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Submission: On January 08 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Hellsing, Iscariot, and Millennium! Oh, my!
Plus the Drifters and anything else Hirano.
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User: hellsing
Name: Hellsing (and Drifters, too)
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· Fic Search
· Newbie with a question [+1]
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· Virtuous
· Still nobody knows nothing about this, but...
· Alucard x Seras Contest #9!!!
· Fanfic: Of Guns and Triggers
· Read guys plis =D
· Crispin Freeman Interview
· Father Anderson
· OVA X fansub [+3]
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· Level 0 unleashed on Brad Pitt? [+1]
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· Willis Space...in English, Willis! [+2]
· Some fanart [+4]
· (no subject) [+3]
· New Chappy!
· Hellsing Headcanons (Fanfiction)
· icons
· Hellsing Ultimate DVD/Blu-ray Set 2 (Hyb) (Vols 5-8) [+6]
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May 2020

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ova ix 9 release date preorder , hellsing ova liner notes v vi 5 6, hellsing ova
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seras, hellsing ova vii fansub hq call to arms, hellsing ova vii limited edition
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distrubing, hellsing ultimate, hellsing ultimate ova iv 5, hellsing vampire
hunter d, hellsing volume 8 manga scanlations chap, hellsing volume 8 manga
scanlations wiza, hellsing wallichia, hellsing walter girlycard alucard,
hellsing watch, hellsing's climax, hellsing. amv., hellsing. chapter 95.,
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fanart, integral. fanart, integraxalucard, introduction, iscariot, iv, ixa,
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iv four raw, ova iv release date, ova v, ova vi, ova4 review, pairings, paris
hilton is a stupid spoiled whore., parody, patches, patiently awaiting ova 5.,
pay attention to me!, penelope, pet shop of horrors, photoshoot, photoshoots,
pip, pipxseras, plastation 3, please no more harry potter movies.., plush,
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seras victoria fan art, seras victoria red hair fan art, sereas, seres, series,
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spoof, springtime for hitler, starzedge, status, stoker, stories, strawberry,
subbed, subtitles, subtitles for ova 3, supanova, symbol, taliesin jaffe,
teaser, the dawn, the doctor, the end of hellsing theories, the joker alucard,
the major, theme, theories, thinking about this too hard, till the sun rises,
titles, tokyo anime fair, torrentspy vs mpaa, totally not serious, trailer,
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vita per nex, vlad, vlad tepes, vlad tepes alucard fan art, vladcard, vladcard
fan art, vladucard, voice, volume 10, volume 9, volumen 10, wallpaper, walter,
walter alucard girlycard hellsing the da, walter c. dornez, wank, war, warsaw,
ways, we're all nazis now, werewolves, whatever, why doesnt mommy love me?, wild
geese, witch hunter robin, wwii, x-mas, xbox 360, xena, yaoi, yko, you don't win
silver. you lose gold., young integra, young king ours, young walter, yumie,
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3rd-May-2020 10:40 pm - (no subject)

Hellsing is done. Community is Closed
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1st-Sep-2015 08:08 pm(no subject)

There's going to be a Drifters anime.
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9th-Nov-2014 05:43 pm(no subject)

Good News!!! Toonami will play the final two episodes.
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24th-Oct-2014 06:22 pm(no subject)

For anybody watching the OVA on Toonami, got some bad news for you.

Most likely possible explanation (from ANN post's comments): Japanese licensing
contracts are notoriously confusing. Sometimes the English distributers aren't
actually getting what they thing they are, be it an issue with the usage rights,
music rights, what footage they're getting (broadcast vs home video), or even
translations. This is one of the major reasons why anime releases get delayed
over here. I think there was a recent Answerman that explained this well.
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see ads again!
23rd-Aug-2014 04:54 pm(no subject)

Hellsing OVA is coming soon to Adult Swim's Toonami.

No editing for length. It's getting an hour slot.
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27th-Jul-2014 01:12 pm - Fic Search

Are there any stories where Alucard raises Integra? With or without Walter's
help. Slash or gen welcome.

 * Tags:alucard, fan fiction, help, integra

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27th-Jul-2014 03:13 am - Newbie with a question

Hi, all. I am new to the community and have a quick question.
Are fic searches allowed here? I read the profile page & didn't see it expressly
forbidden but wanted to make sure before posting.

 * Tags:help, new member, question

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17th-May-2014 10:06 pm(no subject)

The last two Hellsing Ultimates are finally getting released.
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5th-Apr-2014 07:30 pm - Virtuous

Summary: When the man he trusted the most takes his innocence from him, Enrico
Maxwell slowly begins to deteriorate inside.

A/N: I wrote for Hellsing a while back, but got into a little 'squabble', with
two authors and that really crushed by passion for writing. But now, I'm back,
all ready to post my stories! Thing is, if you don't like them, then don't read

Warnings: Rape, Yaoi, OC's, OOC Anderson.

Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Suspense


( Read more...Collapse )

 * Tags:anderson, maxwell, rape, yaoi

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7th-Feb-2014 02:14 pm - Still nobody knows nothing about this, but...

So well, im pretty uch sitff with this situation about this song, wich is when
Anderson is already Goderson and face Alucard in OVA VIII??


It's a very great song.
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29th-May-2013 08:37 am - Alucard x Seras Contest #9!!!

We're having our 9th contest over at deviantART. The theme this time is "Seras'
reaction to Alucard's return." Come join, we've got prizes!!!

Contest Info
 * Tags:advertisement, alucard, alucard x seras, alucard/seras, art, deviantart,
   seras, seras victoria

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25th-Mar-2013 09:31 pm - Fanfic: Of Guns and Triggers

Title: Of Guns and Triggers
Pairing: Integra/Alucard
Rating: PG
Word Count: 475

The phone rings, and Integra pushes the speaker button.
 * Tags:fan fiction

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20th-Mar-2013 04:25 pm - Read guys plis =D

Konnichiwa minna!

My team and I are interested in developing a cool project: A blog for the
community who admires and enjoys Japanese pop culture, like me, passionate
Japan. We will bring news and trivia with different themes like Jmusic, fashion,
behavior , event coverage and more. We want to hear from you, whether it's cool,
what you like to see and know! Thank you in advance!

 * Tags:boring, but what are your thoughts on yaoi?, epic fail, mommy can you
   open my milk?, nonsense, not hellsing, pay attention to me!, trolls,
   troooooll!, why doesnt mommy love me?

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5th-Mar-2013 11:10 am - Crispin Freeman Interview

Crispin Freeman talks about his take on the character of Alucard and Hellsing
OVA 5 - 8.

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4th-Feb-2013 12:10 am - Father Anderson

 * Tags:alexander andersen, alexander anderson, alexander anderson hellsing
   fanart iscar, fan art, fan-art, fanart, father anderson

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3rd-Jan-2013 06:33 am - OVA X fansub

Does anyone know when/if/where the fansub for OVA X is coming out?
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2nd-Jan-2013 08:13 am(no subject)

Hellsing (OVA I)
[42] Icons

Princess Tutu
[11] Icons

here! at mignonette
 * Tags:icons

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1st-Jan-2013 03:00 pm - General AMV

New AMV! Someone ask me how long I have been sitting on this idea and waiting
for OVA X to come out...

Audio: Cemeteries of London - Coldplay
Summary: Victory came with a high price.

 * Tags:alucard death, amv, amvs, integra hellsing, seras victoria

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30th-Dec-2012 11:24 am(no subject)

From io9: " No, David S. Goyer is not directing a live-action Hellsing movie".

Check out the comments on there. Whoever this Asim Ahmad dude really is, he's
looking none too credible.
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26th-Dec-2012 06:12 pm(no subject)

The final OVA has a Drifters anime short.
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18th-Dec-2012 01:56 am(no subject)

Hellsing (from OVA X trailer)
[16] Icons
[3] Headers

here! via mignonette at Dreamwidth!
 * Tags:hellsing ultimate, icons

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9th-Dec-2012 01:59 pm - Level 0 unleashed on Brad Pitt?

Can't help thinking about OVA 8 every time I see the trailer for World War Z

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25th-Nov-2012 07:32 pm(no subject)

Call to Arms review of OVA I-IV Blu-ray/DVD Combo pack boxed set.
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13th-Nov-2012 01:04 pm - Willis Space...in English, Willis!

Enjoy, Hellsing-philes!

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1st-Nov-2012 08:58 pm - Some fanart

Just finished a reread. Weird given the series, but the end always gives me the

( Fanart: ReunionCollapse )
 * Tags:alucard, fanart, integra, seras

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30th-Oct-2012 09:09 pm(no subject)

Hellsing Ultimate DVD/Blu-ray Set 1 was released today.
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24th-Aug-2012 03:55 am - New Chappy!

Chapter 4 of A New Reality is now up. Just go here: http://fav.me/d5cc1bo

Bonus is here: http://fav.me/d5cc049  if you're interested in my process or just
want knew ideas to help your own.

I hope you enjoy it!!!

Much Love,
 * Tags:a new reality, alucard, ax!, chapter 4, fanfic, hellsing, integra, till
   the sun rises
 * Mood:accomplished

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21st-Aug-2012 10:24 pm - Hellsing Headcanons (Fanfiction)

I've been watching the Hellsing anime so have a couple of drabbly things I wrote
to get my headcanons out.  All Gen; possibly some vague-ish references to
Integra/Alucard but not really.


Shipping: Gen, (faint Alucard/Integra if you stare for forty seconds then close
your eyes)

Rating: PG (some bad language)

Word Count: 260

Summary: Integra thinks Alucard speaks in an American accent just to piss her
off and, to some extent, she’s right.

SPOILERS for Bram Stoker’s Dracula which you really should read I mean it’s a


Shipping: Gen (again, slightly Integra/Alucard but seriously you’d need a
fine-toothed comb to see it)

Rating: 12 (bad language, references to sex)

Word Count: 700

Summary: Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing smoked cigars for two reasons,
and was a virgin for one.


Shipping: Gen

Rating: U

Word Count: 330

Summary: Seras is an accent mimic.

 * Tags:alucard, anime, bram stoker, fan fiction, fanfic, fanfiction, hellsing
   family, integra, seras victoria, stoker, vladucard

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20th-Aug-2012 12:03 am - icons

[20] Hellsing (Walter, Alucard)
[4] Hunter x Hunter (Chrollo)

[24] Total


right here!
 * Tags:icons

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16th-Aug-2012 09:13 pm - Hellsing Ultimate DVD/Blu-ray Set 2 (Hyb) (Vols 5-8)

According to Right Stuf (FUNi's official store). Hellsing Ultimate episodes 5-8
will be released as a "Part 2 box set" (part 1, as posted before, will be
episodes 1-4). Here's a link:


It says that in limited quantities, those who pre-order will receive a "free

Along with that, the original TV Series will also be getting a box set (listed
as "Anime Classics") Link:


Both are slated to be released on November 13th 2012. Thoughts?, Concerns?
 * Tags:5-8, box set, hellsing, ova
 * Location:Home
 * Mood:^^
 * Music:Gogol Bordello-Rebellious Love

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