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Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid!
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18 hr agohace 18 horas
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Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid!
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Nuevo informe del Jefe de las Fuerzas de Defensa Radiológica, Química y
Biológica, General Igor Kirillov, sobre las actividades biológicas militares de
los Estados Unidos en el territorio de Ucrania.


El MIL ruso ha estado estudiando muestras biológicas de soldados ucranianos
rendidos, y lo que han encontrado es más que inquietante. Aproximadamente el 20%
de ellos portaban patógenos del Nilo Occidental, que estaban siendo estudiados
“por el Pentágono como parte de los proyectos ucranianos UP-4 y UP-8”.
Sugiriendo que los soldados ucranianos están sujetos a experimentación biológica
involuntaria y exposición a armas biológicas (piense en Nuremberg).

In addition to carrying pathogens, nearly all of the surrendered Ukrainian
soldiers carried traces of a wide variety of narcotics and opioids, including
Meth and Codeine.

Russia were sure to remind us of the Nazi’s usage of methamphetamines in WW2. I
covered this 2 weeks ago, when the left-wing media tried to spin this reality as
some sort of X-men mutant conspiracy theory. No, they are just Nazis, and
historically, Nazis use drugs. Particularly as an advantage in war.

Clandestine’s Newsletter
Ukraine Adopts Historic Nazi Tactic of Supplying Methamphetamines to Military
The imbeciles at the Daily Beast, falsely claim Russia are losing the war and
falsely claim they are blaming it on genetically modified “mutant-troops” as a
result of the US biolabs in Ukraine. Before reading the article, understand that
this is straight up nonsense from the Daily Beast and the left-wing media, and
the only reason I’m reporting on it is …
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16 days ago · 214 likes · 26 comments · Clandestine

Russia goes on to cite that this methamphetamine Ukraine are using, Pervitin,
was also used by US soldiers during Vietnam and Korea. It’s designed to reduce
the psycho-emotional burdens of war.

However, an intended side effect is excessive aggression, which Russia alleges
is one of the main factors for the Nationalist Ukrainian forces displaying
“extreme cruelty” to civilians and the shelling of their own people in Donbas.
Ukraine are using mind-numbing agents on their forces to make them more
susceptible to carrying out heinous acts.


Next, we find perhaps the most explosive slide to date, in which Russia FINALLY
comes out and DIRECTLY accuses the US of being responsible for the creation and
release of Covid-19. What I have been saying from the beginning, is that this
allllll leads to C-19, which will be the nail in the coffin and the red-pill
that wakes up the world.

The backlash the US are facing from Russia and the rest of Eastern world, is
directly because the world found out THE UNITED STATES CREATED COVID.
Specifically the “DNC/Liberal Globalists”, as the Russians allege. Not Trump.

Russia clarifies they have record of over 16,000 biological samples, including
blood and serum samples, transported from Ukraine to the US, Georgia, European

The US claimed that all of these biological samples would be used “exclusively
for peaceful purposes”, but we can see that they were not.

Russia then pointed to US Congressman Jason Crow of the House Intelligence
Committee, warned Americans about the dangers of giving their DNA to private
companies (Think 23&Me) for testing because:

> "...there is a possibility that test results will be sold to third parties...
> and the information obtained could be used to develop biological weapons
> targeting specific groups... or individuals."

Sounds exactly like what Russia have been alleging all along. That the US have
been producing biological weapons to ethnically cleanse certain individuals of
select genome sequences. Idk about you all, but ethnic cleansing with biological
weapons doesn’t sound very “Democratic”, but maybe that’s just me.

Russia says this activity gives reasonable cause to question US military
biologists in the emergence and spread of the COVID-19 pathogen. Russia cites:

> “In May 2022, Jeffrey Sachs - a leading expert in the respected medical
> journal The Lancet and professor at Columbia University, the leading academic
> institution for global biosecurity, told a conference in Spain that ‘..the
> coronavirus was artificially created and is very likely to have been created
> using American advances in biotechnology...’.”

Take that in for a moment. Yup. Russia just accused the United States of
creating and releasing Covid-19. But wait, there’s more.

Russia confirms the unnatural behavior of C19 proves that this virus was not
only man-made, but being constantly worked on and “artificially fueled” via the
introduction of different variants to different regions.

Myself and many others have been leaning towards the idea that Wuhan was not the
only “origin” of the C19 outbreak. It was released at multiple labs around the
world, with different specially engineered variants, designed to target the
people of the region with genome specific C19 virus.

The DNC Globalists were using Ukraine as the home base for production of the
virus, then shipping the genome specific viruses to labs around the world, to be
released to ensure the virus infected the entire world…

> According to our experts, this is evidenced by the uncharacteristic
> variability of the genovariants that cause different peaks in the incidence of
> coronaviruses, significant differences in lethality and contagiousness, uneven
> geographical distribution, and the unpredictable nature of the epidemic
> process as a whole. It appears that despite efforts to contain and isolate the
> disease, the pandemic is being artificially fuelled by the introduction of new
> variants of the virus in a particular region.

Russia goes on to directly accuse the US Agency of International Development,
(USAID), of involvement of the creation of the new Covid variants. Citing that
they have been studying coronavirus since 2009 (Obama), and that one of the main
contractors for the project is the infamous Biden biolab company, Metabiota, the
main source of biological malfeasance in Ukraine.

> The implementation of the COVID-19 scenario and USAID's emergency wind-down of
> the Predict programme in 2019 suggest the deliberate nature of the pandemic
> and US involvement in its emergence.

Russia believes not only did the US create and release C19, but they did so with
deliberate intentions.


And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse… it gets worse.

In the third slide, Russia highlight the activities of Labyrinth Ukraine.
Particularly their vaccination of Ukrainian soldiers, and collecting biological
samples from them so they can develop genome specific biological weapons. Citing
one of the main contractors affiliated with Labyrinth is, once again, Biden’s

Russia also notes that Labyrinth Global Health have been studying CORONAVIRUSES

> Thus we see a clear trend: infectious disease agents that reach the Pentagon's
> zone of interest are subsequently pandemic, with US pharmaceutical companies
> and their patrons, the leaders of the US Democratic Party, as the
> beneficiaries.

HOLY SHIT… Russia just said the DNC and US big pharma are intentionally causing
pandemics to win elections…

Giving serious legitimacy to Anons overall thesis about C19 and 2020, and giving
legitimacy to my thesis that Monkeypox is the next bioweapon released
intentionally by the Deep State to attempt to steal the 2022 election with mass
mail-in voting.

Clandestine’s Newsletter
Globalists Initiate Monkeypox Fear Campaign to Push for Mail-In Voting
It appears myself, and the majority of the community, were correct to foresee
the DNC/Globalist plan to introduce Monkeypox as the next “emergency” to instill
fear in the sheep and justify mass mail-in voting, so they can utilize their
voter fraud network, as per “2,000 Mules…
Read more
4 days ago · 189 likes · 14 comments · Clandestine


In conclusion, Russia have now DIRECTLY accused the DNC Globalists of:

-creating and releasing new variants of Coronaviruses, and now Monkeypox,
intentionally, for the purposes of political control and world domination.

-using non-consensual experimentation on citizens of the world to create genome
specific biological weapons for ethnic cleansing.

-creation and usage of narcotics, such as methamphetamines, on Ukrainian forces
to dehumanize them in order to carry out heinous crimes against humanity on
civilians in Ukraine.

Russia just confirmed my overall narrative; that the war in Ukraine is backlash
for the Deep State’s creation and usage of C19. We are already in WW3 and C19
was the first weapon fired.

The fact that Russia have now come out and openly called this spade a spade…
suggests we are approaching the finish line. Russia claims final dossier will be
complete in “Autumn”.

Folks… it’s happening.





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Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid!
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17 hr ago

Omg!!! I have no words. All the info coming out verifies the “conspiracies” and
those that believed our government was truly involved to hurt its own people!!!!
The vaccines are not vaccines. The c19 virus is a bioweapon. There is no attempt
to cure or stabilize this virus and now comes monkeypox which sounds worse than
it actually is. This has to be spread all over so we the people can digest it.
Nothing is what it seems. It is all a freakin coverup!!! Everything. Thanks to
you Clandestine and other truth finders for keeping us in the know and being
able to have facts instead of coverup lies!!!!! 🤦‍♀️ 😳😳👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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17 hr ago·edited 17 hr ago

From day one I said this was a manufactured virus. I have said like you that
there were multiple conspirators involved.. I have also said that this was a
weak version and a test of what they could do. Be ready for worse to come. After
reading this I have to say God Dammit. These so called leaders are so desperate
to control the masses at any cost they have killed and harmed millions to
further this agenda. If you took the shot I am sorry for you and will pray for
you. If you did not make no mistake it is the mark and will be your undoing so
just don't ever even think about it. Please. I researched that to high heaven
and when they won't tell you whats in it and cannot say it will cure or prevent
it ( which they said that from the beginning to anyone that asked) then it
cannot be good for you. I've been censored, banned, and stymied by my positions
on these things. I will never stop though. You should not either. This is a very
powerful report and when they finally present all of their evidence the USA is
not going to look good because of it. I will say to the People. Take your
country back. Whatever it might take. We must not allow this to continue or we
will all be subjugated.

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