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Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form id="kc-form-login" onsubmit="login.disabled = true; return true;"
  action=";execution=f5c2932f-d90e-4853-ac18-4aea290781c3&amp;client_id=nbcuhe&amp;tab_id=Kk3aMruoG5o" method="post">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="username" class="control-label">Username</label>
    <input tabindex="1" id="username" class="form-control" name="username" value="" type="text" placeholder="Username" autofocus="" autocomplete="off">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="password" class="control-label">Password</label>
    <input tabindex="2" id="password" class="form-control" name="password" type="password" placeholder="Password" autocomplete="off">
  <div class="form-group login-pf-settings">
    <div id="kc-form-options">
      <div class="checkbox">
          <input tabindex="3" id="rememberMe" name="rememberMe" type="checkbox"> Remember me </label>
  <div id="kc-form-buttons" class="form-group">
    <input type="hidden" id="id-hidden-input" name="credentialId">
    <input tabindex="4" class="btn btn-primary btn-block btn-lg" name="login" id="kc-login" type="submit" value="">
  <div class=" formOptionsWrapper">
    <span><a tabindex="5" href="/auth/realms/NBCUHE/login-actions/reset-credentials?client_id=nbcuhe&amp;tab_id=Kk3aMruoG5o">Forgot Password?</a></span>

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Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions Close

Last updated on December 2, 2015



By accessing or using this Site in any way, including using any Services,
downloading Materials, uploading images or merely browsing the Site (capitalized
terms defined below), you agree to and are bound by the terms and conditions set
forth in this document and in any changes thereto that XDAM®, Inc. may publish
from time to time (collectively, the "Terms of Use"). The Terms of Use govern
your use of the Software whether you access it via the internet or a computer or
server on which the Software has been installed. If you do not agree to all of
the terms and conditions contained in the Terms of Use, do not access or use
this Site.

XDAM may change the Terms of Use and other guidelines and rules posted on the
Site from time to time at its sole discretion. Your continued access or use of
the Site, or any Materials or Services, constitutes your acceptance of the
changes. Your access and use of the Site, Materials and Services will be subject
to the most current version of the Terms of Use, rules and guidelines posted on
the Site at the time of such use. Please regularly check the "Terms of Use" link
on the home page of to view the then-current terms. If you
breach any of the Terms of Use, your authorization to access or use this Site,
Services and Materials automatically terminates on an individual basis (unless
the violating individual is authorized to conduct such improper use by the
entity Licensee, in which case the entity Licensee will be terminated),
notwithstanding the payment of any fees for such right, and any Materials
downloaded or printed from the Site in violation of the Terms of Use must be
immediately destroyed.


XDAM®, Inc., its affiliates and agents ("XDAM") make this web site, (the "Site"), and the Materials and Services, available for
your access and use subject to the Terms of Use. "Materials" means all
information, data, documents, communications, downloads, files, text, images,
photographs, graphics, videos, webcasts, publications, content, tools,
resources, software, code, programs and products made available or enabled via
the Site by XDAM or users of this Site. "Services" means all services and
resources offered or enabled via the Site by XDAM and users of this Site,
including download areas, developer tools services, product and other
information services and communications services such as bulletin boards,
calendars, chat areas, communities, e-mail, newsgroups, personal webpages, photo
albums and other message or communication facilities designed to enable you to
communicate with others (collectively, "Communications Venues"). All Materials
provided by XDAM are referred to collectively as "XDAM Materials". All
user-supplied Materials are referred to collectively as "User Materials".
Certain Services may involve collaboration and file-sharing services among a
specified group. Materials posted by users in such group in conjunction with
such collaboration and file-sharing Services are referred to collectively as
"Shared Content". The group of persons among which such collaboration and file
sharing involving Shared Content takes place is referred to herein as the "Work
Group". All User Materials that are not Shared Content shall be referred to
herein as "User Content". XDAM Materials and User Materials may have different
restrictions and conditions associated with them under the Terms of Use and
other guidelines and rules posted via the Site.


The software offered by XDAM consists of the following three web-based modules:
iBoxNetwork®, Digital Production Line™ and Live™ and all updates, enhancements,
bug fixes, modifications by XDAM and upgrades thereof. As used herein, the
"Software" includes one or more of the foregoing modules.


The Materials and Services, as well as their selection and arrangement, are
protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other
intellectual property and proprietary rights (collectively, "Intellectual
Property Rights"), and any unauthorized use of the Materials or Services may
violate such laws and the Terms of Use. Except as expressly provided herein, or
in any Agreement to which this Schedule is attached, XDAM and its suppliers do
not grant any express or implied rights to use the Materials and Services. You
agree not to copy, republish, frame, download, transmit, modify, adapt, create
derivative works based on, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, distribute, display,
perform, license, sublicense or reverse engineer the Site, Materials or
Services, any portions of the Site, Materials or Services or the selection and
arrangement of the Site, Materials or Services, except as expressly authorized
herein. In addition, you agree not to use any data mining, robots or similar
data gathering and extraction methods in connection with the Site, Services or

The trademarks, logos and service marks ("Marks") displayed on this Site are the
property of XDAM or other third parties. You are not permitted to use the Marks
without the prior written consent of XDAM or such third party that may own the
Marks. iBoxNetwork® and the LightBox Network® logo are trademarks licensed by
XDAM®, Inc.


Only Users may use the Site or the Software. A "User" is a holder of a license
to use the Software granted by XDAM, i.e., a Licensee, or a bona fide employee
or bona fide independent contractor of a Licensee, whom the licensee has
authorized to use the Site or the Software in connection with his or her
employment or engagement with the Licensee in the ordinary course of its


You shall pay all costs and charges, including phone charges and
telecommunications equipment costs, that you incur in order to access or use the
Site, Services and Materials. You must adhere to all limitations on
dissemination, usage and reproduction of any Materials that you download from
the Site that are subject to such limitations. You agree to use the Services
only to access, download, utilize, post, send or receive Materials in an
appropriate manner as related to the particular Materials or Services being
accessed or used by you. As some examples of improper activities when accessing
or using the Site, Services or Materials, you agree that you shall not:

 * Link directly to images on the Site or any Licensee's server that hosts the
   Software from any external site.
 * Collect, harvest, mine or engage in any other activity to obtain e-mail
   addresses, phone numbers, personal information or any other information about
   others using the Site.
 * Use or attempt to gain access to or use another's account, password, Service,
   Materials or computer systems or networks connected to any XDAM server or to
   the Site without authorization from XDAM, whether through hacking, password
   mining or any other means.
 * Remove or falsely add to any uploaded Materials any copyright, trademark or
   other legal or proprietary rights notices, author attributions or other
   information such as origin or source of the Material.
 * Access or attempt to access any Material that you are not authorized to
   access or Materials through any means not intentionally made available
   through the Site or Services.
 * Make available any files containing Materials where you do not own or
   control, or have not received the necessary licenses to, all Intellectual
   Property Rights, rights of privacy and publicity and all other rights in and
   to such Materials.
 * Use any Materials in any manner that infringes any Intellectual Property
   Rights or other rights of any party.
 * Disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the
   Site, or any Services, Materials, systems resources, accounts, passwords,
   servers or networks connected to or accessible through the Site or any
   affiliated or linked sites.
 * Transmit unsolicited or bulk communications to any XDAM account holder or to
   any or affiliated e-mail address.
 * Post or otherwise submit any software, programs or files that are harmful or
   disruptive of another's equipment, software or other property, including any
   corrupted files, time bombs, Trojan horses, viruses and worms.
 * Create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others.
 * Download any Materials posted by another that you know, or reasonably should
   know, cannot be legally reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in
   such manner.
 * Disrupt, interfere or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Site
   or other affiliated or linked sites, Materials or Services.
 * Breach any guidelines or other codes of conduct applicable to a particular
   Service or Materials.
 * Access or use the Site in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden
   or impair any XDAM server or the network(s) connected to any XDAM server.
 * Violate any applicable laws or regulations related to the access to or use of
   the Site, or engage in any activity prohibited by the Terms of Use.
 * Post or otherwise submit any topic, name, material or information that is
   child pornography, defamatory, excessively violent, harassing, inappropriate,
   indecent, lascivious, lewd, obscene, profane, racist, unlawful, or otherwise
 * Prepare, compile, use, download or otherwise copy any Site user directory or
   other user or usage information or any portion thereof, or transmit, provide
   or otherwise distribute (whether or not for a fee) such directory or
   information to any third party.
 * Engage in any chain letters, contests, junk e-mail, pyramid schemes,
   spamming, surveys or any other duplicative or unsolicited messages
   (commercial or otherwise).
 * Violate the rights of XDAM or any third party (including rights of privacy
   and publicity) or abuse, defame, harass, stalk or threaten another.
 * Use any XDAM domain name as a pseudonymous return e-mail address.
 * Market any goods or services for any business purpose (including advertising
   and making offers to buy or sell goods or services), unless specifically
   allowed to do so by XDAM.

When using Services or Materials, you will be subject to any posted guidelines,
rules or licenses applicable to such Services or Materials, in addition to the
Terms of Use. Materials and Services provided by third parties (collectively,
the "Third-Party Services") are governed by separate agreements accompanying
such Materials and Services. XDAM offers no guarantees and assumes no
responsibility or liability of any type with respect to the Third-Party
Services, including any liability resulting from incompatibility between a
Third-Party Service, XDAM Materials, XDAM provided Services or another
Third-Party Service. You agree that you will not hold XDAM responsible or liable
with respect to the Third-Party Services.

Certain Services and Materials will only be made available to users who have
paid XDAM a fee for such Services and Materials. Such users may additionally be
required to enter into a subscription agreement or other use agreement for that
particular Service or Material. In addition to these Terms of Use, users of any
Services that include Communications Venues may be required, in XDAM's sole
discretion, to agree to a separate legal agreement on the Site or otherwise.
Your access to such Communications Venues will be denied for violation of either
the Terms of Use or the applicable agreement.

XDAM, in its sole discretion, may (but has no obligation to) monitor or review
the Materials and Services at any time. XDAM may at any time without notice and
in its sole discretion: (a) terminate a Service, access to or use of any
Materials or an area of the Site where Materials are posted or submitted; and
(b) disclose any information related to your use of a Service or Material, or
the substance of any of your posted or submitted Materials, as XDAM deems
necessary to comply with applicable law, regulation, legal process or
governmental request. You agree to use extra care when disclosing any personally
identifiable information about yourself or your children in any Services or when
you post or otherwise submit any Materials.

If you are required to establish an account in connection with a particular
Service or Material, you must complete the designated registration process for
such Service or Material. All required registration information that you provide
must be current, complete and accurate and kept up to date on a prompt, timely
basis. If required, you must also choose a user name and password for such
account. It is your sole responsibility to keep your account number, user name,
password and other sensitive information confidential. If you become aware of
any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security, you shall
notify XDAM immediately. If any Services or Materials provide
password-restricted access to your sensitive information (including customer
lists and contractual terms), then by accessing or using this Site and setting
up a password-restricted account for such Services or Materials, you consent to
XDAM's display of such information via such Services or Materials and accept all
risks of unauthorized access to such information.


Materials encompassing any of the Software code, including programs, tools,
utilities, files and otherwise, and accompanying documentation that are made
accessible via the Site are the copyrighted and patented work of XDAM or its
suppliers. Use of such Software is governed by these Terms of Use.

As a User, you agree not to:

 1. Attempt to enhance, correct errors or otherwise modify or adapt the Site or
    the Software or create derivative works based on the Site or the Software or
    permit third parties to do the same; or
 2. Decompile, decrypt, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise attempt to
    discover the source code of the Software.

Any copying or redistribution of the Software is prohibited, including any
copying or reproduction of the Software to any other unauthorized server or
location for further reproduction, redistribution or use on a service bureau
basis. Any unauthorized use, copying or distribution of the Software is
expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal
penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible.

Any Software that is downloaded from or made available via the Site for or on
behalf of the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities
("U.S. Government"), is provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or
disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software
clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial
Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.


Members of a Work Group may use the Shared Content available to such Work Group
in any manner that has been agreed upon by the user providing such Shared
Content. It is your sole responsibility to discuss with others in your Work
Group and determine what limitations, if any, are placed on your use of the
Shared Content distributed within your Work Group. If you obtain access to
materials created or used by others outside of your Work Group, you have no
right to use such materials in any way. You also acknowledge and agree that XDAM
has no liability of any kind should members of your Work Group modify, destroy,
corrupt, copy or distribute your Shared Content, or violate the Terms of Use or
other limitations that you may impose on the use of your Shared Content.


XDAM is committed to protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of the owners
of all User Materials used on the Site or with the Software. By posting or
submitting your User Materials, you represent and warrant that you own or
otherwise control all of the Intellectual Property Rights and other rights to
your User Materials as described in these Terms of Use, including all the rights
necessary for you to post or submit your User Materials.

In addition, by posting or otherwise submitting your User Materials that contain
images, photographs, pictures, videos, webcasts or that are otherwise graphical
in whole or in part ("Images"), you represent and warrant that: (a) you own the
copyright in such Images, or that you have obtained all necessary license(s)
from the copyright owner(s) of such Images to use such Images, or portions
thereof, in keeping with your use in connection with the Site, the Services and
as otherwise permitted by these Terms of Use; (b) you have the rights necessary
to grant the licenses and sublicenses described in these Terms of Use; and (c)
you have received consent from any and all persons depicted in such Images to
use the Images as set forth in these Terms of Use, including the distribution,
public display, public performance and reproduction of such Images.


Users may not upload onto the Site any Image that:

 1. May infringe a copyright, trademark or other intellectual property without
    the permission of the owner of such rights;
 2. Is obscene, pornographic (including child pornography) or profane;
 3. Is defamatory;
 4. Involves theft of artwork or plagiarism;
 5. May infringe rights of privacy or publicity without the permission of the
    owner of these rights and the persons (or their parents or legal guardians,
    where applicable) who are shown in the Image;
 6. May otherwise give rise to civil or criminal liability under applicable law;
 7. Was sent from an anonymous address or false address (collectively,
    Prohibited Images).


 1. XDAM is not responsible for the content of images viewed, uploaded or used
    in connection with the Site or the Software. However, XDAM may delete images
    from the Site or the Software that, in its sole discretion, it deems to be
    Prohibited Images. If you upload a Prohibited Image, XDAM may block,
    restrict, disable, suspend or terminate your access to all or part of the
    Site, Services and Materials at any time in XDAM's sole discretion, without
    prior notice or liability to you.
 2. XDAM may request from a User confirmation of ownership of the copyright or
    trademark or permission to use such image from the owner. If XDAM does not
    receive such confirmation within five business days after making its request
    or if XDAM receives notice of a claim of copyright or trademark
    infringement, XDAM may share information regarding a User with government
    agencies or third parties. If you dispute any copyright or trademark
    infringement claim, XDAM will share with you the contact information of any
    party claiming such infringement. In the event of an infringement claim,
    XDAM may suspend the display, viewing or sharing of any image until the
    issue has been resolved. If you believe that someone is infringing your
    Intellectual Property Rights via the Site or the Software, see the section
    entitled "Notification of Copyright Infringement" below.
 3. XDAM may block, restrict, disable, suspend or terminate User accounts, which
    XDAM determines, in its sole discretion, were established for an illegal or
    fraudulent purpose.


XDAM must have access to Users' accounts for the following purposes:

 1. To perform maintenance services on the Site and the Software, including
    fixing bugs and creating enhancements, update and upgrades;
 2. To provide technical support to Licensees, including assisting Users who
    have forgotten their passwords or for any other requested site maintenance;
 3. To comply with a court order, subpoena or lawful request for information
    from governmental authorities; and
 4. To ensure that neither the Site nor the Software are used for illegal
    purposes, such as infringement of Intellectual Property Rights or
    propagation of pornography.


XDAM is dedicated to protecting the privacy of its licensees and Users personal
information and images. Your use of the Site or the Software constitutes your
agreement with XDAM's Privacy Policy.

 1. Each User must use a password to access the Site or the Software. Users are
    discouraged from using obvious passwords, such as the names of spouses,
    children or pets.
 2. Personal information such as passwords and credit card information is
    protected by Secure Socket layers (SSLs), which encrypt pages when
    collecting sensitive information. This measure is designed to guard against
    interception of this information while it is on the internet.
 3. Users, site administrators designated by Licensees (Designated Site
    Administrators) and Licensees that XDAM has authorized as upload centers
    (Upload Centers) control who may view and manage Images on the Site or via
    the Software. In addition, the User, Designated Site Administrators or
    Upload Center determines who is granted permission to access key features of
    the Software such as the ability to download Images.


To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, XDAM expressly disclaims all
warranties of any kind, either express, implied, statutory or otherwise,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of title,
non-infringement, and merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Without limiting the foregoing, XDAM makes no warranty that the Site, or the
sites or servers of any of XDAM's upload centers, the Services or Materials will
be uninterrupted, timely, secure, free of viruses or harmful components or

XDAM does not control or endorse the Materials found in any Services and
specifically disclaims any liability with regard to the Site, Services and any
actions resulting from your use of the Site and Materials and participation in
any Services. Managers, hosts, participants and other third parties are not
authorized XDAM spokespersons, and their views do not necessarily reflect those
of XDAM. To the maximum extent permitted by law, XDAM will have no liability
related to User Materials arising under Intellectual Property Rights, libel,
privacy, publicity, obscenity or other laws. XDAM also disclaims all liability
with respect to the misuse, loss, modification or unavailability of any User

The use of the Site, Services or the downloading or other use of any Materials
is done at your own discretion and risk and with your agreement that you will be
solely responsible for any damage to your computer system, loss of data or other
harm that results from such activities. XDAM assumes no liability for any
computer virus or other similar software code that is downloaded to your
computer from the Site or in connection with any Services or Materials. No
advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from XDAM or via
the Site, Services or Materials shall create any warranty not expressly stated
in the terms of use. XDAM will not be liable for any loss that you may incur as
a result of someone else using your password or account with respect to the Site
or any Services or Materials, either with or without your knowledge.

Some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or
limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so the above limitations
may not apply to you. To the extent permissible, any implied warranties are
limited to ninety (90) days.


In no event shall XDAM, its officers, directors, employees, agents or suppliers
be liable to you or any third party for any special, punitive, incidental,
indirect or consequential damages or losses of any kind, or any damages or
losses whatsoever, including those resulting from loss of use, data or profits,
whether or not foreseeable or if XDAM has been advised of the possibility of
such damages or losses, and on any theory of liability, including breach of
contract or warranty, negligence or other tortious action, or any other claim
arising out of or in connection with: (1) the access or use of or the inability
to access or use the Site, the site or server of any XDAM upload center,
Services, or Materials; (2) the statements or actions of any third party on or
via the Site, the site or server of any XDAM upload center, Services or
Materials; (3) any dealings with vendors or other third parties; (4) any
unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions, User Materials or
other data; (5) any information that is sent or received or not sent or
received; (6) any failure to store or loss of data, files, materials or other
content; (7) any Services available that are delayed or interrupted; (8) any web
site referenced or linked to from this Site; or (9) your access to or use of or
inability to access or use any linked site. Some jurisdictions prohibit the
exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages.
Accordingly, the limitations and exclusions set forth above may not apply to


XDAM will, in appropriate circumstances, terminate the accounts of Users who
infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of others. XDAM will investigate
notices of copyright infringement and take appropriate actions under the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2)
("DMCA"). If you believe that your work has been used or copied in a way that
constitutes copyright infringement and such infringement is occurring on this
Site or on sites linked to from this Site or in connection with the Services or
Materials, please provide, pursuant to the DMCA, written notification of claimed
copyright infringement to the Designated Agent for this Site (identified below),
which must contain the following elements:

 * A physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf
   of the owner of the copyright interest that is alleged to have been
 * A description of the copyrighted work or works that you claim have been
   infringed and identification of what content in such work(s) is claimed to be
   infringing and that you request to be removed or access to which is to be
 * A description of where the content that you claim is infringing is located on
   the Site;
 * Information sufficient to permit XDAM to contact you, such as your physical
   address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
 * A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the
   content identified in your Notice in the manner complained of is not
   authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
 * A statement by you that the information in your notice is accurate and, under
   penalty of perjury, that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on
   the copyright owner's behalf.

XDAM's Designated Agent for Notice of claims of copyright infringement can be
reached as follows:

David Alexander, Designated Agent Copyright Infringement Claims
XDAM®, Inc.
Tel.: (888) 735-6667
Fax: (541) 482-2494

The Designated Agent should be contacted only if you believe that your work has
been used or copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and such
infringement is occurring on the Site or on sites linked to from the Site or in
connection with the Services or Materials. All other inquiries directed to the
Designated Agent will not generate a response.


In the event of your or others access to or use of the Site, Services or
Materials in connection with the transmission of spam newsgroup postings or
unsolicited e-mail in violation of these Terms of Use, you acknowledge and agree
that XDAM would be irreparably harmed thereunder and that monetary damages would
be an insufficient and ineffective remedy; therefore you agree that XDAM is
entitled to obtain immediate injunctive relief against any such transmission (in
addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity). XDAM may without
restriction block, filter or delete unsolicited e-mail.


You agree to indemnify and hold XDAM and its officers, directors, employees and
agents harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees,
made by any third party due to or arising out of: (a) your User Materials and
any other content (e.g. computer viruses) that you may submit, post to or
transmit through the Site (including a third party's use of such User Materials
or content (e.g., reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of your
User Materials)); (b) your access to or use of the Site, Services or Materials
(including any use by your employees, contractors or agents and all uses of your
account numbers, user names and passwords, whether or not actually or expressly
authorized by you, in connection with the Site or any Services or Materials);
(c) your connection to the Site, Services or Materials; (d) your violation of
the Terms of Use; (e) the actions of any member of your Work Group; (f) your
infringement of any third party's Intellectual Property Rights when using any of
the Software made available on the Site, Services or in any Materials; (g) your
violation of any rights of any third party; or (h) any dealings between you and
any third parties advertising or promoting via the Site, Services or Materials.


By accessing this Site, you agree that all matters relating to your access to,
or use of, this Site shall be governed by the laws of the State of California,
without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof. The parties
specifically disclaim the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods. You also agree and hereby submit to the exclusive personal
jurisdiction and venue of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County and the
United States District Court for the Central District of California with respect
to such matters.


The Terms of Use and other rules, guidelines, licenses and disclaimers posted
via the Site or in connection with the Materials and Services constitute the
entire agreement between XDAM and you with respect to your access to or use of
the Site, Materials and Services superseding any prior agreements between you
and XDAM on such subject matter (including any prior versions of the Terms of
Use). Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that any terms set forth in
the Terms of Use expressly contradict any terms of a written agreement between
you and XDAM regarding the use of specific Services or Materials (including
Service-specific terms of use and Software-specific licenses) ("Executed
Agreement"), such contradictory terms set forth in the Executed Agreement shall
govern. You may also be subject to additional terms and conditions that may
apply when you use other XDAM services, third party content or third party
software. You may not assign or otherwise transfer the Terms of Use nor any
right granted hereunder without XDAM's prior written consent. If for any reason
a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of the Terms of Use, or
portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the
maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties as
reflected by that provision, and the remainder of the Terms of Use shall
continue in full force and effect. Any failure by XDAM to enforce or exercise
any provision of the Terms of Use or related right shall not constitute a waiver
of that right or provision. The section titles used in the Terms of Use are
purely for convenience and carry with them no legal or contractual effect.