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Submitted URL: https://www.m-lean.com/privacy-policy/
Effective URL: https://www.mlean.com/privacy-policy/
Submission: On September 26 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

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 * Products 
   * mlean Production System (mPS) 
     * Standard Work  
       * 5S Workshop
       * Visual Work Instructions
     * Routines & Gemba Walk
     * Audits
       * OK 1st Part
     * TPM
     * Problem Solving
     * Action Plans & Improvement Ideas
   * mPShub
   * mlean Hoshin Kanri
 * Featured insights 
   * mPS benefits
   * Integrations
   * Advantages for your role
 * Customers 
   * Companies
   * Stories
 * Company 
   * Our Story
   * Leadership
   * Our Values
   * Careers
 * Resources 
   * User Guide
   * Become a Partner
   * Partners Zone
   * Blog
   * Contact

 * Products 
   * mlean Production System (mPS) 
     * Standard Work  
       * 5S Workshop
       * Visual Work Instructions
     * Routines & Gemba Walk
     * Audits
       * OK 1st Part
     * TPM
     * Problem Solving
     * Action Plans & Improvement Ideas
   * mPShub
   * mlean Hoshin Kanri
 * Featured insights 
   * mPS benefits
   * Integrations
   * Advantages for your role
 * Customers 
   * Companies
   * Stories
 * Company 
   * Our Story
   * Leadership
   * Our Values
   * Careers
 * Resources 
   * User Guide
   * Become a Partner
   * Partners Zone
   * Blog
   * Contact

Request a demo
 * EN
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 * EN
   * DE

 * Home
 * Products
   * mPS
     * Standard Work
       * 5s Workshop
       * Visual Work Instructions
     * Routines & Gemba Walk
     * Audits
       * OK 1st Part
     * TPM
     * Problem Solving
     * Action Plans & Improvement Ideas
   * mPShub
   * mlean Hoshin Kanri
 * Featured Insights
   * mPS Benefits
   * Integrations
   * Advantages for your role
 * Customers
 * Company
   * Our Story
   * Leadership
   * Our Values
   * Careers
 * Resources
   * User Guide
   *   Partners Zone
   * Become a Partner
 * Blog
 * Request a demo
 * Contact
 * EN
   * DE

 * Home
 * Products
   * mPS
     * Standard Work
       * 5s Workshop
       * Visual Work Instructions
     * Routines & Gemba Walk
     * Audits
       * OK 1st Part
     * TPM
     * Problem Solving
     * Action Plans & Improvement Ideas
   * mPShub
   * mlean Hoshin Kanri
 * Featured Insights
   * mPS Benefits
   * Integrations
   * Advantages for your role
 * Customers
 * Company
   * Our Story
   * Leadership
   * Our Values
   * Careers
 * Resources
   * User Guide
   *   Partners Zone
   * Become a Partner
 * Blog
 * Request a demo
 * Contact
 * EN
   * DE

Request a demo
 * Products 
   * mlean Production System (mPS) 
     * Standard Work  
       * 5S Workshop
       * Visual Work Instructions
     * Routines & Gemba Walk
     * Audits
       * OK 1st Part
     * TPM
     * Problem Solving
     * Action Plans & Improvement Ideas
   * mPShub
   * mlean Hoshin Kanri
 * Featured insights 
   * mPS benefits
   * Integrations
   * Advantages for your role
 * Customers 
   * Companies
   * Stories
 * Company 
   * Our Story
   * Leadership
   * Our Values
   * Careers
 * Resources 
   * User Guide
   * Become a Partner
   * Partners Zone
   * Blog
   * Contact

 * Products 
   * mlean Production System (mPS) 
     * Standard Work  
       * 5S Workshop
       * Visual Work Instructions
     * Routines & Gemba Walk
     * Audits
       * OK 1st Part
     * TPM
     * Problem Solving
     * Action Plans & Improvement Ideas
   * mPShub
   * mlean Hoshin Kanri
 * Featured insights 
   * mPS benefits
   * Integrations
   * Advantages for your role
 * Customers 
   * Companies
   * Stories
 * Company 
   * Our Story
   * Leadership
   * Our Values
   * Careers
 * Resources 
   * User Guide
   * Become a Partner
   * Partners Zone
   * Blog
   * Contact

Request a demo
 * EN
   * DE

 * EN
   * DE



 * Name of the entity: MOBILE LEAN, S. L. (hereinafter referred to as mlean)
 * Address: Calle Duque de la Victoria, número 5 – 5ª planta, 47001, Valladolid.
 * Phone No.: [+34] 983 07 41 55
 * E-mail address: info@mlean.com


Any data which mlean may collect from you through our forms when you use or
navigate the website, via e-mail or in virtue of a contract with mlean shall be
considered personal. When filling in all and any of the forms of our website,
there will be some compulsory fields marked with a star *. In the event that no
data have been entered in such fields of a given form, the purposes of any such
form may not be fulfilled. On some occasions, simply by using and navigating our
website, mlean may store data related to:

 * Your IP address
 * The version of your browser
 * Your operating system
 * The time that you spent browsing or navigating the website

Such information may be stored through Google Analytics. You may check Google’s
Privacy Policy, as Google is the one that collects and processes the information
in that particular case.

mlean reserves the right to amend or adapt the present Privacy Policy from time
to time. Thus, we suggest reviewing our Privacy Policy whenever you enter the

1. Contact forms
 * Our purpose. Processing your information request made through the contact
 * Legal grounds. Your consent as data holder.
 * RecipientsThe different areas of our entity, as well as any third parties to
   whom we may disclose your data whenever this is compliant with the current
   data protection regulations.

2. Information provided via e-mail addresses made available on the website.
 * Our purpose. Processing your information request.
 * Legal grounds. Your consent given by sending us a request via e-mail.
 * Recipients The different areas of our entity, as well as any third parties to
   whom we may disclose your data whenever this is compliant with the current
   data protection regulations.

3. Job applications via our ‘work with us’ form or directly via e-mail.
 * Our purpose. Involving you in mlean personnel recruitment processes.
 * Legal grounds. Your consent as data holder.
 * Recipients The different areas of our entity, as well as any third parties to
   whom we may disclose your data whenever this is compliant with the current
   data protection regulations.

4. Issue of, and subscription to our Newsletter.
 * Our purpose. Sending mlean Newsletters to subscribers.
 * Legal grounds. Consent provided by subscribers to this service by marking the
   box enabled for such a purpose.
 * Recipients The different areas of our entity, as well as any third parties to
   whom we may disclose your data whenever this is compliant with the current
   data protection regulations.


1. Data processing exclusive to professional contacts.
 * Our purpose. Maintaining professional relationships between mlean and
 * Legal grounds. The legitimate interest of the data controller in order to
   maintain all sorts of relationships with the legal entity to which the data
   holder provides services, except when the data holder’s interest or
   fundamental rights prevail.
 * Recipients The different areas of our entity, as well as any third parties to
   whom we may disclose your data whenever this is compliant with the current
   data protection regulations.

2. Data processing exclusive to social media contacts.
 * Our purposes: – Processing enquiries, requests or applications. – Managing
   the service requested, responding to an application or processing a petition.
   – Establishing a relationship between the user and the data controller and
   creating a community of followers.
 * Legal grounds. The data controller’s legitimate interest, as well as the
   undertaking of a contract relationship in respect of a given social network.
 * Recipients The different areas of our entity, as well as any third parties to
   whom we may disclosure your data whenever this is compliant with the current
   data protection regulations. Nevertheless, we suggest reviewing the privacy
   policy of our social media, which are based in America and, therefore, might
   transfer some of your data to the United States.

3. Data processing exclusive to clients.
 * Our Purpose:
   – Invoicing, issue of dispatch notes, quotation and contracts. Managing any
   services derived from our contractual relationship, as well as any
   undertakings thereunder.
   – Advertising. Offering you our products and services/training, activities
   and workshops/our activity.
 * Legal grounds.
   – Invoicing, issue of dispatch notes, quotation and contracts. Performance of
   a service provision agreement in compliance with as many of the following
   legal duties as may apply:
   * The terms for which we shall retain your data once our contractual
     relationship has ended must be compliant with the Spanish Commercial Code.
   * Any disclosures of your data that may be requested by the Spanish Treasury
     Inspection are provided by Spanish Law 58/2003 of Dec 17, concerning
     general taxation
 * Recipients
   – Invoicing, issue of dispatch notes, quotation and contracts. Generally
   speaking, the different areas of our entity, as well as any third parties to
   whom we may disclose your data whenever this is compliant with the current
   data protection regulations. Whenever it is deemed necessary to comply with a
   legal requirement, clients’ data may be disclosed to the following bodies:
   * The Spanish Tax Agency.
   * Any applicable banking entities, in order to be current with payments
   * The Spanish Labour Inspection.



Contact forms

Your personal data shall be processed for as long as is strictly necessary to
process your request.

Information provided via e-mail addresses made available on the website.

Once that we have processed your request for information, your data shall be
kept for up to 6 months by way of proof for any claims that may arise.

Job applications via our ‘work with us’ form or directly via e-mail

In virtue of mlean data retention policy, your personal data shall be kept for
up to ONE YEAR from receipt of your CV.

Issue of, and subscription to our Newsletter.

Your personal data shall be kept for as long as you do not cancel your
subscription to mlean Newsletter.


Exclusive to professional contacts

As long as our professional relationship remains unaltered or as long as you do
not decide to cancel or object to the processing of your contact details.

Exclusive to social media contacts

Your personal data shall be kept for as long as is deemed necessary to meet the
goals for which they were collected.

Exclusive to clients

Invoicing, issue of dispatch notes, quotation and contracts

Your personal data shall be processed for as long as our contractual
relationship lasts. Once that our contract relationship has come to an end, your
data shall be retained for six years, in compliance with the provisions of the
Commercial Code. For tax purposes, your data shall be retained for 4 years, in
compliance with the general taxation law.


mlean may only make international data disclosures to entities that can evidence
compliance with the level of protection and guarantees set forth under the
current regulations concerning data protection, such as the European Regulation,
or whenever mlean becomes legally enabled to make such international disclosures
on the grounds of, for instance, the data holder’s consent. In either case, the
data holder shall be fully informed.


As data holder, you are entitled to receive a confirmation whenever your data
are being processed, to access your personal data, to request correction of any
inaccuracies and, from time to time, to request erasure thereof whenever, among
other reasons, your data cease to be necessary for the purposes for which they
were collected, or else you, as data holder, withdraw your consent to the
processing. mlean shall process and retain your data in compliance with the
current regulations, notwithstanding that you, as data hoder, may request the
limitation of the processing thereof from time to time. In certain scenarios,
you may also exercise your right to data portability, in virtue of which these
data shall be delivered in a structured physical or electronic medium to you or
any new data controller appointed by you.

You may revoke from time to time your consent as given to any of the processes
for which the processing of your data was required. To exercise your rights,
please write an e-mail to info@mlean.com. We have forms available for you to
exercise any of the above indicated rights. Nonetheless, you may also use the
forms enabled for such purposes by the Spanish Data Protection Agency. You may
lodge a claim in the Spanish Data Protection Agency whenever you consider that
your petition to exercise your rights has not been duly processed. Resolutions
in such a respect may be adopted within one month from receipt of your petition.
Should your data be amended in any manner, please duly inform us thereof in
writing so that we can keep your data up to date.

 * Products 
   * mlean Production System (mPS) 
     * Standard Work  
       * 5S Workshop
       * Visual Work Instructions
     * Routines & Gemba Walk
     * Audits
       * OK 1st Part
     * TPM
     * Problem Solving
     * Action Plans & Improvement Ideas
   * mPShub
   * mlean Hoshin Kanri
 * Featured insights 
   * mPS benefits
   * Integrations
   * Advantages for your role
 * Customers 
   * Companies
   * Stories
 * Company 
   * Our Story
   * Leadership
   * Our Values
   * Careers
 * Resources 
   * User Guide
   * Become a Partner
   * Partners Zone
   * Blog
   * Contact

 * Products 
   * mlean Production System (mPS) 
     * Standard Work  
       * 5S Workshop
       * Visual Work Instructions
     * Routines & Gemba Walk
     * Audits
       * OK 1st Part
     * TPM
     * Problem Solving
     * Action Plans & Improvement Ideas
   * mPShub
   * mlean Hoshin Kanri
 * Featured insights 
   * mPS benefits
   * Integrations
   * Advantages for your role
 * Customers 
   * Companies
   * Stories
 * Company 
   * Our Story
   * Leadership
   * Our Values
   * Careers
 * Resources 
   * User Guide
   * Become a Partner
   * Partners Zone
   * Blog
   * Contact

Mobile Lean, S.L.
Duque de la Victoria, 5 – 5th floor
47001 Valladolid (SPAIN)

Linkedin Twitter Vimeo Facebook Youtube

+34 983 07 41 55


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