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Name: new_formPOST /bin/smartly/send

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Text Content

Get payroll from $20 per month for your first 12 months! Sign up today using
promo code EOFY24. Terms apply* - Sign up

Features Features
For your business size For your business size
For your industry For your industry
Managed Payroll
DIY Payroll
All Features
Employee app
Training and support
Leave management
Digital timesheets
Labour Costing
Xero integration
Compliant payroll
Automated Payments
For your business size
All For your business size
1-5 employees
6-19 employees
20-99 employees
100+ employees
For your industry
All For your industry
Payroll for retail
Payroll for hospitality
Payroll for professional services
Payroll for construction

Help centre
The Smartly app
PDF guides
Videos and Webinars
Contact us

About Smartly
About Smartly
About us
Customer stories

Accountants & Bookkeepers
Accountants & Bookkeepers
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Features Features
For your business size For your business size
For your industry For your industry
Managed Payroll
DIY Payroll
All Features
Employee app
Training and support
Leave management
Digital timesheets
Labour Costing
Xero integration
Compliant payroll
Automated Payments
For your business size
All For your business size
1-5 employees
6-19 employees
20-99 employees
100+ employees
For your industry
All For your industry
Payroll for retail
Payroll for hospitality
Payroll for professional services
Payroll for construction

Help centre
The Smartly app
PDF guides
Videos and Webinars
Contact us

About Smartly
About Smartly
About us
Customer stories

Accountants & Bookkeepers
Accountants & Bookkeepers
Sign up a client

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Quick links
Help centre Support SmartPayroll to Smartly Plans PDF guides

The simple way to sort your payroll

from $20 per month

Limited time only. Terms apply.

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Back to home

 * Rated #1 for customer support
   Our customer support has been rated highest amongst NZ payroll providers.
 * Never worry about IRD again
   Everything is automatically sorted for you, on time and in-line with
 * Safe and incredibly secure data
   We’re certified against ISO27001, because we know security is extremely
   important to you.
 * See your payroll data in Xero
   Securely transfer your key information straight from Smartly to Xero.


We’ve been making it simple for Kiwi businesses since 2004,  automating payroll
calculations accurately, on time and in line with legislation, saving you time
and stress. Big businesses, small businesses, businesses with vastly different
payroll needs – more than 22,000 of them last time we checked!

"Smartly takes the headache and stress out of payroll. We can trust that
legislation changes, public holidays, termination pays are being
calculated/accounted for correctly." - Google review

Learn more


Use our Help Centre any time of the day to answer your questions, or get expert
payroll support from our team of Kiwi-based payroll specialists from 8am till
6pm, Monday to Friday. 

"The customer service is just amazing, nothing is too much trouble they are
friendly and very knowledgeable." - Google review

Learn more


We’ll automatically make your payments to employees, IRD, KiwiSaver + more. Just
approve the pay run and the payments will all be sorted for you. Too easy!

"Smartly really is one system that does it all. It really reduces the amount of
time I spend processing payroll. It links to the bank, it links to the IRD, and
it does automatic payroll filing." - Tidy Slabs

Learn more


Smartly makes it easy to keep your payroll compliant. With accurate leave
calculations, leave management, automated payday filing, PAYE, and staff payment
features - it's never been simpler to pay your people in line with New Zealand

“Smartly have kept our business compliant. It takes the burden away from keeping
up with all the payroll legislation requirements.” - Uprise Digital

Learn more

> What I love most about Smartly is that it’s 100% accurate and it’s very, very
> reliable.

Sue Reid - Shine Café

From sunny Lower Hutt, Sue talks about her small business and café Shine. She
says it’s awesome how Smartly helps her business stay on top of payroll!

Hear more


Don’t worry about complex payroll stuff again. Making payroll simple is what we
do! With automated calculations and automated payments to employees! We even
automate your payday filing, PAYE payments, and all your other payroll

Watch now


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Our plans are designed to make payroll simple, whatever that looks like for your

Our DIY Payroll plan includes everything you need to sort your payroll yourself
and our simple software makes it easy to get it right.

Our Managed Payroll plan gives you a dedicated account manager to look after
your payroll for you. Too easy!

Whichever plan you choose, you'll get access to all the best Smartly features
like automated PAYE and staff payments, Xero integration, timesheets, labour
costing, the employee app, and more.

DIY Payroll Plan Managed Payroll Plan

Some of our popular features

View all features

 * Automated PAYE payments, payday filing and staff payments
   We’ll automatically make your payments to employees, IRD, KiwiSaver + more.
   Just approve the pay run and the payments will all be sorted for you. Too
   easy! Learn more
 * Smartly employee app
   More power to your people, less faffing at each pay run with our employee
   self-service portal. Staff can use our Smartly app to sort their leave,
   payslips, timesheets and more. Learn more
 * Digital timesheets and labour costing
   Your team can log their timesheets in the Smartly app, then managers can
   approve, and they all flow seamlessly through to payroll. Plus, split, track
   and report on labour costs by department or job. Learn more


Whether you need a bit of extra help running your pays or you want to hand it
all over to an expert to give you more time to run your business we've got you
covered! Our payroll plans are designed to make payroll simple. Choose the plan
that works for your business.

Do it yourself DIY Payroll Plan
We do it for you Managed Payroll Plan
Use our simple payroll software to sort your payroll. 
 * Easy to get payroll right
   Our software is easy to use, and kept up-to-date with legislation.
 * Free training. Unlimited support
   We've got you! Our NZ based payroll experts can help via phone or email.
 * Smart automation
   Our smart tech automatically calculates and sorts payments.

Automated PAYE payments, payday filing and staff payments With one touch,
everything’s sorted on time and accurately. 
Smartly calculates all leave in line with legislation Accurate leave management,
plus use digital leave requests and approvals that flow straight through to
Xero integration Securely transfer your key information straight from Smartly to
your Xero account.
Smartly employee app Give your employees secure access to view payslips, sort
their leave and timesheets.
Digital timesheets and labour costing Submit and approve timesheets with the
click of a button, plus split, track and report on labour costs by department or
$20/month + $2 per employee per pay run*
Was $50/month + $2 per employee per pay run*
Learn more
Outsource your payroll admin to Smartly's team of payroll processing experts.
 * Feel confident you're compliant
   We know all the up-to-date payroll legislation, so we'll make sure it’s done
 * Priority access to help
   Got questions? Your dedicated account manager is only a call or email away.
 * Lose the admin, keep the control
   Hand all your complex, time consuming payroll admin over to us, but always
   have the final say.

We'll work with your existing systems and processes Whatever your current system
is for collecting time, leave, and other payroll data, simply send it through,
and we'll do the rest!
We'll sort your payday filing, PAYE and staff payments for you Once we receive
your final approval, we'll get all your payments sorted on time and accurately.
Access to all things Smartly We'll be using Smartly to run your pay, so you get
access to all the best Smartly features like Xero integration, timesheets,
labour costing, the employee app and more. Use what you need, leave what you
$20/month + $6 per employee per pay run* Minimum monthly fee of $300 applies
Was $50/month + $6 per employee per pay run*
Learn more
Pricing Calculator
Number of Employees
Pay Cycle
 * Weekly
 * Fortnightly
 * Monthly

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It looks like your business has more than 300 employees, we’d love to chat to
you about which Smartly plan would work best for your business needs and build
a customised quote for you. Simply enter your details below and
a Smartly solutions expert will be in touch!

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It looks like your business has more than 300 employees, so we’d love to chat to
you about which Smartly plan would work best for your business needs and build
a customised quote for you.

Simply enter your details below and a Smartly solutions expert will be in touch!

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DIY Payroll
Standard Rate
Was $50/mo
+ $2 per employee per pay run
$20 monthly + GST*
Managed Payroll
Standard Rate
Was $50/mo
+ $6 per employee per pay run
Minimum monthly fee of $300 applies
$20 monthly + GST*
Number of Employees
Pay Cycle

 * Weekly
 * Fortnightly
 * Monthly

*Indicative costs only. EOFY pricing is available to new sign-ups only before 31
May 2024. All pricing listed above excludes GST. Actual pricing may vary monthly
depending on the number of employees and pay cycles. Standard pricing applies
from 31 May 2025. Full T&C's

 * Hospitality
   Hospitality payroll can be complex with part-timers, full-timers and
   contractors. Find out how Smartly makes it easy. Learn more
 * Construction
   Smartly for tradies. Faff free payroll for staff, contractors and
   apprentices. Sorted. Learn more
 * Retail
   Smartly makes payroll simple for retailers. Automate staff payments, PAYE and
   payday filing. Learn more


Whether you want to find out more about our features,  the benefits of Smartly
or our payroll plans - our team of payroll experts are here to help.

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