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     * Water encourages healthy food choices
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     * Bladderwrack
     * Bupleurum
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     * Oregano
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     * Turmeric Effective in Reducing Heart Disease
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     * Colloidal Silver cures MRSA
     * Colloidal Silver for Cancer
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       * View All Magnesium
       * Magnesium deficiency
       * Magnesium is important
       * Magnesium Lowers Blood Pressure, Study Suggests
     * Potassium
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       * View All Selenium
       * Selenium and Heart Disease
       * Selenium and Pancreatic Cancer
       * Selenium Detoxifies
     * Silica has anti-aging properties
     * Zinc supports key biological processes
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       * Resveratrol reduces plaque
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     * Spirulina aids allergy sufferers
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       * B vitamins reduce stroke risk
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       * B12 and brain volume
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       * B12 restores energy
       * B12 warning
       * B17 kills cancer
       * B3 battles superbug infections
       * Let's B frank
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     * Vitamin C and Cancer
     * Vitamin C halts Cancer growth
     * Vitamin C in IV against Cancer growth
     * Vitamin D
       * View All Vitamin D
       * Avoid oral vitamin D mistake
       * Colon Cancer
       * D - How Much?
       * D and Alzheimers
       * D and Calcium increase survival
       * D and mental health
       * D for depression
       * D increases fertility
       * Low levels of vitamin D make asthma worse
       * Lower your blood pressure
       * Rectal Cancer
       * Rickets and Vitamin D
       * Vitamin D - Bladder infection
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       * Vitamin D and Breast Cancer
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       * Vitamin D and MS
       * Vitamin D and Rickets
       * Vitamin D and tanning beds
       * Vitamin D genetics
       * Vitamin D Good for What Ails You
       * Vitamin D important
       * Vitamin D prevents cancer
       * Vitamin D reduces cancer risk
       * Vitamin D reduces stroke risk
       * Vitamin D Slashes Cancer
       * Vitamin D3 more potent
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     * Vitamin supplementation lowers colon cancer risk
     * Vitamin Warning
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     * Acid blockers worsen cognitive impairment
     * Acid reflux drugs to avoid
     * ADHD drugs to avoid
     * Antibiotic Overuse Strikes Again
     * Artificial sweeteners are risky business
     * Aspartame is a health risk
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     * BPA causes changes to your brain
     * BPA reduces age of puberty
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     * Claritin markets to children
     * Coke may require cancer warning label
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     * Fructose increases weight gain
     * Fructose is a cardiovascular risk
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     * GMO's and weight gain
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     * GMO's hide in cereal
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     * Potassium bromate found in baked goods
     * Prescriptions cause nutrient depletion
     * Processed foods hard to digest
     * Processed Salt
     * PSA prostate test does more harm than good
     * Soda
     * Soda and the drawbacks
     * Sodium Benzoate
     * Soy - Eat it and look older
     * Soy contains hexane
     * Statin Drugs - avoid!
     * Sugar - regulate it?
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     * Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Narcolepsy
     * Synthetic Vitamins Fuel Disease
     * Triclosan - in your soap!
     * Tylenol - too much can be deadly
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       * Cancer psychology
       * Cancer revisited
       * Chemotherapy
       * Chemotherapy causes brain damage
       * Dandelion cancer therapy
       * Diet prevents pancreatic cancer
       * Double mastecomy offers few benefits
       * Eggplant for skin cancer
       * Heat treatments
       * Leukemia
       * Lifestyle and Cancer
       * Natural diet slash cancer risk
       * Proper diet effects cancer
       * Prostate cancer
       * Radiation treatment
       * Stomach cancer
       * Throat Cancer - Michael Douglas
       * Vinegar technique
       * Vitamin D and Calcium
       * Walnuts and breast cancer
     * Candida
     * Carpal Tunnel
     * Cataracts
     * Celiac Disease
     * Chicken Pox
     * Cholesterol
       * All About Cholesterol
       * Cholesterol Myth
       * High Cholesterol
       * Is Cholesterol Bad?
       * Niacin and Cholesterol
     * Chronic Pain
     * Colds and Flu
       * 16 ways to avoid colds and flu
       * Colds and Flu
       * Cough remedies
       * Coughs and Sore Throats
       * Green tea supplements prevent flu better than vaccination
       * H1N1 and miscarriage
       * Reduce Colds
       * Seasonal Colds
       * Shocking flu treatment
       * Summer Colds
       * Winter Ailments
     * Colic
     * Constipation
     * Crohn's Disease
     * Cystic Fibrosis
     * Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
     * Dementia
     * Depression
       * 5 herbs for depression
       * Depression - Causes and Solutions
       * Depression and diet
       * Depression and exercise
       * Fall Depression
       * Natural Remedies for Depression
     * Diabetes
       * ADA guidelines problem
       * Carnitine and lipoic acid
       * Cinnamon prevents Diabetes
       * Diabetes
       * Diabetes and the Chinese
       * Diabetes completely curable
       * Diabetics top 20 foods
       * Glucose levels
       * How to effectively deal with Diabetes
       * Personal care products increase diabetes risk
     * Dizziness
     * Dry Skin
     * Eczema
     * Eczema Home Remedies
     * Emphysema or COPD
     * Endometriosis
     * Epilepsy
     * Fatigue - energy crisis
     * Fibrocystic Breast Disease
     * Fibromyalgia beaten naturally
     * Fingernails
     * Fingernails
     * Flu or Influenza
     * Foot Fungus
     * Fungus
     * Genital Herpes
     * German Measles
     * Glaucoma
     * Gout
       * Gout - three natural remedies
       * Gout and HFCS
       * Gout Herbal Remedies
       * Soda causes gout
     * Gum Disease
     * Hair Loss
     * Halitosis
     * Hay Fever
     * Headaches
       * Lavender Alleviates Symptoms of Migraine Headaches
       * Migraine Natural Remedies
       * Use Natural Food and Spice for Migraines
       * Use natural pain relievers for Headaches
     * Hearing Loss
     * Heart Disease
     * Heartburn
     * Heartburn - Acid Reflux - GERD - Hiatal Hernia
     * Heel or Bone Spurs
     * Hemorrhoids
     * Hepatitis
     * Herpes
     * High Blood Pressure
     * Hives
     * Holiday Hangover
     * Holiday Heartburn
     * Hormone Havoc
     * Hypertension
     * Hyperthyroidism
       * Hyperthyroidism alternative
       * Hyperthyroidism explained
       * Hyperthyroidism treatments
     * Incontinence
     * Inflammation cause of nearly all disease
     * Insect Bites
     * Insomnia
     * Jaundice
     * Kidney Disease
     * Kidney Stones
     * Malnutrition
     * Memory Lapses
   * Enviromental Dangers
     * Bromide
     * Hand Sanitizers
   * Legislation
     * HR 1364
     * Internet Sales Tax
   * Old articles
   * Drug Dangers
     * Acetaminophen
     * Adderall
     * Anti-anxiety medications
     * Antibiotics and Infants
     * Antiobiotics useless
     * Aspirin a day not so good
     * Aspirin prevent cancer side effects
     * Aspirin's connection to serious problems
     * Avastin
     * Belviq
     * BMS-986094 - Hepatitis C drug
     * Coumadin replaced naturally
     * Dangers of Pain Medications
     * Death by Medicine
     * Flouride
     * Linzess - pooping drug
     * Metformin
     * Painkillers and Infertility
     * Pneumococcal Vaccine
     * Sanofi
     * Statins
       * Are statins safe?
       * Statins overprescribed
       * Statins. Wonder drug?
     * Stomach drugs
     * Violence Drugs
     * Zocor
   * Foods
     * 10 reason to eat green
     * 8 foods to avoid
     * Almonds
     * Aloe
     * Apple peel may help fight obesity
     * Apples
     * Artificial Sweeteners
     * Asparagus and Cancer prevention
     * Avocado
     * Banana
     * Beets
     * Beets
     * Beets and beet juice
     * Berries
     * Berries prevent memory loss
     * Blueberries
       * Blueberries build bones
       * Blueberries helps heart disease
     * Broccoli
     * Burdock Root
     * Butter
     * Caffeine is beneficial
     * Chia seed - unknown super food
     * Chocolate
       * Chocolate
       * Chocolate and stroke
       * Chocolate Milk
     * Christmas Dinner
     * Cinnamon
     * Citrus BioFlavonoids
     * Coconut Oil
       * Alzheimer's and Coconut Oil
       * Coconut Bonus Benefits
       * Coconut Boosts Brain
       * Coconut Fights Colds
       * Coconut is Super food
       * Coconut Oil - Everything You Wanted to Know
       * Coconut Oil - The amazing rejuvenation and healing oil
       * Coconut Oil beats Alzheimer's
       * Coconut Oil Miracle
       * Coconut zaps bacteria that causes tooth decay
     * Coffee
     * Coffee mystery solved
     * Cucumbers have healthy benefits
     * Curb your appetite
     * Diet mistakes
     * Dietary oil dangers
     * Eating principles for good health
     * Eggs - Antioxidant Powerhouse
     * Eggs now healthier
     * Eggs offer health benefits
     * Excitotoxins (Food Additives)
     * Fake Foods
     * Fats and Proteins
     * Fisetin from fruits and vegetables
     * Fish not so healthy
     * Flaxseed meets omega-3 needs
     * Food Additives
     * Food Additives and their Dangers
     * Food allergies in city kids
     * Food Coloring - Tartrazine
     * Foodborne Illnesses
     * Fruits - Hearty and Delicious
     * Fruits and vegetables
     * Garlic
     * Ginger - Spice Up Your Health
     * GMO foods
     * Grapefruit
     * Green Foods
     * Home cooking a bargain
     * Ketchup recipes
     * Lemon Lime Water
     * Lemons - 100 home remedies
     * Milk - the truth about processed milk
     * Mushrooms
     * Mushrooms provide immune support
     * Olive Oil
     * Onions
     * Organic foods
     * Peppers
     * Plums (dried)
     * Prunes
     * Pumpkin Aphrodisiac
     * Red Onions are anti-inflammatory
     * Rye Bread
     * Salmonella
     * Salt
     * Salt - danger of restricting
     * Saturated fat is not a problem
     * Spinach
     * Sucralose in water
     * Tea
     * Tea (Black)
     * Tea - Green tea boosts brain cell production
     * Tea - Green tea reduces "bad" cholesterol levels
     * Tea - White tea reduces inflammation
     * Thanksgiving nutrition
     * Turmeric and Curcumin
     * Unsafe drugs fed to livestock
     * Vinegar
     * Wheat dangers
     * White Produce and Stroke Risk
     * Yerba tea kills colon cancer
     * You found what in my food
   * Healthy Living
     * 10 Steps to Improve Sinus Allergies
     * 10 Things You May Not Know About Your Weight
     * 5 Skin Conditions You Should Know About
     * Aging process reversed
     * Alkalize
     * Aluminum Toxicity
     * Amino Acids Can Give You Healthy Skin
     * Antibiotics - natural alternatives
     * Antioxidants
     * Antioxidants and Younger Population
     * Avoid the High Costs of Cancer
     * Back to School
     * Beat Depression with Coffee
     * Beat Stress By Embracing Nature In The Great Outdoors
     * Blood Pressure
     * Blood Test More Important than Cholesterol in Determining How Old You
     * Blood Thinner alternatives - naturally!
     * Body Scanners
     * Boost Brain Power By Pumping Iron
     * Boost your energy naturally with these 'super' herbs
     * Brain exercise
     * Build Muscle Naturally
     * Cholesterol shown to repair damaged brains
     * Clean yourself out - using purification techniques
     * Dental Health
     * Dentist - Holistic
     * Detoxification
       * 6 ways to detox
       * Bentonite Clay - Fact vs Fiction
       * Best natural detoxification methods
       * Detox naturally
       * Detox with Niacin
       * Detoxification secrets
       * Heavy Metals
       * Seven ways to detoxify on a budget
       * Simple detoxification methods for your health
     * Diet and breast feeding affect developing brain
     * Dryer Sheet Dangers
     * Easter Egg dyes
     * Emotions - Take a hard look at them
     * Evening primrose oil: The king's cure-all
     * Exercise
     * Fasting - Doing it off and on
     * Five steps the health system discourages
     * Five summertime detox beverages
     * Five things you can do to guard against Alzheimers
     * Food Choices - Good
     * Food for thought
     * Foods For Weight Loss
     * Health Care Costs
     * Healthy Bodies
       * Healthy Bodies - part 1
       * Healthy Bodies - part 2
       * Healthy Bodies - part 3
       * Healthy Bodies - part 4
       * Healthy Bodies - part 5
       * Healthy Bodies - part 6
     * Healthy Hair
     * Hidden Causes of Obesity
     * High Cholesterol in Children
     * Home Remedies
     * Home Remedies - more
     * How you cook it makes a difference
     * I'm thirsty but don't want water
     * Is Your Mouth Telling You Something
     * Junk food cravings
     * Lemon Water Energizer
     * Lifestyles
     * Low Carb High Fat Diet
     * Low fat diet
     * Massage Benefits
     * Mosquito repellents naturally
     * Natural antibiotics and anti-virals
     * Natural First Aid
     * Natural Hair Conditioner
     * Natural Nutrients
     * New Year
     * Nightshades
     * Non GMO diet health recovery
     * Organic - how to save money!
     * Organic Expensive?
     * Organic Produce
     * Organic Soap
     * Oxygenate your body
     * Radiation - How to protect yourself
     * Salt - no salt myth busted
     * Saturated fat - is it deadly?
     * Seeds pack a nutritional punch
     * Sleep
     * Sleep - How to find your needed sleep
     * Slow Down and Reverse Aging Process
     * Spring Allergies
     * Summertime Beverages
     * The Power of Smell
     * The Surprising Relationship Between Body Temperature and Obesity
     * Thyroid Health
     * Top All Natural Solutions for Antibiotics
     * Touch Benefits
     * Toxic overload - what to do about it
     * Vegans need vitamin B-12
     * Watch out for these exercise dangers
     * Water Alone Doesn’t Hydrate the Body
     * Water encourages healthy food choices
     * Weight Loss Sabotagers
   * Herbs
     * Bladderwrack
     * Bupleurum
     * Chamomile
     * Cinnamon beats Alzheimers
     * Feverfew
     * Garlic
     * Ginger Root
     * MInt
     * Oregano
     * Turmeric
     * Turmeric Effective in Reducing Heart Disease
   * Minerals
     * Colloidal Silver cures MRSA
     * Colloidal Silver for Cancer
     * Magnesium
       * Magnesium deficiency
       * Magnesium is important
       * Magnesium Lowers Blood Pressure, Study Suggests
     * Potassium
     * Selenium
       * Selenium and Heart Disease
       * Selenium and Pancreatic Cancer
       * Selenium Detoxifies
     * Silica has anti-aging properties
     * Zinc supports key biological processes
   * Supplements/Vitamins
     * 4 Essential Vitamins
     * Aloe
     * Antioxidant carnosine destroys free radicals
     * Are supplements really necessary
     * Calcium - check it
     * Castor Oil
     * Chlorella 101
     * CoQ10
     * Heart Disease and Antioxidants
     * Iodine
     * Iodine supplementation
     * Multi Vitamins
     * Natto
     * Probiotics
       * Good Bacteria
       * Gut Ecosystem
       * Gut health and depression
       * Healthy Gut Flora
       * Intestinal bacteria
       * Not just digestive health
       * Probiotics and flu shots
       * Probiotics beat depression
       * Probiotics benefit the body
       * Probiotics cut infection in children
       * Probiotics during pregancy
       * Probiotics heal gut
       * Probiotics help Celiac
       * Probiotics in breast milk
       * Probiotics prevent radiation damage
       * Probiotics primer
     * Quercetin
     * Resveratrol
       * Resveratrol and diabetes
       * Resveratrol antioxidant
       * Resveratrol is anti aging
       * Resveratrol is heart healthy
       * Resveratrol reduces plaque
     * Six Reasons to Take Supplements
     * Spirulina
     * Spirulina aids allergy sufferers
     * Vitamin B
       * B vitamins reduce stroke risk
       * B vitamins slow dementia
       * B-12 Caution
       * B12 and brain volume
       * B12 and cognitive decline
       * B12 and eye health
       * B12 and folic acid
       * B12 restores energy
       * B12 warning
       * B17 kills cancer
       * B3 battles superbug infections
       * Let's B frank
     * Vitamin C and Blood Pressure
     * Vitamin C and Cancer
     * Vitamin C halts Cancer growth
     * Vitamin C in IV against Cancer growth
     * Vitamin D
       * Avoid oral vitamin D mistake
       * Colon Cancer
       * D - How Much?
       * D and Alzheimers
       * D and Calcium increase survival
       * D and mental health
       * D for depression
       * D increases fertility
       * Low levels of vitamin D make asthma worse
       * Lower your blood pressure
       * Rectal Cancer
       * Rickets and Vitamin D
       * Vitamin D - Bladder infection
       * Vitamin D - Obesity
       * Vitamin D and Breast Cancer
       * Vitamin D and Diabetes
       * Vitamin D and MS
       * Vitamin D and Rickets
       * Vitamin D and tanning beds
       * Vitamin D genetics
       * Vitamin D Good for What Ails You
       * Vitamin D important
       * Vitamin D prevents cancer
       * Vitamin D reduces cancer risk
       * Vitamin D reduces stroke risk
       * Vitamin D Slashes Cancer
       * Vitamin D3 more potent
     * Vitamin K
     * Vitamin supplementation lowers colon cancer risk
     * Vitamin Warning
     * Vitamins Cure Thousands
     * What Vitamins to buy
     * Which Supplements Do I Need
   * Things to avoid
     * Acid blockers worsen cognitive impairment
     * Acid reflux drugs to avoid
     * ADHD drugs to avoid
     * Antibiotic Overuse Strikes Again
     * Artificial sweeteners are risky business
     * Aspartame is a health risk
     * Body Care products - safe enough to eat?
     * BPA - what it is and what it does
     * BPA causes changes to your brain
     * BPA reduces age of puberty
     * Canola
     * Cheap Calcium Supplements
     * Chemical exposure
     * Christmas - gifts to avoid!
     * Cigarette hangover
     * Claritin markets to children
     * Coke may require cancer warning label
     * ConAgra
     * Cookware
     * Dangerous Drugs to Avoid
     * Diet Soda
     * Drug Side Affects Worse Than Disease
     * Fake Fats
     * Flea Collars
     * Flouride - it covers all our food
     * Fluoride dangers
     * Food - Use with caution
     * Food Additives are dangerous
     * Formaldehyde
     * Fructose dumbs you down
     * Fructose increases weight gain
     * Fructose is a cardiovascular risk
     * GMO's - The Whole Truth
     * GMO's and weight gain
     * GMO's disguised
     * GMO's hide in cereal
     * Grapes - check for flouride
     * Hand Sanitizers - Unsafe
     * Hospitals
     * Household dangers
     * Irradiated foods
     * Maltodextrin
     * Mammograms - avoid!
     * Margarine
     * Mothballs
     * MSG poisoning - Home remedies
     * MSM for arthritis
     * Natural flavors
     * Neotame
     * NSAIDs
     * Perfumes
     * Personal Care Item Dangers
     * Potassium bromate found in baked goods
     * Prescriptions cause nutrient depletion
     * Processed foods hard to digest
     * Processed Salt
     * PSA prostate test does more harm than good
     * Soda
     * Soda and the drawbacks
     * Sodium Benzoate
     * Soy - Eat it and look older
     * Soy contains hexane
     * Statin Drugs - avoid!
     * Sugar - regulate it?
     * Sunscreen
     * Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Narcolepsy
     * Synthetic Vitamins Fuel Disease
     * Triclosan - in your soap!
     * Tylenol - too much can be deadly
     * Vaccine facts you should know
     * Vaccines
     * Weight Loss Failures
     * Why MSG is unhealthy
 * Health Topics
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You are here: Home > Health Articles > Supplements/Vitamins > Probiotics >
Probiotics in breast milk


Note from Carolyn:
Not only does this article tell us what Grandma always said, that breast feeding
is good for the baby, it also tells us a little bit about why that is so.
Pro-Biotics are good for us no matter what our age. If we eat a lot of
conventionally produced food we are constantly killing the good bacteria in our
bodies. This is true whether the food is fruits, vegetables or meats. The
pesticides in produce are just as harmful as the anti-biotics in meats. This
means we need to replenish our supplies with a good quality product like
ProBiotic with FOS.
Article continues ...
Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms similar to the "friendly" bacteria
found naturally in the body's digestive system. According to the National Center
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), there's evidence from a
variety of studies that probiotic formulations can help treat diarrhea, urinary
tract infections, irritable bowel syndrome and dermatitis (eczema) in children;
probiotics may reduce the recurrence of bladder cancer, too.

Now Canadian researchers have published research in the Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) journal that explains why certain
strains of probiotics are particularly soothing to indigestion related problems.
It turns out the probiotic strain Lactobacillus reuteri, which occurs in the gut
of many mammals and is found in human breast milk, immediately and directly
affects nerves in the gut.

For their study, scientist Wolfgang Kunze of the McMaster Brain-Body Institute
and Department of Psychiatry at St. Joseph's Healthcare in Ontario, Canada, and
his research team took isolated pieces of small intestine removed from healthy
and previously untreated mice. Then they added Lactobacillus reuteri to a warm
salt solution which was sent flowing through the lumen, or hollow part, of the
intestine. The pressure caused by natural contractions in the intestine sections
was measured before, during and after adding the probiotic-containing solution.
The scientists tested the electrical activity of single intestinal sensory nerve
cells, as well.

The results? The researchers documented that the force of muscle contractions in
the gut tissue decreased within minutes of exposure to the probiotic solution.
This discovery explains why intake of probiotics can often alleviate symptoms of
a whole host of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome,
inflammatory bowel disease and constipation.

"Scientifically and evidence-based approaches to nutrition to correct potential
bacterial imbalance in the intestine and thereby promote better health could
possibly restore health in diseases associated with these imbalances," Kunze
said in a statement to the media.

This is the latest of a growing body of research backing up what many natural
health advocates have said for decades -- probiotics (which can be found in
supplements and in many foods including yogurt, kefir, fermented and unfermented
milk, miso and tempeh, as well as breast milk) can promote health and protect
from illness. Researchers have found that taking probiotics may help people lose
excess weight. And a study published in the journal Postgraduate Medicine
concluded that taking probiotics regularly boosts the immune system in a
specific way which helps the body fight off flu infections

For more information:

S.L. Baker - Natural News

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of
the author(s). Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective
author. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one
relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as
medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from
the research and experience of the authors. You are encouraged to make your own
health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a
qualified health care professional.


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