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URL: https://juglana.de/products/semicircle-pendant-light-nordic-retro-design
Submission: On December 06 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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4.75 / 5.0

(8) 8 total reviews

JUGLANA — Light World


Step into a world of enchanting design with our Semicircle Pendant Light, a
captivating fusion of Nordic charm and retro aesthetics. This pendant light
effortlessly combines sleek lines, vintage inspiration, and contemporary flair
to create a stunning lighting centerpiece for your space.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the Semicircle Pendant Light
features a unique semicircle shape that captures the essence of retro elegance.
The smooth curves and clean edges evoke a sense of nostalgia while maintaining a
modern sensibility, making it a perfect fit for both classic and contemporary



Cable: 2m
Lampshade: 23 x 16 cm


Material: Aluminium, Polypropylene, Iron

Voltage: 90-260V

Certification: CCC, CE, CQC, EMC, FCC, GS, LVD

E27 Slot, Bulb included, Height adjustable

Color BLACKVariant sold out or unavailable BLUEVariant sold out or unavailable
YELLOWVariant sold out or unavailable PINKVariant sold out or unavailable
WHITEVariant sold out or unavailable REDVariant sold out or unavailable
GREYVariant sold out or unavailable DARK GREENVariant sold out or unavailable
Product variants
BLACK - €62,00BLUE - €62,00YELLOW - €62,00PINK - €62,00WHITE - €62,00RED -
€62,00GREY - €62,00DARK GREEN - €62,00
Quantity (0 in cart) Decrease quantity for Nordic Retro Pendant Light | Full
Metal, Semicircle Design Increase quantity for Nordic Retro Pendant Light | Full
Metal, Semicircle Design

Regular price €62,00 EUR
Regular price €86,00 EUR Sale price €62,00 EUR
Unit price /  per 
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping included.

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Estimated arrival date range:Dec 20 - Dec 26

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4.75 out of 5
Based on 8 reviews
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Manuela Todaro

Nordic Retro Pendant Light | Full Metal, Semicircle Design


Owen Volkman

Great quality for the price! Nice!


Leslie Padberg

I'm sorry I didn't have the manual, but the installation was not difficult. It's
up to the lamp for $6 and it's nice. There are three color modes, so it's good!
Good for the price.


Ernie Ryan

Very fast delivery, well packaged and also good product quality. I still ordered
a second one :) However, I replaced the cable and the light bulb, as I only
needed the lampshade. With us it is operated with Philips Hue.


Trudie McKenzie

The chandelier has the plastic wire, I thought it was covered in fabric from the
photos. Good product, very good yield. Is also sold with the led bulb. Has a
small scratch, despite the fact that the packaging is very well-groomed and



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