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Submitted URL: https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/
Effective URL: https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/doc/v1/index.html
Submission: On August 23 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious
Effective URL: https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/doc/v1/index.html
Submission: On August 23 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious
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* Quick Start * Errors * Cross-Origin Resource Sharing * Authentication * General * Creditors * getGet creditors * postCreate creditor * patchUpdate creditor * getGet creditor by ID * postCreate logo * getGet logo by ID * delDelete logo by ID * Customers * getGet customers * postCreate customer * getGet customer by ID * patchUpdate customer * Invoices * postCreate invoice * getGet invoices * postImport Finvoice * getGet invoice by ID * patchUpdate invoice * postCreate attachment * getGet attachments * getGet attachment by ID * delDelete attachment by ID * getGet items * getGet item by ID * Letters * getGet letters * getGet letter by ID * getGet deliveries * postCreate delivery * patchCancel delivery * Payments * getGet payments * getGet payment by ID * patchUpdate payment * postCreate transfer * getGet transfers * getGet transfer by ID * Users * patchUpdate current user * getGet current user * Miscellaneous * getGet electronic invoice operators * getGet electronic invoice operator by ID * OAuth2 * postToken endpoint Documentation Powered by ReDoc KTI API REFERENCE (1.0.0+20210502) Download OpenAPI specification:Download API support: info@ktilaskutus.fi URL: https://ktilaskutus.fi QUICK START You can create your first invoice with single invoice-create operation. Alternatively, you can import an existing Finvoice file which has the benefit of handling customer creation or matching automatically. 1. Import existing Finvoice file using operation invoice-import-finvoice. ERRORS The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call. The body of the error response will be JSON describing the occurred error. CROSS-ORIGIN RESOURCE SHARING This API features Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) implemented in compliance with W3C spec. And that allows cross-domain communication from the browser. All responses have a wildcard same-origin which makes them completely public and accessible to everyone, including any code on any site. AUTHENTICATION BEARER Bearer authentication (also called token authentication) is an HTTP authentication scheme that involves security tokens called bearer tokens. The name “Bearer authentication” can be understood as “give access to the bearer of this token.” The bearer token is a cryptic string, usually generated by the server in response to a login request. The client must send this token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources: Authorization: bearer <token> Security Scheme Type HTTP HTTP Authorization Scheme bearer CREDITORS Creditor represents a supplier: a person, organisation or other entity that sells a product or service as their business. In invoice terms, creditor is the seller. GET CREDITORS Retrieves creditors based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the creditors. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/creditors Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 19481582, * "externalId": "10174814", * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "string", * "street": "Testikatu 1 A 2", * "postalCode": "20100", * "city": "TURKU", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "user@example.com", * "bankAccountNumber": "string", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ] CREATE CREDITOR Creates new creditor. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON externalId string [ 1 .. 32 ] characters Nullable Identifier in the original (external) system. type required string Type of the creditor. Value cannot be changed after initial set. business business consumer businessCode required string Business-ID (y-tunnus) of the creditor. Value cannot be changed after initial set. name required string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Name of the creditor. street required string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Street address of the creditor. postalCode required string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Postal code (ZIP) of the creditor. city required string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters City of the creditor. country required string 2 characters Country code of the creditor in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. phone string Nullable ^\+[1-9][0-9]{6,14}$ Phone number of the creditor in international format. email string <email> Nullable Email address of the creditor. bankAccountNumber string Nullable Bank account number as IBAN. RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/creditors Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Example business business consumer Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "externalId": "10174814", * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "string", * "street": "Testikatu 1 A 2", * "postalCode": "20100", * "city": "TURKU", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "user@example.com", * "bankAccountNumber": "string" } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Example business business consumer Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 19481582, * "externalId": "10174814", * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "string", * "street": "Testikatu 1 A 2", * "postalCode": "20100", * "city": "TURKU", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "user@example.com", * "bankAccountNumber": "string", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } UPDATE CREDITOR Updates existing creditor. Note. Unchanged properties can be left out of the request. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS creditorId required integer ID of the creditor REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON externalId string [ 1 .. 32 ] characters Nullable Identifier in the original (external) system. name string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Name of the creditor. street string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Street address of the creditor. postalCode string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters Postal code (ZIP) of the creditor. city string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters City of the creditor. country string 2 characters Country code of the creditor in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. phone string Nullable ^\+[1-9][0-9]{6,14}$ Phone number of the creditor in international format. email string <email> Nullable Email address of the creditor. bankAccountNumber string Nullable Bank account number as IBAN. RESPONSES 200 Success default Error patch/creditors/{creditorId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId} REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "externalId": "10174814", * "name": "string", * "street": "Testikatu 1 A 2", * "postalCode": "20100", * "city": "TURKU", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "user@example.com", * "bankAccountNumber": "string" } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Example business business consumer Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 19481582, * "externalId": "10174814", * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "string", * "street": "Testikatu 1 A 2", * "postalCode": "20100", * "city": "TURKU", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "user@example.com", * "bankAccountNumber": "string", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } GET CREDITOR BY ID Retrieves creditor by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS creditorId required integer ID of the creditor RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/creditors/{creditorId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Example business business consumer Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 19481582, * "externalId": "10174814", * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "string", * "street": "Testikatu 1 A 2", * "postalCode": "20100", * "city": "TURKU", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "user@example.com", * "bankAccountNumber": "string", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } CREATE LOGO Creates new logo. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS creditorId required integer ID of the creditor REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: IMAGE/PNG string <binary> RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/creditors/{creditorId}/logo Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId}/logo Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId}/logo RESPONSE SAMPLES * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "type": "authentication-error", * "title": "string", * "status": 400, * "detail": "string", * "errors": [ * { * "error": "string", * "property": "string" } ], * "correlationId": "string" } GET LOGO BY ID Retrieves logo by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS creditorId required integer ID of the creditor RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/creditors/{creditorId}/logo Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId}/logo Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId}/logo RESPONSE SAMPLES * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "type": "authentication-error", * "title": "string", * "status": 400, * "detail": "string", * "errors": [ * { * "error": "string", * "property": "string" } ], * "correlationId": "string" } DELETE LOGO BY ID Deletes logo by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS creditorId required integer ID of the creditor RESPONSES 200 Success default Error delete/creditors/{creditorId}/logo Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId}/logo Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/creditors/{creditorId}/logo RESPONSE SAMPLES * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "type": "authentication-error", * "title": "string", * "status": 400, * "detail": "string", * "errors": [ * { * "error": "string", * "property": "string" } ], * "correlationId": "string" } CUSTOMERS Customer represents the buyer. GET CUSTOMERS Retrieves customers based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the customers. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/customers Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/customers Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/customers RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 0, * "creditorId": 18585, * "debtorId": 0, * "externalId": "10174814", * "number": 94824, * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "Test Company Oy", * "socialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "careOf": "Foobar", * "street": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "street2": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "postalCode": 20250, * "city": "Turku", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "teppo.testaaja@testing.fi", * "electronicInvoiceOperator": "00372332748700001", * "electronicInvoiceAddress": "003729887813", * "deliveryMethod": "email", * "paymentPeriod": 14, * "notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nunc blandit, maximus felis vel, accumsan erat.", * "createdAt": "string", * "updatedAt": "string" } ] CREATE CUSTOMER Creates new customer. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON creditorId integer ID of the creditor. externalId string [ 1 .. 32 ] characters Nullable Identifier in the original (external) system. number string Customer number type string Enum: "business" "consumer" Type of customer Possible values are: * business: Company or organization * consumer: Private person businessCode string Company business identifier (e.g. y-tunnus) name string Company name socialSecurityNumber string Private person Person-ID (e.g. henkilötunnus) firstName string Private person first name lastName string Private person last name careOf string Care of name street string Street address street2 string Street address postalCode string Postal code (zip) city string City country string 2 characters Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. phone string^\+[1-9][0-9]{6,14}$ Phone number in international format. email string <email> Email address electronicInvoiceOperator string Code or shorthand of the electronic invoice operator. See verkkolaskuosoite.fi for more information. electronicInvoiceAddress string Electronic invoice address. See verkkolaskuosoite.fi for more information. deliveryMethod string Enum: "email" "paper" "electronic" "none" Delivery method. Possible values are * email: Delivery is via email * paper: Delivery is via paper * electronic: Delivery via e-invoice or as paper if e-invoice fails * none: No delivery is made paymentPeriod integer Payment period measured in days. Due date is payment period days after invoice date. notes string Free text notes RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/customers Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/customers Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/customers REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "creditorId": 18585, * "externalId": "10174814", * "number": 94824, * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "Test Company Oy", * "socialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "careOf": "Foobar", * "street": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "street2": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "postalCode": 20250, * "city": "Turku", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "teppo.testaaja@testing.fi", * "electronicInvoiceOperator": "00372332748700001", * "electronicInvoiceAddress": "003729887813", * "deliveryMethod": "email", * "paymentPeriod": 14, * "notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nunc blandit, maximus felis vel, accumsan erat." } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 0, * "creditorId": 18585, * "debtorId": 0, * "externalId": "10174814", * "number": 94824, * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "Test Company Oy", * "socialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "careOf": "Foobar", * "street": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "street2": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "postalCode": 20250, * "city": "Turku", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "teppo.testaaja@testing.fi", * "electronicInvoiceOperator": "00372332748700001", * "electronicInvoiceAddress": "003729887813", * "deliveryMethod": "email", * "paymentPeriod": 14, * "notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nunc blandit, maximus felis vel, accumsan erat.", * "createdAt": "string", * "updatedAt": "string" } GET CUSTOMER BY ID Retrieves customer by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS customerId required integer ID of the customer RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/customers/{customerId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/customers/{customerId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/customers/{customerId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 0, * "creditorId": 18585, * "debtorId": 0, * "externalId": "10174814", * "number": 94824, * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "Test Company Oy", * "socialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "careOf": "Foobar", * "street": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "street2": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "postalCode": 20250, * "city": "Turku", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "teppo.testaaja@testing.fi", * "electronicInvoiceOperator": "00372332748700001", * "electronicInvoiceAddress": "003729887813", * "deliveryMethod": "email", * "paymentPeriod": 14, * "notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nunc blandit, maximus felis vel, accumsan erat.", * "createdAt": "string", * "updatedAt": "string" } UPDATE CUSTOMER Updates given customer. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS customerId required integer ID of the customer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON creditorId integer ID of the creditor. externalId string [ 1 .. 32 ] characters Nullable Identifier in the original (external) system. number string Customer number type string Enum: "business" "consumer" Type of customer Possible values are: * business: Company or organization * consumer: Private person businessCode string Company business identifier (e.g. y-tunnus) name string Company name socialSecurityNumber string Private person Person-ID (e.g. henkilötunnus) firstName string Private person first name lastName string Private person last name careOf string Care of name street string Street address street2 string Street address postalCode string Postal code (zip) city string City country string 2 characters Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. phone string^\+[1-9][0-9]{6,14}$ Phone number in international format. email string <email> Email address electronicInvoiceOperator string Code or shorthand of the electronic invoice operator. See verkkolaskuosoite.fi for more information. electronicInvoiceAddress string Electronic invoice address. See verkkolaskuosoite.fi for more information. deliveryMethod string Enum: "email" "paper" "electronic" "none" Delivery method. Possible values are * email: Delivery is via email * paper: Delivery is via paper * electronic: Delivery via e-invoice or as paper if e-invoice fails * none: No delivery is made paymentPeriod integer Payment period measured in days. Due date is payment period days after invoice date. notes string Free text notes RESPONSES 200 Success default Error patch/customers/{customerId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/customers/{customerId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/customers/{customerId} REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "creditorId": 18585, * "externalId": "10174814", * "number": 94824, * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "Test Company Oy", * "socialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "careOf": "Foobar", * "street": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "street2": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "postalCode": 20250, * "city": "Turku", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "teppo.testaaja@testing.fi", * "electronicInvoiceOperator": "00372332748700001", * "electronicInvoiceAddress": "003729887813", * "deliveryMethod": "email", * "paymentPeriod": 14, * "notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nunc blandit, maximus felis vel, accumsan erat." } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 0, * "creditorId": 18585, * "debtorId": 0, * "externalId": "10174814", * "number": 94824, * "type": "business", * "businessCode": "1234567-1", * "name": "Test Company Oy", * "socialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "careOf": "Foobar", * "street": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "street2": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "postalCode": 20250, * "city": "Turku", * "country": "FI", * "phone": "+3584012345678", * "email": "teppo.testaaja@testing.fi", * "electronicInvoiceOperator": "00372332748700001", * "electronicInvoiceAddress": "003729887813", * "deliveryMethod": "email", * "paymentPeriod": 14, * "notes": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et nunc blandit, maximus felis vel, accumsan erat.", * "createdAt": "string", * "updatedAt": "string" } INVOICES Invoice represents a single invoice. CREATE INVOICE Creates new invoice. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON externalId string [ 1 .. 32 ] characters Nullable Identifier in the original (external) system. creditorId required integer ID of the creditor. number string Invoice number issuedOn string <date> Invoice date i.e. date when invoice was issued. dueOn string <date> Invoice due date. interestMethodCode string Enum: "fia" "fix" Interest rate method. Possible values are * fia: Finnish Interest Act (Korkolaki). Semiannually changing rate. * fix: Fixed interest. Specify the actual rate in rate. interestRate number <float> Determines the Interest Act allowed alternative interest rate for maximum of 180 days. If no alternative interest is used, leave this to 0. yourReference string A reference meaningful to the customer ourReference string A reference meaningful to the creditor freeText string Free text customerId required integer ID of the customer. customerNumber string Customer number customerType string Enum: "business" "consumer" Type of customer Possible values are: * business: Company or organization * consumer: Private person customerBusinessCode string Company business identifier (e.g. y-tunnus) customerName string Company name customerSocialSecurityNumber string Private person Person-ID (e.g. henkilötunnus) customerFirstName string Private person first name customerLastName string Private person last name customerCareOf string Care of name customerStreet string Street address customerStreet2 string Street address customerPostalCode string Postal code (zip) customerCity string City customerCountry string 2 characters Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. customerPhone string^\+[1-9][0-9]{6,14}$ Phone number in international format. customerEmail string <email> Email address customerElectronicInvoiceOperator string Code or shorthand of the electronic invoice operator. See verkkolaskuosoite.fi for more information. customerSlectronicInvoiceAddress string Electronic invoice address. See verkkolaskuosoite.fi for more information. action string Enum: "invoice" "remind" "collect" Action to take Possible values are: * invoice: Send invoice * remind: Send reminder * collect: Start collection deliveryMethod string Enum: "email" "paper" "electronic" "none" Delivery method. Possible values are * email: Delivery is via email * paper: Delivery is via paper * electronic: Delivery via e-invoice or as paper if e-invoice fails * none: No delivery is made creditAmount number <float> The complete amount of granted credit. creditGrantedOn string <date> The date when credit was granted. creditTerminatedOn string <date> The date when credit was terminated. creditEffectiveInterestRate number <float> The effective interest rate observing credit interest and all fees. items required object RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/invoices Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "externalId": "10174814", * "creditorId": 18585, * "number": 1000194, * "issuedOn": "2018-12-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "dueOn": "2018-12-15T00:00:00.000Z", * "interestMethodCode": "fia", * "interestRate": 96, * "yourReference": 24, * "ourReference": 24, * "freeText": "This is free text. This is free text. This is free text...", * "customerId": 27575, * "customerNumber": 94824, * "customerType": "business", * "customerBusinessCode": "1234567-1", * "customerName": "Test Company Oy", * "customerSocialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "customerFirstName": "Teppo", * "customerLastName": "Testaaja", * "customerCareOf": "Foobar", * "customerStreet": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "customerStreet2": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "customerPostalCode": 20250, * "customerCity": "Turku", * "customerCountry": "FI", * "customerPhone": "+3584012345678", * "customerEmail": "teppo.testaaja@testing.fi", * "customerElectronicInvoiceOperator": "00372332748700001", * "customerSlectronicInvoiceAddress": "003729887813", * "action": "invoice", * "deliveryMethod": "email", * "creditAmount": 0, * "creditGrantedOn": "2019-08-24", * "creditTerminatedOn": "2019-08-24", * "creditEffectiveInterestRate": 0, * "items": { * "type": "capital", * "description": "Apples", * "price": 12.4, * "priceExcludingVat": 10, * "priceVat": 10, * "vatRate": 24, * "vatStatus": "doms", * "quantity": 1, * "unit": "h", * "discountRate": 15 } } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "externalId": "10174814", * "creditorId": 18585, * "state": "invoice_sent", * "number": 1000194, * "paymentReference": 1234561, * "issuedOn": "2018-12-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "dueOn": "2018-12-15T00:00:00.000Z", * "interestMethodCode": "fia", * "interestRate": 96, * "customerId": 27575, * "customerType": "business", * "customerNumber": 94824, * "customerBusinessCode": "1234567-1", * "customerSocialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "customerName": "Test Company Oy", * "customerFirstName": "Teppo", * "customerLastName": "Testaaja", * "customerStreet": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "customerPostalCode": 20250, * "customerCity": "Turku", * "customerCountry": "FI", * "total": 12.4, * "totalExcludingVat": 10, * "totalVat": 10, * "open": 10, * "paid": 10, * "freeText": "This is free text. This is free text. This is free text...", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } GET INVOICES Retrieves invoices based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the invoices. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/invoices Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 18585, * "externalId": "10174814", * "creditorId": 18585, * "state": "invoice_sent", * "number": 1000194, * "paymentReference": 1234561, * "issuedOn": "2018-12-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "dueOn": "2018-12-15T00:00:00.000Z", * "interestMethodCode": "fia", * "interestRate": 96, * "customerId": 27575, * "customerType": "business", * "customerNumber": 94824, * "customerBusinessCode": "1234567-1", * "customerSocialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "customerName": "Test Company Oy", * "customerFirstName": "Teppo", * "customerLastName": "Testaaja", * "customerStreet": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "customerPostalCode": 20250, * "customerCity": "Turku", * "customerCountry": "FI", * "total": 12.4, * "totalExcludingVat": 10, * "totalVat": 10, * "open": 10, * "paid": 10, * "freeText": "This is free text. This is free text. This is free text...", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ] IMPORT FINVOICE Import invoice from existing Finvoice file. The following information is required for a successful import. 1. Information about import as JSON 2. The Finvoice file 3. The PDF file (optional) As the import excepts various data of different formats and structures, a multipart/form-data POST is used here. EXAMPLE In the following example, finvoice.xml contains the Finvoice file, and finvoice.pdf contains the invoice image PDF. $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/import/finvoice \ -F info='{ "creditorId": CREDITOR_ID }' \ -F finvoice=@finvoice.xml \ -F pdf=@finvoice.pdf AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: MULTIPART/FORM-DATA info object finvoice string <binary> Contents of Finvoice file pdf string <binary> Contents of PDF file (optional) RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/invoices/import/finvoice Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/import/finvoice Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/import/finvoice RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "externalId": "10174814", * "creditorId": 18585, * "state": "invoice_sent", * "number": 1000194, * "paymentReference": 1234561, * "issuedOn": "2018-12-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "dueOn": "2018-12-15T00:00:00.000Z", * "interestMethodCode": "fia", * "interestRate": 96, * "customerId": 27575, * "customerType": "business", * "customerNumber": 94824, * "customerBusinessCode": "1234567-1", * "customerSocialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "customerName": "Test Company Oy", * "customerFirstName": "Teppo", * "customerLastName": "Testaaja", * "customerStreet": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "customerPostalCode": 20250, * "customerCity": "Turku", * "customerCountry": "FI", * "total": 12.4, * "totalExcludingVat": 10, * "totalVat": 10, * "open": 10, * "paid": 10, * "freeText": "This is free text. This is free text. This is free text...", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } GET INVOICE BY ID Retrieves invoice by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS invoiceId required integer ID of the invoice RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/invoices/{invoiceId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "externalId": "10174814", * "creditorId": 18585, * "state": "invoice_sent", * "number": 1000194, * "paymentReference": 1234561, * "issuedOn": "2018-12-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "dueOn": "2018-12-15T00:00:00.000Z", * "interestMethodCode": "fia", * "interestRate": 96, * "customerId": 27575, * "customerType": "business", * "customerNumber": 94824, * "customerBusinessCode": "1234567-1", * "customerSocialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "customerName": "Test Company Oy", * "customerFirstName": "Teppo", * "customerLastName": "Testaaja", * "customerStreet": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "customerPostalCode": 20250, * "customerCity": "Turku", * "customerCountry": "FI", * "total": 12.4, * "totalExcludingVat": 10, * "totalVat": 10, * "open": 10, * "paid": 10, * "freeText": "This is free text. This is free text. This is free text...", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } UPDATE INVOICE Updates given invoice. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS invoiceId required integer ID of the invoice REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON externalId string [ 1 .. 32 ] characters Nullable Identifier in the original (external) system. yourReference string A reference meaningful to the customer ourReference string A reference meaningful to the creditor RESPONSES 200 Success default Error patch/invoices/{invoiceId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId} REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "externalId": "10174814", * "yourReference": 24, * "ourReference": 24 } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "externalId": "10174814", * "creditorId": 18585, * "state": "invoice_sent", * "number": 1000194, * "paymentReference": 1234561, * "issuedOn": "2018-12-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "dueOn": "2018-12-15T00:00:00.000Z", * "interestMethodCode": "fia", * "interestRate": 96, * "customerId": 27575, * "customerType": "business", * "customerNumber": 94824, * "customerBusinessCode": "1234567-1", * "customerSocialSecurityNumber": "010101-123N", * "customerName": "Test Company Oy", * "customerFirstName": "Teppo", * "customerLastName": "Testaaja", * "customerStreet": "Test Street 1 A 2", * "customerPostalCode": 20250, * "customerCity": "Turku", * "customerCountry": "FI", * "total": 12.4, * "totalExcludingVat": 10, * "totalVat": 10, * "open": 10, * "paid": 10, * "freeText": "This is free text. This is free text. This is free text...", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } CREATE ATTACHMENT Creates new attachment. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/PDF APPLICATION/PDF APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM string <binary> RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json application/json application/pdf application/octet-stream Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "invoiceId": 18585, * "mediaType": "application/pdf", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } GET ATTACHMENTS Retrieves attachments based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the attachments. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS invoiceId required integer ID of the invoice QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 18585, * "invoiceId": 18585, * "mediaType": "application/pdf", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ] GET ATTACHMENT BY ID Retrieves attachment by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS invoiceId required integer ID of the invoice invoiceAttachmentId required integer ID of the invoice attachment RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments/{invoiceAttachmentId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments/{invoiceAttachmentId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments/{invoiceAttachmentId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json application/json application/pdf application/octet-stream Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "invoiceId": 18585, * "mediaType": "application/pdf", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } DELETE ATTACHMENT BY ID Deletes attachment by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS invoiceId required integer ID of the invoice invoiceAttachmentId required integer ID of the invoice attachment RESPONSES 200 Success default Error delete/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments/{invoiceAttachmentId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments/{invoiceAttachmentId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/attachments/{invoiceAttachmentId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "type": "authentication-error", * "title": "string", * "status": 400, * "detail": "string", * "errors": [ * { * "error": "string", * "property": "string" } ], * "correlationId": "string" } GET ITEMS Retrieves items based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the items. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS invoiceId required integer ID of the invoice QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/invoices/{invoiceId}/items Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/items Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/items RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 18585, * "invoiceId": 18585, * "type": "capital", * "description": "Apples", * "quantity": 1, * "vatRate": 24, * "price": 12.4, * "priceExcludingVat": 10, * "priceVat": 10, * "total": 12.4, * "totalExcludingVat": 10, * "totalVat": 10, * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ] GET ITEM BY ID Retrieves item by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS invoiceId required integer ID of the invoice invoiceItemId required integer ID of the invoice item RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/invoices/{invoiceId}/items/{invoiceItemId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/items/{invoiceItemId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/items/{invoiceItemId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "invoiceId": 18585, * "type": "capital", * "description": "Apples", * "quantity": 1, * "vatRate": 24, * "price": 12.4, * "priceExcludingVat": 10, * "priceVat": 10, * "total": 12.4, * "totalExcludingVat": 10, * "totalVat": 10, * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } LETTERS Letters represents a letter sent to the debtor. GET LETTERS Retrieves letters based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the letters. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/letters Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 84812, * "creditorId": 18585, * "invoiceId": [ * 2525, * 12424 ], * "externalId": "10174814", * "type": "invoice", * "bankAccountNumber": "FI2380867100484406", * "paymentReference": 1234561, * "dueOn": "2018-12-15T00:00:00.000Z", * "total": 12.4, * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ] GET LETTER BY ID Retrieves letter by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS letterId required integer ID of the letter RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/letters/{letterId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters/{letterId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters/{letterId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json application/json application/pdf Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 84812, * "creditorId": 18585, * "invoiceId": [ * 2525, * 12424 ], * "externalId": "10174814", * "type": "invoice", * "bankAccountNumber": "FI2380867100484406", * "paymentReference": 1234561, * "dueOn": "2018-12-15T00:00:00.000Z", * "total": 12.4, * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } GET DELIVERIES Retrieves deliveries for given letter. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS letterId required integer ID of the letter RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/letters/{letterId}/deliveries Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters/{letterId}/deliveries Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters/{letterId}/deliveries RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 85929, * "letterId": 84812, * "state": "outgoing", * "method": "email", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ] CREATE DELIVERY Creates new delivery for given letter. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS letterId required integer ID of the letter REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON method required string Enum: "email" "paper" "electronic" "none" Letter delivery method. Possible values are * email: Letter is delivered as email * paper: Letter is delivered as paper letter * electronic: Letter is delivered as e-invoice or as paper if e-invoice fails. * none: No delivery is made RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/letters/{letterId}/deliveries Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters/{letterId}/deliveries Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters/{letterId}/deliveries REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "method": "email" } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 85929, * "letterId": 84812, * "state": "outgoing", * "method": "email", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } CANCEL DELIVERY Cancels given delivery. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS letterId required integer ID of the letter letterDeliveryId required integer ID of the letter delivery REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON status string Value: "cancelled" Cancellation is not allowed if state is cancelled or delivered. RESPONSES 200 Success default Error patch/letters/{letterId}/deliveries/{letterDeliveryId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters/{letterId}/deliveries/{letterDeliveryId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/letters/{letterId}/deliveries/{letterDeliveryId} REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "status": "cancelled" } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 85929, * "letterId": 84812, * "state": "outgoing", * "method": "email", * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } PAYMENTS Payment represents a single monetary transaction. Payment transfer is used to link two payments moving funds from one invoice to another. GET PAYMENTS Retrieves payments based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the payments. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/payments Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payments Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payments RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 18585, * "creditorId": 18585, * "invoiceId": [ * 2525, * 12424 ], * "externalId": "10174814", * "bankAccountNumber": "string", * "type": "r", * "entryDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "paymentDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "amount": 19.95, * "distribution": [ * { * "invoiceId": 18585, * "type": "capital", * "amount": 19.95 } ], * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ] GET PAYMENT BY ID Retrieves payment by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS paymentId required integer ID of the payment RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/payments/{paymentId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payments/{paymentId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payments/{paymentId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "creditorId": 18585, * "invoiceId": [ * 2525, * 12424 ], * "externalId": "10174814", * "bankAccountNumber": "string", * "type": "r", * "entryDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "paymentDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "amount": 19.95, * "distribution": [ * { * "invoiceId": 18585, * "type": "capital", * "amount": 19.95 } ], * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } UPDATE PAYMENT Updates given payment. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS paymentId required integer ID of the payment REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON externalId string [ 1 .. 32 ] characters Nullable Identifier in the original (external) system. RESPONSES 200 Success default Error patch/payments/{paymentId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payments/{paymentId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payments/{paymentId} REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "externalId": "10174814" } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "creditorId": 18585, * "invoiceId": [ * 2525, * 12424 ], * "externalId": "10174814", * "bankAccountNumber": "string", * "type": "r", * "entryDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "paymentDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", * "amount": 19.95, * "distribution": [ * { * "invoiceId": 18585, * "type": "capital", * "amount": 19.95 } ], * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", * "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } CREATE TRANSFER Creates new payment transfer between two separate invoices. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON creditorId required integer ID of the creditor. reasonCode required string Reason for payment transfer. Possible values are * cn: Credit note transfer. cn cn sourceInvoiceId required integer ID of the source invoice. targetInvoiceId required integer ID of the target invoice. amount required number <float> Amount to be transferred. RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/payment-transfers Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payment-transfers Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payment-transfers REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "creditorId": 18585, * "reasonCode": "cn", * "sourceInvoiceId": 18585, * "targetInvoiceId": 18585, * "amount": 19.95 } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "creditorId": 18585, * "reasonCode": "cn", * "sourceInvoiceId": 18585, * "sourcePaymentId": 18585, * "targetInvoiceId": 18585, * "targetPaymentId": 18585, * "amount": 19.95 } GET TRANSFERS Retrieves payment transfers based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the payment transfers. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/payment-transfers Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payment-transfers Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payment-transfers RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 18585, * "creditorId": 18585, * "reasonCode": "cn", * "sourceInvoiceId": 18585, * "sourcePaymentId": 18585, * "targetInvoiceId": 18585, * "targetPaymentId": 18585, * "amount": 19.95 } ] GET TRANSFER BY ID Retrieves payment transfer by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS paymentTransferId required integer ID of the payment transfer RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/payment-transfers/{paymentTransferId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payment-transfers/{paymentTransferId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/payment-transfers/{paymentTransferId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 18585, * "creditorId": 18585, * "reasonCode": "cn", * "sourceInvoiceId": 18585, * "sourcePaymentId": 18585, * "targetInvoiceId": 18585, * "targetPaymentId": 18585, * "amount": 19.95 } USERS User represents any individual who has been granted access to the system. UPDATE CURRENT USER Updates current user. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/JSON password string >= 6 characters Password of the user. firstName string <= 256 characters Nullable First name of the user. lastName string <= 256 characters Nullable Last name of the user. email string <email> <= 256 characters Nullable Email address of the user. RESPONSES 200 Success default Error patch/users/me Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/users/me Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/users/me REQUEST SAMPLES * Payload Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "password": "myPassword1", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "email": "user@example.com" } RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 1398, * "username": "testuser1", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "email": "user@example.com", * "token": "HvYFZNeJ33eyT5VN", * "creditors": [ * 1001, * 1003, * 1023 ], * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } GET CURRENT USER Retrieves current user. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/users/me Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/users/me Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/users/me RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 1398, * "username": "testuser1", * "firstName": "Teppo", * "lastName": "Testaaja", * "email": "user@example.com", * "token": "HvYFZNeJ33eyT5VN", * "creditors": [ * 1001, * 1003, * 1023 ], * "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous. GET ELECTRONIC INVOICE OPERATORS Retrieves electronic invoice operators based on given filter criteria. By default returns first page of the electronic invoice operators. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer QUERY PARAMETERS filter string Example: filter=id = 1012 and externalId isnotnull Filter expression sort string Example: sort=id asc, externalId desc Sort expression page string Default: "1:100" Example: page=17:50 Paging expression RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/electronicInvoiceOperators Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/electronicInvoiceOperators Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/electronicInvoiceOperators RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all [ * { * "id": 0, * "code": "string", * "name": "string", * "createdAt": "string", * "updatedAt": "string" } ] GET ELECTRONIC INVOICE OPERATOR BY ID Retrieves electronic invoice operator by ID. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer PATH PARAMETERS electronicInvoiceOperatorId required integer ID of the electronic invoice operator RESPONSES 200 Success default Error get/electronicInvoiceOperators/{electronicInvoiceOperatorId} Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/electronicInvoiceOperators/{electronicInvoiceOperatorId} Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/electronicInvoiceOperators/{electronicInvoiceOperatorId} RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "id": 0, * "code": "string", * "name": "string", * "createdAt": "string", * "updatedAt": "string" } OAUTH2 The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval interaction between the resource owner and the HTTP service, or by allowing the third-party application to obtain access on its own behalf. Following grant types are supported: * password The Password grant type is used by first-party clients to exchange a user's credentials for an access token. TOKEN ENDPOINT Retrieves new authentication token. AUTHORIZATIONS: Bearer REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: APPLICATION/X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODED grant_type required string Specfies the grant type. password password username required string Specfies the username. password required string Specfies the password. RESPONSES 200 Success default Error post/oauth/token Staging https://api.stage.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/oauth/token Production https://api.ktilaskutus.fi/v1/oauth/token RESPONSE SAMPLES * 200 * default Content type application/json Copy Expand all Collapse all { * "access_token": "KnN9iY2hG5eruRA2", * "token_type": "bearer" }