www.domainconnect.org Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://domainconnect.org/
Effective URL: https://www.domainconnect.org/
Submission: On January 02 via manual from US — Scanned from CA

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Domain Connect is an open standard that makes it easy for a user to configure
DNS for a domain running at a DNS provider to work with a Service running at an
independent Service Provider. The user can do so without understanding any of
the complexities of DNS.


The latest version of the Domain Connect specification can be found
here: https://github.com/Domain-Connect/spec/blob/master/Domain%20Connect%20Spec%20Draft.adoc

The latest version submitted to the IETF as Proposed Standard Internet
Draft: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kowalik-domainconnect/
Everyone is welcome to join the works on the standardisation, by joining this
E-mail Thread on ART Mailing List.


Domain Connect is an open standard published under the MIT license. It was
designed and is being maintained by a community of developers across multiple
companies. The standard was submitted to the IETF as a draft.


Configuring a service such as mail or web hosting to work with a domain name is
a complex and difficult task for users. This is because most services require
changes to the DNS settings associated with a domain, and users don’t understand

Domain Connect is a protocol that makes this easier for the user, and more
consistent across providers.

The protocol involves two parties.  DNS Providers who run DNS for a domain, and
Service Providers who provide the services and applications attached to domains.

A typical use case is as follows.

Often a customer will try to configure a service at a Service Provider by
entering their domain name.  The Service Provider then uses a number of
techniques to discover the DNS Provider. This might include trying to figure out
the registrar/DNS owner by doing DNS queries for the nameservers.

The Service Provider then maps the nameserver to a DNS Provider, and typically
gives the customer instructions for proper configuration of DNS.  This might
include help text, screen shots, or even links to the appropriate tools.

This often presents a number of things to the user that they don’t understand.
DNS record types, TTLs, HostNames, etc. are all confusing to many users.  And
the instructions authored by the Service Provider are often out of date, further
confusing the issue.

Domain Connect was created to solve this problem. The protocol presents a simple
experience to the user, isolating them from the details of DNS settings and its
complexity. By implementing a standard interaction between all Service Providers
and all DNS Providers it eliminates the need for each relationship between a
Service Provider and DNS Provider to be customized.

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