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URL: https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/accessibility?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=accessibility&utm_id=dd_elic_english
Submission: On October 25 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

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Our approach to accessibility is to ensure that you can easily access the
information you need, as well as get in touch with us in a way that suits you.

We are always working hard to improve the service we provide our customers and
to make it more accessible.

Here is some more information on assistance we provide:

 * You can get your TV Licence or reminder in a range of accessible formats
   including by email or in Braille, large print or audio by calling 0300 790
 * You can find key information explained simply in our Easy Read leaflet
   English (PDF 817 KB opens in a new window) or on our Easy Read pages.
 * If you live in accommodation for residential care (ARC) you may be eligible
   for a concessionary TV Licence. Both you and your accommodation must be
   eligible. Further information can be found on our care home residents page.
 * If you are blind (severely sight impaired) and can provide the appropriate
   evidence, you are eligible to apply for a 50% concession. Your licence will
   also cover anyone who lives with you.
 * If you are deaf, have hearing loss or are speech impaired, we support the
   Relay UK service (formerly NGTS - opens in a new window). Relay UK helps
   deaf, speech-impaired, and hearing people talk to each other over the phone
   using text relay.
 * You can find key information in Welsh on our Welsh language page.
 * You can find key information in many other languages as well as support
   literature available in a range of languages or if you need to call us but
   need a translator our advisors can arrange this service.
 * If you have a disability we will consider all requests for other adjustments
   to our standard service and accommodate requests that we judge to be
   reasonable. If you need us to consider an adjustment, please call us on 0300
   790 6076* or Contact us . Please provide a summary of your disability and any
   difficulties you are experiencing in dealing with the TV Licensing service
   due to your disability. You can also provide us with details of the
   adjustment you would like us to consider.
 * If you are struggling to pay we have information and advice which may help


We aim for the navigation throughout our website to work in a consistent way. We
use a standard web font to make it easy for everyone to read, and in most cases
the font size can be adjusted using your browser's settings.

Our website is designed to meet the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C)
accessibility guidelines to a minimum of AA standard and AAA where possible. We
also try our best to keep pace with changes to these guidelines and to ensure
that any development of the website complies with the latest guidance.

However, if you experience any difficulties with the accessibility of our
website, please call us on 0300 790 6076* or Contact us.

You can find further guidance on website accessibility at the BBC’s
accessibility help site.


Watch our videos about when you need a TV Licence, what it funds, ways to pay,
scams, students and going paperless.

*Calls to our 0300 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02
number, whether from a mobile or landline. If you get inclusive minutes, calls
to an 0300 number will be included free of charge.

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