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By Rohit Agarwal in guides — Apr 22, 2024


FrugalGPT is a framework proposed by Lingjiao Chen, Matei Zaharia and James Zou
from Stanford University in their 2023 paper "FrugalGPT: How to Use Large
Language Models While Reducing Cost and Improving Performance". The paper
outlines strategies for more cost-effective and performant usage of large
language model (LLM) APIs.

A year after its initial publication, FrugalGPT remains highly relevant and
widely discussed in the AI community. Its enduring popularity stems from the
pressing need to make LLM usage more affordable and efficient as these models
grow ever larger and more expensive to run.

The core of FrugalGPT revolves around three key techniques for reducing LLM
inference costs:

 1. Prompt Adaptation - Using concise, optimized prompts to minimize prompt
    processing costs
 2. LLM Approximation - Utilizing caches and model fine-tuning to avoid repeated
    queries to expensive models
 3. LLM Cascade - Dynamically selecting the optimal set of LLMs to query based
    on the input

The authors demonstrate the potential of these techniques, showing that

> "FrugalGPT can match the performance of the best individual LLM (e.g. GPT-4)
> with up to 98% cost reduction or improve the accuracy over GPT-4 by 4% with
> the same cost."

In this post, we'll delve into the practical implementation of these FrugalGPT
strategies. We'll provide concrete code examples of how you can employ prompt
adaptation, LLM approximation, and LLM cascade in your own applications to get
the most out of LLMs while managing costs effectively. By adopting FrugalGPT
techniques, you can significantly reduce your LLM operating expenses without
sacrificing performance.

Let's put the theory of FrugalGPT into practice:


FrugalGPT wants us to either reduce the size of the prompt OR combine similar
prompts together. Core idea is to minimise tokens and thus reduce LLM costs.


FrugalGPT proposes that instead of sending a lot of examples in a few-shot
prompt, we could pick and choose the best ones, and thus reduce the prompt size.

While some larger models today don't necessarily need few-shot prompts, the
technique does significantly increase accuracy across multiple tasks.

Let's take a classification example where we want to classify our incoming email
based on the body into folders - Personal, Work, Events, Updates, Todos.

A few-shot prompt would look something like:

[{"role": "user", "content": "Identify the intent of incoming email by it's summary and classify it as Personal, Work, Events, Updates or Todos"},
{"role": "user", "content": "Email: {{email_body}}"}]

Where the examples would be formatted as human, assistant chats duets like this

[{"role": "user", "content": "Email: Hey, this is a reminder from your future self to take flowers home today"},
{"role": "assistant", "content": "Personal, Todos"}]

We have 20 such examples labeled already that we use as examples in this table

email_body labels Hey, this is a reminder from your future self to take flowers
home today Personal, Todos Your subscription to our newsletter will expire soon.
Renew now for exclusive offers! Updates

The prompt with 20 examples is approximately 623 tokens and would cost 0.1 cents
per request on gpt-3.5-turbo. Also, we might want to keep adding examples when
emails are mis-labeled to improve accuracy. This would further increase the cost
for the prompt tokens.

FrugalGPT suggests identifying the best examples to be used instead of all of

In this case, we could do a semantic similarity test between the incoming email
and the example email bodies. Then, only pick the top k similar examples.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairise import cosine_similarity
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')

def get_embeddings(texts):
    encoded_input = tokenizer(texts, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt')
    with torch.no_grad():
        model_output = model(**encoded_input)
    embeddings = model_output.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :] 
    return embeddings.numpy()

# Assuming examples is a list of dictionaries with 'email_body' and 'labels' keys
example_embeddings = get_embeddings([ex['email_body'] for ex in examples]) 

def select_best_examples(query, examples, k=5):
    query_embedding = get_embeddings([query])[0]
    similarities = cosine_similarity([query_embedding], example_embeddings)[0]
    top_k_indices = np.argsort(similarities)[-k:]
    return [examples[i] for i in top_k_indices]

# Example usage
query_email = "Don't forget our lunch meeting at the new Italian place today at noon!"
best_examples = select_best_examples(query_email, examples)
few_shot_prompt = generate_prompt(best_examples, query_email) # Omitted for brevity
# Few-shot prompt now contains only the most relevant examples, reducing token count and cost

If we pick only the top 5, we reduce our prompt token cost to 0.03 cents which
 is already a 70% reduction.

This is a great technique when using few-shot prompts for high accuracy. In
production scenarios this works really well.


LLMs have been found to retain context for multiple tasks together and FrugalGPT
proposes to use this to group multiple requests together thus decreasing the
redundant prompt examples in each request.

Using the same example as above, we could now try to classify multiple emails in
a single request by tweaking the prompt like this:

	{"role": "user", "content": "Identify the intent of the incoming emails by it's summary and classify it as 'Personal', 'Work', 'Events', 'Updates' or 'Todos'"},
	{"role": "user", "content": "Emails:\n - {{email_body_1}}\n - {{email_body_2}}\n - {{email_body_3}}"}

And similarly, modify the examples also to be in batches of 2 & 3.

This reduces cost for 3 requests from 0.06 cents to 0.03 cents in a 50%

This approach is particularly useful when processing data in batches using a
few-shot prompt.


There may be certain tasks that can only be accomplished with bigger models.
This is because prompting a bigger model is easier or also because you can write
a more general purpose prompt, do zero-shot prompting without giving any
examples, and still get reliable results.

If we can convert some zero-shot prompts for bigger models into few-shot prompts
for smaller models, we can get the same level of accuracy at a faster, cheaper

Matt Shumer proposed an interesting way to use Claude Opus to convert a
zero-shot prompt into a few-shot prompt which could then be run on a much
smaller model without a significant decrease in accuracy.

This can lead to significant savings in both latency & cost. For the example
Matt used, the original zero-shot prompt contained 281 tokens and was optimized
for Claude-3-Opus, which cost 3.2 cents.

When converted to a few-shot prompt with enough instructions, the prompt size
increased to 1600 tokens. But, since we could now run this on Claude Haiku, our
overall cost for the request was reduced to 0.05 cents, representing a 98.5%
percent cost reduction with a 78% percent speed up!

The approach works well across XXL and S sized models. Checkout a more
general-purpose notebook here.


The LLMLingua paper published in April, 2024 talks about an interesting concept
to reduce LLM costs called prompt compression. Prompt compression aims to
shorten the input prompts fed into LLMs while preserving the key information, in
order to make LLM inference more efficient and less costly.

LLMLingua is a task-agnostic prompt compression method proposed in the paper. It
works by estimating the information entropy of tokens in the prompt using a
smaller language model like LLaMa-7B, and then removing low-entropy tokens that
contribute less to the overall meaning. The authors demonstrated that LLMLingua
can achieve compression ratios of 2.5x-5x on datasets like MeetingBank,
LongBench, and GSM8K. Importantly, the compressed prompts still allow the target
LLM (e.g. GPT-3.5-Turbo) to produce outputs comparable in quality to using the
original full-length prompts.

Overview of LLMLingua 2

By reducing prompt length through compression techniques like LLMLingua, we can
substantially cut down on the computational cost and latency of LLM inference,
without sacrificing too much on the quality of the model's outputs. This is a
promising approach to make LLMs more practical and accessible for various
applications. As research on prompt compression advances, we can expect LLMs to
become more efficient and cost-effective to deploy and use at scale.


LLM approximation is another key strategy proposed in FrugalGPT for reducing the
costs associated with querying large language models. The idea is to approximate
an expensive LLM using cheaper models or infrastructure when possible, without
significantly sacrificing performance.


The age-old technique to reduce costs, applies to LLM requests as well. When the
prompt is exactly the same, we can save the inference time and cost by serving
the request from cache.

At Portkey, we've seen that adding a cache to a co-pilot, on average results in
8% cache hits with 99% cost savings, along with a 95% decrease in latency.

If using the Portkey AI gateway, you can turn on cache by adding the cache
object to your gateway configuration.

"cache": {
	"mode": "simple",
	"max-age": "3600"

The generative AI twist to this is an emerging technique called Semantic
Caching. It's an intelligent way to find similar prompts we've seen in the past
and if the threshold is high enough, we could serve the response through a
semantic cache.

At Portkey, we've seen that upgrading to semantic cache, on average results in a
21% cache hit rate with a 95% decrease in costs and latency! In some cases,
we've seen semantic cache efficiencies to be as high as 60% 🤯

If using the Portkey AI gateway, you can upgrade to semantic cache like this.

"cache": {
	"mode": "semantic",
	"max-age": "3600"


Having served over 250M cache requests, we've developed an understanding of some
of the caveats to keep in mind while implementing a cache in production:

 1. Cache can leak data
    We've built a lot of RBAC rules around databases so a user cannot access the
    data of another user. This falls flat in a cache since a user could try to
    mock the request of another user and access information from the LLM cache.
    To avoid this, on Portkey, you can add metadata keys to your requests and
    partition the cache as per user/org/session/etc to ensure that the cache
    store for each metadata key is separate.
 2. Semantic similarity threshold cannot be arbitrary
    While getting started with a 0.95 similarity threshold is a good place to
    start, it's advisable to do a backtest with ~5k requests and test the
    similarity threshold at which accuracy stays above 99%. Afterall, we
    wouldn't want to supply incorrect replies in the name of cost savings!
 3. We could be caching the wrong results
    Since LLMs are probabilistic, the responses can be unsatisfactory at times.
    Caching these results would only lead to more frustration as the wrong
    response will be served again and again.
    To solve this, it's recommended to create a workflow where you force refresh
    cache when the user gives a negative feedback (like a thumbs down) or clicks
    on refresh/regenerate. In Portkey, you can implement this using the
    force-refresh config parameter.


We know that switching to smaller models decreases inference cost and latency
both. But, this is usually at the expense of accuracy. Fine-tuning is a very
effective middle ground, where you can train a smaller model on a specific task
and have it perform as well or even better than the larger model.

Predibase did an analysis of fine-tuned models and their performance v/s GPT-4

In a production environment, it can be massively beneficial to keep serving
requests through a bigger model while continuously logging and fine-tuning a
smaller model on those responses. We can then evaluate the results from the
fine-tuned model and the larger model to determine when it make sense to switch.

We've observed cost decreases as much as 94% percent without a large accuracy
decline. The latency also decreases significantly, thus improving user

> Note: As with caching, its beneficial to use human feedback when picking the
> examples to fine-tune the smaller model.

In Portkey, you can create an autonomous fine-tune using these principles.

 1. Pick the model you want to fine-tune across providers.
 2. Select the training set for the model from the filtered Portkey logs. We add
    filters to only pick successful requests (Status: 200) and where the user
    gave a positive feedback (Avg Weighted Feedback > 0)
 3. Pick the validation dataset (optional)
 4. Start the fine-tune
 5. Set a frequency to automatically keep improving the model - Portkey can use
    the filter criteria to continuously add more training examples to your
    fine-tuned model and create multiple checkpoints for the same.


The LLM cascade is a powerful technique proposed in FrugalGPT that leverages the
diversity of available LLMs to optimize for both cost and performance. The key
idea is to sequentially query different LLMs based on the confidence of the
previous LLM's response. If a cheaper LLM can provide a satisfactory answer,
there's no need to query the more expensive models, thus saving costs.

In essence, the LLM cascade makes a request to the smallest model first,
evaluates the response, and returns it if it's good enough. Otherwise, it
requests the next larger model and so on until a satisfactory response is
obtained or the largest model is reached.

The LLM cascade consists of two main components:

 1. Generation Scoring Function: This function, denoted as g(q, a), assigns a
    reliability score between 0 and 1 to an LLM's response a for a given query
    q. It helps determine if the response is satisfactory or if we need to query
    the next LLM in the cascade.
 2. LLM Router: The router is responsible for selecting the optimal sequence of
    m LLMs to query for a given task. It learns this sequence by optimizing for
    a combination of cost and performance on a validation set.

Let's see how we can implement an LLM cascade in practice. We'll continue with
our email classification example from earlier.

Suppose we have access to three LLMs: GPT-J (lowest cost), GPT-3.5-Turbo (medium
cost), and GPT-4 (highest cost). Our goal is to classify incoming emails into
the categories: Personal, Work, Events, Updates, or Todos.

First, we need to train our generation scoring function. We can use a smaller
model like DistilBERT for this. The input to the model will be the concatenation
of the query (email body) and the generated classification. The output is a
score between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence in the classification.

from transformers import pipeline

scorer = pipeline("text-classification", model="distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english")

def generation_score(query, generated_class):
    input_text = f"Email: {query} \Generated Class:\n {generated_class}"
    score = scorer(input_text)[0]['score']
    return score

Next, we need to learn the optimal LLM sequence and threshold values for our
cascade. This can be done by evaluating different combinations on a validation
set and optimizing for a given cost budget.

def evaluate_cascade(llm_sequence, threshold_values, val_set, cost_budget):
    total_cost = 0
    correct_predictions = 0
    for email, true_class in val_set:
        for llm, threshold in zip(llm_sequence, threshold_values):
            generated_class = llm(email)
            score = generation_score(email, generated_class)
            total_cost += llm_cost[llm]
            if score > threshold:
                if generated_class == true_class:
                    correct_predictions += 1
    accuracy = correct_predictions / len(val_set)
    return accuracy, total_cost

# Optimize for llm_sequence and threshold_values using techniques like grid search
best_llm_sequence, best_threshold_values = optimize(evaluate_cascade, cost_budget)

With the trained scoring function and optimized LLM cascade, we can now
efficiently classify incoming emails:

def classify_email(email):
    for llm, threshold in zip(best_llm_sequence, best_threshold_values):
        generated_class = llm(email)
        score = generation_score(email, generated_class)
        if score > threshold:
            return generated_class
    return generated_class  # Return the final LLM's prediction

By implementing an LLM cascade, we can dynamically adapt to each query, using
more powerful LLMs only when necessary. This allows us to optimize for both cost
and performance on a per-query basis.

In their experiments, the FrugalGPT authors show that an LLM cascade can match
GPT-4's performance while reducing costs by up to 98% on some datasets.


In conclusion, FrugalGPT offers a comprehensive set of strategies for optimizing
LLM usage while reducing costs and maintaining high performance. By implementing
techniques such as prompt adaptation, LLM approximation, and LLM cascade,
developers and businesses can significantly reduce their LLM operating expenses
without compromising on the quality of their AI-powered applications.

The practical examples and code snippets provided in this post demonstrate how
to put FrugalGPT's theory into practice. By adopting these techniques and
adapting them to your specific use case, you can create more efficient,
cost-effective, and performant LLM-based solutions.

As LLMs continue to grow in size and capability, the strategies proposed in
FrugalGPT will become increasingly important for ensuring the accessibility and
sustainability of these powerful tools.



You can put FrugalGPT's core principles in practice using Portkey's product
suite for observability, gateway, and fine-tuning:

Portkey.ai - Control Panel for AI Apps
Portkey enables companies to develop, launch, maintain & iterate over their
generative AI apps and features faster. It is an LLMOps platform that speeds up
your development and your app.
Control Panel for AI Apps

To meet other practitioners and engineers that are pushing the boundaries of
what’s possible with LLMs, join our close-knit community of practitioners
putting LLMs in Prod:

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