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Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

POST /configurable/content.configurablecontentpagebody.searchwithinform.form?t:ac=journals$002fj-neurosurg$002faop$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888.xml

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Name: viewAnnotationFormPOST /configurable/content.viewannotations.viewannotationform?t:ac=journals$002fj-neurosurg$002faop$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888.xml&t:state:client=Db3o/0JSJOfoToVBJ4ILUV2f7FY=: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Name: editAnnotationFormPOST /configurable/content.viewannotations.editannotationform?t:ac=journals$002fj-neurosurg$002faop$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888.xml&t:state:client=Db3o/0JSJOfoToVBJ4ILUV2f7FY=: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

<form name="editAnnotationForm" class="annotationsForm hidden" data-validate="submit" data-generator="tapestry/core/form"
  method="post" id="editAnnotationForm"><input value="journals$002fj-neurosurg$002faop$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888.xml" name="t:ac" type="hidden"><input
    value="Db3o/0JSJOfoToVBJ4ILUV2f7FY=:H4sIAAAAAAAAAH2TsW8TMRTGnZSIVKkIjYo6ITEwXyYkEBM0rTj1CJESMbC9u3u5GHz28ey7JAuChQ4MLLAxMDD2X2FkYEMww4SE1An7UhpS9TKc5bN/ r7P79nHP1ljeokxtquJHSpKPMggmqBnIENtaH7L49IgSRCeRip4hNrbExylGSBpro2dHXAU8dAoggT9NBM3D3H 9ffu28s/To7qbCNgrUilmZIW9WPDOsFTKKArQCbdoSEuk7sB2xw7kT6k Jy9YLWANTOrdvY/ywy7Eyk55klOEAq0c2ftoFDFc69QIk Ra52jRrtt05yuGRUZthXlRJbvYWYmhu38L9XdW2jZCmy7ZJ5L5vl2LUHqfP/46c ro9t1VvNZowCR44zY1SXXz9MQ6fXx  utd9/e1BmbZbacTLvYzA0bhrX1RE3vRbZ22rfO5V5j1e6 UgJBfr5BL798OPll7Z78s8tqK2LbpRgZHglcmC/k3Ni6wHdf2iIQGK5kCbqhvYJ1Sizmtma2c1NFsa4gtxw5cG2WY1XBNB3ja13ltr104yBG8wwrwJZtLpdgcKSiCmSzzEP2Vq4zeyQFlzjIw54VqzIrq5qbiaKqw7eWwauQaxHIAamEbKd5gT2uMwHzCridwuwBQmwfQHktz7DmOU0lBGQa 0o BG4/Y057fkEAl3GIxFE/Lm9/ACGK9Z0K13aqh2PIhTlQlIKpAHfK4hXAhXtPC3T9FYrHAZfP1jLDPDTciKqGXXHMyAHnjvgXTbQg89MEAAA="
    name="t:state:client" type="hidden"><input
    name="t:formdata" type="hidden">
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  <input value="/view/journals/j-neurosurg/aop/article-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888/article-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888.xml" name="redirectOnEditSuccess" type="hidden">
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    <legend> Edit</legend>
    <div class="annotatedText text-body1 bg-grey-light"></div>
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    <textarea id="textarea_0" class="form-control comment w-1 border border-radius text-body1" name="textarea_0"></textarea>
    <!-- Don't add line breaks in the p element. Doing so makes unwanted spaces appear. -->
    <!-- OUP-1178 / Trac(oro2)-5674 -->
    <p class="rules text-caption"> Character limit <span class="count">500</span>/500 </p>
    <div class="formActions">
      <button value=" Delete" class="delete button delete-btn c-Button c-Button--contained c-Button--primary" type="button"> Delete</button>
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      <button value=" Save" class="save button save-btn c-Button c-Button--contained c-Button--primary" type="submit"> Save</button>
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Name: annotationsFormPOST /configurable/content.viewannotations.annotationsform?t:ac=journals$002fj-neurosurg$002faop$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888.xml&t:state:client=Db3o/0JSJOfoToVBJ4ILUV2f7FY=: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

<form name="annotationsForm" class="annotationsForm hidden" data-validate="submit" data-generator="tapestry/core/form"
  method="post" id="annotationsForm"><input value="journals$002fj-neurosurg$002faop$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888$002farticle-10.3171-2022.8.JNS22888.xml" name="t:ac" type="hidden"><input
    value="Db3o/0JSJOfoToVBJ4ILUV2f7FY=:H4sIAAAAAAAAAH2TsW8TMRTGnZSIVKkIjYo6ITEwXyYkEBM0rTj1CJESMbC9u3u5GHz28ey7JAuChQ4MLLAxMDD2X2FkYEMww4SE1An7UhpS9TKc5bN/ r7P79nHP1ljeokxtquJHSpKPMggmqBnIENtaH7L49IgSRCeRip4hNrbExylGSBpro2dHXAU8dAoggT9NBM3D3H 9ffu28s/To7qbCNgrUilmZIW9WPDOsFTKKArQCbdoSEuk7sB2xw7kT6k Jy9YLWANTOrdvY/ywy7Eyk55klOEAq0c2ftoFDFc69QIk Ra52jRrtt05yuGRUZthXlRJbvYWYmhu38L9XdW2jZCmy7ZJ5L5vl2LUHqfP/46c ro9t1VvNZowCR44zY1SXXz9MQ6fXx  utd9/e1BmbZbacTLvYzA0bhrX1RE3vRbZ22rfO5V5j1e6 UgJBfr5BL798OPll7Z78s8tqK2LbpRgZHglcmC/k3Ni6wHdf2iIQGK5kCbqhvYJ1Sizmtma2c1NFsa4gtxw5cG2WY1XBNB3ja13ltr104yBG8wwrwJZtLpdgcKSiCmSzzEP2Vq4zeyQFlzjIw54VqzIrq5qbiaKqw7eWwauQaxHIAamEbKd5gT2uMwHzCridwuwBQmwfQHktz7DmOU0lBGQa 0o BG4/Y057fkEAl3GIxFE/Lm9/ACGK9Z0K13aqh2PIhTlQlIKpAHfK4hXAhXtPC3T9FYrHAZfP1jLDPDTciKqGXXHMyAHnjvgXTbQg89MEAAA="
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    <!-- OUP-1178 / Trac(oro2)-5674 -->
    <p class="rules text-caption"> Character limit <span class="count">500</span>/500 </p>
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Marco Colasurdo MD1, Nir Leibushor BSc2, Ariadna Robledo MD3, Viren
Vasandani MD3, Zean Aaron Luna BSc3, Abhijit S. Rao BSA3, Roberto Garcia MD3,
Visish M. Srinivasan MD5, Sunil A. Sheth MD6, Naama Avni BSc2, Moleen
Madziva PhD2, Mor Berejick BSc2, Goni Sirota BSc2, Aielet Efrati PhD2, Avraham
Meisel HSD2, Hashem Shaltoni MD4, and Peter Kan MD, MPH3
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 * 1 Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, The University of
   Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas;
 * | 2 Inc., San Francisco, California;
 * | 3 Departments of Neurosurgery and
 * | 4 Neurology, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas;
 * | 5 Department of Neurosurgery, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph’s
   Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona; and
 * | 6 Department of Neurology, McGovern Medical School, University of Texas
   Health Science Center, Houston, Texas

Publication Date: 30 Sep 2022 Page Range: 1–8 Volume/Issue: Publish Before Print
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Machine learning algorithms have shown groundbreaking results in neuroimaging.
Herein, the authors evaluate the performance of a newly developed convolutional
neural network (CNN) to detect and quantify the thickness, volume, and midline
shift (MLS) of subdural hematoma (SDH) from noncontrast head CT (NCHCT).


NCHCT studies performed for the evaluation of head trauma in consecutive
patients between July 2018 and April 2021 at a single institution were
retrospectively identified. Ground truth determination of SDH, thickness, and
MLS was established by the neuroradiology report. The primary outcome was
performance of the CNN in detecting SDH in an external validation set, as
measured using area under the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis.
Secondary outcomes included accuracy for thickness, volume, and MLS.


Among 263 cases with valid NCHCT according to the study criteria, 135 patients
(51%) were male, the mean (± standard deviation) age was 61 ± 23 years, and 70
patients were diagnosed with SDH on neuroradiologist evaluation. The median SDH
thickness was 11 mm (IQR 6 mm), and 16 patients had a median MLS of 5 mm (IQR
2.25 mm). In the independent data set, the CNN performed well, with sensitivity
of 91.4% (95% CI 82.3%–96.8%), specificity of 96.4% (95% CI 92.7%–98.5%), and
accuracy of 95.1% (95% CI 91.7%–97.3%); sensitivity for the subgroup with an SDH
thickness above 10 mm was 100%. The maximum thickness mean absolute error was
2.75 mm (95% CI 2.14–3.37 mm), whereas the MLS mean absolute error was 0.93 mm
(95% CI 0.55–1.31 mm). The Pearson correlation coefficient computed to determine
agreement between automated and manual segmentation measurements was 0.97 (95%
CI 0.96–0.98).


The described SDH CNN performed exceptionally well at identifying and
quantifying key features of SDHs in an independent validation imaging data set.


AI = artificial intelligence; CNN = convolutional neural network; LVO = large
vessel occlusion; MLS = midline shift; NCHCT = noncontrast head CT; NPV =
negative predictive value; PPV = positive predictive value; SDH = subdural

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Correspondence Peter Kan: University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX.

INCLUDE WHEN CITING Published online September 30, 2022; DOI:

Disclosures Dr. Kan is a consultant for Stryker Neurovascular, Imperative Care,
Cerenovus, and MicroVention and has received grant support from Siemens for
non–study-related clinical or research effort.

Keywords: subdural; hemorrhage; trauma; technology; CT; AI; artificial
intelligence Page Count: 8


 * In Brief
 * Methods
   * Cohort Characteristics
   * Imaging Settings
   * Pipeline for Analysis
   * CNN Description
   * Statistical Analysis
 * Results
   * Detection and Thickness Measurement
   * MLS and Volume Measurement
 * Discussion
 * Conclusions
 * Acknowledgments
 * Disclosures
 * Author Contributions
 * Supplemental Information
   * Abstract Presentations
 * References


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