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      <option value="Travel &amp; Hospitality">Travel &amp; Hospitality</option>
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      <option value="Other">Other</option>
    </select><select class="el_field elq-item-select cb_available required eloq_ppe" id="fe222" name="levelofInterest1" data-value="">
      <option value="">Level of Interest</option>
      <option value="Just researching">Just researching</option>
      <option value="Gathering business requirements">Gathering business requirements</option>
      <option value="Comparing solutions">Comparing solutions</option>
      <option value="Ready for a conversation">Ready for a conversation</option>
    </select><select class="el_field elq-item-select cb_available required eloq_ppe" id="fe225" name="numberofAgentsForm1" data-value="">
      <option value="">Number of Agent Seats</option>
      <option value="1-20">1-20</option>
      <option value="21-50">21-50</option>
      <option value="51-100">51-100</option>
      <option value="101-300">101-300</option>
      <option value="301-500">301-500</option>
      <option value="501-1000">501-1000</option>
      <option value=">1000">&gt;1000</option>
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      <option value="Don't Know">Don't Know</option>
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Text Content

We are excited to announce new functionality in the Beyond Platform: An updated
interface for launching a course and an option to unenroll from Instructor-led
class sessions. These improvements are designed to provide a seamless and
intuitive experience when accessing learning materials and the ability to better
plan your class sessions.      

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Genesys professional and CX training for all levels and skills.

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New to the Genesys ecosystem and looking for an economical way to become a
subject matter expert on your Genesys platform? A learning subscription is the
best way to maximize your time and budget for training. Each learning
subscription provides individual users with access to the top training and
certifications for each platform for one year. Learn more about each of the
subscriptions below!

 * Learn more
   Technical Training for System Administrators, Developers and business users

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   Platform Training for contact center users on Genesys Cloud

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   Platform-agnostic, soft-skills training for any user in a


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Whether you are a long-time Genesys customer or new to the Genesys ecosystem, a
learning subscription is a great way to maximize your time and budget for
continuous learning while also giving you the knowledge needed to become a
subject matter expert on the Genesys platform. Each learning subscription
provides individual users with access to the top training and certifications for
each platform for one year.

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LevelC-LevelVPDirectorManagerPrincipalEngineer /
Center ManagementCustomer ExperienceCustomer ServiceEcommerce/Digital
ChannelsFinanceHuman ResourcesInfluencerInformation TechnologyIT ArchitectureIT
InfrastructureIVRMarketingOperations / Process ManagementProduction
ServicesCapital MarketsCommunicationsConsumer ProductsDefense &
IntelligenceEducation & Non-ProfitEnergy &
SciencesLogisticsManufacturingPayorsProvidersRetailersTechnologyTravel &
HospitalityRetail BankingOtherLevel of InterestJust researchingGathering
business requirementsComparing solutionsReady for a conversationNumber of Agent
Seats1-2021-5051-100101-300301-500501-1000>1000No Contact CenterDon't Know
Yes. Keep me informed via email or telephone regarding Genesys information.

By providing your information, you agree to our privacy policy.


One of our educational advisors will contact you soon with further details.

> We love the virtual and eLearning training formats. We are a remote contact
> center, so it's really easy to push the content out to our team members, and
> since it is interactive, they can actively participate. This helped with user
> adoption and contributed to getting us live on Genesys Cloud within 90 days.

Director, Contact Center Operations | Hospitality

> When you look at the migration to cloud, and how rapidly new features are
> being delivered, waiting to send somebody to a training class just doesn’t cut
> it anymore.'

Enterprise Architect | Software

> We adopted a mixed approached for training. First, we worked with the Genesys
> Professional Services (PS) team during implementation, and then later brought
> in Genesys University trainers which helped us apply many of the concepts that
> the PS team talked about during implementation.

Senior Leader, Technology Enablement | Financial

> As we’ve started to expand our products, we found out very quickly that you
> absolutely have to go through training, whether it’s formal through an
> in-person Genesys instructor or online training. It definitely has to be a
> huge aspect of what you’re doing in order to support your environment.

Development Manager | Entertainment

> At maximum capacity, we have about a thousand agents that we need to support.
> Training and education plays a huge role in our success. As we continue to
> expand our use of Genesys products, it is important that we also continue to
> expand our knowledge through training. The online training portal has been a
> big help in providing user-friendly access to training materials.

Development Manager | Entertainment

> One of the lessons learned after implementation was that we needed formal
> training. So when we hired on new team members, we immediately sent them to be
> trained and certified. The online training is great!

Senior Manager, Technical Operations | Healthcare



New to training or not yet a subscriber? Sample some of our eLearning content
that covers a variety of topics related to the contact center industry.

   What exactly is Genesys Beyond? Take a step inside and discover who we are
   and how we can teach you how to provide a high-quality, memorable experience
   for your customers.


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Genesys® powers 25 billion of the world’s best customer experiences each year.
Our success comes from connecting employee and customer conversations on any
channel, every day. Over 11,000 companies in 100+ countries trust our #1
customer experience platform to drive great business outcomes and create lasting
relationships. Combining the best of technology and human ingenuity, we build
solutions that mirror natural communication and work the way you think. Our
industry-leading solutions foster true omnichannel engagement, performing
equally well across all channels, on-premises and in the cloud. Experience
communication as it should be: fluid, instinctive and profoundly empowering.


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