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    * Other Related Services
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      Customer Service Hotline
      Credit Card Repayment Methods
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 * Insurance & MPF
    * Life Protection
      eCancerPro Insurance Plan (Apply online)
      eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan (Apply online)
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      Splendid Universal Life Insurance Plan
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    * Retirement / Wealth Accumulation
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      QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) (Apply online)
      5-Year eEndowment Life Insurance Plan (Apply online)
      FortuneLife Deferred Annuity Life Insurance Plan
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    * Medical & Critical Illness
      EasyRefund 100% Global Hospital Cash Plan (3-Year) (Apply online)
      Bupa Hero VHIS Plan (Apply online)
      Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme Series
      Hang Seng Bupa PreciousHealth Series Health Insurance Schemes
      LifeBetter Critical Illness Life Insurance Plan
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Transfer & Payment Services
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Online Bill Payment
Direct Debit Authorisation
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Mobile Account Opening
Digital Services
Personal e-Banking
Personal Banking Mobile App
Hang Seng Mobile App – Simple Mode
Online Chat Services
Personal Banking WeChat Official Account
e-Banking Security
New log on experience
e-Sign Platform

Useful Links
FPS / Local Transfer
Forms & Documents Centre
Manage your banking profile
Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Branch, Self-service, Phone & Social Caring Banking
Branch Services
Self-service Banking
Phone Banking
Social Caring Banking

Useful Links
FPS / Local Transfer
Forms & Documents Centre
Manage your banking profile
Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Reference Rates
Foreign Exchange Rates
Deposit Interest Rates
Gold Prices
Prime Rates

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Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Investments Overview
Market Express
Investment Insights
Local Securities Express
A Shares Express
CBBC Supermarket
Warrant Supermarket
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Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
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Local Securities
Stock Connect Northbound Trading
US Securities
IPO Stocks Subscription
Monthly Investment for Stocks
Securities Services Charges
Hang Seng Invest Express Mobile App

View all Securities
Useful Links
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IPO List
Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
Latest Offers
Investment Fund
Investment Fund Services
Monthly Investment Plan for Funds

Useful Links
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IPO List
Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
Latest Offers
Foreign Currency Investments
Capital Protected Investment Deposit
MaxiInterest Investment Deposit
FX2 - FX & Precious Metal Trading Services
FX & Precious Metal Margin Trading Services

Useful Links
US Securities
IPO List
Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
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Equity Linked Investments
Bonds & Certificates of Deposit
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Market Commentary
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Investment Financing
Asset Link Secured Overdraft Facility
Instant Order Confirmation Service
e-Statement / e-Advice Service
Global Markets
Security for Trading Securities & Other Investment Products Online

Useful Links
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IPO List
Market Commentary
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Online Credit Card Application & Activation
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Online Credit Card Activation
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Apply Spending Instalment

Useful Information
Document Submission
Year-round Credit Card Merchant Offers
Online Report Credit Card Lost
Report Unauthorised Transaction
Forms & Documents Centre
Customer Service Hotline
Card Products
Visa Infinite Card
Prestige World Mastercard®
Travel+ Visa Signature Card
MMPOWER World Mastercard®
enJoy Card
Hang Seng Platinum Card
Hang Seng Renminbi Credit Card
Hang Seng Bupa Card
Forever Friends™ Card
University / College Affinity Credit Cards
Multi-Currency Debit Mastercard®

Useful Information
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Year-round Credit Card Merchant Offers
Online Credit Card Activation
Online Report Credit Card Lost
Customer Service Hotline
Credit Card Cash / Spending Instalments
Cash Instalment
Spending Instalment

Useful Information
Credit Card Instalment Plan Repayment Calculator
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Online Credit Card Activation
Forms & Documents Centre
Customer Service Hotline
Credit Card Offers & Rewards
Latest Spending Privileges
Spending Wow Reward
Online Spending / Merchant Offers
Dining Merchant Offers
Year-round Merchant Offers
+FUN Dollars / Merchant Dollars Merchant Network
+FUN Dollars Gift Parade

Useful Information
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Online Credit Card Activation
Online Report Credit Card Lost
Forms & Documents Centre
Customer Service Hotline
Online & Mobile Payment
Credit Card Mobile Payment Services
Secure Online Shopping (Credit Card)
Credit Card Online Bill Payment
Octopus Services (Credit Card)
Security Tips When Using Cards

Useful Information
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Year-round Credit Card Merchant Offers
Online Credit Card Activation
Forms & Documents Centre
Customer Service Hotline
Other Related Services
Voice ID
Credit Card Balance Repayment Calculator
e-Statement / e-Advice Service
Online Report Credit Card Lost
Report Unauthorised Transaction
Temporarily Block or Unblock Card
Confirmation of Credit Card Overlimit Facility Service

Useful Information
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Security & Fraud Centre
Online Credit Card Activation
Customer Service Hotline
Credit Card Repayment Methods
Loan Overview
Loan Products
Personal Instalment Loan
Top-up Loan
Debt Consolidation Instalment Loan
Personal Revolving Loan
Unsecured Overdraft Facility
Asset Link Secured Overdraft Facility
Investment Financing
Electric Vehicle Loan
Find your lending solution

Useful Links
Relevant Key Facts Statement
Online Document Submission
Loan Application Status Enquiry & Acceptance
Forms & Documents Centre
Loan Calculators
Tax Season Loan Calculator
Personal Instalment Loan Calculator
Top-up Loan Calculator
Debt Consolidation Instalment Loan Calculator
Personal Revolving Loan Calculator
Unsecured Overdraft Facility Calculator
Asset Link Secured Overdraft Interest Calculator
Electric Vehicle Loan Calculator

Useful Links
Relevant Key Facts Statement
Online Document Submission
Loan Application Status Enquiry & Acceptance
Forms & Documents Centre
Mortgages Overview
Mortgage Products
Green Mortgage Plan
Hang Seng "Mortgage Insurance Programme"
Conventional Mortgage Plan
Mortgage-Link Loan Scheme
Property Refinancing
Home-For-Home Bridging Loan Plan
Mortgage Loan for Government Housing Schemes
Property Secured Overdraft Facility

Useful Information
Mortgage Privileges
Mortgage Appointment Form
Hang Seng Mortgage Centre
Online Document Submission
Flexible Repayment Option
Forms & Documents Centre
Property Valuation & Mortgage Calculators
Instant Valuation
Affordable Loan Amount Calculator (With Stress Test)
Monthly Repayment Amount Calculator
Property Refinancing Calculator
Mortgage-Link Calculator
Change Repayment Term Calculator
Partial Repayment Calculator

Useful Information
Mortgage Privileges
Mortgage Appointment Form
Hang Seng Mortgage Centre
Online Document Submission
Flexible Repayment Option
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance & MPF
Insurance & MPF Overview
Life Protection
eCancerPro Insurance Plan (Apply online)
eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan (Apply online)
EmbraceLife Insurance Plan
CompanionLife Insurance Plan
Exquisite Universal Life Insurance Series
Splendid Universal Life Insurance Plan
Mortgage Life Protection Plan
PhoenixLife Insurance Plan
Hang Seng Olive
Insurance Explorer

View all Life Protection
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Retirement / Wealth Accumulation
eIncomePro Deferred Annuity Plan (100% Guaranteed) (Apply online)
QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) (Apply online)
5-Year eEndowment Life Insurance Plan (Apply online)
FortuneLife Deferred Annuity Life Insurance Plan
DragonPower Life Insurance Plan
PhoenixPower Life Insurance Plan
IncomePower Life Insurance Plan
LegendPower Life Insurance Plan
Insurance Explorer

View all Retirement / Wealth Accumulation
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Medical & Critical Illness
EasyRefund 100% Global Hospital Cash Plan (3-Year) (Apply online)
Bupa Hero VHIS Plan (Apply online)
Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme Series
Hang Seng Bupa PreciousHealth Series Health Insurance Schemes
LifeBetter Critical Illness Life Insurance Plan
Corporate Medical Insurance Plans
HealthPro Concierge Service
Insurance Explorer

View all Medical & Critical Illness
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Travel & Overseas Study
Travelsure Protection Plan
Studysure Protection Plan

View all Travel & Overseas Study
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Household & Others
Personal Accident Insurance Plan
Home Care Plus Home Insurance Plan
Domestic Helper Insurance Plan
Part-time Domestic Helper Insurance Plan
Private Car Insurance Plan

View all Household & Others
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Why Choose Hang Seng MPF
Product Information
Management Fees
Unit Prices & Performance
Employees/ Self-Employed Persons
Personal Account Members
Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions Account Holders
MPF Services at Branches
MPF Academy
Hang Seng Pooled Provident Plan

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Useful Information
Make an e-Appointment
Forms & Documents Centre
Service Processing Time
MPF e-Service Summary
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Banking Overview
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Preferred Banking
Integrated Account
Account Opening

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Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Deposits & Foreign Exchange
Payroll Services
Foreign Exchange
RMB Services

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FPS / Local Transfer
Forms & Documents Centre
Manage your banking profile
Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Transfer & Payment Services
FPS / Local Transfer
Online Bill Payment
Direct Debit Authorisation
Overseas Transfer
Pay with Hang Seng

Useful Links
FPS / Local Transfer
Forms & Documents Centre
Manage your banking profile
Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Digital Services
Personal e-Banking
Personal Banking Mobile App
Hang Seng Mobile App – Simple Mode
Online Chat Services
Personal Banking WeChat Official Account
e-Banking Security
New log on experience
e-Sign Platform

Useful Links
FPS / Local Transfer
Forms & Documents Centre
Manage your banking profile
Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Branch, Self-service, Phone & Social Caring Banking
Branch Services
Self-service Banking
Phone Banking
Social Caring Banking

Useful Links
FPS / Local Transfer
Forms & Documents Centre
Manage your banking profile
Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Reference Rates
Foreign Exchange Rates
Deposit Interest Rates
Gold Prices
Prime Rates

View all Reference Rates
Useful Links
FPS / Local Transfer
Forms & Documents Centre
Manage your banking profile
Service Charges
Mobile Account Opening
Investments Overview
Market Express
Investment Insights
Local Securities Express
A Shares Express
CBBC Supermarket
Warrant Supermarket
ESG Investment
Today's FX Focus

Useful Links
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Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
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Stock Connect Northbound Trading
US Securities
IPO Stocks Subscription
Monthly Investment for Stocks
Securities Services Charges
Hang Seng Invest Express Mobile App

View all Securities
Useful Links
US Securities
IPO List
Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
Latest Offers
Investment Fund
Investment Fund Services
Monthly Investment Plan for Funds

Useful Links
US Securities
IPO List
Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
Latest Offers
Foreign Currency Investments
Capital Protected Investment Deposit
MaxiInterest Investment Deposit
FX2 - FX & Precious Metal Trading Services
FX & Precious Metal Margin Trading Services

Useful Links
US Securities
IPO List
Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
Latest Offers
Bond, CDs and Structured Products
Equity Linked Investments
Bonds & Certificates of Deposit
Structured Notes

Useful Links
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IPO List
Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
Latest Offers
Other Related Services
Investment Financing
Asset Link Secured Overdraft Facility
Instant Order Confirmation Service
e-Statement / e-Advice Service
Global Markets
Security for Trading Securities & Other Investment Products Online

Useful Links
US Securities
IPO List
Market Commentary
Fund SuperMart
Update Risk Profiling Questionnaire
Latest Offers
Cards Overview
Online Credit Card Application & Activation
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Online Credit Card Activation
Apply Cash Instalment
Apply Spending Instalment

Useful Information
Document Submission
Year-round Credit Card Merchant Offers
Online Report Credit Card Lost
Report Unauthorised Transaction
Forms & Documents Centre
Customer Service Hotline
Card Products
Visa Infinite Card
Prestige World Mastercard®
Travel+ Visa Signature Card
MMPOWER World Mastercard®
enJoy Card
Hang Seng Platinum Card
Hang Seng Renminbi Credit Card
Hang Seng Bupa Card
Forever Friends™ Card
University / College Affinity Credit Cards
Multi-Currency Debit Mastercard®

Useful Information
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Year-round Credit Card Merchant Offers
Online Credit Card Activation
Online Report Credit Card Lost
Customer Service Hotline
Credit Card Cash / Spending Instalments
Cash Instalment
Spending Instalment

Useful Information
Credit Card Instalment Plan Repayment Calculator
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Online Credit Card Activation
Forms & Documents Centre
Customer Service Hotline
Credit Card Offers & Rewards
Latest Spending Privileges
Spending Wow Reward
Online Spending / Merchant Offers
Dining Merchant Offers
Year-round Merchant Offers
+FUN Dollars / Merchant Dollars Merchant Network
+FUN Dollars Gift Parade

Useful Information
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Online Credit Card Activation
Online Report Credit Card Lost
Forms & Documents Centre
Customer Service Hotline
Online & Mobile Payment
Credit Card Mobile Payment Services
Secure Online Shopping (Credit Card)
Credit Card Online Bill Payment
Octopus Services (Credit Card)
Security Tips When Using Cards

Useful Information
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Year-round Credit Card Merchant Offers
Online Credit Card Activation
Forms & Documents Centre
Customer Service Hotline
Other Related Services
Voice ID
Credit Card Balance Repayment Calculator
e-Statement / e-Advice Service
Online Report Credit Card Lost
Report Unauthorised Transaction
Temporarily Block or Unblock Card
Confirmation of Credit Card Overlimit Facility Service

Useful Information
Apply Credit Cards
Document Submission
Security & Fraud Centre
Online Credit Card Activation
Customer Service Hotline
Credit Card Repayment Methods
Loan Overview
Loan Products
Personal Instalment Loan
Top-up Loan
Debt Consolidation Instalment Loan
Personal Revolving Loan
Unsecured Overdraft Facility
Asset Link Secured Overdraft Facility
Investment Financing
Electric Vehicle Loan
Find your lending solution

Useful Links
Relevant Key Facts Statement
Online Document Submission
Loan Application Status Enquiry & Acceptance
Forms & Documents Centre
Loan Calculators
Tax Season Loan Calculator
Personal Instalment Loan Calculator
Top-up Loan Calculator
Debt Consolidation Instalment Loan Calculator
Personal Revolving Loan Calculator
Unsecured Overdraft Facility Calculator
Asset Link Secured Overdraft Interest Calculator
Electric Vehicle Loan Calculator

Useful Links
Relevant Key Facts Statement
Online Document Submission
Loan Application Status Enquiry & Acceptance
Forms & Documents Centre
Mortgages Overview
Mortgage Products
Green Mortgage Plan
Hang Seng "Mortgage Insurance Programme"
Conventional Mortgage Plan
Mortgage-Link Loan Scheme
Property Refinancing
Home-For-Home Bridging Loan Plan
Mortgage Loan for Government Housing Schemes
Property Secured Overdraft Facility

Useful Information
Mortgage Privileges
Mortgage Appointment Form
Hang Seng Mortgage Centre
Online Document Submission
Flexible Repayment Option
Forms & Documents Centre
Property Valuation & Mortgage Calculators
Instant Valuation
Affordable Loan Amount Calculator (With Stress Test)
Monthly Repayment Amount Calculator
Property Refinancing Calculator
Mortgage-Link Calculator
Change Repayment Term Calculator
Partial Repayment Calculator

Useful Information
Mortgage Privileges
Mortgage Appointment Form
Hang Seng Mortgage Centre
Online Document Submission
Flexible Repayment Option
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance & MPF
Insurance & MPF Overview
Life Protection
eCancerPro Insurance Plan (Apply online)
eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan (Apply online)
EmbraceLife Insurance Plan
CompanionLife Insurance Plan
Exquisite Universal Life Insurance Series
Splendid Universal Life Insurance Plan
Mortgage Life Protection Plan
PhoenixLife Insurance Plan
Hang Seng Olive
Insurance Explorer

View all Life Protection
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Retirement / Wealth Accumulation
eIncomePro Deferred Annuity Plan (100% Guaranteed) (Apply online)
QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) (Apply online)
5-Year eEndowment Life Insurance Plan (Apply online)
FortuneLife Deferred Annuity Life Insurance Plan
DragonPower Life Insurance Plan
PhoenixPower Life Insurance Plan
IncomePower Life Insurance Plan
LegendPower Life Insurance Plan
Insurance Explorer

View all Retirement / Wealth Accumulation
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Medical & Critical Illness
EasyRefund 100% Global Hospital Cash Plan (3-Year) (Apply online)
Bupa Hero VHIS Plan (Apply online)
Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme Series
Hang Seng Bupa PreciousHealth Series Health Insurance Schemes
LifeBetter Critical Illness Life Insurance Plan
Corporate Medical Insurance Plans
HealthPro Concierge Service
Insurance Explorer

View all Medical & Critical Illness
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Travel & Overseas Study
Travelsure Protection Plan
Studysure Protection Plan

View all Travel & Overseas Study
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Household & Others
Personal Accident Insurance Plan
Home Care Plus Home Insurance Plan
Domestic Helper Insurance Plan
Part-time Domestic Helper Insurance Plan
Private Car Insurance Plan

View all Household & Others
Useful Information
About Hang Seng Insurance Services
Services for Hong Kong Visitors
Claims Procedures
Forms & Documents Centre
Insurance Terminology Glossary and others
Online Document Submission
Why Choose Hang Seng MPF
Product Information
Management Fees
Unit Prices & Performance
Employees/ Self-Employed Persons
Personal Account Members
Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions Account Holders
MPF Services at Branches
MPF Academy
Hang Seng Pooled Provident Plan

View all MPF
Useful Information
Make an e-Appointment
Forms & Documents Centre
Service Processing Time
MPF e-Service Summary
Related Links


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 * Mobile account opening
 * Mobile Cheque Deposit (MCD)
 * Faster Payment System (FPS)
 * +FUN Dollars
 * Foreign exchange
 * Hang Seng Mobile App – Simple Mode

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We recommend using a computer web browser or Hang Seng Mobile App to log on for
enhanced security. Please visit "Security Information Centre" for more security

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Enjoy fee-free for over 50 countries or regions and up to HKD8,888 cash reward
for FX!

View details

Global Money+ is for Hang Seng Mobile App. Free transfer is for designated
countries/regions and local currency transfer. The offer is for Global Money+
users who meet designated requirements. FX involves risk. T&Cs apply.

Upcoming FPS system maintenance
FPS will be under system maintenance from 12:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. on 18 Aug
2024. As you won’t be able to transfer and receive funds at that time, you can
arrange transactions in advance if needed.

Voice ID service will no longer be available
Starting from 18 Aug 2024, we'll discontinue Voice ID authentication for Phone
Banking. You can continue to use phone banking services with your Phone Banking
PIN, or access our services online via channels such as Personal e-Banking or
Hang Seng Mobile App for a more convenient banking experience.


Explore investment types / services that you may be interested in. Footnote
remark square bracket  [3]

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Fee as low as $0 and up to HKD8,888 cash reward for FX! Footnote remark  1

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Apply to enjoy up to HKD6,800 cash rebate Footnote remark  2

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Get a chance to win air ticket to Tokyo in lucky draw Footnote remark  3

Underwritten by Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited

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Enjoy hassle-free banking with a simpler layout and basic services Footnote
remark square bracket  [2]

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Get instant FX rates and timely market updates via WhatsApp Footnote remark
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 * Notice of Amendment to Integrated Account Terms & Conditions and Account
 * Amendments to the Bank Tariff Guide for Hang Seng Wealth and Personal Banking
   Customers that will take effect from 23 Jun 2024 ("Effective Date").
 * Notice of Amendment on Bank Tariff Guide for Hang Seng Credit Card, Terms and
   Conditions for +FUN Dollars, yuu Reward Points Programme and One-Time
   Password Online Transaction Authentication
 * Discontinuation of Hang Seng Voice ID Service


Please refer to the Update on Hang Seng Bank Branch Service Arrangements for



 1. square bracket 1 Investment involves risks. Foreign exchange involves
    exchange rate risk. Terms and Conditions apply to the service.
 2. square bracket 2 Terms and Conditions apply to the service.
 3. square bracket 3 The above is a list of the types of investment products and
    services provided by the Bank for your information, and does not constitute
    nor is it intended to be construed as any offer, solicitation, or
    recommendation to deal in any investments. Investors should note that all
    investments involve risks (including the possibility of loss of the capital
    invested), prices or values of investments may go up as well as down and
    past performance is not indicative of future performance. The risk of loss
    in leveraged foreign exchange and precious metal trading can be substantial.
    Investors should read the relevant investment product or service’s offering
    documents and terms and conditions (including the risk disclosures therein)
    in detail before making any investment decision.
 4. square bracket 4 Global Money+ is only available on Hang Seng Mobile App.
    Free transfers are only applicable for designated countries or regions and
    local currency transfers. FX involves risk. T&Cs apply.
 5. square bracket 5 Investment involves risks. FX involves exchange rate risk.
    Information provided is for reference only and not intended to be an offer
    or recommendation to deal in any investments.

 1. Global Money+ is only available on Hang Seng Mobile App. Free transfers are
    only applicable for designated countries or regions and local currency
    transfers. FX involves risk. T&Cs apply.
 2. Terms and Conditions apply to the offers and services. To borrow or not to
    borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
 3. Terms and Conditions apply. The above general insurance plan is underwritten
    by Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited.

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