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describes the information collection, use, and dissemination practices of
goalonly.com, ("goalonly.com") and applies to goalonly.com collection, use,
storage and disclosure of information by goalonly.com on its (a) websites,
including all its divisions, subsidiaries and related companies (collectively,
the "Websites"), (b) on various Third Party websites, and (c) to
goalonly.comother information collection, including the purchase of customer
lists from Third Parties. goalonly.com is not responsible for the information
collection or privacy practices of Third Party websites or
applications.Companies that collect personally identifiable information ("PII")
from California residents and disclose such information to Third Parties
(including affiliated entities) for marketing purposes must, in response to a
request by a consumer, either (1) provide a list detailing the categories of
information shared and the entities to which such information was provided, or
(2) provide a mechanism by which a consumer may opt-out of having their
information shared with Third Parties. We have elected the second option and you
may request that your PII not be shared with Third Parties by sending your
request, including your full name, email address and postal address to:
OF goalonly.com.1. Collection of Information.1.1 Survey Information.goalonly.com
collects information from individuals by various methods, including, but not
limited to, when an individual voluntarily completes a survey, order form, or a
registration page either online or offline, or by means of online or offline
surveys, order forms, or registration pages operated by Third Parties
(collectively, a "Survey"). (As used herein, "online" means using the Internet,
including the Websites, and related technologies, and "offline" means by methods
other than online, including in person, in the postal mail, using telephones and
cell phones, and other similar means.) In the Surveys, goalonly.com or a Third
Party (a "Third Party") may ask an individual to provide various information to
goalonly.com, which may include his or her name, email address, street address,
zip code, telephone numbers (including cell phone numbers and carriers), birth
date, gender, salary range, education and marital status, occupation, social
security number, employment information, personal and online interests, and such
other information as may be requested from time to time (together, "Survey
Information"). goalonly.com may also collect information concerning an
individual from another source and uses that information in combination with
information provided from this web site. Completing the Surveys is completely
voluntary, and individuals are under no obligation to provide Survey Information
to goalonly.com or Third Party, but an individual may receive incentives from
goalonly.com or a Third Party in exchange for providing Survey Information to
goalonly.com.1.2 Site Membership or Registration. To the extent registration is
required to receive email and possibly postal communications from goalonly.com,
this Privacy Policy also applies to consumers that have agreed to receive e-mail
marketing from goalonly.com, whether at our Website, via email, on Third Party
websites or otherwise. We collect information in certain portions of our
Website, where guests provide content submissions and suggestions or participate
in interactive online activities (i.e., by way of responding to questions and
surveys, community listings, ratings, searches and comparison searches, bidding,
purchasing, chat, games, or bulletin boards, etc.). The personal profile
information you submit to goalonly.com remains your property, but by submitting
that information to goalonly.com, you grant goalonly.com, the right to use that
information for marketing purposes. goalonly.com, may also use such information
for content improvement and feedback purposes. We may sell the personal
information that you supply to us and we may join together with other businesses
to bring selected retail opportunities to our members. These businesses may
include providers of direct marketing services and applications, including
lookup and reference, data enhancement, suppression and validation. In addition,
goalonly.com reserves the right to release current or past member information in
the event goalonly.com believes that the membership is being or has been used in
violation of the Rules or to commit unlawful acts, if the information is
subpoenaed, if goalonly.com is sold or acquired, or when goalonly.com deems it
necessary or appropriate. By agreeing to these terms, you hereby consent to
disclosure of any record or communication to any Third Party when goalonly.com
in its sole discretion, determines the disclosure to be appropriate.

"Subscription" occurs when an end-user registers for goalonly.com services,
either via registration at our website, via co-registration at a marketing
partner's website, or via a permission pass / opt-out / no-opt mailing
goalonly.comcollects personally identifiable information about our subscribers,
based on: information gathered at the time of registration, subscriber
interaction and response to subsequent electronic mailings and website use,
information provided by marketing partners, and information appended from data
aggregators. Information collected may include, but is not necessarily limited
to: name, email address, postal address, gender, birth date, telephone number,
activity, interests, user behavior and other demographic information. This
information enables us to better tailor our content to subscribers' needs and to
help our clients to promote and sell their products and services.

1.3 Third Party List Information.goalonly.com collects information from
individuals when an individual provides information to a Third Party and
goalonly.com subsequently purchases, licenses, or otherwise acquires the
information from the Third Party (the "Seller"). Such purchased information may
include, but is not limited to, an individual's name, email address, street
address, zip code, telephone numbers (including cell phone numbers and
carriers), birth date, gender, salary range, education and marital status,
occupation, industry of employment, personal and online interests, and such
other information as the individual may have provided to the Seller (together,
"Third Party List Information"). When acquiring Third Party List Information,
goalonly.com seeks assurances from the Seller that the Seller has a right to
transfer the Third Party List Information to goalonly.com and that the Seller
has a right to provide offers from Advertisers to the individuals whose personal
information is included on the Seller's list.1.4 Other Information. Other
occasions when goalonly.com obtains information from individuals include (1)
when an individual is making a claim for a prize or seeking to redeem an
incentive offered by goalonly.com or by a Third Party, (2) when an individual
requests assistance through goalonly.com customer service department, and (3)
when an individual voluntarily subscribes to a service or newsletter (together,
"Other Information").1.5 Cookies, Web Beacons, and Other Info Collected Using
Technology.goalonly.com currently uses cookie and web beacon technology to
associate certain Internet-related information about an individual with
information about the individual in our database. Additionally, goalonly.com may
use other new and evolving sources of information in the future (together,
"Technology Information").(a) Cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data stored
on the hard drive of the individual's computer that allows goalonly.com to
identify the individual with his or her corresponding data that resides in
goalonly.com database. You may read more about cookies at
http://cookiecentral.com. Individuals who use the Websites need to accept
cookies in order to use all of the features and functionality of the
Websites.(b) Web Beacons. A web beacon is programming code that can be used to
display an image on a web page
(by using an < img src="x"> programming function -- see http://truste.org for
more information), but can also be used to transfer an individual's unique user
identification (often in the form of a cookie) to a database and associate the
individual with previously acquired information about an individual in a
database. This allowsgoalonly.com to track certain websites an individual visits
online. Web beacons are used to determine products or services an individual may
be interested in, and to track online behavioral habits for marketing purposes.
For example, goalonly.commight place, with the consent of a Third Party website,
a web beacon on the Third Party's website where cosmetics are sold. When Jane,
an individual listed ingoalonly.com database, visits the cosmetic website,
goalonly.com receives notice by means of the web beacon that Jane visited the
cosmetics site, and goalonly.com would then update Jane's profile with the
information that Jane is interested in cosmetics. goalonly.com may thereafter
present offers of cosmetic related products and services to Jane. In addition to
using web beacons on web pages, goalonly.com also uses web beacons in email
messages sent to individuals listed in goalonly.comdatabase.(c) New Technology.
The use of technology on the Internet, including cookies and web beacons, is
rapidly evolving, as is goalonly.com use of new and evolving technology. As a
result,goalonly.com strongly encourages individuals to revisit this policy for
any updates regarding its use of technology.(d) Usage Tracking.goalonly.com
tracks information related to the electronic mailings and web pages viewed by
users and subscribers, as well as the hyperlinks clicked by subscribers, while
viewing our emails or visiting our websites.(e) Log Files. Log files are used to
track and monitor subscriber usage.(f) Optional Registration.goalonly.com may
offer free voluntary registration to potential subscribers. During such
registration, the subscriber is required to supply an email address and other
personal information. This information is required if the subscriber wants to
participate in Company services.(g) Feedback and Inquiries. You have the ability
to contact goalonly.com to provide us with their feedback. goalonly.comuses this
information to respond to you and analyze customer service issues.1.6 Outside
Information.goalonly.com may receive information about individuals from Third
Parties or from other sources of information outside of goalonly.com including
information located in public databases ("Outside Information").1.7 Individual
Information. As used herein, Individual Information means Survey Information,
Third Party List Information, Other Information, Technology Information, and
Outside Information, and any other information goalonly.com gathers or receives
about individuals.1.8 No Information Collected from Children.goalonly.com will
never knowingly collect any personal information about children under the age of
13. If goalonly.com obtains actual knowledge that it has collected personal
information about a child under the age of 13, that information will be
immediately deleted from our database. Because it does not collect such
information, goalonly.com has no such information to use or to disclose to Third
Parties. goalonly.com has designed this policy in order to comply with the
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA").1.9 Credit Card
Information.goalonly.com may in certain cases collect credit card numbers and
related information, such as the expiration date of the card ("Credit Card
Information") when an individual places an order from goalonly.com. When the
Credit Card Information is submitted to goalonly.com, such information is
encrypted and is protected with SSL encryption software. goalonly.com will use
the Credit Card Information for purposes of processing and completing the
purchase transaction, and the Credit Card Information will be disclosed to Third
Parties only as necessary to complete the purchase transaction.1.10 Links to
External Websites.goalonly.com emails and websites contain links to external
websites. You will be taken to external websites if you click on these links.
Your information may be passed from goalonly.com database to the external
website, and/or external database, for your convenience (e.g. your information
may be used to pre-fill a form at a destination website). goalonly.com is not
responsible for the privacy practices or content of any external website owner.
We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any website they visit.2. Use
of Individual Information.2.1 Discretion to Use Information. THE COMPANY MAY USE
DISCRETION. The following paragraphs in Section 2 describe how goalonly.com
currently uses Individual Information, but goalonly.com may change or broaden
its use at any time. As noted below, goalonly.com may update this policy from
time to time. goalonly.com may use Individual Information to provide promotional
offers to individuals by means of email advertising, telephone marketing, direct
mail marketing, online banner advertising, and package stuffers, among other
possible uses.2.2 Email and Unsubscribe Policy.goalonly.com uses Individual
Information to provide promotional offers by email to individuals. goalonly.com
may maintain separate email lists for different purposes. If email recipients
wish to end their email subscription from a particular list, they need to follow
the instructions at the end of each email message to unsubscribe from the
particular list. To unsubscribe from all goalonly.com email lists, a person must
send an email to http://www.goalonly.com/Unsubscribe.goalonly.com unsubscribe
process impacts only the future delivery of electronic mailings disseminated by
goalonly.com on its own behalf. You may still receive electronic mailings sent
on behalf of Third Parties and your personal information may still be shared
with Third Parties for use in offline marketing and data appends, including
email appends. You should also note that unsubscribing from goalonly.com
electronic mailings will not automatically unsubscribe the subscriber's
information from any Third Party associates and licensees of the data. Since
Third Party associates and licensee partners maintain separate databases from
goalonly.com, and you will need to unsubscribe from each source individually, if
desired. This allows you the freedom to pick and choose which subscriptions to
maintain and which to discontinue.2.3 Content of Email Messages. In certain
commercial email messages sent by goalonly.com, an Advertiser's name will appear
in the "From:" line but hitting the "Reply" button will cause a reply email to
be sent to goalonly.com. The "Subject:" line ofgoalonly.com email messages will
usually contain a line provided from the Advertiser to goalonly.com.2.4
Solicited Email.goalonly.com only sends email to individuals who have agreed on
the Websites to receive email from goalonly.com or to individuals who have
agreed on Third Party websites to receive email from Third Parties. As such,
goalonly.com does not send unsolicited email messages. As a result, statutes
requiring certain formatting for unsolicited email are not applicable to
goalonly.com email messages.2.5 Targeted Advertising.goalonly.com uses
Individual Information to target advertising to an individual. When an
individual is using the Internet, goalonly.com uses Technology Information (see
also Section 2.7 below) to associate an individual with that person's Individual
Information, and goalonly.com attempts to show advertising for products and
services in which the person has expressed an interest in the Surveys, indicated
an interest by means of Technology Information, and otherwise. goalonly.commay,
at its discretion, target advertising by using email, direct mail, telephones,
cell phones, and other means of communication to provide promotional offers.2.6
Direct Mail and Telemarketing.goalonly.com uses Individual Information to
advertise, directly or indirectly, to individuals using direct mail marketing or
telemarketing using telephones and cell phones.2.7 Use of Technology
Information.goalonly.com uses Technology Information (1) to match a person's
Survey Information and Third Party List Information to other categories of
Individual Information to make and improve profiles of individuals, (2) to track
a person's online browsing habits on the Internet, (3) to determine which areas
of goalonly.com websites are most frequently visited. This information helps
goalonly.com to better understand the online habits of individuals so that
goalonly.com can target advertising and promotions to them.2.8 Profiles of
Individuals.goalonly.com uses Individual Information to make a profile of an
individual. A profile can be created by combining Survey Information and Third
Party List Information with other sources of Individual Information such as
information obtained from public databases.2.9 Storage of Individual
Information.goalonly.com stores the Individual Information in a database on
goalonly.com s computers. Our computers have security measures (such as a
firewall) in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the
information under goalonly.comcontrol. Not withstanding such measures,
goalonly.com cannot guarantee that its security measures will prevent
goalonly.com's computers from being illegally accessed, and the Individual
Information on them stolen or altered.3. Dissemination of Individual
Fulfillment.goalonly.com will transfer Individual Information to Third Parties
when necessary to provide a product or service that a person orders from such
Third Party while using goalonly.com websites or when responding to offers
provided by goalonly.com.3.3 Legal Process.goalonly.com may disclose Individual
Information to respond to subpoenas, court orders, and other legal processes.3.4
Summary Data.goalonly.com may sell or transfer non-individualized information,
such as summary or aggregated anonymous information about all persons or
sub-groups of persons.3.5 Access. Individuals have access to their Individual
Information collected to provide an opportunity for an individual to correct,
amend, or delete such information. Access can be obtained by contacting
contact@goalonly.com. goalonly.com may also grant advertising clients and email
services providers' access to an individual's email address to verify the origin
of the Individual Information collected.4. Privacy Practices of Third
Parties.4.1 Advertiser cookies and web beacons. Advertising agencies,
advertising networks, and other companies (together, "Advertisers") who place
advertisements on the Websites and on the Internet generally may use their own
cookies, web beacons, and other technology to collect information about
individuals. goalonly.com does not control Advertisers' use of such technology
and goalonly.com has no responsibility for the use of such technology to gather
information about individuals.4.2 Links. The Websites and email messages
sometimes contain hypertext links to the websites of Third Parties. goalonly.com
is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such other
websites. Linked websites may contain links to websites maintained by Third
Parties. Such links are provided for your convenience and reference only.
goalonly.com does not operate or control in any respect any information,
software, products or services available on such Third Party websites. The
inclusion of a link to a web site does not imply any endorsement of the services
or the site, its contents, or its sponsoring organization.4.3 Affiliated
Companies.goalonly.com may disclose, transfer, and sell Individual Information
to entities affiliated with goalonly.com in goalonly.com sole discretion.5.
Unsubscribe Procedures. If you wish to discontinue receiving email messages from
goalonly.com, you have several options:(a) Unsubscribe from one email list.(b)
Unsubscribe from all of goalonly.com email lists. We reserve the right to add
Individual Information to multiple lists maintained by goalonly.com. To globally
unsubscribe from all of goalonly.com lists, visit
http://www.goalonly.com/Unsubscribe. For more information about protecting your
privacy, you may wish to visit: www.ftc.gov. If you have questions about this
policy, please contact us at support@goalonly.com.


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WA COVID update: How our schools can learn a lesson from Switzerland on how to
keep classrooms open

"As WA battles to keep Omicron out of schools, Australian expat mum Mary Goode
gives an insight into how Swiss classrooms are staying open — and what we can
learn from their experience."

Sun, 06 Feb 2022 08:34:00 GMT

Thousands protest vax mandates in Canada

"Canada's "Freedom Convoy" began as a movement against a vaccine mandate for
truck drivers, but has turned into a rallying point against public health

Sun, 06 Feb 2022 00:19:28 GMT

COVID-19 Endgame: When will the coronavirus become an endemic like the flu?

"It is extremely unlikely SARS-CoV-2 is going to burn out like a spent rocket,
however much the world would like to see it disappear. Here’s why."

Sat, 05 Feb 2022 18:00:00 GMT

Top Iraq War commander explains deadly attack on ISIS leader

"A former commander of Australian troops in Iraq has described what went into a
deadly assault on the ISIS leader’s hide-out."

Fri, 04 Feb 2022 06:17:36 GMT

Shocking aerial images show extent of tsunami devastation

"Aerial images have revealed the extent of devastation wrought by last month’s
tsunami and a shocking discovery among the rubble."

Thu, 03 Feb 2022 09:51:10 GMT

US to send 3000 troops to eastern Europe

"US President Joe Biden has approved the deployment of about 3000 more soldiers
to Germany, Poland and Romania following Russia's massing of troops near

Wed, 02 Feb 2022 13:14:23 GMT

New study: Childhood trauma can make you three times as vaccine hesitant

"People who have endured traumatic events in childhood may be up to three times
as likely to refuse a COVID-19 jab."

Wed, 02 Feb 2022 03:36:15 GMT

Death toll in Syria prison unrest hits 332

"A mutiny by Islamic State militants inside a Syrian prison is over, but combing
operations inside and outside the site continue, with the death toll now 332."

Mon, 31 Jan 2022 03:09:32 GMT

Greg Hunt confirms national change to booster program, millions more now

"Millions more Australians will become eligible for their COVID booster jab
after the health minister confirmed a major change to the program."

Sun, 30 Jan 2022 23:24:08 GMT

German protests against COVID-19 measures

"Thousands of Germans has joined in demonstrations across the nation against a
proposed vaccination mandate and other measures to contain the COVID-19

Sat, 29 Jan 2022 23:56:35 GMT

UK to broaden scope of sanctions on Russia

"Britain is moving to change laws to enable sanctions on a broader range of
Russian bodies, including financial institutions, energy companies and

Sat, 29 Jan 2022 23:04:23 GMT

What life is like on the eastern front as Russia mobilises armed troops at
Ukraine border

"When thousands of heavily armed Russian troops began massing at the Ukraine
border about two months ago, the rest of the world watched on with unease."

Sat, 29 Jan 2022 18:00:00 GMT

‘I would like to apologise’: Collingwood player Jordan De Goey pleads guilty
over New York bar brawl

"Collingwood star Jordan De Goey has pleaded guilty to a harassment charge over
a New York bar brawl."

Sat, 29 Jan 2022 03:52:00 GMT

Australia to get involved in China-EU trade spat

"As tensions between the west and Beijing continue to sour, Australia has
announced it will seek to take part in a significant move against China."

Fri, 28 Jan 2022 23:35:08 GMT

COVID 19: What we know about Omicron sub-variant BA.2 after it’s detected in
Australian coronavirus cases

"A descendant of the highly-transmissible Omicron strain that appears to be even
more contagious, but no more severe, has emerged - and it’s already been
detected in Australian cases. Here’s what we know."

Fri, 28 Jan 2022 06:35:44 GMT

Russian ambassador accuses the West of provoking war in Ukraine

"In an extraordinary press conference, Putin’s man in Canberra has accused
Australia of provoking war in Ukraine."

Fri, 28 Jan 2022 04:09:04 GMT

China to strengthen space governance

"China has announced it will strengthen its governance in space over the next
five years to better protect its assets, and will co-operate with other

Fri, 28 Jan 2022 02:57:36 GMT

Burkina Faso junta leader promises order

"Burkina Faso's new military leader Lieutenant Colonel Paul Henri Sandaogo
Damiba has spoken in his first public address to the nation since seizing

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 22:25:58 GMT

Sweden to bury nuke fuel for 100,000 years

"Swedish officials have approved plans to bury about 8000 tonnes of highly
radioactive nuclear waste 500 metres below the ground in the bedrock."

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 19:45:56 GMT

Everything you need to know about the best rapid antigen tests

"Rapid antigen tests are in high demand and short supply. Here are the best ones
available and everything you need to know about using them."

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 19:03:21 GMT

Ex-Perth psychiatrist Benjamin Wen, formerly Aaron Voon, able to use computer
despite child abuse charges

"A former child psychiatrist accused of sexually abusing nine patients — having
already avoided jail for filming young boys urinating — has been given
permission to use the internet. Here’s why"

Thu, 27 Jan 2022 04:25:00 GMT

SpaceX Dragon capsule returns from ISS

"An unmanned SpaceX Dragon capsule loaded with equipment and blood samples has
splashed down off Florida after completing a resupply mission to the ISS."

Tue, 25 Jan 2022 01:43:08 GMT

HMAS Adelaide hit by Covid-19 outbreak on its way to Tonga

"An Australian warship on its way to Tonga to deliver aid has been hit by a
major outbreak of Covid-19."

Tue, 25 Jan 2022 00:36:57 GMT

Marise Payne says Aussie troops won’t be sent to Ukraine, but cyber assistance
to be rendered

"While Australia stands ‘in solidarity’ with Ukraine, military troops won’t be
sent in. Here’s what we’ll do instead."

Mon, 24 Jan 2022 23:12:12 GMT

Military junta in control in Burkina Faso

"Burkino Faso's mutinous army has staged a successful coup d'etat in the West
African nation, ousting President Roch Kabore and dissolving the government."

Mon, 24 Jan 2022 18:03:22 GMT

NZ imposes restrictions after virus spread

"New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Adern has announced new mask wearing rules
and a cap on people at indoor venues amid a growing Omicron cluster."

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 23:35:26 GMT

Protesters rally in Darwin against Santos

"Protesters have rallied in Darwin to voice their concerns about Santos gas
exploration in the Beetaloo Basin and the company's Barossa offshore gas

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 02:16:14 GMT

France's TotalEnergies to leave Myanmar

"Civil unrest in Myanmar has prompted French energy group TotalEnergies to
withdraw from the country."

Fri, 21 Jan 2022 08:43:53 GMT

Count the cost of Afghanistan war: report

"A Senate committee examining Australia's engagement in Afghanistan has called
for the release of the cost of the war and more work to help those seeking

Fri, 21 Jan 2022 04:07:01 GMT

Brisbane flight sparks Samoa’s biggest ever Covid spike

"The island nation of Samoa was exposed to its biggest spike in Covid this week
after infected passengers arrived on a flight from Brisbane."

Fri, 21 Jan 2022 02:36:54 GMT

ScoMo responds as tensions between Russia and Ukraine rise

"The Prime Minister has responded to rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine,
as the threat of a military invasion looms."

Thu, 20 Jan 2022 04:05:48 GMT

N Korea hints it may resume nuclear tests

"North Korean state media says the reclusive nation would consider restarting
"all temporally-suspended activities" with regards to nuclear weapons."

Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:57:53 GMT

Archaeology first for space station

"The crew of the International Space Station is taking part in a world-first
archaeological study to see how they use the space around them."

Tue, 18 Jan 2022 06:22:14 GMT

Sudan forces shoot dead seven protesters

"Seven Sudanese activists are shot dead in one of the deadliest days since
October's military coup."

Mon, 17 Jan 2022 18:32:29 GMT

Woman killed trying to save dogs during Tonga tsunami

"A British woman is confirmed dead following the massive volcanic eruption near
Tonga, as significant damage is reported along the archipelago's main island."

Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:47:04 GMT

Woman dies in Tonga tsunami while trying to save dogs

"A British woman is confirmed dead following the massive volcanic eruption near
Tonga, as significant damage is reported along the archipelago's main island."

Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:47:03 GMT

Large asteroid to soar past Earth

"An asteroid more than a kilometre wide is set to soar past Earth but pose no

Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:54:26 GMT

Tuskegee airman Charles McGee dies at 102

"One of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen, Charles McGee, who flew fighter
combat missions over three wars, has died aged 102."

Mon, 17 Jan 2022 05:25:16 GMT

Australia to assess extent of Tonga volcano, tsunami damage

"Australia has revealed details of its military rescue mission to Tonga which
has been devastated by a massive volcanic eruption that triggered a tsunami."

Sun, 16 Jan 2022 22:11:22 GMT

Rabbi among people held hostage at Texas synagogue

"Police say one hostage has been released uninjured from a Texas synagogue where
a man had been holding four people."

Sat, 15 Jan 2022 20:48:17 GMT

Violent volcanic eruption prompts Australian east coast tsunami alert

"An underwater volcano eruption near Tonga has sparked a tsunami warning for
parts of Australia’s east coast."

Sat, 15 Jan 2022 16:36:03 GMT

Why China is on its way to be world’s next leader of deep technology

"Over the next decade, China is set to be turned into one giant computer lab in
pursuit of 21st century tech dominance."

Sat, 15 Jan 2022 08:21:00 GMT

Students stabbed during exams at University of Tokyo

"A 17-year-old high school student has been arrested in Tokyo after he allegedly
stabbed several fellow students as they sat for a university entrance exam."

Sat, 15 Jan 2022 01:52:39 GMT

Australia vows to defend itself as China seeks WTO ruling

"Australia has vowed to defend itself after China took a dispute between the two
nations to another level on the world stage."

Fri, 14 Jan 2022 23:44:40 GMT

Tsunami in Tonga as volcano erupts

"Terrifying footage has emerged of an erupting underwater volcano, which
triggered a tsunami in nearby Tonga. "

Fri, 14 Jan 2022 09:01:34 GMT

Virgin Orbit launches seven satellites

"Virgin Orbit's modified Boeing 747 has taken off in the California desert,
flown out over the Pacific Ocean and dropped the LauncherOne rocket."

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 23:51:34 GMT

Latest on worldwide spread of coronavirus

"Read about the latest global developments on the coronavirus."

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 22:50:10 GMT

Russia-led troops start Kazakh pull-out

"Troops from a Russia-led military bloc have begun to pull out of Kazakhstan."

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 09:10:09 GMT

Relatives await Kazakh detainees' release

"With life in Kazakhstan returning to normal after violent anti-government
protests, relatives of the thousands arrested are seeking to learn their fate."

Wed, 12 Jan 2022 23:03:49 GMT

Australia’s Covid nightmare laid bare in global ranking

"Covid-19 has spread to every corner of the country, shifting Australia away
from a virus-free haven to one of the hardest hit in the world."

Wed, 12 Jan 2022 21:51:51 GMT

Funding to mark 50 years since Vietnam

"Funding has been announced for a range of commemorations marking next year's
50th anniversary of Australia's exit from the Vietnam War."

Wed, 12 Jan 2022 01:43:20 GMT

Novak Djokovic visa saga: Barnaby Joyce concedes ‘I got it wrong’ on tennis ace

"The Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce says he misread the situation,
initially believing it would have been ‘game, set, match’ for tennis star Novak
Djokovic to be deported."

Tue, 11 Jan 2022 07:45:26 GMT

Novak Djokovic: Scott Morrison speaks on phone with Serbian Prime Minister Ana

"Scott Morrison has spoken on the phone with the Serbian Prime Minister about
the Novak Djokovic saga."

Tue, 11 Jan 2022 03:02:28 GMT

Putin: Russian-led bloc will stymie coups

"President Vladimir Putin says the Russian-led CSTO military alliance will not
allow its member governments to be toppled in ex-Soviet "colour revolutions"."

Mon, 10 Jan 2022 09:53:08 GMT

Kazakh president steps up purge

"Two more top Kazakh security officials have been sacked after major civil
unrest, with Russian-led troops now guarding key facilities."

Mon, 10 Jan 2022 02:17:36 GMT

Experts say it’s too early to make call about the future of UK Prime Minister
Boris Johnson

"The future is bright, according to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson."

Sun, 09 Jan 2022 18:00:00 GMT

Plea to free Aussie professor in Myanmar

"The fate of an Australian professor held in Myanmar since February's coup has
been raised with the junta by Cambodia's prime minister during a two-day visit."

Sun, 09 Jan 2022 08:43:57 GMT

Judge rejects bid by Federal Government lawyers to delay Novak Djokovic
deportation hearing

"The judge presiding over the Novak Djokovic visa case has refused an
application by Federal Government lawyers to have Monday’s highly-anticipated
open court hearing delayed."

Sun, 09 Jan 2022 02:23:30 GMT

Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton - the reliable royal - turns 40

"Future queen the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton is turning 40 after having
emerged in recent years as Britain's reliable royal."

Sat, 08 Jan 2022 23:05:17 GMT

Ex-intelligence chief Karim Massimo arrested for treason in Kazakhstan

"Kazakhstan’s former intelligence chief has been arrested on suspicion of
treason, the state security agency says, as the former Soviet republic cracks
down on a wave of unrest and starts to assign blame."

Sat, 08 Jan 2022 18:56:11 GMT

Social media awash with heartfelt tributes for late Sidney Poitier

"Tributes to Sidney Poitier have poured in from Hollywood and elsewhere
following the death of the groundbreaking actor and cultural icon."

Fri, 07 Jan 2022 22:21:16 GMT

Oscar winning actor Sidney Poitier dies, aged 94

"Sidney Poitier broke through racial barriers as the first black winner of the
best actor Oscar and inspired a generation during the civil rights movement."

Fri, 07 Jan 2022 16:50:42 GMT

‘Groundless accusations’: China’s fury over joint statement from Australia and

"Beijing has issued a furious statement after Australia and Japan jointly raised
serious concerns about a number of issues in the region."

Fri, 07 Jan 2022 04:59:51 GMT

Child, 5, may have sparked deadly US fire

"A fire that killed 12 people at an apartment block in Philadelphia may have
been started by a five-year-old child playing with a lighter, investigators

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 23:46:59 GMT

Ten dead dumped at Mexico governor office

"An SUV filled with 10 dead bodies has been left in a public square outside the
offices of the governor of the gang-violence plagued Mexican state of

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 23:18:52 GMT

Biden blasts Trump's 'web of lies'

"Donald Trump poses a threat to democracy in the United States, President Joe
Biden has said in a speech on the anniversary of the US Capitol attack."

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 14:52:55 GMT

High COVID antibody levels in Indonesia

"A survey shows more than 85 per cent of Indonesians have antibodies against

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 08:50:02 GMT

China plans many space launches in 2022

"China says it is planning more than 40 space launches for 2022, putting it
roughly level with the United States."

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 08:00:40 GMT

Australia and Japan sign new defence treaty

"Australia has signed a ‘landmark’ defence treaty with its closest Asian
partner, as both nations voiced serious concerns about China."

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 06:51:06 GMT

North Korea launches second hypersonic missile

"Pyongyang says it has for the second time successfully launched a hypersonic
ballistic missile as North Korea pursues new military capabilities."

Thu, 06 Jan 2022 01:58:02 GMT

Ghislaine Maxwell seeks new trial after juror claim

"Lawyers for Ghislaine Maxwell say she will request a new trial after
revelations by a juror in her case that he was a victim of sexual abuse."

Wed, 05 Jan 2022 23:12:51 GMT

Spain: Town mourns 8yo girl killed in jumping castle accident weeks after
Tasmania tragedy claimed six lives

"An eight-year-old girl has died in Spain after strong winds blew a jumping
castle several metres into the air during a fair, just weeks after six
Australian children were killed in a similar incident."

Wed, 05 Jan 2022 14:39:05 GMT

Coronavirus crisis: United States clocks up shocking million daily COVID cases

"The United States has set a global record of almost a million new coronavirus
infections in a single reporting period, nearly double the country’s peak hit
just a week ago as the highly contagious Omicron variant shows no sign of

Wed, 05 Jan 2022 00:29:49 GMT

Police stung by Chilean beekeeper protest

"Seven police officers have been taken to hospital in Chile after being stung
during a protest by beekeepers concerned by a long-term drought."

Mon, 03 Jan 2022 23:20:02 GMT

NY attorney general subpoenas Trump, kids

"New York's attorney general is ‘confident the truth will be uncovered’ after
issuing subpoenas to former US president Donald Trump and his two eldest

Mon, 03 Jan 2022 18:21:16 GMT

Virginia Giuffre, Jeffrey Epstein 2009 agreement unsealed

"A settlement agreement between Jeffrey Epstein and Virginia Giuffre, who
accused him of sexual abuse, has been made public."

Mon, 03 Jan 2022 18:05:11 GMT

Sudan security kill two more protesters

"Sudanese security forces have killed another two pro-democracy protesters,
taking the total to 56 since the October coup."

Sun, 02 Jan 2022 18:43:35 GMT

Palestinian rockets off Tel Aviv coast

"Israel's military has struck at targets in the Gaza strip, after two rockets
were fired towards Tel Aviv's shoreline."

Sun, 02 Jan 2022 00:25:47 GMT

Five protesters killed in Sudan crackdown

"Sudanese security forces have fired tear gas and stun grenades as protesters
marched through Khartoum and neighbouring cities."

Fri, 31 Dec 2021 22:50:00 GMT

Germany shuts half of its nuclear plants

"Germany is closing down three of its six remaining nuclear power plants with
the rest to shut by the end of 2022 as the country switches to renewable

Fri, 31 Dec 2021 10:36:14 GMT

Ghislaine Maxwell was complicit in Epstein crimes, says accuser

"Ghislaine Maxwell's guilty verdict shows she was equally complicit in Jeffrey
Epstein's sex crimes, an accuser says."

Thu, 30 Dec 2021 16:51:24 GMT

Four shot dead in Sudan protest

"Sudanese security forces have shot dead four anti-coup protesters, medics say."

Thu, 30 Dec 2021 16:04:08 GMT

China takes swipe at Scott Morrison for joining TikTok: ‘Double standards’

"Beijing has hit out at Prime Minister Scott Morrison after he started an
account with controversial Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok."

Wed, 29 Dec 2021 23:35:30 GMT

Coronavirus crisis: Global cases top one million for second straight day

"Two years after reports of a mysterious pneumonia first emerged, the pandemic
shows no signs of slowing, with the fast-spreading Omicron variant pushing daily
global infections above one million. "

Wed, 29 Dec 2021 04:35:53 GMT

Anti-apartheid crusader Desmond Tutu dies

"South African anti-apartheid campaigner and Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has died at the age of 90."

Sun, 26 Dec 2021 07:04:09 GMT

Armed man arrested at Queen's castle

"British police have arrested an armed man in the grounds of Windsor Castle,
where Queen Elizabeth is spending the Christmas period."

Sat, 25 Dec 2021 16:43:11 GMT

Queen Elizabeth laments first Christmas without Prince Philip

"In her Christmas Day message the Queen has said there is "one familiar laugh
missing" as she acknowledged the death of her husband Prince Philip."

Sat, 25 Dec 2021 15:12:31 GMT

Sudanese protesters met with tear gas

"Sudanese protesters have been met by tear gas as they once again take to the
streets of the capital Khartoum to denounce October's military coup."

Sat, 25 Dec 2021 13:14:08 GMT

Space telescope set for Xmas Day launch

"Following a further delay caused by windy weather the most powerful telescope
ever to launch into space is set to finally lift off on Christmas Day."

Fri, 24 Dec 2021 12:25:07 GMT

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reveal first photo of daughter Lilibet on their
Christmas card

"More than six months after welcoming her into the world, Prince Harry and wife
Meghan Markle have offered the first glimpse of adorable daughter Lilibet."

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 15:45:00 GMT

Studies indicate Omicron milder than Delta

"The Omicron variant of the coronavirus may be milder than Delta, two new
British studies indicate."

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 07:46:43 GMT

Japan rules out changes to COVID-19 curbs

"Community transmission of the Omicron variant has been found in Japan but
authorities are not considering an immediate change to COVID restrictions."

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 07:07:28 GMT

German minister tips New Year virus surge

"Germany's health minister expects a surge in coronavirus cases around the New
Year period."

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 04:15:22 GMT

China to lock down 13 million in Xi'an

"City officials in the northern Chinese city of Xi'an have ordered residents to
stay home unless they have a pressing reason to go out as COVID-19 cases surge."

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 03:19:53 GMT

Health Minister slams Labor for ‘irresponsible’ calls for booster interval to be

"The Health Minister has lashed calls for the Covid-19 booster shot wait time to
be reduced."

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 02:59:34 GMT

Ardern rules out charging unvaxxed Kiwis

"As debate rages over the ethics of charging the unvaccinated for health care in
Australia, NZ prime minister Jacinda Ardern says it's not on her agenda."

Thu, 23 Dec 2021 02:07:13 GMT

Coronavirus crisis: US approves first COVID pill to be taken at home

"The US has authorised Pfizer's antiviral COVID-19 pill for at-risk people aged
12 and above, with 180,000 treatment courses ready to ship this year."

Wed, 22 Dec 2021 20:09:34 GMT

Coronavirus crisis: Nigeria blasts ‘developed nations’ for hoarding vaccines
after it destroys expired jabs

"Nigeria has accused the world of tightly keeping hold of vaccines then giving
them to the African nation as they were about to expire."

Wed, 22 Dec 2021 19:52:24 GMT

Coronavirus crisis: Britain records more than 100k daily cases for first time

"Britain has reported more than 100,000 new daily COVID-19 cases for the first
time since widespread testing was introduced."

Wed, 22 Dec 2021 19:19:14 GMT

Sri Lanka to pay off its $347 million oil debt with Iran in tea

"Sri Lanka has circumnavigated international sanctions on trade by taking a
unique approach to paying off its $350 million debt with Iran."

Wed, 22 Dec 2021 18:35:00 GMT













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