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Text Content

G blog presskit

A videogame about friendship and wrestling.

Available now for PlayStation 4,
Windows, Mac and Linux.

Developed by House House,
with original music by Dan Golding.

Push Me Pull You is a sports game for 2–4 players.

Joined at the waist, you and your partner share a single worm-like body as you
wrestle your opponent for control of the ball.

It’s a bit like a big hug, or playing soccer with your small intestines.

With every action affecting both you and your partner (and mandatory shouting)
PMPY combines the best parts of co-op multiplayer with the worst parts of your
last breakup.

“Push Me Pull You is one of the most fast-paced, unique and entertaining
additions to the genre in recent memory. It's a game destined to become a
memorable party hit, leaving you with a big, dumb smile on your face.”

8.5 out of 10


You can also buy the
game through
(includes Steam key)

(please note: PMPY requires a controller to play)

Join our mailing list by entering your email below:



“Push Me Pull You stands out as the best — and certainly weirdest — in the
[couch sports] genre’s newest wave.”

– Sam Machkovech,

Ars Technica

“I don’t think I stopped laughing for one second during the multiple rounds we

– Chloi Rad,

Indie Statik

“a new sports-game that exists somewhere in between Hokra and Noby Noby Boy —
aka directly in my ever loving heart”

– Brandon Boyer,

Venus Patrol

“laugh and yell and nudge and be visibly repulsed. That’s about everything I
want from a local multiplayer game.”

– Alice O'Connor,

Rock Paper Shotgun

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