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<img src="img/WhyChooseUsIcon.jpg" class="LeftIcon"> Why Ratna Hospital ?
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<h4>1) Ratna Hospital greatly values and continually monitors patient feedback (which is collected by an independent third party) so that we can be responsive, continuously learn and improve our services as necessary. </h4>
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<h4>2) Each of the specialists in our hospital is an expert possessing exquisite skill and technique, for scientific treatments that meet the patient’s expectation.</h4>
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<h4>3) Our expert team tries to orient the treatment plan as per the socio-economic comfort of the patient.</h4>
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<img src="img/WhatsNewIcon.png" class="LeftIcon"> What's New ?
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<h4><i class="fa fa-bell-o"></i> Now getting all medical documents is now in your fingertips. Visit www.ratnahospital.com, click on patient login for more info. Thank you for visiting KTH. | <span class="NoticeDate">01 Jan 2023</span> |
<a href="#"> Know More</a></h4>
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<h4><i class="fa fa-bell-o"></i> Now anyone can book slot for doctor appointment and get confirmation within few minutes. | <span class="NoticeDate">01 Jan 2023</span> | <a href="#">Know More</a></h4>
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<h2 class="TitleHead text-center">About <span class="SubTitle">Our Hospital</span></h2>
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<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">Ratna Hospital is a 50 bedded NABH accredited hospital established in 2007.It is situated in Bypass road,Civil Township,Rourkela in Sundergarh district. </p>
<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">Hospital is well connected by road for local buses and two wheelers.It is about 5.5 km from Rourkela railway station and 6 km from main bus stand.</p>
<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">KTH is the first hospital in western Odisha catering to all sorts of orthopaedic cases.</p>
<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">It is our sincere belief that medical care should not be reserved for a select few, but should be accessible to everyone.</p>
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<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">With the highest level of dignity, respect, equality, and fairness, we ensure that best medical knowledge and top-quality services are available to our patients with maximum patient comfort and safety.
<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">KTH offers a wide range of super specialty services, including orthopaedics, neurology, gyanecology and maxillofacial .</p>
<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">The KTH team is geared up to meet any kind of challenge pertaining to demography, geography, or economics, so we can serve as many people as possible.</p>
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<h3 class="TitleHead">Our Vision</h3>
<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">To provide scientific clinical service with gratitude , compassion, care, respect and to individualise treatment through transparent and cost effective measures.</p>
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<h3 class="TitleHead">Our Mission</h3>
<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">Emerge as a premier orthopaedic institute in diagnosis, treatment and care of all sort of trauma and orthopaedic cases at affordable cost with best possible infrastructure along with compassionate and
trained medical and paramedical staff. </p>
<p class="ParaGraph text-justify">Excel in academics by promoting post graduate courses, paramedical courses and Phd Programme.</p>
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<h2 class="TitleHead text-center">What Our <span class="SubTitle">Patient Says</span></h2>
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<img src="../Photo/img-4.jpg" alt="Ratna Hospital">
<p class="description"> Good treatment, Doctors are very friendly, night shift sisters are very well caring but one suggestion female toilet is very up stairs those surgery patients have face problem, so please look into this
matter and solve as soon qs possible. </p>
<div class="testimonial-prof">
<span class="title">Reena Dash</span>
<small>CivilTownship, Rourkela</small>
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<img src="../Photo/F1.jpg" alt="Ratna Hospital">
<p class="description"> My parents have undergone treatment for Covid by Dr.Sidharth Sir. He is an excellent doctor , treated them very well and they got discharged safely last week.The support staff have been very helpful and
have updated me regularly about the status.Mr. Shabaz from communications team was very helpful, supported well from the initial enquiry till the joining. </p>
<div class="testimonial-prof">
<span class="title">Pritam Parida</span>
<small>Nuapda, Cuttack</small>
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<img src="../Photo/img-4.jpg" alt="Ratna Hospital">
<p class="description"> Good treatment, Doctors are very friendly, night shift sisters are very well caring but one suggestion female toilet is very up stairs those surgery patients have face problem, so please look into this
matter and solve as soon qs possible. </p>
<div class="testimonial-prof">
<span class="title">Reena Dash</span>
<small>CivilTownship, Rourkela</small>
<div class="owl-item active" style="width: 1060px; margin-right: 20px;">
<div class="testimonial">
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<img src="../Photo/F1.jpg" alt="Ratna Hospital">
<p class="description"> My parents have undergone treatment for Covid by Dr.Sidharth Sir. He is an excellent doctor , treated them very well and they got discharged safely last week.The support staff have been very helpful and
have updated me regularly about the status.Mr. Shabaz from communications team was very helpful, supported well from the initial enquiry till the joining. </p>
<div class="testimonial-prof">
<span class="title">Pritam Parida</span>
<small>Nuapda, Cuttack</small>
<div class="owl-item cloned" style="width: 1060px; margin-right: 20px;">
<div class="testimonial">
<div class="pic">
<img src="../Photo/img-4.jpg" alt="Ratna Hospital">
<p class="description"> Good treatment, Doctors are very friendly, night shift sisters are very well caring but one suggestion female toilet is very up stairs those surgery patients have face problem, so please look into this
matter and solve as soon qs possible. </p>
<div class="testimonial-prof">
<span class="title">Reena Dash</span>
<small>CivilTownship, Rourkela</small>
<div class="owl-item cloned" style="width: 1060px; margin-right: 20px;">
<div class="testimonial">
<div class="pic">
<img src="../Photo/F1.jpg" alt="Ratna Hospital">
<p class="description"> My parents have undergone treatment for Covid by Dr.Sidharth Sir. He is an excellent doctor , treated them very well and they got discharged safely last week.The support staff have been very helpful and
have updated me regularly about the status.Mr. Shabaz from communications team was very helpful, supported well from the initial enquiry till the joining. </p>
<div class="testimonial-prof">
<span class="title">Pritam Parida</span>
<small>Nuapda, Cuttack</small>
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MAIL US : SUPPORT@RATNAHOSPITAL.COM 24×7 AVAILABILITY CALL US : +91-9437268144 Ratna Hospital * Home * About Us * Departments * Department of Orthopaedics * Department of Dental * Department of Gynaecology * Department of Radiology * Quick Links * Blogs / Information for Patient * Our Facilites * Book Appointment * Patient Feedback * Contact Us * Login 1 LAKH+ PATIENTS TRUSTED IN OUR HOSPITAL EMPOWERING PEOPLE TO IMPROVE THEIR LIVES THE POWER TO HEAL. RATNA HOSPITAL. INTEGRATED WORLD CLASS PATIENT SERVICES! 1 LAKH+ PATIENTS TRUSTED IN OUR HOSPITAL EMPOWERING PEOPLE TO IMPROVE THEIR LIVES THE POWER TO HEAL. RATNA HOSPITAL. INTEGRATED WORLD CLASS PATIENT SERVICES! 1 LAKH+ PATIENTS TRUSTED IN OUR HOSPITAL WHY RATNA HOSPITAL ? 1) RATNA HOSPITAL GREATLY VALUES AND CONTINUALLY MONITORS PATIENT FEEDBACK (WHICH IS COLLECTED BY AN INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY) SO THAT WE CAN BE RESPONSIVE, CONTINUOUSLY LEARN AND IMPROVE OUR SERVICES AS NECESSARY. 2) EACH OF THE SPECIALISTS IN OUR HOSPITAL IS AN EXPERT POSSESSING EXQUISITE SKILL AND TECHNIQUE, FOR SCIENTIFIC TREATMENTS THAT MEET THE PATIENT’S EXPECTATION. 3) OUR EXPERT TEAM TRIES TO ORIENT THE TREATMENT PLAN AS PER THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC COMFORT OF THE PATIENT. WHAT'S NEW ? NOW GETTING ALL MEDICAL DOCUMENTS IS NOW IN YOUR FINGERTIPS. VISIT WWW.RATNAHOSPITAL.COM, CLICK ON PATIENT LOGIN FOR MORE INFO. THANK YOU FOR VISITING KTH. | 01 JAN 2023 | KNOW MORE NOW ANYONE CAN BOOK SLOT FOR DOCTOR APPOINTMENT AND GET CONFIRMATION WITHIN FEW MINUTES. | 01 JAN 2023 | KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR HOSPITAL Ratna Hospital is a 50 bedded NABH accredited hospital established in 2007.It is situated in Bypass road,Civil Township,Rourkela in Sundergarh district. Hospital is well connected by road for local buses and two wheelers.It is about 5.5 km from Rourkela railway station and 6 km from main bus stand. KTH is the first hospital in western Odisha catering to all sorts of orthopaedic cases. It is our sincere belief that medical care should not be reserved for a select few, but should be accessible to everyone. With the highest level of dignity, respect, equality, and fairness, we ensure that best medical knowledge and top-quality services are available to our patients with maximum patient comfort and safety. KTH offers a wide range of super specialty services, including orthopaedics, neurology, gyanecology and maxillofacial . The KTH team is geared up to meet any kind of challenge pertaining to demography, geography, or economics, so we can serve as many people as possible. OUR VISION To provide scientific clinical service with gratitude , compassion, care, respect and to individualise treatment through transparent and cost effective measures. OUR MISSION Emerge as a premier orthopaedic institute in diagnosis, treatment and care of all sort of trauma and orthopaedic cases at affordable cost with best possible infrastructure along with compassionate and trained medical and paramedical staff. Excel in academics by promoting post graduate courses, paramedical courses and Phd Programme. WHAT OUR PATIENT SAYS Good treatment, Doctors are very friendly, night shift sisters are very well caring but one suggestion female toilet is very up stairs those surgery patients have face problem, so please look into this matter and solve as soon qs possible. Reena Dash CivilTownship, Rourkela My parents have undergone treatment for Covid by Dr.Sidharth Sir. He is an excellent doctor , treated them very well and they got discharged safely last week.The support staff have been very helpful and have updated me regularly about the status.Mr. Shabaz from communications team was very helpful, supported well from the initial enquiry till the joining. Pritam Parida Nuapda, Cuttack Good treatment, Doctors are very friendly, night shift sisters are very well caring but one suggestion female toilet is very up stairs those surgery patients have face problem, so please look into this matter and solve as soon qs possible. Reena Dash CivilTownship, Rourkela My parents have undergone treatment for Covid by Dr.Sidharth Sir. He is an excellent doctor , treated them very well and they got discharged safely last week.The support staff have been very helpful and have updated me regularly about the status.Mr. Shabaz from communications team was very helpful, supported well from the initial enquiry till the joining. Pritam Parida Nuapda, Cuttack Good treatment, Doctors are very friendly, night shift sisters are very well caring but one suggestion female toilet is very up stairs those surgery patients have face problem, so please look into this matter and solve as soon qs possible. Reena Dash CivilTownship, Rourkela My parents have undergone treatment for Covid by Dr.Sidharth Sir. He is an excellent doctor , treated them very well and they got discharged safely last week.The support staff have been very helpful and have updated me regularly about the status.Mr. Shabaz from communications team was very helpful, supported well from the initial enquiry till the joining. Pritam Parida Nuapda, Cuttack BOOK SLOT FOR DOCTOR APPOINTMENT Patient Name Enter Patient Name Date Of Booking Choose Booking Date Gender Choose Gender Select Male Female Transgender Select Age Enter Age Mobile No Invalid Mobile Number Enter Mobile Number Book Slot Docor Information Close OUR INSURANCE PARTNER 24 X 7 EMERGENCY SERVICES PROFESSIONAL STAFF 24 X 7 CRITICAL CARE HR DIGITAL X-RAY ADVANCED TREATMENT LATEST TECHNOLOGY BEST DOCTORS AVAILABLE 24 X 7 INHOUSE PHARMACY HOW TO REACH US EMERGENCY CONTACT ANY TIME CALL US : +91-9437268144 OUR LOCATION JAMAL BASTI, NIGAMANANDA LANE, JOBRA, INFRONT OF I LOVE CUTTACK MAIL US SUPPORT@RATNAHOSPITAL.COM, OFFICE@RATNAHOSPITAL.COM FIND US Jamal Basti, Nigamananda Lane, Jobra, Infront of I Love Cuttack CALL US 91-9437268144 MAIL US support@ratnahospital.com RATNA HOSPITAL Ratna Hospital is a 50 bedded NABH accredited hospital established in 2007.It is situated in Jamal Basti, Nigamananda Lane, Jobra, Infront of I Love Cuttack. Follow us USEFUL LINKS * Home * About Us * Contact * Patient Feedback * Our Doctors SUBSCRIBE Don’t miss to subscribe to our new feeds, kindly fill the form below. Copyright © 2024, All Right Reserved Ratna Hospital Designed By Sainaatech IT Solutions LLP