Open in
urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On April 16 via manual from US
TLS certificate: Issued by DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Ser... on March 7th 2020. Valid for: 2 years.
This is the only time www.mytgtel.com was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
9 | | 1640 (TGTEL) (TGTEL) | |
9 | 1 |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
9 |
www.mytgtel.com |
478 KB |
9 | 1 |
Domain | Requested by | |
9 | www.mytgtel.com |
9 | 1 |
This site contains links to these domains. Also see Links.
Domain |
www.cdg.ws |
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
www.mytgtel.com DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA |
2020-03-07 - 2022-03-22 |
2 years | crt.sh |
This page contains 2 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: FA91D9A657DCFF8E24C195ED7A3926A0
Requests: 8 HTTP requests in this frame
Frame ID: 818E9AB12922C3A24A747DC122C49CB3
Requests: 1 HTTP requests in this frame
Detected technologies
PHP (Programming Languages) ExpandDetected patterns
- url /\.php(?:$|\?)/i
Windows Server (Operating Systems) Expand
Detected patterns
- headers server /Win32|Win64/i
OpenSSL (Web Server Extensions) Expand
Detected patterns
- headers server /OpenSSL(?:\/([\d.]+[a-z]?))?/i
Apache (Web Servers) Expand
Detected patterns
- headers server /(?:Apache(?:$|\/([\d.]+)|[^/-])|(?:^|\b)HTTPD)/i
Page Statistics
1 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Title: © 2021 CDG, All rights reserved
Search URL Search Domain Scan URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
9 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H/1.1 |
Primary Request
Cookie set
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/main/ecar/ |
17 KB 18 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/css/ecar-Silver/ |
31 KB 31 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/js/ |
306 KB 307 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/js/ |
66 KB 67 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/js/ |
17 KB 17 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/pics/ |
9 KB 10 KB |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
Cookie set
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/main/ecar/ |
27 KB 27 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
Cookie set
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/main/ecar/ |
636 B 1 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.mytgtel.com/mbs/main/infr/ Frame 818E |
61 B 373 B |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
398 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| 0 object| onbeforexrselect object| ontransitionrun object| ontransitionstart object| ontransitioncancel object| cookieStore function| showDirectoryPicker function| showOpenFilePicker function| showSaveFilePicker boolean| originAgentCluster object| trustedTypes boolean| crossOriginIsolated string| sessionDenyMessage string| otherDenyMessage object| currDocument boolean| usingHTTPS boolean| handHeldSite boolean| sessTimeOut string| sessDeferredAJAX boolean| sessTOLogin boolean| logOutStarted boolean| appInconsistent string| appIncLink string| appIncMessage number| origWinWidth number| origWinHeight number| origContentWidth number| origContentHeight number| baseWinWidth number| baseWinHeight object| adjustAreas object| chartFunctions object| listAreaGroupKeys number| pageLayer number| linkPageLayer boolean| debugAjax boolean| canvasPaint function| pause number| previousWindowScrollTop number| previousWindowScrollLeft function| padLeft object| dragObject object| mouseOffset number| mouseLeft number| mouseTop boolean| hoverTextDisplayed function| mouseCoords function| mouseUp function| getMouseOffset function| getPosition function| mouseMove function| makeDraggable boolean| stayingOnSite boolean| refreshingWindow function| checkLink function| defaultOnClick object| disabledButtonObj function| defaultOnMouseUpClick function| enableButton function| defaultOnBlur function| defaultOnChange function| translateToUpper string| lastFocusFieldId string| focusFieldId string| focusFieldOvrdId function| defaultOnFocus boolean| tabNextActive function| tabNext function| findElementPosition boolean| alreadyFocused function| focusFirstElement function| nameAppendLayer function| nameStripLayer function| setUpdateFlags function| checkMsgBeforeClose function| checkFormBeforeClose function| checkFormUpdate function| submitForm function| submitRelatedForm boolean| formReset function| resetFormUpdate function| setFormUpdate function| setNoFormUpdate function| checkUpdOnLink function| displayErrorBox function| clearErrorBox boolean| skipSelectTextInd function| skipSelectText function| fieldFocus string| rowClickableClass function| rowClickable function| rowNotClickable string| currentContextMenu number| currentContextRow string| previousListArea string| currentListArea boolean| clickCurrent function| showContextMenu function| hideContextMenu boolean| shiftKeyPressed boolean| controlKeyPressed number| unicode function| checkKeyNav function| checkKeyUp string| selectedMBSMenu string| selectedMBSModule function| selectMBSMenu function| setMBSMenuImage function| toggleHandheldMenu function| toggleHandheldSearch function| refreshHandheldSearch function| setListingWidth function| addAdjustArea function| removeAdjustArea function| registerChartFunction function| listRetainInfo function| toggleSelectAll function| setListingSelectIds function| sortAndGroupListing function| toggleRowDisplay function| toggleAllRowDisplay function| sortHTMLInterpret function| sortListing function| sortListNumeric function| setHeaderColumnData function| repositionListHeaderRow function| touchListRows function| checkListFilterSearch boolean| deletePrompt function| selectContextMenuItem boolean| delayListAction function| selectRow function| delayProcDependents function| prevListRow function| nextListRow function| execListRow function| deSelectRow function| toggleExpandList function| toggleExpandArea function| setStyleAttribute function| getStyleAttribute function| playSound function| scrollArea function| scrollAreaLeft boolean| ignoreResizeBaseDefault boolean| haveResized number| adjustHeightPct number| adjustWidthPct function| adjustAllAreas function| executeScriptArea function| adjustAreasWidth function| adjustAreasHeight function| appWindowWidth function| appWindowHeight number| floAreaOrigHeight string| floAreaNonListName function| minimizeExpandArea function| maximizeExpandArea function| checkExpandList function| setDDL2Width function| setAddlInfoWidth function| setAddlInfoPrintFieldWidth function| displayHoverText function| repositionHoverArea function| hideHoverText number| windowNumber function| newWindow function| submitLink function| newLayer boolean| refreshShowProgress function| refreshLayer function| repositionLayer function| scrollLayers function| checkFormCloseWindow function| closeWindow function| closeLayer function| promptFormUpdateDiscard function| promptFormUpdateSave function| preAjaxRefresh number| ajaxCount string| lastDeferredProcess object| prevListLinkData object| currProcAreaName function| ajaxRefresh function| appendLinkVars function| scrubURLVars function| ajaxProcess function| sessDeferRequest function| isUpdateScript function| checkAJAXError function| gatherFormElements function| checkListContext function| selectDDLitem function| DDLOptionsSize function| emptyDDL function| getNewLineChar function| calculateByteLength function| calculateCharLengths function| checkTextAreaMaxLength boolean| textAreaLengthError function| checkTextAreaLength function| stripNonNumeric string| currentComboArea string| currentComboField number| currentComboRow function| showComboArea function| hideComboArea function| selectComboItem function| setupComboArea function| filterComboList function| toggleArea number| showProgressCount function| hideArea function| showArea function| areaIsVisible function| encodeInfrEscaping function| decodeInfrEscaping function| getFieldValue function| setFieldColor function| getSelectFieldText function| setFieldValue function| setFieldValue2 function| setFormattedFieldValue function| getHTMLValue function| setHTMLValue function| toggleImage function| swapImage function| checkboxClick function| checkboxSwapImage function| checkField function| uncheckField function| replaceQuotes function| setFieldPatternTag function| setFieldValueByPattern function| getFieldValueByPattern function| toggleTreeImage function| treeDeselectRow function| treeSelectRow string| currIconSection function| treeSelectIcon function| procDependents function| reOrderListTop function| reOrderListBottom function| reOrderListUp function| reOrderListDown function| reOrderListUpDown function| reOrderListDefault string| currentCalendarArea function| toggleCalendar function| openCalendar function| selectCalendar function| setFieldRequired function| setAreaReadOnly function| resetAreaReadOnly function| setReadOnlyColor function| zoomArea object| debugWindowObj number| debugIndex object| debugInfo function| printDebugInfo function| addDebugInfo boolean| fullTreeDisplayed function| collapseTreeArea function| expandTreeArea function| showTreeAreaHover function| hideTreeAreaHover object| treeAreaNodeStatus function| toggleTreeNodes function| findTreeNode string| hoverAreaName function| showHoverAreaDelay function| hideHoverAreaDelay function| showHoverArea function| hideHoverArea number| spinnerInterval number| spinnerValue number| spinnerPause function| spinnerStart function| spinnerUpdate function| spinnerStop function| checkSpinner function| selectTabStatic function| execLink function| currentWindowHeight function| getWindowScrollTop function| getWindowScrollLeft function| makeAreaViewable function| maskedFieldFocus function| maskedFieldBlur boolean| eventNotificationAlerts boolean| processEvents boolean| useServerInitiated function| getNotificationMessages function| showEventNotification function| setWizardDDL boolean| frameLoaded function| createUploadIFrame function| evalIframe function| refreshIframe function| encodeURLValue function| printSetFieldValues function| printRemoveListingFixed string| chartLinkData function| setChartLinkData function| repositionCalendarAxis function| print_r function| thisEval function| allowDrop function| leaveDrop function| drag function| drop function| CLD function| printArea boolean| mbsGoogleChartLoadInd function| setGoogleLoadIndicator function| showStatusMessage function| fadeoutStatusMessage function| hideStatusMessage object| dynJSFiles function| loadJSFile function| sleep object| globPhoneChars number| globDate number| globMonth number| globYear function| setDateTime function| mktime function| date function| is_string function| is_bool function| array_diff function| in_array function| array_intersect function| strrev function| substr_replace function| array_shift function| str_split function| trim function| ltrim function| rtrim function| checkdate function| str_pad function| sprintf function| substr_count function| formatField function| f_infr_format_currency function| f_infr_format_numeric function| f_infr_format_date function| f_infr_format_phone_number function| f_infr_format_string_from_mask function| f_infr_format_timestamp_with object| canvasClickX object| canvasClickY object| canvasClickDrag function| loadCanvasImage function| canvasEnableDrawing function| canvasEnableClickAction number| currentLineWidth function| canvasDraw function| canvasAddClick function| canvasMouseXY object| canvasXY function| canvasMouseDown function| canvasMouseDownExec function| canvasXCoordinate function| canvasYCoordinate function| canvasAddText function| canvasAddMarker function| canvasPrepareSave function| canvasDrawImage function| dataURItoBlob function| canvasDisableClick function| freezeWindow function| unfreezeWindow function| toggleCanvasUserFields function| canvasResize function| pdfConvertToCanvas function| canvasGetLines string| compCurrFormat string| compCurrFormatSymbol string| compCurrFormatDec string| compCurrFormatSep string| compCurrFormatNegSign string| compCurrFormatPosSign string| compDateSeparator string| compDateFormat string| compPhoneFormat string| compSSNFormat string| globConfigMode boolean| ecareMode boolean| ebillMode boolean| ecareSimple number| currentModuleId string| mbsWinPrefix object| _0xaf28 string| rKV string| rKV2 string| browserNewLineFeed4 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Domain/Path | Expires | Name / Value |
www.mytgtel.com/ | Name: randomEcareKey Value: caaced4e0d4a11e811d08349b9e242ba |
www.mytgtel.com/ | Name: mbsecare Value: fb316cd4afc930cd90220aafb4fefda7%0A0%0A%0A409%0A |
www.mytgtel.com/ | Name: PHPSESSID Value: fb316cd4afc930cd90220aafb4fefda7 |
www.mytgtel.com/ | Name: modularitydb Value: CO0409%0ACO0409%0A03450400%0Ax%0AAmerica%2FNew_York%0A9999%0Afuture+use%0Amfe-support%40cdg.ws%2Cmarkg%40cdg.ws%0AP%0AY%0AdGhIo8tuR8H0p5NiAUmjsjD2bWL%2BavHaarZHTH3n6xo%3D%0D%0A |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.