventrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/baba-eventrap-webgraphics-07.png">
<h4 style="margin-top:10px;">Rap Up</h4>
<label for="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-338" style="--bgColor: #3fd400">
<input type="checkbox" id="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-338" name="services[]" value="freestyle-set">
<img src="https://www.eventrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/baba-eventrap-webgraphics-09.png">
<h4 style="margin-top:10px;">Freestyle Set</h4>
<label for="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-337" style="--bgColor: #26a6df">
<input type="checkbox" id="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-337" name="services[]" value="catalogue">
<img src="https://www.eventrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/baba-eventrap-webgraphics-11-1.png">
<h4 style="margin-top:10px;">Catalogue Set</h4>
<label for="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-341" style="--bgColor: #ff00ff">
<input type="checkbox" id="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-341" name="services[]" value="hosted-event">
<img src="https://www.eventrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/baba-eventrap-webgraphics-12.png">
<h4 style="margin-top:10px;">Hosted Event</h4>
<label for="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-1097" style="--bgColor: #93258f">
<input type="checkbox" id="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-1097" name="services[]" value="workshop">
<img src="https://www.eventrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/baba-eventrap-webgraphics-19.png">
<h4 style="margin-top:10px;">Rap Workshop</h4>
<label for="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-2449" style="--bgColor: #000000">
<input type="checkbox" id="contact-form-live-eventrap-service-2449" name="services[]" value="showcase">
<img src="">
<h4 style="margin-top:10px;">Showcase</h4>
<p class="budget">
<label for="budget_amount">Budget <span>*</span></label>
<input type="range" name="budget_amount" id="budget_amount" min="2000" max="10000" step="1000" value="0" required="">
<span id="budget_amount_text">$2,000</span>
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<label for="contact_name">Your Name <span>*</span></label>
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Text Content
LEARN MORE ABOUT US! Submit your details and we're happy to reach out with more information. Name Organization Email Address Close ANY TOPIC, ANY OCCASION THERE'S A RAP FOR THAT BOOK YOURS NOW * Pricing * Services * Custom Rap * Rap Up * Freestyle Set * Catalogue Set * Hosted Event * Rap Workshop * Artists * Abdominal * Baba Brinkman * Corey J * Dex McBean * Dizzy Senze * Hila the Earth * Jam Young * Kosha Dillz * Lex Rush * Mega Ran * Nathanology * Zeps * Videos * News * About * FAQs * AFFILIATE PROGRAM * FOR CLIENTS * FOR ARTISTS * ORIGIN STORY * Contact * Search for:Search Button WHAT WE DO Event Rap connects you with skilled rappers who create custom songs and videos to enhance your events and amplify your engagement campaigns. What kind of rap do you need? Select the tag below that best describes your current project. In-Person Conference Promo Rap Team Anthem Tribute Rap Course Summary Pop-Up Freestyle Public Service Announcement Info Rap Virtual Conference Virtual Meeting Book Summary Seminar Summary Podcast Recap Hybrid Event COLLECTIONS EVENTS SERIES TOPICS Learn more... CONTACT US, CONNECT VIA SOCIAL MEDIA, OR EMAIL US CLIENTS THERE ARE LOGOS INTRODUCING EVENT RAP Event Rap is the first easy and affordable service for booking custom content from professional rappers. Our seasoned artists work with you to create original songs and videos all about your team and your story. You can post the videos online, premiere them at a celebration, or let us perform live to make your event unforgettable. Contact us to discuss your project or event, watch example videos, or learn more about pricing . SERVICES CUSTOM RAP Custom Rap: An original song and video custom-made to capture your idea, story or message. RAP UP Rap Up: A rap summary of an event, written during the event, and performed at the event’s conclusion. FREESTYLE SET Freestyle Set: An improvised rap performance that responds to prompts from your audience. CATALOGUE SET A performance of previously-released songs that fit the theme of an event. HOSTED EVENT Your event, hosted by a charismatic rapper, including introductions, interviews, and performances. RAP WORKSHOP Interactive class that equips participants with the tools and tricks to improve their freestyle or rap songwriting skills. Learn More... TESTIMONIALS " Book Baba Brinkman! Full stop! There’s some magic here! He and the talent he brings to summarize the complexity of our conversations is outstanding! " Brandy Burdeniuk, Avison Young ESG Director, NA " If you haven’t had Baba come to your conference to do a rap recap, you’re missing out " DJ Patil, Obama Administration Chief Data Scientist " Holy moly, Baba, that was incredible. You freaking rocked it. Ours is a nascent industry, and your voice galvanized us together as a community. It was a perfect synthesis of our day. " Tito Jankowski, Co-Founder, Impossible Labs " If you ever need a standing-ovation ending, Event Rap has got your back! " Chandra Dake, CEO / Chairman of the Dake Group " Baba’s Rap Up added energy and delight to our 2021 strategy kick-off, bringing a smile to everyone’s face as we concluded the day. " Rakesh Agrawal, CEO, SnapStream " What a cool idea! Mic drop moments indeed " Neha Sud, Head of Creative at the World Bank " Hey @BabaBrinkman, I am now watching you watch me. So fun to get a shoutout in a science rap! " Fenella Saunders, Editor-in-Chief, American Scientist Magazine " An awesome performance and a great way to drive home the learning points and keep folks engaged. " Karl Wagner, Founder and CEO, Eastern Sky Technologies " I was amazed by how Baba managed to condense a jargon-heavy day into a rap that was both insightful and entertaining. I had never seen anything like that before, really enjoyed it! " Dr. Marcia Goddard, Neuroscientist at &Ranj, Netherlands " I really need @BabaBrinkman to do a rap up of every conference. Thank you for rapping us into the apocalypse. " Elizabeth Grumbach, Assistant Director, Institute for Humanities Research, ASU " No request has ever been too absurd or too complex for Nathan’s hyper-talented brain. His ability to develop customized songs is absolutely astonishing. Hire him now before he gets too famous for you. " Kae Burke, Creative Director at House of Yes " Genius! After the conference, I was consistently met with the same comment from co-organizers and participants alike: ‘Involving Nathan Oglesby was really the best decision you made!’ " Thomas Vass, Young Scholars Initiative Manager, Institute for New Economic Thinking " Great job! The care and enthusiasm reflects in the quality and engagement of the end product. Dex McBean gets an unambiguous A+. " Professor Arzi Adbi, National University of Singapore Business School " Baba Brinkman you are a genius of words! Thank you for helping us kick off 2022 in a funky way! " Gili Kimel, Head of Field Marketing, D-Fend Solutions " Are you looking to bring that WOW factor to your next online event? Then you definitely want to bring in Event Rap " Romy Alexandra, UN World Food Programme " If you’re looking to add something really AMAZING, UNIQUE, and HIGH-ENERGY, reach out to Baba Brinkman, can’t recommend him and his team enough. " Alex Shebar, Head of Community at tastebase " Stop what you’re doing, and check out this Amazing! “rap up” from Baba Brinkman and Event Rap. " Spencer Tucci, Director of GTM Strategy and Operations at Welcome " What a phenomenal course (w)rap up! Thanks, Socrates Rosenfeld and Baba Brinkman for your incredible visit! " Erin L Scott, Research and teach entrepreneurship at MIT Sloan " Purpose people – this purpose rap will blow your mind! A joyful and animating way to spend 7 minutes! Seriously. I mean, not seriously! " Coro Strandberg, Pioneer, thought leader and expert in business strategies " Thank you for the terrific rap on machine consciousness and robot inner speech! " Antonio Chella, Professor in Robotics at University of Palermo " This is amazing! What a way to wRAP up an event! " Matteo Ferrario, Marketing Executive at The Carbon Trust " This is absolutely fantastic Baba Brinkman . A FIRST for me and so COOL . " Thomas Udesen, Co-Founder of The Sustainable Procurement Pledge " Absolutely brilliant Baba Brinkman Thanks " Pavan Sukhdev, Chief Executive Officer at GIST " Amazing!!! " Kendrick Nguyen, CEO of Republic.co " I can highly recommend Event Rap! Dex McBean did an amazing job putting it all together – I love it, and my mom even called to say how cool it was. " Linus Dahlander, Professor at ESMT Berlin THERE ARE TESTIMONIALS Rated on FEATURED ARTIST View More LEX RUSH A Queens native, Lex is a champion of multiple New York freestyle battle series, including Freestyle Mondays and Supreme BARS, and was dubbed "The First Lady of Freestyle Rap" by The Village Voice. View more More Artists CONTACT US Learn more Custom Rap Video Live Event Rap LEARN ABOUT PRICING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I JUST WANT TO LEARN MORE Name * Email * Message * I’m interested in learning more Send TELL US ABOUT YOUR TOPIC Category * Team Anthem Tribute Rap Course Summary Info Rap Public Service Announcement Book Summary Other Topic Name * Requested Delivery Date(s) * Preferred Artist(s) Event Rap Can Choose Abdominal Baba Brinkman Corey J Dex McBean Dizzy Senze Hila the Earth Jam Young Kosha Dillz Lex Rush Mega Ran Nathanology Zeps Muleca XIII Budget * $2,000 Your Name * Email * Subject * Message * I’m interested in learning more Send TELL US ABOUT YOUR EVENT Type of Event Virtual Conference Virtual Meeting Hybrid Event In-Person Event Podcast Seminar Summary Other Event Name * Number of Attendees * Expected Event Size Fewer than 100 100-300 300-1,000 1,000+ Preferred Date(s) * Preferred Artist(s) Event Rap Can Choose Abdominal Baba Brinkman Corey J Dex McBean Dizzy Senze Hila the Earth Jam Young Kosha Dillz Lex Rush Mega Ran Nathanology Zeps Muleca XIII Services Needed * CUSTOM RAP RAP UP FREESTYLE SET CATALOGUE SET HOSTED EVENT RAP WORKSHOP SHOWCASE Budget * $2,000 Your Name * Email * Subject * Message * I’m interested in learning more Send USES * Book Summary * Course Summary * Hybrid Event * In-Person Conference * Info Rap * Podcast Recap * Pop-Up Freestyle * Promo Rap * Public Service Announcement * Seminar Summary * More... SERVICES * Rap Up * Custom Rap * Freestyle Set * Catalogue Set * Event Emcee * Rap Workshop ARTISTS * Muleca XIII * Dizzy Senze * Hila the Earth * Corey J * Zeps * Kosha Dillz * Abdominal * Dex McBean * Mega Ran * Jam Young * Nathanology * Lex Rush * Baba Brinkman © 2024 Event Rap Inc «July 2024» SuMoTuWeThFrSa 301234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112345678910 TodayClear «July 2024» SuMoTuWeThFrSa 301234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112345678910 TodayClear Social media & sharing icons powered by UltimatelySocial