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Stop The Flood/


NeoBuddism was made after a realization that many Buddhists in today’s society
are not following the right path, that enlightenment, and ending the cycle of
rebirth lies down a different path than what you see the typical Buddhist doing.
Buddha employs the fiction of birth and death to save people who are entangled
in the bondage of desires.
In current Buddhist society the top Buddhists have iron wills. But I believe
they lack putting any real ACTION or PURPOSE behind this because of a
Buddhism has been tainted by a false interpretation focusing too much on
relinquishing attachment IN GENERAL. The idea is to relinquish attachment to
earthly desires in order to DO MORE. Not to meditate all day to do nothing. In
an effort of learning all teachings, we will re-evaluate the core values, and
give a new perspective based on the teachings. The core re-evaluation leads us
to the idea that Nirvana is something to achieve in this realm. And that leaving
this realm is a negative desire in it of itself.
Buddha has four great vows:
 1. To renounce all worldly desires

 2. To learn all teachings

 3. To attain perfect enlightenment

 4. To save all people

Let’s break them down.
 1. Many people have regarded this initial vow as meaning to renounce. But
    here’s what the true text says “Desires for tangible things (such as wealth,
    property, or other material goods) or for pleasures of the body (such as
    sexual activity, gluttony, or other hedonistic pursuits). Buddhism teaches
    us to try to let go of our worldly desires, freeing our minds and bodies for
    a state of enlightenment.”

As it says, freeing our minds and bodies for a state of enlightenment.
 1. Learning all teachings requires knowing all things, we do not even know how
    consciousness works yet. To learn all teachings, we need more time.

 2. “In Buddhism, enlightenment (called bodhi in Indian Buddhism, or satori in
    Zen Buddhism) is when a Buddhist finds the truth about life and stops being
    reborn because they have reached Nirvana.” In order to stop the cycle of
    rebirth, we must stop the death to life cycle. With infinite time our
    particles are always brought back to a conscious form. Until we find a
    conscious form to reach Nirvana in, we will repeat the cycle. “Rebirth in
    Buddhism refers to its teaching that the actions of a person lead to a new
    existence after death, in an endless cycle called saṃsāra.[1][2] This cycle
    is considered to be dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful. The cycle stops only
    if liberation is achieved by insight and the extinguishing of craving.

 3. To save all people: this is by far the biggest vow that is failed to be
    recognized by modern Buddhist society. Outreach is a non-factor. So many
    people who need this valuable information are left in the dark, with no
    outreach from Buddhists.

Buddha’s views of suicide:
Suicide is based on desire and ignorance.

Based on this let’s enter a thought experiment.
If I am in the middle of a lake, I have the capability to swim, and the lack of
my action would be suicide, no?
What if the waves are pushing against me, what if I am unsure where I would make
it to shore?
Are we not commiting modern day suicide to not try and continue, given we are at
the one point in a existing beings timeline when it has become possible? Is
there not a life that you can live where you have a major impact.
Imagine if you have a fatal illness and the cure was within reach but you choose
to let yourself die, this is simply a form of suicide, if we do not fight for
our lives, we do not fight to save all lives.
Do not be ignorant to the possibility of this. With the advent of the internet
humanity has more opportunity and power across board than ever before. We have
also been overladen with distraction. Never could a normal lifespan give all the
teachings and meaning necessary. A new era is starting in the world, and in
Even if the odds are stacked against you. You should still do it.


What about love?
I was reading about nonduality and enlightenment as someone intrigued by Eastern
religion/philosophy, and it seems awakening leads to detachment from the world.
But I like the universe. I like being in love, even if it means tolerating
suffering. I don't want equanimity. I want passion - for people, for purpose,
for life.
In replies
“Buddhas have the ultimate purpose of helping to awaken living beings to
transcend the suffering of birth and death”
My life should be maximizing the amount I give. Feed my ego of being selfless
and caring not for materials


I know what I was born to do, I will make mistakes in doing it that will give me
guidance and lead in time to enlightenment. I must continue to learn before I
In the beginning worldly possessions will be used to gain and attract followers
as a means of persuasion and attraction to our likeness. As things move forward
our likeness and movement will be large and provide the necessary attraction in
it of itself. The buildings we use for our laboratories, the machinery we use
for our research will speak louder and truer than a sports car and designer
We must resonate with the the general population employ the fiction of people’s
desired lives and shitting on it. Show that type of lifestyle does not bring
happiness or joy and how meaningless and worthless it i.


People are dying because of your inaction, it’s hard to connect. Easy when
there’s a drowning kid you can save directly, because the you get the
gratification. BUT YOU ARNT A MONKEY, you are a conscious human intellectual
being and people will die without your help and you can consciously understand
that fact.
When you are on a ship, and the people on there have death sentences, and you
must help save the ship for humanity you do it. Earth is our ship, it flies
through space, it has an atmosphere that keeps us safe, an ecosystem that we
survive in, one that we are polluting from the inside.
Stop glorifying the nasty parts of our human nature like clubbing on the
weekends. It’s savagery. It’s core monkey level existence that societally is not
yet viewed that way.
Human act entirely based on what’s cool, it’s the mechanism of us fitting in.
Racism used to be “in” but then we woke up. It trended out, as bubble and groups
wake up to better means of thinking, society progresses. Welcome internet,
thanks for proving a platform for us to talk to each other without pure
capitalistic intents necessary to drive large amounts of viewership. The
relinquish of control on the way society functions has broken


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