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Blockchain Content Research

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Blockchains primarily enable credible accounting of digital events, e.g., money
transfers in cryptocurrencies. However, beyond this original purpose,
blockchains also irrevocably record arbitrary data, ranging from short messages
to pictures. This does not come without risk for users as each participant has
to locally replicate the complete blockchain, particularly including potentially
harmful content. We provide the first systematic analysis of the benefits and
threats of arbitrary blockchain content. Our analysis shows that certain
content, e.g., private information, politically banned statements or illegal
pornography, can render the mere possession of a blockchain illegal. Based on
these insights, we conduct a thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis of
unintended content on Bitcoin’s blockchain. Although most data originates from
benign extensions to Bitcoin’s protocol, our analysis reveals more than 1600
files on the blockchain, over 99 % of which are texts or images. Among these
files there is clearly objectionable content such as links to illegal
pornography, which is distributed to all Bitcoin participants. With our
analysis, we thus highlight the importance for future blockchain designs to
address the possibility of unintended data insertion and protect blockchain
users accordingly.

On this page, we provide background information on our work and answer
frequently asked questions (work in progress). For a full understanding of our
work, please consult our paper presented at Financial Cryptography 2018 as well
as our discussion of potential countermeasures to be presented at the IEEE
Workshop on Blockchain Technologies and Applications 2018.

Brief summary available! If you do not have much time but want to get an
unbiased summary of our work, please read the excellent, unsensational, and
quite accurate summary of our Financial Cryptography 2018 paper in Adrian
Colyer's The Morning Paper.


Information on our methodology, our results, and possible countermeasures can be
found in the following scientific publications:
 * Initial idea: I Don't Want That Content! On the Risks of Exploiting Bitcoin's
   Blockchain as a Content Store (ACM CCS 2016 Poster) [citation]
   author = {Matzutt, Roman and Hohlfeld, Oliver and Henze, Martin and Rawiel, Robin and Ziegeldorf, Jan Henrik and Wehrle, Klaus},
   title = {{POSTER: I Don't Want That Content! On the Risks of Exploiting Bitcoin's Blockchain as a Content Store}},
   booktitle = {ACM CCS 2016 Poster},
   publisher = {ACM},
   year = {2016},
   doi = {10.1145/2976749.2989059},

 * Quantitative analysis: A Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Arbitrary
   Blockchain Content on Bitcoin (Financial Crypto 2018) [citation]
   author = {Matzutt, Roman and Hiller, Jens and Henze, Martin and Ziegeldorf, Jan Henrik and M{\"u}llmann, Dirk and Hohlfeld, Oliver and Wehrle, Klaus},
   title = {{A Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of Arbitrary Blockchain Content on Bitcoin}},
   booktitle = {Financial Crypto 2018},
   publisher = {Springer},
   year = {2018},

 * Discussion of countermeasures: Thwarting Unwanted Blockchain Content
   Insertion (IEEE IC2E 2018 Workshop BTA) [citation]
   author = {Matzutt, Roman and Henze, Martin and Ziegeldorf, Jan Henrik and Hiller, Jens and Wehrle, Klaus},
   title = {{Thwarting Unwanted Blockchain Content Insertion}},
   booktitle = {IEEE IC2E 2018 Workshop BTA},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   year = {2018},


 * Are you the first to point out the possibility to store illegal content in
   The possibility to store illegal content in the blockchain and the potential
   legal consequences have been discussed earlier, e.g., by Steve Hargreaves and
   Stacy Cowley at CNNTech and INTERPOL.
 * What are the original contributions of your research?
   We conducted a systematic analysis of content insertion mechanisms, analyzed
   which content is currently stored in the blockchain, and revisited its impact
   with respect to legal rules. As a result, we present the content insertion
   methods together with their costs for insertion. Furthermore, we categorized
   content encoded in the blockchain (see below).
 * Did you find actual child abuse content in the blockchain?
   No. Yet, the blockchain encodes links that apparently point to child abuse
   content. Partly, the targets of these links are located in the "Dark Web"
   reachable via the anonymization network Tor. Furthermore, it contains an
   image depicting mild nudity of a young woman (in an online forum this image
   is claimed to show child pornography, albeit this claim cannot be verified)
 * Which categories of content did you find?
   We found the following categories:
   * Copyright violations: (i) a text book, (ii) the original blockchain paper,
     (iii) white papers, (iv) leaked cryptographic keys, (v) an illegal prime
     used for DVD cracking
   * Malware: A proof of concept for malware insertion
   * Privacy violations: (i) wedding pictures, (ii) group image with pseudonyms,
     (iii) public chat logs, (iv) emails, (v) forum posts discussing Bitcoin,
     (vi) doxing (disclosure of personal information such as phone numbers,
     addresses, bank accounts, passwords, and online identities)
   * Politically sensitive content: (i) Wikileaks cablegate data, (ii) news
     article on pro-democratic demonstrations in Hong Kong
   * Condemned content: (i) 5 files with mildly pornographic content, (ii) 2
     backups of links to child abuse content, (iii) an image depicting mild
     nudity of a young woman (in an online forum this image is claimed to show
     child pornography, albeit this claim cannot be verified)
 * Is content insertion a general problem for blockchains? Does it affect
   Bitcoin alternatives such Ethereum or Monero?
   The problem persists in any blockchain where users can insert arbitrary data
   by design or where they can freely choose their identifiers (e.g., Bitcoin
   addresses). In Ethereum, images have apparently already been inserted as well
   as a comment to our paper suggests. Bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies (especially
   direct Bitcoin forks) such as Litecoin are by design susceptible as they
   reuse Bitcoin's mechanics.
   We did not yet investigate more privacy-aware blockchain systems such as
   Monero or the upcoming Mimblewimble. Such blockchains need further
   investivation with respect to how easy identifiers that appear on the
   blockchain can be manipulated.
 * Can insertion of content to blockchains be prevented?
   In our follow-up paper that will be presented at the IEEE Workshop on
   Blockchain Technologies and Applications in April, we investigate whether
   there are countermeasures against content insertion. Our findings are that
   content inserters can always insert some bytes per transaction by
   brute-forcing identifiers. Hence, the problem can only be mitigated but not
   entirely eliminated.
   While there are technical countermeasures against (easy) content insertion,
   we believe the only viable countermeasure that can potentially find its way
   into Bitcoin would be to introduce mandatory minimum fees that penalize
   transactions with many outputs. This disincentivizes insertion of large
   transactions, which are especially well-suited for content insertion. Once
   the community reaches consensus on the exact fee model, it is easily
   deployable via one fork.
   We are currently considering to work on a BIP (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal)
   to help introduce such a countermeasure.
 * How should the community deal with this risk?
   We hope that the community starts to consider the problem of content
   insertion. We noticed individual posts and comments that discussed the
   phenomenon before our study, but the possible impact has been underestimated.
   As a short-term solution until more evolved countermeasures such as an
   advanced fee model are deployed, miners could reject "suspicious"
   transactions. We consider transactions "suspicious" if they have many outputs
   (at least 50, corresponding to ~1 KB of insertable data) that only spend very
   small amounts. These transactions are not likely to be economically feasible
   transactions. Still such a solution bears the risk to reject legitimate
   transactions such that more evolved solutions are needed.
 * What is the cost for content insertion? Could a malicious individual poison a
   blockchain to make it politically impossible to distribute it?
   A malicious individual can insert arbitrary content into Bitcoin's
   blockchain, e.g., an image of Nelson Mandela that is already contained in the
   blockchain (roughly 21 KB in size) can be inserted at a cost of 380 USD today
   considering a market price of 8400 USD per Bitcoin. While the costs increase
   for larger documents, poisoning the blockchain is not prohibitively expensive
   We cannot judge whether authorities would ban Bitcoin based on inserted
   material, but the theoretical possibility should be considered, especially in
   very oppressive and non-transparent jurisdictions.
 * Do all entities in the Bitcoin ecosystem need to download the full blockchain
   (and possibly illegal content within it)?
   Users often transfer Bitcoins via services that create transactions for them
   and hand these transactions over to miners for inclusion in Bitcoin's
   blockchain. In this case, users do not need to download the full blockchain
   to their disk.
   However, to prevent modification or deletion of transactional data encoded in
   the blockchain, a sufficiently large and mutually independent set of entities
   must verify the correctness of the blockchain. Furthermore, newly joining
   users must be enabled to verify Bitcoin's complete history. To this end, full
   nodes store the complete history of Bitcoin's blockchain. While individual
   users can refrain from operating a full node, and thus would not be affected
   by the threat outlined in our paper, a critical mass of nodes that verify the
   blockchain is important for its security. Our findings suggest that operating
   such a full node can become problematic in certain jurisdictions once illegal
   content is irrevocably stored on the blockchain. We consider it a future
   threat that full node operators may become punishable.
 * Do you know who put the data onto the blockchain or do you have insights on
   their motivations?
   We did not attempt to de-anonymize the persons and can only speculate on
   their incentives. The probably most sensible explanation is that they want to
   leverage or exploit the property that data cannot be removed from the
 * Should future blockchain designs prevent insertion of non financial data to
   protect users from potential liability?
   With privacy-motivated cryptocurrencies we see tendencies to limit the impact
   of non-financial content. Monero and Mimblewimble started a discussion on the
   topic, but did not follow it yet.
   However, if we aim for very general use cases, e.g. Ethereum as distributed
   programmable database or completely new blockchain applications, it becomes
   hard to distinguish benign from possibly problematic content. We hope that
   our findings motivate a new line of research for such use cases to protect
   the users actively contributing to the network.


Here we provide an uncommented list of media outlets featuring our work and (in
parentheses) discussing incidents related to our work (if you are aware of
additional articles on our work, please let us know). Reference of an article
here does not imply any endorsement or recommendation of its content. In fact,
we strongly disagree with the dramatic sensationalism in a majority of these
reports, which mainly focus on information that has been known for five years
(see above). We highlight major media outlets in bold.

 * 2019-02-08: CryptoNewsZ
 * 2019-02-07: futurezone (German), Tokenpost
 * 2019-02-06: BBC
 * 2019-02-05: Coingeek
 * 2019-02-04: (The Next Web), (Cripto Noticias (Spanish))
 * 2018-08-08: RiskNET (German)
 * 2018-05-26: Heise c't (also print, German)
 * 2018-04-09: Global Finance Magazine
 * 2018-04-01: The Currency Analytics
 * 2018-03-29: WIRED
 * 2018-03-28: CryptoNews Review, Investopedia
 * 2018-03-27: ACS, Coindesk
 * 2018-03-26: Business Insider (Dutch), Computer BILD (German)
 * 2018-03-25: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
 * 2018-03-24: TokensTree
 * 2018-03-23: Complex, GodmodeTrader (German), Süddeutsche Zeitung (also print,
   German), Wallstreet Online (German)
 * 2018-03-22: BILD (German), (German), Frankfurter Allgemeine
   Zeitung (Print, German), Cointelegraph, GameStar (German), Golem (German),
   Herald Sun, Krone (German),, Newsweek, n-tv (German), Salzburger
   Nachrichten (German), ScienceAlert, The Irish Times, The Washington Post,
   T-Online (German)
 * 2018-03-21: Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Basler Zeitung (German), BBC
   News, Beebom, Bitcoin News, CBS Local (Video), Der Standard (German), Forbes,
   Fortune, Futurezone (German), heise online (German), Indiatimes, Infosecurity
   Magazine, Mashable, MDR Radio (German), Motherboard/VICE (German), Naked
   Security by Sophos, Newser, New York Post,, n-tv (German),
   Rappler, RTTNews, Sputnik International, The Daily Dot, The Independent, The
   Next Web, WinFuture (German), WIRED Germany (German), ZDNet (German)
 * 2018-03-20: CBC Radio: As It Happens (Podcast, interview starts at 36:55),
   Cointelegraph, Engadget Deutschland (German), Fortune, Gizmodo, NewsBTC,
   PCMag UK, RT, Sky News, The Guardian, The Telegraph
 * 2018-03-19: Boing Boing, O'Reilly Four Short Links, The Morning Paper, The
   Outline, The Register


In case of any questions or comments, please send an email to: blockchain [ät]


Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems - COMSYS - Informatik 4
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55 - building E3
52074 Aachen


 * Chair of Communication and Distributed Systems at RWTH Aachen University
 * Forschungsstelle Datenschutz der Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main


This work has been funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) under funding reference number 16KIS0443. The responsibility for
the content of this publication lies with the authors.


Blockchain Content Research @ COMSYS. Imprint