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Submitted URL: http://ploom.co.uk/
Effective URL: https://www.ploom.co.uk/en
Submission: On December 23 via api from IT — Scanned from IT
Effective URL: https://www.ploom.co.uk/en
Submission: On December 23 via api from IT — Scanned from IT
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Text Content
Order before 3pm on Thursday 19th of December to get in time for Christmas. Shop Now * Shop SHOP See all the products * PLOOM FLAVOUR BUNDLE Buy Now * EVO BRONZE Buy Now * PLOOM ESSENTIAL BUNDLE Buy Now * PLOOM FRONT PANEL Buy Now * Heated Tobacco Sticks * Bundles * Accessories * Devices * Shop all products Close menu * About Ploom ABOUT PLOOM See all the products * Discover Ploom X Advanced * About Ploom * What is EVO? * Bundles * What is Heated Tobacco? * Smoking Alternatives * About Ploom Accessories * Ploom Recycling Close menu * Ploom Club * Blog BLOG See all the products TOP TRENDING ARTICLES * What is Heated Tobacco? * Smoking Alternatives * Where you can and can’t smoke in the UK * Heated tobacco vs Smoking - Which is more affordable? Close menu * Refer a Friend * Flavour Finder Log out * * * * * Hi My account dashboard My orders Account Information Sign Out * Your Cart 0 Items There are no products in your cart at the moment. * Loading. PLOOM X ADVANCED SHIMMER EVERY MOMENT. Discover Ploom and Heated Tobacco with the Rose Shimmer limited-edition device. Choose your starter bundle and explore our flavours made with real tobacco. Shop Starter Kits Flavour Bundle Essential Bundle Ploom X Advanced Rose Shimmer ESSENTIAL BUNDLE Customise your Ploom Bundle. Includes a Device and 2 packs of EVO. Shop Now FLAVOUR BUNDLE Customise your Ploom Bundle. Includes a Device and 4 packs of EVO. Shop Now PLOOM X ADVANCED Experience the cutting edge innovation of Ploom X Advanced. Shop Now PLOOM CLUB JOIN OUR LOYALTY CLUB Welcome to the Ploom Club. Login or create an account to start earning Ploom Club points. Simply opt in to the Club to access your points to spend at checkout to get discounts off your orders. Refer a friend – Give £15, get 200 Club Points, worth £20. Find out more * Free delivery on orders over £10 * Easy returns * Premium quality * Secure payments *Calculation compares the average cost of smoking 20 cigarettes and consuming 20 EVO tobacco sticks per day. With 20 sticks in a pack and a recommended retail price of £5.00, EVO costs a third of the price of a pack of cigarettes. The current average selling price of a pack of 20 king size cigarettes is £15.85 (ONS data July 2024). WHAT IS PLOOM? Ploom is the new heated tobacco sensation. Featuring HeatFlow™, our unique and innovative heating technology, there is no smoke smell and minimal cleaning. It works exclusively with EVO tobacco sticks featuring ActivBlend™ and is a stylish, convenient device offering a hassle-free introduction to new taste experiences. Discover Ploom WHAT IS EVO? DISCOVER EVO TOBACCO STICKS Choose from fourteen flavours — Bronze, Tan, Amber, or Gold for true tobacco taste, the mentholated Cobalt, Green, or Azure for added cooling sensation, Green Option, Purple Option, Ruby Option, or Baize Option for a flavoured capsule designed to release more flavour, or Amarillo, Ruby or Magenta for unique flavour and a long lasting cooling mouth sensation. Find out more MORE WAYS TO BUY You can purchase EVO tobacco sticks from Tesco and a wide range of retailers. And you can now also buy EVO tobacco sticks at WHSmith Travel locations around the UK - including all major airports and train stations. EVO is the lowest priced heated tobacco stick brand in the UK* Find a store *Circana Marketplace, Qtr to June 2024. DEVICE RECYCLING PROGRAMME. OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH TERRACYCLE. All Ploom devices can be responsibly recycled, free of charge. Recycle your old device and let’s make a positive impact together. Learn more Find store Need some help? The Ploom Care Team is happy to help. Give us a call or use our contact form. 0800 876 6594 Monday to Friday: 8am to 10pm and Weekends: 10am to 6pm. SEND US AN EMAIL via our quick form, anytime. SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Access the latest news and exclusive offers. Enter email address * Subscribe with a different email Subscribe Ploom is a brand operated by Gallaher Limited (trading as JTI) for more information on how we use your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy Marketing consent If you would like to receive marketing messages from Ploom including information about its products and services, offers and /or loyalty programmes, please tell us how you would like to hear from us: Email * Required field This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 18+. These products are not risk-free and are addictive SUPPORT * Contact Us * FAQ's * Product Help DELIVERY & RETURNS * Delivery * Returns * Ploom Promise COMPANY * Terms of Use * Terms of Sale * Environment Ploom United Kingdom © 2024 * Cookie Policy * Privacy Policy * Store Finder ARE YOU 18 OR OVER AND AN EXISTING TOBACCO OR NICOTINE USER? Yes, discover more Leave Our sticks, for use in combination with Ploom devices, contain tobacco and nicotine. These products are not risk free and are intended for existing tobacco or nicotine users only. Please note, we will need to confirm your age during the checkout process. For more information please visit the Terms of Use page. Please wait, you are being logged in... We have some recommendations for you BUT FIRST, COOKIES We use cookies to improve your experience and deliver personalized content.cookie policy EDIT SETTINGS Reject All GOT IT PRIVACY PREFERENCE CENTER * YOUR PRIVACY * PERFORMANCE COOKIES * TARGETING COOKIES * SOCIAL MEDIA COOKIES * FUNCTIONAL COOKIES * STRICTLY NECESSARY COOKIES YOUR PRIVACY When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. 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