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About the Book


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Rising Unhappiness


Unhappiness has been increasing globally for a decade, according to Gallup --
and its rise has been missed by almost every world leader. That's because while
leaders pay close attention to measures like GDP or unemployment, almost none of
them track their citizens' wellbeing.

The implications of this blind spot are significant and far-reaching -- leaders
missed the citizen unhappiness that triggered events ranging from the Arab
uprisings to Brexit to the election of Donald Trump.

The Negative Experience Index is a composite measure of the five negative
experiences (anger, stress, sadness, physical pain and worry). Index scores
range from zero to 10.

> What will leaders miss next?

Grounded in Gallup's global research, Blind Spot makes the urgent case that
leaders should measure and quantify wellbeing and happiness -- how citizens'
lives are going -- and shows them how. It also discusses the five key elements
of a great life and where the world needs to improve in each of them to better
the lives of people everywhere.

Check out the book's content below, or sign up to receive insights and data from
the book, including videos from author Jon Clifton.
Take a Deeper Look: Book Overview

The Leadership Blind Spot: Happiness and Wellbeing

Global leaders have relied too heavily on objective indicators to the detriment
of their constituencies. The book begins with examples of countries where their
economies were growing but the subjective wellbeing of their citizens was
declining -- in some cases, dramatically.

Addressing the Blind Spot: Measuring Happiness and Wellbeing

The second part of this book offers a solution: Global leaders should closely
follow wellbeing and happiness metrics to better understand how people's lives
are going. Gallup has produced global statistics for wellbeing and happiness
since 2006, and these metrics perfectly complement the objective indicators for
human development that leaders already follow so closely.

What Makes a Great Life?

Wellbeing and happiness metrics have helped us better understand what makes a
great life. The third part of this book highlights the five elements of
wellbeing -- work, financial, community, physical and social wellbeing -- and
where the world is struggling most in each of them.

Four Unanswered Questions

The fourth part of this book poses four questions from Gallup's wellbeing
research that continue to confound experts. This section outlines what we have
discovered and offers possible explanations.

What Leaders Can Do to Improve How People's Lives Are Going

The fifth part of this book gives public and private sector leaders
recommendations on what they can do to improve people's wellbeing.


"The book is fun, serious, informative, and wonderfully well-written." -- Sir
Angus Deaton, Nobel laureate

"The secret to visionary leadership in a troubled world is bringing happiness to
others, not just material prosperity. In Blind Spot, Jon Clifton shows why this
is the case, how we have failed to focus on this with devastating consequences,
and how we can do better. A must read." -- Arthur C. Brooks, Professor, Harvard
Kennedy School and Harvard Business School, and #1 New York Times bestselling

"This is a leader's book, no matter what kind of leader you are." -- Robin Renee
Sanders, former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria and the Republic of Congo

"The antidote to all human suffering is joy. Joy is the ultimate measure of
success and wellbeing, and is the soul of leadership. Read this extraordinary
and well-researched book and discover the mechanics for yourself." -- Deepak
Chopra, M.D.

"Jon Clifton outlines one of the biggest leadership challenges of our time and
how every leader missed it." -- Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, former U.S. Ambassador
to Finland, CEO of Pace Communications, and first woman Chairman of the Board of
Governors of the American Red Cross

Available September 13, 2022
Preorder Your Copy Today

To improve people's lives, you first need to know how their lives are going.
Preorder your copy of Blind Spot to learn how to measure and improve what really
makes life worth living.

Preorder Now the New Blind Spot Book From Gallup


Get emails about the global rise of unhappiness and what to do about it,
including insights and excerpts from the book and video messages from author Jon

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Visit the Global Happiness Center to learn more about why and how Gallup
measures global wellbeing and to see the world's hot spots with our Global
Emotions Interactive page.

 * Emotion is a fundamental element of the human experience.
 * How people feel affects life outcomes and is a definitive indicator of
   societal health and progress.
 * Tracking big-picture trends worldwide reveals which populations have high
   wellbeing and which are experiencing emotional turmoil.

Close Video: How Leaders Missed The Global Rise of Unhappiness



Emotionally, the second year of the pandemic was an even tougher year for the
world than the first one: Gallup's Negative Experience Index reached a new high,
and the Positive Experience Index dropped for the first time in years.




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