www.truistmomentum.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://truistmomentum.com.mcas.ms/
Effective URL: https://www.truistmomentum.com/momentum/login
Submission: On November 03 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

Name: loginFormPOST

<form enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="post" aria-label="Login" class="login-form material-form" novalidate="" role="form" target="_self" onsubmit="submitLogin();" name="loginForm" id="loginForm">
  <div class="row" style="margin-top:2%;">
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <div class="form-group mb-2 marginbottom" style="margin-bottom:40px!important">
        <input type="text" class="tru-core-input__input form-control" aria-labelledby="tru-core-input-label-1" autocapitalize="none" autocomplete="off" id="tru-core-input-1" name="userid" required="" maxlength="100" value=""
        <label for="tru-core-input-1" class="control-label">Email</label><i class="bar"></i>
        <p class="ErrorMessage" id="pUserName" style="display:none;"></p>
      <div class="form-group mb-3 marginbottom">
        <input type="password" class="tru-core-input__input" aria-labelledby="tru-core-input-label-2" id="tru-core-input-2" autocapitalize="none" autocomplete="off" name="password" required="" maxlength="100">
        <label for="tru-core-input-2" class="control-label">Password</label><i class="bar"></i>
        <p class="ErrorMessage" id="ppassword" style="display:none;"></p>
      <div style="margin-top:-3%">
        <div class="icon-wrap remember remember-align unchecked-login" name="rememberMe" id="rememberMe">
        <label for="remember" class="remember-align">Remember me</label>
      <div class="form-group mb-2">
        <button id="btnLoginIndex" class="tru-core-button-primary button center primary" type="submit">Sign in</button>
      <input name="var_field" value="" id="var_field" type="hidden">
      <input type="hidden" name="srctype" value="T">
      <input type="hidden" name="user_bbt_prefs" id="user_bbt_prefs0" value="">
      <input type="hidden" name="deviceSignature" id="deviceSignature" value="">
      <p class="mb-4">
        <a href="/momentum/Login/ForgotPassword">Forgot your password?</a>
      <p class="" style="margin-top:2%;margin-bottom:0%">
        <a href="/momentum/Login"><span id="helpBlock">← Back to Truist Momentum</span></a>
      <input name="successurl" value="https://h1-momentum-prd.truist-prddmz.com:443/momentum/authenticate" type="hidden">
      <input type="hidden" name="isEncrypted">
      <input type="hidden" id="teammateErrorMsg"
        value="The Spanish version of TruistMomentum.com is not available to Truist Teammates. Family members of Truist Teammates can access the Spanish version of the site using Registration Code TruistFamily. Please contact <a href=&quot;mailto:wellbeing@truist.com&quot; style=&quot;line-height: 0px;&quot;>wellbeing@truist.com</a> with questions.">
      <input type="hidden" id="diasConfigPath" value="https://www.truistmomentum.com/dias/info/config">
      <input type="hidden" id="DIASAuthUrl" value="https://www.truistmomentum.com/dias/authenticateuser">
      <input type="hidden" id="LoginErrorPath" value="https://www.truistmomentum.com/momentum/Login/Error?ReasonCode=">
      <input type="hidden" id="LoginSuccessPath" value="https://www.truistmomentum.com/momentum/authenticate">

POST /momentum/Login/Register

<form action="/momentum/Login/Register" class="material-form mt-2" id="RegistrationForm" method="post" novalidate="novalidate"><input type="hidden" name="X-XSRF-TOKEN"
    value="wfJ6E-_LKAzQnjyjb814Z6qnditm1MH1kPTNsa04yvNfZ7FVCe5coBGsKc_QAPLuKKTspluyg0t7kdLjvawzo85bpVk1"> <!-- Start Registration Form Container -->
  <div id="RegistrationForm" class="homepage-register homepage-register-new">
    <input type="hidden" id="hdnIsSuntrustRegistrationCode" class="username">
    <input id="IsSpanishSite" name="IsSpanishSite" type="hidden" value="">
    <div class="form-group mb-2">
      <input data-val="true" data-val-required="This field is required." id="txtFirstName" maxlength="27" name="FirstName" onkeypress="return ValidateFirstName(event,this)" required="required" type="text" value="">
      <label class="control-label" for="FirstName">Your First Name</label>
      <span class="field-validation-valid form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="FirstName" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
      <i class="bar"></i>
    <div class="form-group mb-2">
      <input class="username" data-val="true" data-val-required="This field is required." id="txtLastName" maxlength="50" name="LastName" required="required" type="text" value="">
      <label class="control-label" for="LastName">Your Last Name</label>
      <span class="field-validation-valid  form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="LastName" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
      <i class="bar"></i>
    <div class="form-group mb-2 has-helper register-display" id="registrationCode">
      <input class="username onlytext" data-val="true" data-val-required="This field is required." id="txtRegistrationCode" maxlength="50" name="RegistrationCode" required="required" type="text" value="">
      <label class="control-label" for="RegistrationCode">Your Registration Code</label>
      <span class="field-validation-valid form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="RegistrationCode" data-valmsg-replace="true" id="validationmessageRegistrationCode"></span>
      <i class="bar"></i>
      <a href="#" class="pull-right info-icon">
                                    <img src="/momentum/content/assets/images/icons/info.svg" alt="information">
                                    <div class="info-content">
                                        <p class="caption">Your company will provide you with this unique code. if you do not know it, contact your company's program administrator</p>
    <div class="form-group mb-2" id="companyRelationsdrp">
      <select class="username registration-dropdown" data-val="true" data-val-required="The CompanyRelations field is required." id="CompanyRelations" name="CompanyRelations" required="required">
        <option value="employee">Employee</option>
        <option value="family">Friend/Family</option>
      <span class="field-validation-valid form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="CompanyRelations" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
      <i class="bar"></i>
    <div class="form-group mb-2 ">
      <input class="username" data-val="true" data-val-minlength="Minimum length is 6" data-val-minlength-min="6" data-val-regex="Please enter a valid email address"
        data-val-regex-pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@(\w[-\w]*\w\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,15}$" data-val-required="This field is required." id="WorkEmailAddress" maxlength="100" name="WorkEmailAddress" required="required" type="email" value="">
      <label class="control-label" for="WorkEmailAddress" id="idEmailAdd">Your Email Address</label> <span class="field-validation-valid form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="WorkEmailAddress" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
      <i class="bar"></i>
      <p id="idTeammateIdCheck" class="empid-info"></p>
    <div class="form-group mb-2">
      <input class="username" data-val="true" data-val-comparestrings="Your emails do not match." data-val-comparestrings-ignorecase="true" data-val-comparestrings-otherprop="WorkEmailAddress" data-val-minlength="Minimum length is 6"
        data-val-minlength-min="6" data-val-regex="Please enter a valid email address" data-val-regex-pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@(\w[-\w]*\w\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,15}$" data-val-required="This field is required." id="ConfirmWorkEmailAddress"
        maxlength="100" name="ConfirmWorkEmailAddress" required="required" type="email" value="">
      <label class="control-label" for="ConfirmWorkEmailAddress" id="idConfirmEmailAdd">Confirm Your Email Address</label> <span class="field-validation-valid form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="ConfirmWorkEmailAddress"
      <i class="bar"></i>
    <div class="form-group mb-2" id="sunTrustEmpId" style="display : none">
      <input class="username" id="txtSuntrustEmployeeId" maxlength="20" name="SuntrustEmployeeId" required="required" type="text" value="">
      <label class="control-label" for="SuntrustEmployeeId" id="idEmpIdLbl">Employee ID</label>
      <span class="field-validation-valid form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="SuntrustEmployeeId" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
      <i class="bar"></i>
    <div class="form-group mb-2" id="familyRefId" style="display: none">
      <input class="username" data-val="true" data-val-refemployeevalidation="This field is required." data-val-regex="Please enter a valid email address" data-val-regex-pattern="^\w([-.']?\w)*@(\w[-\w]*\w\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9}$"
        id="txtReferringEmployeeWorkEmailAddress" maxlength="100" name="ReferingEmployeeWorkEmailAddress" required="required" type="email" value="">
      <label class="control-label" for="ReferingEmployeeWorkEmailAddress">Referring Employee's Work Email Address</label>
      <span class="field-validation-valid  form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="ReferingEmployeeWorkEmailAddress" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
      <i class="bar"></i>
    <h2 class="mt-1">Create Password</h2>
    <p class="mb-2"> Passwords must contain: At least 8 characters, 1 upper case letter, 1 lower-case letter, 1 number, 1 symbol and cannot repeat any character more than twice in a row. You cannot use your current ID. </p>
    <div class="form-group mb-2">
      <input class="username" data-val="true" data-val-compareemailandpassword="Password must meet required standards" data-val-regex="Password must meet required standards"
        data-val-regex-pattern="^(?!.*(.)\1{2})(((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[!#%()*,;:@_$=]))((?!.*[^a-zA-Z0-9!#%()*,;:@_$=]))).{8,28}$" data-val-required="This field is required." id="txtPassword" maxlength="28" name="Password" required="required"
        type="password" value="">
      <label class="control-label" for="Password">Set Your Password</label>
      <span class="field-validation-valid form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="Password" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
      <i class="bar"></i>
    <div class="form-group mb-2">
      <input class="username" data-val="true" data-val-equalto="Your passwords do not match." data-val-equalto-other="*.Password" data-val-required="This field is required." id="txtConfirmPassword" maxlength="28" name="ConfirmPassword"
        required="required" type="password" value="">
      <span class="field-validation-valid form-help validation-message" data-valmsg-for="ConfirmPassword" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
      <label class="control-label" for="ConfirmPassword">Confirm Your Password</label>
      <i class="bar"></i>
        <span class="field-validation-valid validation-message validation-message-checkbox align-validation" data-valmsg-for="AcceptTermsAndCondition" data-valmsg-replace="false">You must acknowledge terms and conditions before you proceed</span>
        <div class="icon-wrap " onclick="registerCheckboxActivity(this)" id="registrationCheckbox">
          <input class="check-box" data-val="true" data-val-accepttermsandcondition="You must acknowledge terms and conditions before you proceed" data-val-required="The AcceptTermsAndCondition field is required." id="AcceptTermsAndCondition"
            name="AcceptTermsAndCondition" type="checkbox" value="true"><input name="AcceptTermsAndCondition" type="hidden" value="false">
        <div class="align-para"> I have read, accept and agree to the <a style="font-size: 12px" href="./Terms/Agreement?isSSOUser=false" target="_blank" class="link-med-blue link-med-red">terms of use</a> agreement for this Site. </div>
      <li id="stTermsCo" style="display: none">
        <span class="field-validation-valid validation-message validation-message-checkbox align-validation" data-valmsg-for="StAcceptTermsAndCondition" data-valmsg-replace="false">You must acknowledge terms and conditions before you proceed</span>
        <div class="icon-wrap " onclick="registerCheckboxActivity(this)" id="registrationCheckbox">
          <input class="check-box" data-val="true" data-val-required="The StAcceptTermsAndCondition field is required." data-val-staccepttermsandcondition="You must acknowledge terms and conditions before you proceed" id="StAcceptTermsAndCondition"
            name="StAcceptTermsAndCondition" type="checkbox" value="true"><input name="StAcceptTermsAndCondition" type="hidden" value="false">
        <div class="align-para"> I have read, accept and agree to the <a href="./Terms/STAgreement" style="font-size: 12px" target="_blank" class="link-med-blue link-med-red">Truist teammate terms and conditions</a> for this site. </div>
      <li id="alert-notifications">
        <div class="icon-wrap " onclick="registerCheckboxActivity(this)" id="registrationCheckbox">
          <input class="check-box" data-val="true" data-val-required="The AlertNotification field is required." id="AlertNotification" name="AlertNotification" type="checkbox" value="true"><input name="AlertNotification" type="hidden" value="false">
        <div class="align-para"> I’d like to receive alerts and updates from Truist Momentum to help me stay on track and build financial confidence. By signing up you agree to Truist’s
          <a style="font-size: 12px" href="https://www.suntrust.com/Privacy" target="_blank" class="link-med-blue"><u>privacy policy</u></a>. </div>
    <div class="row register-container form-group mb-2 mt-2">
      <div class="register-button">
        <p style="display:none;" class="button center primary">By signing up you agree to Truist’s privacy policy.</p>
        <input type="submit" id="register-submit" onclick="MomentumOnUp.Register.OnClick()" class="button sign-in sign-in-width" value="Register">
    <input id="StEmployee" name="StEmployee" type="hidden" value="">

POST /dias/authenticateuser

<form role="form" method="post" id="loginForm" action="/dias/authenticateuser" onsubmit="if ($('#loginForm').valid()) { return true; }">
  <div id="landing-login">
    <div class="form-container alignbottom">
      <div class="form-inline">
        <div class="landing-text-error">
          <input type="email" name="username" id="UserName" maxlength="100" class="username" value="" placeholder="Username">
          <input type="password" name="password" id="Password" maxlength="100" class="password" value="" placeholder="Password">
          <div style="display:none" id="isTeammateError">
            <label class="align-message">The Spanish version of TruistMomentum.com is not available to Truist Teammates. Family members of Truist Teammates can access the Spanish version of the site using Registration Code TruistFamily. Please
              contact &lt;a href="mailto:wellbeing@truist.com" style="line-height: 0px;"&gt;wellbeing@truist.com&lt;/a&gt; with questions.</label>
        <div class="login-rem">
          <div class="icon-wrap remember remember-align unchecked-login" name="rememberMe" id="rememberMe">
          <label for="remember" class="remember-align">Remember me</label>
          <button type="submit" class="alignright button center primary button sign-in" id="login" onclick="MomentumOnUp.Login.ValidateForm(event,'signin')">Sign In</button>
        <a href="/Login/ForgotPassword" class="forgot-password-link">Forgot your password?</a>
        <input name="successurl" value="https://h1-momentum-prd.truist-prddmz.com:443/momentum/authenticate" type="hidden">
        <input type="hidden" name="isEncrypted">
        <input type="hidden" id="teammateErrorMsg"
          value="The Spanish version of TruistMomentum.com is not available to Truist Teammates. Family members of Truist Teammates can access the Spanish version of the site using Registration Code TruistFamily. Please contact <a href=&quot;mailto:wellbeing@truist.com&quot; style=&quot;line-height: 0px;&quot;>wellbeing@truist.com</a> with questions.">

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Boost your financial confidence and make more of the moments that matter.

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Employers: Interested in finding out about Truist Momentum for your employees?
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When you’re on top of your finances, you’re on top of your life and ready to
make more of the moments that matter. Truist Momentum equips you with the
information and tools you need to prioritize, plan and progress on your journey
to financial confidence – guided by the things you value most.

This program thus far is phenomenal. I have been searching for a tool to help me
get my money on track. This is a great start and I'm excited to see where it
takes me & my family.


Thank you for this because it opened my eyes to my finances: what I have done;
what I am doing; and what I am planning to do. This was an "eye-opener" and a
refresher. Thank you again!


This was great. I've already texted my wife about needing to work on this
together. I think we've been budgeting wrong our whole marriage.


The program is soundly developed, and modeled for successful outcomes.
Everyone's circumstances are different, but the foundational focus of the Truist
program guarantees a pathway to financial freedom.


To me, this is probably one of the best benefits that VCA has offered. This
program allows everybody to learn and take ownership of their own financial
health and happiness.


I appreciate the guidance and enthusiasm surrounding personal finance! As
someone who's very young and only a couple of years into life in the
professional world, I'm thrilled to be able to take advantage of this resource
at such an opportune time.


This program thus far is phenomenal. I have been searching for a tool to help me
get my money on track. This is a great start and I'm excited to see where it
takes me & my family.


Thank you for this because it opened my eyes to my finances: what I have done;
what I am doing; and what I am planning to do. This was an "eye-opener" and a
refresher. Thank you again!


This was great. I've already texted my wife about needing to work on this
together. I think we've been budgeting wrong our whole marriage.


The program is soundly developed, and modeled for successful outcomes.
Everyone's circumstances are different, but the foundational focus of the Truist
program guarantees a pathway to financial freedom.


To me, this is probably one of the best benefits that VCA has offered. This
program allows everybody to learn and take ownership of their own financial
health and happiness.


I appreciate the guidance and enthusiasm surrounding personal finance! As
someone who's very young and only a couple of years into life in the
professional world, I'm thrilled to be able to take advantage of this resource
at such an opportune time.


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© 2023 Truist Financial Corporation. Truist, Truist Momentum, 8 Pillars and the
Truist logo are service marks of Truist Financial Corporation. All rights

This content is educational in nature and is not an advertisement for a loan or
business solicitation. It does not constitute legal, tax, accounting, financial
or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult with competent legal, tax,
accounting, financial or investment professionals based on your specific
circumstances. We do not make any warranties as to accuracy or completeness of
this information, do not endorse any third-party companies, products, or
services described here, and take no liability for your use of this information.

Truist Bank and its affiliates and the directors, officers, employees and agents
of Truist Bank and its affiliates (collectively, "Truist") are not permitted to
give legal or tax advice. Clients of Truist should consult with their legal and
tax advisors prior to entering into any financial transaction.

SunTrust Bank now Truist Bank is an Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC.

Investment and Insurance Products:

Are Not FDIC or any other Government Agency Insured
Are Not Bank Guaranteed
May Lose Value


Already registered? Sign in

Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Registration Code

Your company will provide you with this unique code. if you do not know it,
contact your company's program administrator

Employee Friend/Family
Your Email Address

Confirm Your Email Address
Employee ID
Referring Employee's Work Email Address


Passwords must contain: At least 8 characters, 1 upper case letter, 1 lower-case
letter, 1 number, 1 symbol and cannot repeat any character more than twice in a
row. You cannot use your current ID.

Set Your Password
Confirm Your Password
 * You must acknowledge terms and conditions before you proceed
   I have read, accept and agree to the terms of use agreement for this Site.
 * You must acknowledge terms and conditions before you proceed
   I have read, accept and agree to the Truist teammate terms and conditions for
   this site.
 * I’d like to receive alerts and updates from Truist Momentum to help me stay
   on track and build financial confidence. By signing up you agree to Truist’s
   privacy policy.

By signing up you agree to Truist’s privacy policy.



The Spanish version of TruistMomentum.com is not available to Truist Teammates.
Family members of Truist Teammates can access the Spanish version of the site
using Registration Code TruistFamily. Please contact <a
href="mailto:wellbeing@truist.com" style="line-height:
0px;">wellbeing@truist.com</a> with questions.

Remember me Sign In
Forgot your password?

Thank you! We are working on your registration!

Please hang tight - you will be logged into Truist Momentum

in just a few moments!





Congratulations! You have started your journey to financial fitness. You have a
foundational understanding of finances and you’ve done a few things to manage
your money better. You have started, so keep going. Financial control is within
your reach.


You're making good progress at getting basic money management practices into
place. To further your journey, you still have some things to learn and do. You
can do this.


Doesn’t everything feel better when you’re less stressed about money? Rest
assured that you have the essentials covered and you have put the right plans
into place to support your life’s goals. Financial greatness is in sight. Go for


Congratulations! You have taken the steps to put yourself on the path to a life
well-spent. Now you are ready to truly enjoy the moments that really matter.
Have confidence that everything you have learned and done is hugely valuable.
Share your wisdom with others to encourage them on their journey.

*Descriptions are typical of people at these milestones. Individuals financial
situation may vary.
