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* Home * About Us * ABOUT ITB * Benefits * * GET ACCREDITED * AFFILIATES * AFFILIATED COMPANIES * GET AFFILIATED * ISTQB PARTNER PROGRAM * CERTIFIED TESTER * FOUNDATION LEVEL * ADVANCED LEVEL * MODEL BASED * AGILE LEVEL * FOUNDATION * FOUNDATION LEVEL 2018 * ABOUT ISTQB FL * * PROCEDURE * SYLLABUS AND RESOURCES 2018 VERSION(APPLICABLE FROM 5TH JUNE 2019) * SYLLABUS * DOWNLOADS RESOURCES * STUDENT DASHBOARD * ENROLLMENT * PEARSON VUE EXAMS ( PUBLIC ) * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAMS ( PUBLIC ) * CORPORATE EXAMS * PAPER BASED EXAMS * ONLINE EXAMS ( REMOTE PROCTORED ) * * FAQs * MODEL-BASED * ABOUT MODEL-BASED TESTER EXT. * * SYLLABUS * PROCEDURES * RESOURCES * DOWNLOADS * ENROLLMENT * CERTIFIED TESTERS * FAQ'S * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * ADVANCED * ABOUT ISTQB AL * RESOURCES * DOWNLOADS * DOWNLOAD TA NEW VERSIONS RESOURCES * DOWNLOAD TTA NEW VERSIONS RESOURCES * TA/TTA Version 4.0 is applicable from 1st July 2022 * DOWNLOAD TEST MANAGER RESOURCES * SYLLABUS * SYLLABUS NEW VERSION * ISTQB AL TEST MANAGER SYLLABUS * ISTQB AL TEST AUTOMATION ENGINEERR * ISTQB AL SECURITY TESTER * * PROCEDURE * ENROLLMENT * CERTIFIED TESTERS * FAQs * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * AGILE * * ABOUT AGILE TESTER FOUNDATION LEVEL * RESOURCES * DOWNLOAD * SYLLABUS * * PROCEDURE * ENROLLMENT * CERTIFIED TESTERS * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * FAQs * ISTQB Advanced Level Agile Technical Tester * Remote Proctored Registration * Remote Proctored Reappearing * SPECIALIST * Automotive Tester * PROCEDURE * DOWNLOADS RESOURCES * ENROLLMENT * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * ABOUT AUTOMOTIVE TESTER * ACCEPTANCE TESTING * GAMBLING INDUSTRY TESTER * MOBILE APPLICATION TESTING * PERFORMANCE TESTING * USABILITY TESTING * AI TESTING * GAME TESTING * NEW CERTIFICATIONS * CLOUD UNITED * About CU-CCT * Syllabus * SELENIUM UNITED * About SeU-CSE * SYLLABUS * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * API UNITED * About APIU-CARMT * Syllabus * ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE UNITED * About AIU-CTAI * Syllabus * DEVOPS UNITED * About DOu-CTD * PERFORMANCE TESTING UNITED * About PtU-CPTJM * Syllabus * BLOCKCHAIN UNITED * About BcU-CBEP * Contact certifications-banner banner-trainings-itb IN INDIA, THE ITB IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: THE "ISTQB CERTIFIED TESTER" CERTIFICATION PROGRAM THE AFFILIATION PROGRAM FOR COMPANIES. THE ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR TRAINING PROVIDERS WHO WE ARE Indian Testing Board (ITB) is the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) approved national board for India. ITB is responsible for the "ISTQB-Certified-Tester" Certification in India The ISTQB was officially founded as an International Testing Qualifications Board in Edinburgh in November 2002. The ISTQB is responsible for the "ISTQB Certified Tester", which is an international qualification scheme and the qualifications in the scheme are based on a syllabus. There is an examination covering the contents of the syllabus. After the examination, each successful participant receives the “ISTQB-Certified-Tester” certificate. The contents of each syllabus are taught as courses by training providers, which have been accredited by ITB. ACCREDITED TRAINING PROVIDERS Getting trained for ISTQB: Training is not a pre-requisite for appearing in ISTQB certification examinations. However, training does help in systematic coverage of ISTQB syllabus and it might help in getting prepared for the examination. Trendig Technology Services Trendig is a training provider for inhouse ISTQB courses in India and other software testing certifications. Verity At Verity Software, we provide our customers with comprehensive customer training programs to ensure clients can derive maximum benefit from our solutions as quickly and easily as possible. Trendig Technology Services Trendig is a training provider for inhouse ISTQB courses in India and other software testing certifications. Verity At Verity Software, we provide our customers with comprehensive customer training programs to ensure clients can derive maximum benefit from our solutions as quickly and easily as possible. Trendig Technology Services Trendig is a training provider for inhouse ISTQB courses in India and other software testing certifications. Verity At Verity Software, we provide our customers with comprehensive customer training programs to ensure clients can derive maximum benefit from our solutions as quickly and easily as possible. QUICK LINKS * Privacy Policy * Cancellation and Refund * Disclaimer Policy * Terms & Conditions STUDENT PORTAL * Student Dashboard * Invoice Download INDIAN TESTING BOARD A-108B, Sector 58, Noida U.P, India - 201301 Copyright © 2000-2022 INDIAN TESTING BOARD. All Rights Reserved. Search Type 2 or more characters for results. * Home * About Us * ABOUT ITB * Benefits * CERTIFIED TESTER * FOUNDATION LEVEL * ADVANCED LEVEL * MODEL BASED * AGILE LEVEL * GET ACCREDITED * AFFILIATES * AFFILIATED COMPANIES * GET AFFILIATED * ISTQB PARTNER PROGRAM * ACCREDITED TRAINING PROVIDERS * FOUNDATION * FOUNDATION LEVEL 2018 * ABOUT ISTQB FL * PROCEDURE * SYLLABUS AND RESOURCES 2018 VERSION(APPLICABLE FROM 5TH JUNE 2019) * SYLLABUS * DOWNLOADS RESOURCES * STUDENT DASHBOARD * ENROLLMENT * PEARSON VUE EXAMS ( PUBLIC ) * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAMS ( PUBLIC ) * CORPORATE EXAMS * PAPER BASED EXAMS * ONLINE EXAMS ( REMOTE PROCTORED ) * FAQs * MODEL-BASED * ABOUT MODEL-BASED TESTER EXT. * SYLLABUS * PROCEDURES * RESOURCES * DOWNLOADS * ENROLLMENT * CERTIFIED TESTERS * FAQ'S * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * ADVANCED * ABOUT ISTQB AL * RESOURCES * DOWNLOADS * DOWNLOAD TA NEW VERSIONS RESOURCES * DOWNLOAD TTA NEW VERSIONS RESOURCES * TA/TTA Version 4.0 is applicable from 1st July 2022 * DOWNLOAD TEST MANAGER RESOURCES * SYLLABUS * SYLLABUS NEW VERSION * ISTQB AL TEST MANAGER SYLLABUS * ISTQB AL TEST AUTOMATION ENGINEERR * ISTQB AL SECURITY TESTER * PROCEDURE * ENROLLMENT * CERTIFIED TESTERS * FAQs * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * AGILE * ABOUT AGILE TESTER FOUNDATION LEVEL * RESOURCES * DOWNLOAD * SYLLABUS * PROCEDURE * ENROLLMENT * CERTIFIED TESTERS * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * FAQs * ISTQB Advanced Level Agile Technical Tester * Remote Proctored Registration * Remote Proctored Reappearing * SPECIALIST * Automotive Tester * PROCEDURE * DOWNLOADS RESOURCES * ENROLLMENT * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * ABOUT AUTOMOTIVE TESTER * ACCEPTANCE TESTING * GAMBLING INDUSTRY TESTER * MOBILE APPLICATION TESTING * PERFORMANCE TESTING * USABILITY TESTING * AI TESTING * GAME TESTING * NEW CERTIFICATIONS * CLOUD UNITED * About CU-CCT * Syllabus * SELENIUM UNITED * About SeU-CSE * SYLLABUS * REMOTE PROCTORED EXAM (TAKE EXAM FROM HOME) * API UNITED * About APIU-CARMT * Syllabus * ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE UNITED * About AIU-CTAI * Syllabus * DEVOPS UNITED * About DOu-CTD * PERFORMANCE TESTING UNITED * About PtU-CPTJM * Syllabus * BLOCKCHAIN UNITED * About BcU-CBEP * Contact