dashnexsupport.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://dashnexsupport.com/
Effective URL: https://dashnexsupport.com/support/home
Submission: On August 17 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from IT

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Welcome - Start Here 1
 * Getting Started with DashNex PowerTech

DashNex Main Dashboard 3
 * Custom Domain Management
 * Add a Custom Sub-Domain
 * Personal Link in Bio Site

Configurations For Both Website & Store Builder 1
 * Integrate FB Messenger to Store & Website

FAQs 4
 * xOmator Product Importation Issues (Store Builder)

Releases & Updates 2
 * Release 2.4.0 - 12/28/22
 * Release 2.2.0 - 9/27/22


Website Setup 12
 * Overview of Website Builder
 * How to Create a Website using Custom Pages
 * How to Generate Fundamental Default Pages (Legal, Terms, About, etc.)
 * How to Create a Lead Generation Page
 * How to Create a Sweepstakes Page

View all 12
Configurations 7
 * Autoresponder Integration
 * Branded Email for your Website
 * How to Set Up a Form for Contact Page
 * How to Embed a Youtube Video on a Page of your Website
 * Create and Integrate a Mailchimp Pop Up Subscribers Email on your Website

View all 7
Blogging 3
 * Blogging Overview
 * How to get Disqus Shortname to Enable Comments on your Blog
 * How to Schedule Blog Posts to be Published at a Future Date

Templates 7
 * How to Find an HTML Template for your Website
 * How to Upload and Update an HTML template
 * DNP001 - eWebinar Registration Template
 * DNP-002 V1 - Long Form Report Giveaway Template
 * DNP-002 V2 - Report Giveaway Template With Bullets

View all 7
Visual Editor (Custom Page Capabilities) 5
 * "What You See, Is What You Get" Editor
 * Page Designer (Drag & Drop)
 * Inline Editor
 * Code Editor
 * Using Page Designer & Inline Editor

Page Designer 3
 * How to Update Google Map Location in Contact Blocks
 * How to Change Padding (amount of space) between Design Blocks
 * How to Create and Embed a Paypal ‘Buy Now’ Button on your Website

Releases & Updates 14
 * Release 2.36.0 -04/19/22
 * Release 2.33.0 -12/28/21
 * Release 2.30.0 -11/30/21
 * Release 2.26.2 - 09/14/21
 * Release 2.25.0 - 05/04/21

View all 14


Quick Start Store Setups 7
 * Overview of Store Builder
 * Quick Start: Payment Gateway - PayPal & PayPal Express
 * Quick Start: AutoResponder - MailChimp
 * Quick Start: Shipping - Flat Fee
 * Quick Start: Create Store

View all 7
Main Store Settings 14
 * Defining Primary Multi-Currency
 * Branded Email for IES Store
 * Home Page Settings - Meta Data
 * Integrations Tab
 * URL Mapping

View all 14
Payment Integrations 6
 * PayPal Express & PayPal Standard
 * Braintree
 * Stripe
 * Paystack
 * PayFast

View all 6
AutoResponder Integrations 7
 * ActiveCampaign
 * MailChimp
 * GetResponse
 * Sendlane
 * ConvertKit

View all 7
Analytic Tracking Integrations 2
 * Google Account & Analytics
 * FB Business Account & FB Pixel Setup

Pro Connector Integrations 1
 * Zapier Integration

Products 15
 * Products Overview
 * How To Add Basic Product on Your Store
 * Product Variants
 * Product Options: Color
 * Product Option: Styles

View all 15
Appearance 4
 * How to Create a Favicon (Tab Icon)
 * Enable Product Search Feature
 * How to Configure Appearance Settings
 * Labels & Translation: Phase 1: Edit Labels

Carts & Checkout 1
 * Enable Required Phone Number at Checkout

Dropshipping 1
 * What is Dropshipping?

Product Feeds 3
 * Product Feeds for Facebook
 * Product Feeds for Google Shopping
 * Product Feeds for Microsoft Merchant Center (formerly Bing)

Categories & Collections 3
 * Category Management
 * Creating Category Menu Items
 * Collection Mode

Managing Your Store 3
 * User Manager
 * Google Search Console Verification
 * Creating Promo Codes

Shipping 6
 * Flat Fee Shipping
 * Percentage Based Shipping
 * Shipping Based on the Order Total
 * Shipping Based on the amount Per Product
 * Additional Shipping Costs for Orders that Contain Multiple of the Same Item

View all 6
Taxes 1
 * Configure Taxes

Orders 2
 * Order and Cart Statuses
 * What to do with a New Order

Shipment Tracking 1
 * Shipment Tracking with Aftership

Reviews 1
 * Reviews & Importing Reviews

Mobile Store 2
 * Synchronized Mobile eCom Store Launch
 * Mobile Store Logo

xOmator 4
 * xOmator CE Installation and Activation
 * Integrate xOmator with IES
 * Push Products To Your IES Stores
 * xOmator Product Download

Releases & Updates 42
 * Request NEW FEATURES for the Store Builder
 * Release - 2.55.0 - 12/16/21
 * Release - 2.53.0 - 09/30/21
 * Release - 2.52.2 - 08/10/21
 * Release - 2.52.0 - 07/29/21

View all 42
Marketing Hub 9
 * Marketing Hub - Overview
 * Abandonment Lab: 1-Click Follow-Up
 * Abandonment Lab: Campaign Builder
 * Abandonment Lab: Layout & Styles
 * Abandonment Lab: Campaign Sequencing

View all 9
Home Solutions