www.skype.com Open in urlscan Pro
2620:1ec:42::133  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://gokarenmukn.amerissg.com/fOHEXefqtZHU9bW9kJmVydD1hMkZ5Wlc0dWJtOTJZV3RBYkdabkxtTnZiUT09Jm10PTU=pthq
Effective URL: https://www.skype.com/en/free-conference-call/
Submission: On March 14 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

POST /en/free-conference-call.aspx

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                  <h1 class="fontSizeH1" style="margin-bottom:0">Don’t let distance get in your way!</h1>
                <div class="marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop">
                  <p>It’s easy – <strong>simply create a link</strong> and <strong>share with people you want to join the call</strong>. No sign ups required. If you don’t have Skype installed, that's ok, you can enjoy it
                    <a aria-label="Try Skype in your browser" class="cg-link" data-bi-name="skype-web-on-meet-now" href="https://web.skype.com/">on your browser</a>.&nbsp;Invite up to 99 people (plus you) and enjoy free video calls using Skype.<br>
                    <br> Best of all, your SkypeLink doesn’t expire and can be used anytime!</p>
                <p style="font-size: 1.4em;"><img aria-hidden="true" class="x-hidden-focus" height="40" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/meet-now/check-mark.png" style="vertical-align:middle" width="40">&nbsp; <strong>No sign
                <p style="font-size: 1.4em;"><img aria-hidden="true" class="x-hidden-focus" height="40" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/meet-now/check-mark.png" style="vertical-align:middle" width="40">&nbsp; <strong>No
                <p style="font-size: 1.4em;"><img aria-hidden="true" class="x-hidden-focus" height="40" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/meet-now/check-mark.png" style="vertical-align:middle" width="40">&nbsp; <strong>Calls up to
                    24 hours each</strong></p>
            <div class="col col2 noTheme horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignTop paddingHorizontal0 paddingVertical0">
              <div class="colContent">
                <div class="root-container marginTop3">
                  <div class="circle marginTop3">&nbsp;</div>
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                            <p aria-live="polite" aria-level="1" role="heading" class="headerText fontSizeH3">Create a free video call with one click!</p>
                            <div class="generatedHeaderWithImage"><label class="headerSubtitle">No sign ups. No downloads required.</label><img class="headerLogo" aria-hidden="true"
                                src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/apollo/0.0.0/meetnowwidget/1.0.127/images/PrepareMeetingHeader.svg" alt="Meet Now"></div>
                          <div class="createOrJoinContainer">
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                              <div class="meetingTitleContainer" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="meetingTitleSuggestionsBox" aria-expanded="false">
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                                  <div class="meetingTitleIcon meetingTitleIconCollapsed meetingTitlePickerSection" role="combobox" aria-label="open_avatar_picker" aria-owns="titlePickerOptionsPopup" aria-expanded="false"><button role="combobox"
                                      id="dropdownButton" aria-controls="titlePickerOptionsPopup" aria-expanded="false" class="transparentButton"><img alt="" class="dropdownButtonImage"
                                        src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/apollo/0.0.0/meetnowwidget/1.0.127/images/emoticonIcon.svg"></button></div><input type="text" id="meetingTitle" name="meetingTitle" role="textbox" aria-autocomplete="list"
                                    autocomplete="off" aria-label="Name your meeting" maxlength="200" class="meetingTitle meetingTitlePaddingWithAvatarPicker" placeholder="Name your meeting">
                                  <div class="pencilIcon" role="button"><button id="toggleTitleSuggestionsListButton" class="transparentButton" aria-label="Suggested meeting titles"><img alt="OK"
                            </div><label class="generateLinkHelpLabel">Put the name of your meeting and get your unique link to send it to others you want to meet with.</label><button class="meetButton widgetBtn primaryCta linkGeneratorButton"><img
                                alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="cameraIcon" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/apollo/0.0.0/meetnowwidget/1.0.127/images/MeetNowTransparentIconWhite.svg"><span class="startCallButtonText">Create a free video
                            <div class="meetingJoinWrapper"><label class="joinButton"><a href="" class="joinLink">Join with link</a></label></div>
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                  <script async="" type="text/javascript">
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    <section class="section noTheme sectionStandard horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignCenter layoutMarginBottom0 layoutMarginTop0" data-component-id="4d281d59-437c-4c02-a9b3-81f750bb282b">
      <div class="content standardWidth ">
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                </style> <img aria-hidden="true" class="x-hidden-focus" height="100px" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/meet-now/generatelink@2x.png">
              <div class="marginTop1 marginTop1Desktop">
                <p class="fontSizeH4 marginBottom1 marginBottom1Desktop">1. Generate link</p>
                <p>Generate a call link in one simple click.</p>
          <div class="col col2 noTheme horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignTop paddingHorizontal1 paddingVertical0">
            <div class="colContent">
              <div class="marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop"><img aria-hidden="true" class="x-hidden-focus" height="100px" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/meet-now/sharelink@2x.png" width="124px"></div>
              <div class="marginTop1 marginTop1Desktop">
                <p class="fontSizeH4 marginBottom1 marginBottom1Desktop">2. Share</p>
                <p>Invite anyone even if they're not on Skype.</p>
          <div class="col col3 noTheme horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignTop paddingHorizontal1 paddingVertical0">
            <div class="colContent">
              <div class="marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop"><img aria-hidden="true" class="x-hidden-focus" height="100px" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/meet-now/joinlink@2x.png" width="124px"></div>
              <div class="marginTop1 marginTop1Desktop">
                <p class="fontSizeH4 marginBottom1 marginBottom1Desktop">3. Join call</p>
                <p>Join call through your unique link.</p>
    <section class="section noTheme sectionStandard horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignCenter layoutMarginBottom0 layoutMarginTop0" data-component-id="fb32493f-1186-4c47-a10b-d8a9399d0672">
      <div class="content standardWidth ">
        <div class="row colDef2 bubbleRow defaultColor alignColsTop" data-component-id="1fedff56-0e6e-4d04-ba29-5a6c0035a87f">
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            <div class="colContent">
              <div class="marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop"> <img
                  id="p_lt_plcZones_lt_content_Section2_Section2_zone_Row2_Row2_zone1_SkypeEditableImage_EditableImageControl_imgImage" title="Meeting on desktop device" class="heroImage imageFluid imageFluidDesktop"
                  src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/meet-now/meet-now-screen-holidays.png" alt="Meeting on desktop device"> </div>
          <div class="col col2 noTheme horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignTop paddingHorizontal1 paddingVertical0">
            <div class="colContent">
              <div class="marginTop3 marginTop3Desktop">
                <h2 class="fontSizeH2" style="text-align: left;">Use Skype features to help make your video chats more compelling</h2>
              <div class="iconFeature text-left icon-left " style="max-width: 100%;">
                <div aria-hidden="true" class="iconFeature_icon"></div>
                <div class="content-container ">
                  <h3 class="default iconFeature_title">Record your call and save it for later review</h3>
                  <div class="content-text">Focus and engage in your online meeting without any distractions. Record your call for later reviews and note taking. We store your recording for up to 30 days.</div>
                <div class="clearfix"></div>
              <div class="iconFeature text-left icon-left " style="max-width: 100%;">
                <div aria-hidden="true" class="iconFeature_icon"></div>
                <div class="content-container ">
                  <h3 class="default iconFeature_title">Blur your background before entering the call</h3>
                  <div class="content-text">On the go or just didn't have time to prepare for your video meeting, simply turn on the background blur feature and worry less.</div>
                <div class="clearfix"></div>
              <div class="iconFeature text-left icon-left " style="max-width: 100%;">
                <div aria-hidden="true" class="iconFeature_icon"></div>
                <div class="content-container ">
                  <h3 class="default iconFeature_title">Share your screen whenever necessary</h3>
                  <div class="content-text">Easily share presentations, work materials or designs in your conference call. Collaborate and review your work in the chat.</div>
                <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <div class="sectionUpdate marginTop4">
      <section class="section themeWhite sectionStandard horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignCenter layoutMarginBottom0 layoutMarginTop0" data-component-id="dd7648c5-7d9d-40e3-8e88-c2f2dbb7899a">
        <div class="content standardWidth ">
          <h2 class="fontSizeH2 marginBottom3 marginBottom3Desktop marginTop2 marginTop2Desktop marginLeft2 marginLeft2Desktop marginRight2 marginRight2Desktop"></h2>
          <div class="row colDef3 bubbleRow alignColsTop addFirstColGap" data-component-id="b2d0a00d-ac9a-435b-8873-ab002775e760">
            <div class="col col1 noTheme horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignTop paddingHorizontal2 paddingVertical0">
              <div class="colContent">
                <div aria-hidden="true" class="skypeFontIcon x-hidden-focus"></div>
                <div class="marginTop1 marginTop1Desktop">
                  <h3 class="fontSizeH4 marginBottom1 marginBottom1Desktop">Use on any device with Skype app</h3>
                  <p>Our unique link will open your installed Skype app on any device. Even if you're not signed in, you can join the video call as a visitor - no account is needed.</p>
            <div class="col col2 noTheme horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignTop paddingHorizontal2 paddingVertical0">
              <div class="colContent">
                <div aria-hidden="true" class="skypeFontIcon x-hidden-focus"></div>
                <div class="marginTop1 marginTop1Desktop">
                  <h3 class="fontSizeH4 marginBottom1 marginBottom1Desktop">Try Skype on the web</h3>
                  <p>If you don't have the Skype app, we will open the <a class="cg-link" data-bi-name="skype-web-meet-now" href="https://web.skype.com/" target="_blank">Skype web client</a>. No download required. Currently supported on Microsoft
                    Edge or Google Chrome.</p>
            <div class="col col3 noTheme horizontalAlignCenter verticalAlignTop paddingHorizontal2 paddingVertical0">
              <div class="colContent">
                <div aria-hidden="true" class="skypeFontIcon x-hidden-focus"></div>
                <div class="marginTop1 marginTop1Desktop">
                  <h3 class="fontSizeH4 marginBottom1 marginBottom1Desktop">Access chat history anytime​</h3>
                  <p>Your personal invitation links have no expiration date so you can create your invite&nbsp;in advance.&nbsp; Perfect for planning ahead with family and friends this holiday season; your personal training sessions or your online
                    tutorial classes!</p>
    </div> <!-- basiccontent.end -->
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   Skype Chat Icon. ${UNREAD_COUNT} unread messages.
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It’s easy – simply create a link and share with people you want to join the
call. No sign ups required. If you don’t have Skype installed, that's ok, you
can enjoy it on your browser. Invite up to 99 people (plus you) and enjoy free
video calls using Skype.

Best of all, your SkypeLink doesn’t expire and can be used anytime!

  No sign ups

  No downloads

  Calls up to 24 hours each


Create a free video call with one click!

No sign ups. No downloads required.

Put the name of your meeting and get your unique link to send it to others you
want to meet with.Create a free video call
Join with link

1. Generate link

Generate a call link in one simple click.

2. Share

Invite anyone even if they're not on Skype.

3. Join call

Join call through your unique link.




Focus and engage in your online meeting without any distractions. Record your
call for later reviews and note taking. We store your recording for up to 30



On the go or just didn't have time to prepare for your video meeting, simply
turn on the background blur feature and worry less.



Easily share presentations, work materials or designs in your conference call.
Collaborate and review your work in the chat.



Our unique link will open your installed Skype app on any device. Even if you're
not signed in, you can join the video call as a visitor - no account is needed.



If you don't have the Skype app, we will open the Skype web client. No download
required. Currently supported on Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.



Your personal invitation links have no expiration date so you can create your
invite in advance.  Perfect for planning ahead with family and friends this
holiday season; your personal training sessions or your online tutorial classes!

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Limited emergency calling
Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and has limited emergency calling
capabilities depending on your country. Learn more.

What's new
 * Surface Pro 8
 * Surface Laptop Studio
 * Surface Pro X
 * Surface Go 3
 * Surface Duo 2
 * Surface Pro 7+
 * Windows 11 apps
 * HoloLens 2

Microsoft Store
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 * Microsoft Azure in education
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