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Submitted URL: http://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/
Effective URL: https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/
Submission: On January 27 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/
Submission: On January 27 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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ExploreÚltimas Sábado, 27 de Janeiro de 2024 ENTRAR ENCONTRE MATÉRIAS E CONTEÚDOSDA GAZETA DO POVO * SaibaAgoraVeja mais * Caiado quer apoio de Bolsonaro para disputar presidência e duvida que União este... * Ministros do governo expressam gratidão de Lula ao MST em aniversário de 40 anos * Familiares pedem a libertação dos reféns israelenses de Gaza durante ato em Tel ... * Ex-ministro da Educação, Abraham Weintraub lança pré-candidatura à prefeitura de... Carros elétricos NÃO É SÓ O FRIO: BATERIAS, CUSTO DE REPAROS E REVENDA DESAFIAM AVANÇO DOS CARROS ELÉTRICOS * * * 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movimento Sem Terra MINISTROS DO GOVERNO EXPRESSAM GRATIDÃO DE LULA AO MST EM ANIVERSÁRIO DE 40 ANOS * * * 32 Operação Vigilância Aproximada INVESTIGAÇÃO SOBRE ABIN NÃO MOSTRA COMO RAMAGEM TERIA FAVORECIDO BOLSONARO * * * 54 * INTEGRANTES DA ATUAL GESTÃO DA ABIN TERIAM DIFICULTADO OPERAÇÃO DA PF NA SEDE DO ÓRGÃO J.R. Guzzo PARA LULA E PIMENTA NÃO HÁ MEIO TERMO: IMPRENSA DEVE ELOGIAR GOVERNO DIA E NOITE * * * 84 Opinião da Gazeta UMA LACUNA PERIGOSA NA DEFESA DA VIDA * * * 38 Ex-deputado EDUARDO CUNHA PEDE AO STF SUSPENSÃO DE PROCESSOS DA LAVA JATO BASEADOS EM DELAÇÃO DE DOLEIRO * * * 25 EUA TRUMP É CONDENADO A PAGAR US$ 83,3 MILHÕES POR DIFAMAR ESCRITORA * * * 24 Promessa de R$ 7 bi SEM PRIVATIZAÇÃO, MAIOR PORTO DO PAÍS AGUARDA INVESTIMENTO VIA PAC E SE ANCORA NO CAPITAL PRIVADO * * * 23 Baixe o PDF OPERAÇÕES DA PF SÃO PERSEGUIÇÃO POLÍTICA? LEIA NA GAZETA DO POVO REVISTA * * * 18 VOZES NA GAZETA Nikolas Ferreira OPERAÇÃO LIMPEZA: NÃO DEIXAREMOS ESPAÇOS VAZIOS * * * 34 Rodrigo Constantino TEXAS REAGE À INOPERÂNCIA DE BIDEN * * * 45 Bruna Frascolla ISRAEL É PROMOTOR MUNDIAL DE SOFTWARES INVASIVOS, MAS SE CRITICAR É ANTISSEMITISMO Leonardo Coutinho BOLÍVIA: GOLPES, AUTOGOLPES, COCAÍNA E TRAIÇÃO Thiago Rafael Vieira ENTENDA, DE UMA VEZ POR TODAS, A TAL REVOGAÇÃO DA ISENÇÃO DOS PASTORES PELO LULA Madeleine Lacsko O "ESTUPRO CULPOSO" ESTÁ SENDO USADO PARA MASSACRAR A LIBERDADE DE EXPRESSÃO ESCOLHA DO EDITOR Petrobras, Vale, montadoras, aéreas: quem recebe os maiores descontos de impostos do país Aborto e proibição da oração na Inglaterra, está tudo em jogo no tribunal Conae 2024: esquerda faz manobras para emplacar ideologias na educação nos próximos 10 anos Elite global em Davos: em meio a debates sobre “salvar o mundo”, prostituição de luxo alcança pico de procura RANKING DAS REAÇÕES Confira as matérias que mais causaram reações nos leitoresAtualizado em 27/01/2024 23:34:10 * Opinião * Concordo * Emoções * Indignado * Feliz * Preocupado * Inspirado * Surpreso * Triste Ditadura APÓS BARRAR MARÍA CORINA MACHADO, SUPREMO DA VENEZUELA PROÍBE CAPRILES DE TENTAR ELEIÇÕES * * * 14 * MARÍA CORINA MACHADO DIZ QUE CONTINUARÁ LUTANDO “PELA CONQUISTA DA DEMOCRACIA” NA VENEZUELA Eleições 2024 EX-MINISTRO DA EDUCAÇÃO, ABRAHAM WEINTRAUB LANÇA PRÉ-CANDIDATURA À PREFEITURA DE SÃO PAULO * * * 32 * PRÉ-CANDIDATA DO PSB À PREFEITURA DE SP, TABATA AMARAL SE COLOCA COMO TERCEIRA VIA * PMB ANUNCIA JORNALISTA CRISTINA GRAEML COMO PRÉ-CANDIDATA À PREFEITURA DE CURITIBA Oriente Médio FAMILIARES PEDEM A LIBERTAÇÃO DOS REFÉNS ISRAELENSES DE GAZA DURANTE ATO EM TEL AVIV * * * 1 * HAMAS NEGA PARTICIPAÇÃO DE FUNCIONÁRIOS DE AGÊNCIA DA ONU NOS ATOS TERRORISTAS DO GRUPO Reforma GOVERNO MILEI RETIRA CAPÍTULO FISCAL DE “LEI OMNIBUS” PARA ACELERAR APROVAÇÃO * * * 3 * COM ÂNIMOS APAZIGUADOS, MILEI SERÁ RECEBIDO PELO PAPA FRANCISCO EM FEVEREIRO Governo Macron EM MEIO A PROTESTOS DOS AGRICULTORES, FRANÇA DESISTE DE DIMINUIR SUBSÍDIOS DO DIESEL AGRÍCOLA * * * Entrelinhas RESSENTIDO, ZEMA NÃO VAI APOIAR O CANDIDATO DE BOLSONARO EM BELO HORIZONTE * * * 70 Crise institucional CERCO JUDICIAL CONTRA OPOSICIONISTAS NO CONGRESSO DESAFIA PACHECO E LIRA * * * 74 * “SOMOS HUMILHADOS DIARIAMENTE PORQUE PACHECO NÃO REAGE”, DIZ VALDEMAR COSTA * MORAES MANTÉM SIGILO EM DOCUMENTO DA PF QUE CITA SUPOSTA RELAÇÃO COM O PCC Artigo UM CANCELAMENTO “DE DIREITA”: COMO A UCRÂNIA RESOLVEU APAGAR O PASSADO SOVIÉTICO * * * 5 CULTURA Já tem Palma de Ouro COM CINCO INDICAÇÕES AO OSCAR, “ANATOMIA DE UMA QUEDA” VALE IDA AO CINEMA * * * 1 Com Jason Statham “BEEKEEPER – REDE DE VINGANÇA” É BANQUETE CINEMATOGRÁFICO ELEGANTE E VISCERAL * * * 4 Segredos de um Escândalo ESNOBADAS PELO OSCAR, NATALIE PORTMAN E JULIANNE MOORE LEVAM FILME NAS COSTAS * * * 7 Meu Pai É um Perigo COMÉDIA COM ROBERT DE NIRO RESSALTA A IMPORTÂNCIA DA FAMÍLIA * * * "Ano desafiador" O QUE ESPERAR DO COOPERATIVISMO PARANAENSE EM 2024 * * * * LOGÍSTICA FOI MAIOR DESAFIO PARA AS COOPERATIVAS DO PARANÁ EM 2023 Estradas GLEISI HOFFMANN SUGERE QUE ANTIGOS CONTRATOS DE PEDÁGIO DEVERIAM TER SIDO RENOVADOS NO PR * * * 35 Oficina de Música de Curitiba PARA CURTIR O FIM DE SEMANA: CONFIRA A PROGRAMAÇÃO DA OFICINA DE MÚSICA * * * 5 Bom Gourmet APRENDA A FAZER A FAROFA IDEAL PARA CHURRASCO COM UM ESPECIALISTA EM CARNES * * * Gazz Conecta INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL NO VAREJO É REALIDADE E PROMOVE CRESCIMENTO DOS NEGÓCIOS * * * Campeonato Paranaense ATHLETICO X GALO MARINGÁ: ESCALAÇÕES PROVÁVEIS, COMO ASSISTIR, DATA E HORÁRIO * * * * APÓS PUNIÇÃO, THIAGO HELENO FICA À DISPOSIÇÃO E VAI PARA NONA TEMPORADA NO ATHLETICO Trem de Aragua APÓS DOMINAR O CRIME NA VENEZUELA, MAIOR GANGUE DO PAÍS EXPANDE ATIVIDADES PARA OS EUA * * * 13 Na B3 NA TERCEIRA TENTATIVA, GOVERNO CONSEGUE DESLANCHAR CONCESSÃO DE JERICOACOARA * * * 2 Terreno já foi definido SENADORES DA OPOSIÇÃO CONDENAM PROJETO PARA CONSTRUIR MUSEU DE R$ 40 MILHÕES SOBRE O 8/1 * * * 42 Conheça a Gazeta CÍRCULO DOS LÍDERES DA GAZETA DO POVO LEVA ASSINATURAS DO JORNAL A 250 JOVENS * * * 9 * CONHEÇA O PROJETO DE DOAÇÃO DE ASSINATURAS DA GAZETA DO POVO IDEIAS Artigo HOLOCAUSTO: NUNCA MAIS? * * * 5 História NAZISTAS USARAM INCÊNDIO DO REICHSTAG PARA AMPLIAR E CONSOLIDAR O PODER NA ALEMANHA * * * 25 Artigo O MUNDO ESTÁ UM CAOS, MAS A MÍDIA OCIDENTAL AINDA TEM MEDO DE TRUMP * * * 19 Para assinantes AS FRASES MAIS ESTRANHAS DE 2023, DITAS POR QUEM NÃO DEVERIA DIZÊ-LAS * * * 70 GAZETA EM VÍDEO FÓRUM ECONÔMICO MUNDIAL “APROXIMA” PESSOAS DE VÁRIOS CANTOS DO MUNDO * * * 1 O PESADELO PODE CONTINUAR; ASSISTA AO SEM RODEIOS * * * SEM RODEIOS DEBATE A PERSEGUIÇÃO DA PF A OPOSITORES; ASSISTA * * * 11 A INDÚSTRIA DA POLARIZAÇÃO: A QUEM INTERESSA? * * * 10 FAMÍLIA E BEM-ESTAR Artigo OS AVANÇOS DA TECNOLOGIA E SEUS IMPACTOS NA EDUCAÇÃO * * * cms - Jonas Rabinovitch O PREÇO DE TUDO * * * 8 Estilo de vida VIDA SAUDÁVEL: CONHEÇA DESAFIOS E ESTRATÉGIAS PARA ADOTAR (E MANTER) NOVOS HÁBITOS EM 2024 * * * Bom Gourmet APRENDA A PREPARAR SMOOTHIE PARA CAFÉ DA MANHÃ E PRÉ-TREINO * * * Artigo A ESPIRITUALIDADE NA FORMAÇÃO DO ADOLESCENTE * * * 20 E-BOOKS Gazeta do Povo 8 DE JANEIRO – HISTÓRIAS QUE PRECISAM SER CONHECIDAS * * * 148 Baixe o PDF AUDIÊNCIA DE CUSTÓDIA, BANDEIRA DE LEWANDOWSKI, É O DESTAQUE DA GAZETA DO POVO REVISTA * * * 6 Versão exclusiva BAIXE GRÁTIS O CLÁSSICO O GRANDE GATSBY * Baixe agora OS PILARES PARA A EDUCAÇÃO NO BRASIL * PODCASTS Podcast 15 Minutos ESQUERDA TENTA EMPLACAR PAUTAS IDEOLÓGICAS NA EDUCAÇÃO * * * 4 Podcast 15 Minutos AÇÕES DA PF CONTRA OPOSITORES AO GOVERNO LULA: PERSEGUIÇÃO POLÍTICA? * * * 16 Podcast 15 Minutos PRESSÃO: DEPUTADOS QUEREM INSTALAR CPI DO ABUSO DE AUTORIDADE EM FEVEREIRO * * * 19 Podcast 15 Minutos A ESCALADA NOS CONFLITOS DO ORIENTE MÉDIO * * * Podcast 15 Minutos NOVO PARTIDO PODE SER A SOLUÇÃO PARA A DIREITA BRASILEIRA * * * 26 +LIDAS * 1Não é só o frio: baterias, custo de reparos e revenda desafiam avanço dos carros elétricos * 2Ministros do governo expressam gratidão de Lula ao MST em aniversário de 40 anos * 3Texas reage à inoperância de Biden * 4O “estupro culposo” está sendo usado para massacrar a liberdade de expressão * 5Caiado quer apoio de Bolsonaro para disputar presidência e duvida que União esteja com Lula em 2026 +COMENTADAS * 1PMB anuncia jornalista Cristina Graeml como pré-candidata à prefeitura de Curitiba * 2Para Lula e Pimenta não há meio termo: imprensa deve elogiar governo dia e noite * 3Investigação sobre Abin não mostra como Ramagem teria favorecido Bolsonaro * 4Ressentido, Zema não vai apoiar o candidato de Bolsonaro em Belo Horizonte * 5Não é só o frio: baterias, custo de reparos e revenda desafiam avanço dos carros elétricos FOI MANCHETE * “Desrespeito ao parlamento”: oposição critica operação da PF contra deputado Alexandre Ramagem * Apoiada por Lewandowski, câmera corporal em policiais sofre forte oposição na Câmara * Governo Lula prioriza diesel da Rússia e financia matança na Ucrânia * Ano novo, agenda velha: governo mantém foco em arrecadar mais e rechaça corte de gasto NEWSLETTER Receba as notícias mais interessantes por e-mail e fique sempre atualizado Quero receber NOTÍCIAS NO SEU CELULAR Cadastre-se nos nossos grupos do WhatsApp e Telegram Quero cadastrar GAZETA EM ÁUDIO Ouça os podcasts e siga as playlists Quero ouvir Notícias no celular Conteúdo publicitário Recomendado por PUBLICIDADE „Es ist wie ein Supertreibstoff für Ihre Fettverbrennung„ gesundesfett.com PUBLICIDADE Solardachziegel sind die Zukunft und überraschend erschwinglich. Solardachziegel | Suchanzeigen PUBLICIDADE Gartenpools der neuen Generation liegen im Trend und hier sind die Preise (Es ist weniger als Sie denken) Lifestyletrendshq PUBLICIDADE Das sind die 2023 besten Schmerzsalben gegen Arthrose Gelenkschmerzbehandlung | Gesponserte Links Acompanhe a Gazeta do Povo nas redes sociais * * * * * Gazeta do Povo * Sobre a Gazeta * Conheça a Gazeta * Expediente * Mapa do Site * Política de Privacidade * Termos de Uso * About Gazeta do Povo Notícias * República * Paraná * Mundo * Economia * UmDois Esportes * Vida e Cidadania * Educação * Ideias Opinião * Vozes * Opinião * Convicções * Ideias Mais * Bom Gourmet * Haus * Gazz Conecta * Sempre Família * Clube Gazeta do Povo * Podcasts * Vídeos Informações * Minha Conta * Assine * Fale Conosco * Trabalhe Conosco * Dúvidas Frequentes cancel WELCOME THIS SITE ASKS FOR YOUR CONSENT TO USE YOUR PERSONAL DATA TO: * perm_identity Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience research and services development * devices Store and/or access information on a device expand_moreremove Learn more * How can I change my choice? * What if I don't consent? * How does legitimate interest work? * Do I have to consent to everything? Your personal data will be processed and information from your device (cookies, unique identifiers, and other device data) may be stored by, accessed by and shared with 141 TCF vendor(s) and 75 ad partner(s), or used specifically by this site or app. Some vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, which you can object to by managing your options below. Look for a link at the bottom of this page or in our privacy policy where you can withdraw consent. Consent Manage options arrow_back Data preferences cancel MANAGE YOUR DATA You can choose how your personal data is used. Vendors want your permission to do the following: TCF vendors help_outline STORE AND/OR ACCESS INFORMATION ON A DEVICE Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers, randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes presented here. View details Consent (124 vendors) USE LIMITED DATA TO SELECT ADVERTISING Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times an ad is presented to you). View details Consent (75 vendors)Legitimate interest (32 vendors)help_outline CREATE PROFILES FOR PERSONALISED ADVERTISING Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit, content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities. View details Consent (101 vendors) USE PROFILES TO SELECT PERSONALISED ADVERTISING Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. View details Consent (95 vendors) CREATE PROFILES TO PERSONALISE CONTENT Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit, non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find content that matches your interests. View details Consent (35 vendors) USE PROFILES TO SELECT PERSONALISED CONTENT Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find (non-advertising) content that matches your interests. View details Consent (28 vendors) MEASURE ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance, whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of advertising campaigns. View details Consent (81 vendors)Legitimate interest (47 vendors)help_outline MEASURE CONTENT PERFORMANCE Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g. reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc. This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content that is shown to you. View details Consent (33 vendors)Legitimate interest (14 vendors)help_outline UNDERSTAND AUDIENCES THROUGH STATISTICS OR COMBINATIONS OF DATA FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising) content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents). View details Consent (60 vendors)Legitimate interest (21 vendors)help_outline DEVELOP AND IMPROVE SERVICES Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or improvement of user profiles and identifiers. View details Consent (68 vendors)Legitimate interest (38 vendors)help_outline USE LIMITED DATA TO SELECT CONTENT Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type, or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit the number of times a video or an article is presented to you). View details Consent (10 vendors)Legitimate interest (2 vendors)help_outline ENSURE SECURITY, PREVENT AND DETECT FRAUD, AND FIX ERRORS help_outline Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery of content and ads and in your interaction with them. View details DELIVER AND PRESENT ADVERTISING AND CONTENT help_outline Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device. View details MATCH AND COMBINE DATA FROM OTHER DATA SOURCES help_outline Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in this notice. View details LINK DIFFERENT DEVICES help_outline In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet connection on both devices). View details IDENTIFY DEVICES BASED ON INFORMATION TRANSMITTED AUTOMATICALLY help_outline Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the purposes exposed in this notice. View details USE PRECISE GEOLOCATION DATA With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500 metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice. View details Consent Vendor preferences Accept all Confirm choices arrow_back Vendor preferences cancel CONFIRM OUR VENDORS Vendors can use your data to provide services. Declining a vendor can stop them from using the data you shared. TCF vendors help_outline EXPONENTIAL INTERACTIVE, INC D/B/A VDX.TV Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ROQ.AD GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ADMAXIM LIMITED Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: Browsing and interaction data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent INDEX EXCHANGE INC. Cookie duration: 395 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline QUANTCAST Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline BEESWAXIO CORPORATION Cookie duration: 395 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent SOVRN, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ADIKTEEV Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline RTB HOUSE S.A. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent THE UK TRADE DESK LTD Cookie duration: 3629 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline ADMETRICS GMBH Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, IP addresses more View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent AMOBEE INC. Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline EPSILON Cookie duration: 184 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent YAHOO EMEA LIMITED Cookie duration: 397 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ADVENTORI SAS Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent TRIPLELIFT, INC. Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline XANDR, INC. Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline NEORY GMBH Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent UNRULY GROUP LLC Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline NEURAL.ONE Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ADITION (VIRTUAL MINDS GMBH) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ACTIVE AGENT (VIRTUAL MINDS GMBH) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent TABOOLA EUROPE LIMITED Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent EQUATIV Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ADFORM A/S Cookie duration: 1 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline MAGNITE, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline RATEGAIN ADARA INC Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent SIFT MEDIA, INC Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent RAKUTEN MARKETING LLC Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline LUMEN RESEARCH LIMITED Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more View details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline AMAZON AD SERVER Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline OPENX Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent YIELDLAB (VIRTUAL MINDS GMBH) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ROKU ADVERTISING SERVICES Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline SIMPLIFI HOLDINGS LLC Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: Device identifiers, Precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent PUBMATIC, INC Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline COMSCORE B.V. Cookie duration: 720 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent FLASHTALKING Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent PULSEPOINT, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Device identifiers, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent SMAATO, INC. Cookie duration: 21 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline SEMASIO GMBH Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent CRIMTAN HOLDINGS LIMITED Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline GENIUS SPORTS UK LIMITED Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent CRITEO SA Cookie duration: 390 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline ADLOOX SA Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline BLIS GLOBAL LIMITED Cookie duration: 400 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent LOTAME SOLUTIONS, INC Cookie duration: 274 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent LIVERAMP Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent GROUPM UK LIMITED Cookie duration: 395 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline LOOPME LIMITED Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent DYNATA LLC Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ASK LOCALA Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent NEAR INTELLIGENCE Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent DOUBLEVERIFY INC. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline BIDSWITCH GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent IPONWEB GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent NEXTROLL, INC. Cookie duration: 183 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent TEADS FRANCE SAS Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline STRÖER SSP GMBH (SSP) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline OS DATA SOLUTIONS GMBH & CO. KG Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline PERMODO GMBH Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent PLATFORM161 B.V. Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ADACADO TECHNOLOGIES INC. (DBA ADACADO) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent BASIS GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline SEEDTAG ADVERTISING S.L Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent SMADEX, S.L.U. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent BOMBORA INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline EASYMEDIA GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent REMERGE GMBH Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline ADVANCED STORE GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline MAGNITE CTV, INC. Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline DELTA PROJECTS AB Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline USEMAX ADVERTISEMENT (EMEGO GMBH) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Users’ profiles more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent EMETRIQ GMBH Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent PUBLICIS MEDIA GMBH Cookie duration: 1825 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent M.D. PRIMIS TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Cookie duration: 25 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline ONETAG LIMITED Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES S.A. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent SMARTOLOGY LIMITED Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline IMPROVE DIGITAL Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline DT EXCHANGE (FYBER MONETIZATION LTD.) Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Device identifiers, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ADOBE ADVERTISING CLOUD Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device identifiers, IP addresses more View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline BANNERFLOW AB Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline TABMO SAS Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent INTEGRAL AD SCIENCE (INCORPORATING ADMANTX) Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more View details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline WIZALY Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent WEBORAMA Cookie duration: 393 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline JIVOX CORPORATION Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent MOBILE PROFESSIONALS BV / SAGE+ARCHER BV Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Non-precise location data more View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ON DEVICE RESEARCH LIMITED Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ROCKABOX MEDIA LTD Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline MOBFOX US LLC Cookie duration: 14 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent EXACTAG GMBH Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent CELTRA INC. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline MAINADV SRL Cookie duration: 30 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent GEMIUS SA Cookie duration: 1825 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent INMOBI PTE LTD Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent THE KANTAR GROUP LIMITED Cookie duration: 914 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent NIELSEN MEDIA RESEARCH LTD. Cookie duration: 120 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline SOLOCAL SA Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline PIXALATE, INC. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ORACLE ADVERTISING Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent NUMBERLY Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent AUDIENCEPROJECT APS Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline DEMANDBASE, INC. Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent EFFILIATION / EFFINITY Cookie duration: 2 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent SEENTHIS AB Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, IP addresses more View details | Privacy policylaunch COMMANDERS ACT Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device identifiers, IP addresses more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent TRAVEL AUDIENCE GMBH Cookie duration: 397 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent HUMAN Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline ADLUDIO LTD. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics more View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent BLENDEE SRL Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent INNOVID LLC Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline PAPIRFLY AS Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics more View details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline NEUSTAR, INC., A TRANSUNION COMPANY Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline SALESFORCE.COM, INC. Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent VERVE GROUP EUROPE GMBH Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent OTTO (GMBH & CO KG) Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline ADOBE AUDIENCE MANAGER, ADOBE EXPERIENCE PLATFORM Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent LOCALSENSOR B.V. Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ONLINE SOLUTION Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent RELAY42 NETHERLANDS B.V. Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent GP ONE GMBH Cookie duration: Uses session cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline THE MEDIAGRID INC. Cookie duration: 365 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent MINDTAKE RESEARCH GMBH Cookie duration: 180 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent CINT AB Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, IP addresses more View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent GOOGLE ADVERTISING PRODUCTS Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline GFK GMBH Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, User-provided data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent REVJET Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent PROTECTED MEDIA LTD Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more View details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline CLINCH LABS LTD Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses, Probabilistic identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline ORACLE DATA CLOUD - MOAT Doesn't use cookies. Data collected and processed: Non-precise location data, IP addresses more View details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline HEARTS AND SCIENCE MÜNCHEN GMBH Cookie duration: 60 (days). Data collected and processed: IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Privacy policylaunch Consent AMAZON ADVERTISING Cookie duration: 396 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Users’ profiles, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent MOLOCO, INC. Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage. View details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline NIELSEN INTERNATIONAL SA Cookie duration: 390 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Device identifiers, IP addresses more Uses other forms of storage. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline ADTRIBA GMBH Cookie duration: 730 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Authentication-derived identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent OBJECTIVE PARTNERS BV Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device identifiers more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent ENSIGHTEN Cookie duration: 1825 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, Browsing and interaction data, Device identifiers, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Legitimate interesthelp_outline EBAY INC Cookie duration: 90 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Privacy choices, IP addresses more View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch Consent HURRA COMMUNICATIONS GMBH Cookie duration: 366 (days). Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device identifiers, Precise location data, Non-precise location data, IP addresses more Cookie duration resets each session. 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