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JOIN US IN CREATING AN ALCOHOL SAFE WORKPLACE™... without killing the buzz! NOTE: To request an invoice, skip this form and hit this button instead. Request an Invoice About Your OrganisationYour details Become a MemberSelect Your Membership Package * United States +1 * United Kingdom +44 * Canada +1 * Australia +61 * * Afghanistan +93 * Albania +355 * Algeria +213 * American Samoa +1 * Andorra +376 * Angola +244 * Anguilla +1 * Antigua and Barbuda +1 * Argentina +54 * Armenia +374 * Aruba +297 * Ascension Island +247 * Australia +61 * Austria +43 * Azerbaijan +994 * Bahamas +1 * Bahrain +973 * Bangladesh +880 * Barbados +1 * Belarus +375 * Belgium +32 * Belize +501 * Benin +229 * Bermuda +1 * Bhutan +975 * Bolivia +591 * Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 * Botswana +267 * Brazil +55 * British Indian Ocean Territory +246 * British Virgin Islands +1 * Brunei +673 * Bulgaria +359 * Burkina Faso +226 * Burundi +257 * Cambodia +855 * Cameroon +237 * Canada +1 * Cape Verde +238 * Caribbean Netherlands +599 * Cayman Islands +1 * Central African Republic +236 * Chad +235 * Chile +56 * China +86 * Christmas Island +61 * CocosIslands +61 * Colombia +57 * Comoros +269 * Congo +243 * Congo +242 * Cook Islands +682 * Costa Rica +506 * Côte d’Ivoire +225 * Croatia +385 * Cuba +53 * Curaçao +599 * Cyprus +357 * Czech Republic +420 * Denmark +45 * Djibouti +253 * Dominica +1 * Dominican Republic +1 * Ecuador +593 * Egypt +20 * El Salvador +503 * Equatorial Guinea +240 * Eritrea +291 * Estonia +372 * Eswatini +268 * Ethiopia +251 * Falkland Islands +500 * Faroe Islands +298 * Fiji +679 * Finland +358 * France +33 * French Guiana +594 * French Polynesia +689 * Gabon +241 * Gambia +220 * Georgia +995 * Germany +49 * Ghana +233 * Gibraltar +350 * Greece +30 * Greenland +299 * Grenada +1 * Guadeloupe +590 * Guam +1 * Guatemala +502 * Guernsey +44 * Guinea +224 * Guinea-Bissau +245 * Guyana +592 * Haiti +509 * Honduras +504 * Hong Kong +852 * Hungary +36 * Iceland +354 * India +91 * Indonesia +62 * Iran +98 * Iraq +964 * Ireland +353 * Isle of Man +44 * Israel +972 * Italy +39 * Jamaica +1 * Japan +81 * Jersey +44 * Jordan +962 * Kazakhstan +7 * Kenya +254 * Kiribati +686 * Kosovo +383 * Kuwait +965 * Kyrgyzstan +996 * Laos +856 * Latvia +371 * Lebanon +961 * Lesotho +266 * Liberia +231 * Libya +218 * Liechtenstein +423 * Lithuania +370 * Luxembourg +352 * Macau +853 * Macedonia +389 * Madagascar +261 * Malawi +265 * Malaysia +60 * Maldives +960 * Mali +223 * Malta +356 * Marshall Islands +692 * Martinique +596 * Mauritania +222 * Mauritius +230 * Mayotte +262 * Mexico +52 * Micronesia +691 * Moldova +373 * Monaco +377 * Mongolia +976 * Montenegro +382 * Montserrat +1 * Morocco +212 * Mozambique +258 * Myanmar +95 * Namibia +264 * Nauru +674 * Nepal +977 * Netherlands +31 * New Caledonia +687 * New Zealand +64 * Nicaragua +505 * Niger +227 * Nigeria +234 * Niue +683 * Norfolk Island +672 * North Korea +850 * Northern Mariana Islands +1 * Norway +47 * Oman +968 * Pakistan +92 * Palau +680 * Palestine +970 * Panama +507 * Papua New Guinea +675 * Paraguay +595 * Peru +51 * Philippines +63 * Poland +48 * Portugal +351 * Puerto Rico +1 * Qatar +974 * Réunion +262 * Romania +40 * Russia +7 * Rwanda +250 * Saint Barthélemy +590 * Saint Helena +290 * Saint Kitts and Nevis +1 * Saint Lucia +1 * Saint Martin) +590 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1 * Samoa +685 * San Marino +378 * São Tomé and Príncipe +239 * Saudi Arabia +966 * Senegal +221 * Serbia +381 * Seychelles +248 * Sierra Leone +232 * Singapore +65 * Sint Maarten +1 * Slovakia +421 * Slovenia +386 * Solomon Islands +677 * Somalia +252 * South Africa +27 * South Korea +82 * South Sudan +211 * Spain +34 * Sri Lanka +94 * Sudan +249 * Suriname +597 * Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47 * Sweden +46 * Switzerland +41 * Syria +963 * Taiwan +886 * Tajikistan +992 * Tanzania +255 * Thailand +66 * Timor-Leste +670 * Togo +228 * Tokelau +690 * Tonga +676 * Trinidad and Tobago +1 * Tunisia +216 * Turkey +90 * Turkmenistan +993 * Turks and Caicos Islands +1 * Tuvalu +688 * U.S. Virgin Islands +1 * Uganda +256 * Ukraine +380 * United Arab Emirates +971 * United Kingdom +44 * United States +1 * Uruguay +598 * Uzbekistan +998 * Vanuatu +678 * Vatican City +39 * Venezuela +58 * Vietnam +84 * Wallis and Futuna +681 * Western Sahara +212 * Yemen +967 * Zambia +260 * Zimbabwe +263 * Åland Islands +358 * United States +1 * United Kingdom +44 * Canada +1 * Australia +61 * * Afghanistan +93 * Albania +355 * Algeria +213 * American Samoa +1 * Andorra +376 * Angola +244 * Anguilla +1 * Antigua and Barbuda +1 * Argentina +54 * Armenia +374 * Aruba +297 * Ascension Island +247 * Australia +61 * Austria +43 * Azerbaijan +994 * Bahamas +1 * Bahrain +973 * Bangladesh +880 * Barbados +1 * Belarus +375 * Belgium +32 * Belize +501 * Benin +229 * Bermuda +1 * Bhutan +975 * Bolivia +591 * Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 * Botswana +267 * Brazil +55 * British Indian Ocean Territory +246 * British Virgin Islands +1 * Brunei +673 * Bulgaria +359 * Burkina Faso +226 * Burundi +257 * Cambodia +855 * Cameroon +237 * Canada +1 * Cape Verde +238 * Caribbean Netherlands +599 * Cayman Islands +1 * Central African Republic +236 * Chad +235 * Chile +56 * China +86 * Christmas Island +61 * CocosIslands +61 * Colombia +57 * Comoros +269 * Congo +243 * Congo +242 * Cook Islands +682 * Costa Rica +506 * Côte d’Ivoire +225 * Croatia +385 * Cuba +53 * Curaçao +599 * Cyprus +357 * Czech Republic +420 * Denmark +45 * Djibouti +253 * Dominica +1 * Dominican Republic +1 * Ecuador +593 * Egypt +20 * El Salvador +503 * Equatorial Guinea +240 * Eritrea +291 * Estonia +372 * Eswatini +268 * Ethiopia +251 * Falkland Islands +500 * Faroe Islands +298 * Fiji +679 * Finland +358 * France +33 * French Guiana +594 * French Polynesia +689 * Gabon +241 * Gambia +220 * Georgia +995 * Germany +49 * Ghana +233 * Gibraltar +350 * Greece +30 * Greenland +299 * Grenada +1 * Guadeloupe +590 * Guam +1 * Guatemala +502 * Guernsey +44 * Guinea +224 * Guinea-Bissau +245 * Guyana +592 * Haiti +509 * Honduras +504 * Hong Kong +852 * Hungary +36 * Iceland +354 * India +91 * Indonesia +62 * Iran +98 * Iraq +964 * Ireland +353 * Isle of Man +44 * Israel +972 * Italy +39 * Jamaica +1 * Japan +81 * Jersey +44 * Jordan +962 * Kazakhstan +7 * Kenya +254 * Kiribati +686 * Kosovo +383 * Kuwait +965 * Kyrgyzstan +996 * Laos +856 * Latvia +371 * Lebanon +961 * Lesotho +266 * Liberia +231 * Libya +218 * Liechtenstein +423 * Lithuania +370 * Luxembourg +352 * Macau +853 * Macedonia +389 * Madagascar +261 * Malawi +265 * Malaysia +60 * Maldives +960 * Mali +223 * Malta +356 * Marshall Islands +692 * Martinique +596 * Mauritania +222 * Mauritius +230 * Mayotte +262 * Mexico +52 * Micronesia +691 * Moldova +373 * Monaco +377 * Mongolia +976 * Montenegro +382 * Montserrat +1 * Morocco +212 * Mozambique +258 * Myanmar +95 * Namibia +264 * Nauru +674 * Nepal +977 * Netherlands +31 * New Caledonia +687 * New Zealand +64 * Nicaragua +505 * Niger +227 * Nigeria +234 * Niue +683 * Norfolk Island +672 * North Korea +850 * Northern Mariana Islands +1 * Norway +47 * Oman +968 * Pakistan +92 * Palau +680 * Palestine +970 * Panama +507 * Papua New Guinea +675 * Paraguay +595 * Peru +51 * Philippines +63 * Poland +48 * Portugal +351 * Puerto Rico +1 * Qatar +974 * Réunion +262 * Romania +40 * Russia +7 * Rwanda +250 * Saint Barthélemy +590 * Saint Helena +290 * Saint Kitts and Nevis +1 * Saint Lucia +1 * Saint Martin) +590 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1 * Samoa +685 * San Marino +378 * São Tomé and Príncipe +239 * Saudi Arabia +966 * Senegal +221 * Serbia +381 * Seychelles +248 * Sierra Leone +232 * Singapore +65 * Sint Maarten +1 * Slovakia +421 * Slovenia +386 * Solomon Islands +677 * Somalia +252 * South Africa +27 * South Korea +82 * South Sudan +211 * Spain +34 * Sri Lanka +94 * Sudan +249 * Suriname +597 * Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47 * Sweden +46 * Switzerland +41 * Syria +963 * Taiwan +886 * Tajikistan +992 * Tanzania +255 * Thailand +66 * Timor-Leste +670 * Togo +228 * Tokelau +690 * Tonga +676 * Trinidad and Tobago +1 * Tunisia +216 * Turkey +90 * Turkmenistan +993 * Turks and Caicos Islands +1 * Tuvalu +688 * U.S. Virgin Islands +1 * Uganda +256 * Ukraine +380 * United Arab Emirates +971 * United Kingdom +44 * United States +1 * Uruguay +598 * Uzbekistan +998 * Vanuatu +678 * Vatican City +39 * Venezuela +58 * Vietnam +84 * Wallis and Futuna +681 * Western Sahara +212 * Yemen +967 * Zambia +260 * Zimbabwe +263 * Åland Islands +358 Select your membership package next... We Respect Your Privacy & Information. PROUD TO SUPPORT * Home * Pricing * HR Services * HR Podcast * Contact * Home * HR Services * HR Podcast * Contact Trustpilot MEMBERSHIP ONLY PRICING FOR LARGE BUSINESSES WITH UP TO 9,999 EMPLOYEES YEAR 1 £1,000 Includes a donation of £50 to The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC ANNUAL RENEWAL £800 Includes a donation of £50 per year to The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC Buy Now Pay by card or request an invoice Book a No Obligation Chat YEAR 1 £1,500 Includes a donation of £50 to The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC ANNUAL RENEWAL £1,100 Includes a donation of £50 per year to The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC Buy Now Pay by card or request an invoice Book a No Obligation Chat WHAT'S INCLUDED WITH MEMBERSHIP ONLY? * Resources and assets for you to display to demonstrate your commitment to becoming an Alcohol Safe Workplace™ * Guidance on what it means to be an Alcohol Safe Workplace™ and the standards that need to be met * An Alcohol Culture Audit to assess where your company is now against each standard * A bespoke Alcohol Culture Action Plan, giving you step by step guidance to help you meet the standards * When you are ready, assessment by the independent panel of experts to ensure you meet the standards * Ongoing annual review through a self-assessment audit to ensure the standards are maintained * A guest appearance on our Podcast, Professional Drinkers, to share your success story * An invitation to our annual event, in conjunction with The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC Buy Now Pay by card or request an invoice Book a No Obligation Chat * Resources and assets for you to display to demonstrate your commitment to becoming an Alcohol Safe Workplace™ * Guidance on what it means to be an Alcohol Safe Workplace™ and the standards that need to be met * An Alcohol Culture Audit to assess where your company is now against each standard * A bespoke Alcohol Culture Action Plan, giving you step by step guidance to help you meet the standards * When you are ready, assessment by the independent panel of experts to ensure you meet the standards * Ongoing annual review through a self-assessment audit to ensure the standards are maintained * A guest appearance on our Podcast, Professional Drinkers, to share your success story * An invitation to our annual event, in conjunction with The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC Buy Now Pay by card or request an invoice Book a No Obligation Chat ALL INCLUSIVE PRICING FOR LARGE BUSINESSES WITH UP TO 999 EMPLOYEES NEED HELP MEETING THE STANDARDS? THEN YOU'LL LOVE OUR ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE, WHICH INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU GET WITH STANDARD MEMBERSHIP, PLUS ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND SUPPORT TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE THE STANDARDS QUICKLY. YEAR 1 £13,000 Includes a donation of £50 to The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC ANNUAL RENEWAL £12,000 Includes a donation of £50 per year to The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC Buy Now Pay by card or request an invoice Book a No Obligation Chat NEED HELP MEETING THE STANDARDS? THEN YOU'LL LOVE OUR ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE, WHICH INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU GET WITH STANDARD MEMBERSHIP, PLUS A DISCOUNTED BUNDLE OF ALL THE SERVICES AND ONGOING SUPPORT THAT YOU'LL NEED TO ACHIEVE THE STANDARDS QUICKLY, AND DELIVER CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. YEAR 1 £16,500 Includes a donation of £50 to The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC ANNUAL RENEWAL £15,000 Includes a donation of £50 per year to The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC Buy Now Pay by card or request an invoice Book a No Obligation Chat WHAT'S IN THE ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE? EVERYTHING FROM THE MEMBERSHIP ONLY PACKAGE * Resources and assets for you to display to demonstrate your commitment to becoming an Alcohol Safe Workplace™ * Guidance on what it means to be an Alcohol Safe Workplace™ and the standards that need to be met * An Alcohol Culture Audit to assess where your company is now against each standard * A bespoke Alcohol Culture Action Plan, giving you step by step guidance to help you meet the standards * When you are ready, assessment by the independent panel of experts to ensure you meet the standards * Ongoing annual review through a self-assessment audit to ensure the standards are maintained * A guest appearance on our Podcast, Professional Drinkers, to share your success story * An invitation to our annual event, in conjunction with The Sober Butterfly Collective CIC PLUS SERVICES WORTH £58,380 EVERY YEAR Workplace Webinars, including access to recordings for ongoing use: * How Alcohol Works' annual webinar, tailored to your requirements * 'Drinking on Duty' annual webinar, exploring workplace drinking culture in more detail, tailored to your requirements * 'Conduct and Compassion' ongoing line manager training sessions that help managers to understand when to offer support, and when to implement disciplinary proceedings Support for Mangers: * 48 hours of "Ask Me Anything" time per year, where colleagues can speak directly and in confidence 1:1 with an alcohol expert for advice about any alcohol related issues, such as their own drinking, concerns about a loved one or a tricky situation in the workplace. Support for Individuals: * 'Sunshine Sobriety' webinar delivered annually, where a lived experience speaker shares their story and the benefits of sobriety * 24 hours of drop-in sober coaching per year, where colleagues can speak directly and in confidence 1:1 with an experienced and accredited sober coach for advice and support to help them explore their own relationship with alcohol. * Access to the full '101 Days to Sober' online course for upto 100 people in the workforce. Support for HR Professionals: * Bespoke Alcohol Policy writing service * Bespoke Alcohol Contract writing service * Tailored board-level round table presentation and discussion to ensure support from the top * Support to gain senior management buy-in through tailored leadership events PLUS ONGOING ACCESS TO... A portal for leaders that includes: * 'What Are We Going to Do About Dave?' pre-recorded webinar, which sets out the case for change and explains why this is important for employers * Recorded 'Conduct and Compassion' line manager training, suitable for inclusion in new starter or new to management training And a portal for all employees that includes: * 'How Alcohol Works' pre-recorded webinar, explaining what alcohol is and how it works * 'Sunshine Sobriety' pre-recorded webinar, an inspirational lived experience account of the benefits of sobriety Buy Now Pay by card or request an invoice Book a No Obligation Chat NEED SOMETHING IN-BETWEEN? We can tailor the contents of the all-inclusive package to suit your business and your budget. Get in touch today and let's work out the best way for us to support you to become an Alcohol Safe Workplace™ ...without killing the buzz! 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