www.kbscorporate.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://c.kbscorpsales-limited.co.uk/C-4q-1zk-39ywx-7qo-lstz2-76aeonutu
Effective URL: https://www.kbscorporate.com/covid-19/?recid=36617150&sid=170&sendid=5504001
Submission: On June 10 via api from IE — Scanned from GB

Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM

    <legend class="visuallyhidden">Consent Selection</legend>
    <div id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyFieldsetInnerContainer">
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonNecessary"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Necessary
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      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferences"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Preferences
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            data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferencesInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div>
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics"><strong class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDescription">Statistics
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POST /covid-19/?recid=36617150&sid=170&sendid=5504001#wpcf7-f54-o1

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POST /covid-19/?recid=36617150&sid=170&sendid=5504001#wpcf7-f57-o2

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Text Content

Powered by Cookiebot
 * Consent
 * Details
 * About


We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features
and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site
with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it
with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected
from your use of their services.

Consent Selection




Show details
 * Necessary 17
   Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like
   page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot
   function properly without these cookies.
    * Cookiebot
      Learn more about this provider
      1.gifUsed to count the number of sessions to the website, necessary for
      optimizing CMP product delivery.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      CookieConsentStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Google
      Learn more about this provider
      test_cookieUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies.
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP
      Expiry: 179 daysType: HTTP
      _grecaptchaThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the
      use of their website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      rc::aThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is
      beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of
      their website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      rc::bThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      rc::cThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      rc::d-15#This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      rc::fThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * LinkedIn
      Learn more about this provider
      bcookieUsed in order to detect spam and improve the website's security.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      li_gcStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
      bscookieThis cookie is used to identify the visitor through an
      application. This allows the visitor to login to a website through their
      LinkedIn application for example.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Vimeo
      Learn more about this provider
      __cf_bmThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is
      beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of
      their website.
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * www.kbscorporate.com
      emailPreserves users states across page requests.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      wpEmojiSettingsSupportsThis cookie is part of a bundle of cookies which
      serve the purpose of content delivery and presentation. The cookies keep
      the correct state of font, blog/picture sliders, color themes and other
      website settings.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML

 * Preferences 7
   Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the
   way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region
   that you are in.
    * LinkedIn
      Learn more about this provider
      lidcRegisters which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in
      context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP
    * LiveChat
      Learn more about this provider
      __lc_cidNecessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box
      Expiry: 399 daysType: HTTP
      __lc_cstNecessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box
      Expiry: 399 daysType: HTTP
      __oauth_redirect_detectorAllows the website to recoqnise the visitor, in
      order to optimize the chat-box functionality.
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP
    * Livechat
      Learn more about this provider
      #:stateNecessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box function.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      @@lc_idsNecessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * www.kbscorporate.com
      usernameCollects data of the user's website navigation and activity,
      including name and contact details entered into forms.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP

 * Statistics 17
   Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact
   with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.
    * Appnexus
      Learn more about this provider
      bounceDetermines if a user leaves the website straight away. This
      information is used for internal statistics and analytics by the website
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Convert Insight
      Learn more about this provider
      conv_variationsThis cookie is used by the website’s operator in context
      with multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to combine or change
      content on the website. This allows the website to find the best
      variation/edition of the site.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _conv_rThis cookie is used as a referral-cookie that stores the visitor’s
      profile – the cookie is overwritten when the visitor re-enters the website
      and new information on the visitor is collected and stored.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      _conv_sThis cookie contains an ID string on the current session. This
      contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor enters –
      this information is used to optimize the visitor's experience.
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP
      _conv_vThis cookie is used to identify the frequency of visits and how
      long the visitor is on the website. The cookie is also used to determine
      how many and which subpages the visitor visits on a website – this
      information can be used by the website to optimize the domain and its
      Expiry: 6 monthsType: HTTP
    * Google
      Learn more about this provider
      tdRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for
      internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * LinkedIn
      Learn more about this provider
      AnalyticsSyncHistoryUsed in connection with data-synchronization with
      third-party analysis service.
      Expiry: 29 daysType: HTTP
    * Livechat
      Learn more about this provider
      _livechat_has_visitedIdentifies the visitor across devices and visits, in
      order to optimize the chat-box function on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * Microsoft
      Learn more about this provider
      c.gifCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website.
      This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      _clckCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website.
      This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      _clskRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used
      for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP
      _cltkRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used
      for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      CLIDCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website.
      This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Vimeo
      Learn more about this provider
      vuidCollects data on the user's visits to the website, such as which pages
      have been read.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
    * kbscorporate.com
      handl_ipCollects data such as visitors' IP address, geographical location
      and website navigation - This information is used for internal
      optimization and statistics for the website's operator.
      Expiry: 29 daysType: HTTP
      handl_landing_pageUsed by the website's owners to identify how the visitor
      accessed the website. This is used for statistical purposes.
      Expiry: 29 daysType: HTTP
      handl_urlUsed by the website's owners to identify how the visitor accessed
      the website. This is used for statistical purposes.
      Expiry: 29 daysType: HTTP

 * Marketing 36
   Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention
   is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and
   thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers.
    * Appnexus
      Learn more about this provider
      anjRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID
      is used for targeted ads.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      receive-cookie-deprecationCollects information on user behaviour on
      multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the
      relevance of advertisement on the website.
      Expiry: 399 daysType: HTTP
      uuid2Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The
      ID is used for targeted ads.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      XANDR_PANIDThis cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is
      used to optimize advertisement relevance.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
    * Convert Insight
      Learn more about this provider
      conv_randThis cookie is used by the website’s operator in context with
      multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to combine or change content on
      the website. This allows the website to find the best variation/edition of
      the site.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _conv_sptestThis cookie is used by the website’s operator in context with
      multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to combine or change content on
      the website. This allows the website to find the best variation/edition of
      the site.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Google
      Learn more about this provider
      IDEUsed by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's
      actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the
      purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to
      the user.
      Expiry: 399 daysType: HTTP
      pagead/landingCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites,
      in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
      website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      pagead/1p-user-list/#Tracks if the user has shown interest in specific
      products or events across multiple websites and detects how the user
      navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement
      efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between websites.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      _gaUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and
      behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
      _ga_#Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and
      behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
      _gcl_auUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement
      efficiency across websites using their services.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
    * LinkedIn
      Learn more about this provider
      li_sugrCollects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to
      optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      UserMatchHistoryEnsures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site
      request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website
      and visitor.
      Expiry: 29 daysType: HTTP
    * Microsoft
      Learn more about this provider
      _uetsidUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetsid_expContains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetvidUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetvid_expContains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      MR [x2]Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: 7 daysType: HTTP
      MSPTCThis cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is used to
      optimize advertisement relevance.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      MUID [x2]Used widely by Microsoft as a unique user ID. The cookie enables
      user tracking by synchronising the ID across many Microsoft domains.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      SRM_BTracks the user’s interaction with the website’s search-bar-function.
      This data can be used to present the user with relevant products or
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      ANONCHKRegisters data on visitors from multiple visits and on multiple
      websites. This information is used to measure the efficiency of
      advertisement on websites.
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP
      SMRegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return
      visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to
      allow targeted ads.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      _uetsidCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order
      to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to
      limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP
      _uetvidUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * kbscorporate.com
      handl_original_refRegisters how the user has reached the website to enable
      pay-out of referral commission fees to partners.
      Expiry: 29 daysType: HTTP
      handl_refRegisters how the user has reached the website to enable pay-out
      of referral commission fees to partners.
      Expiry: 29 daysType: HTTP
    * www.kbscorporate.com
      gclidUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and
      behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      utm_campaignCollects information on user preferences and/or interaction
      with web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by
      website owners for promoting events or products.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      utm_contentUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's
      device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      utm_mediumCollects information on user preferences and/or interaction with
      web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by
      website owners for promoting events or products.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      utm_sourceDetermines how the user accessed the website. This information
      is used by the website operator in order to measure the efficiency of
      their marketing.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      utm_termDetermines how the user accessed the website. This information is
      used by the website operator in order to measure the efficiency of their
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP

 * Unclassified 3
   Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying,
   together with the providers of individual cookies.
    * Livechat
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * www.kbscorporate.com
      Expiry: 0 dayType: HTTP

List of domains your consent applies to: [#BULK_CONSENT_DOMAINS#]
Cookie declaration last updated on 29/05/2024 by Cookiebot



Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's
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KBS Corporate, and the wider K3 Capital Group of companies, has taken measures
to mitigate the risk to all stakeholders, whilst still offering the same market
leading service that we have always been proud of.

Following Government guidance, our offices are now open for a small and safe
number of our employees, with certain staff working remotely, for the safety of
all of our employees and their families, our visitors, and the wider community
by minimising unnecessary commutes and social interactions.

If you are interested in exploring your options through a Remote or in person
Valuation and Consultation, call 0161 258 0118 or email sell@kbscorporate.com.


Our Directors and senior team continue to operate in full and are on hand to
speak to current or future clients.

Tony Ford
Executive Vice Chairman

Tony is a well-known figure within the M&A industry with a wealth of
professional knowledge. He can demonstrate considerable experience in mid-market
transactions and achieving deal values above his client’s expectations. He has
first-hand experience of acquiring, selling and floating his own companies.

Andrew Melbourne
Chief Financial Officer

As a qualified accountant, with over 12 years’ experience, Andrew adds financial
and commercial value to clients by leading the transaction process, developing
fully integrated financial models and enhancing management information to
maximise buyer interest.

John Hunt
Corporate Finance Director

John has over 20 years Corporate Finance experience in the accountancy
profession with Coopers & Lybrand (PwC) and BDO. He has been Managing Director
of a company in the Renewable Energy Sector in UK, as well as working
internationally in Scandinavia and also the USA.

Jay Singh
Corporate Finance Director

Jay is a Chartered Accountant and an experienced corporate financier.  He spent
most of his career working in Top 10 Accountancy Practices and also ran his own
corporate finance boutique. Jay has completed in excess of 100 transactions that
include acquisitions, disposals and private equity deals.

John Rigby

John has over 18 years of operational, sales and commercial management
experience within M&A. He specialises in developing a thorough understanding of
a business in order to drive optimum shareholder value. Under John’s leadership,
the Group’s holding company successfully floated on the London Stock Exchange in

Simon Daniels
Sales Director

Beginning his career in marketing strategy, Simon is highly knowledgeable within
growth strategies and the M&A marketplace. As an integral member of the team, he
operates a decisive role in developing creative sale strategies for clients in
order to achieve their exit objectives.

Stuart Lees
Executive Director

Stuart is a highly respected corporate financier and was previously Managing
Director of Altium and Head of Corporate Finance at Arthur Andersen. He has been
Group CEO of Latium Holdings during which time they acquired Ultraframe plc,
Spectus Systems, Kestrel Building Products and the successfully disposed of
Everest Home Improvements.

Dave Gardner
Managing Director

Dave is an experienced Corporate Finance Director responsible for managing many
sizeable transactions to private equity, trade and overseas buyers. He is highly
experienced, with over 15 years spent advising entrepreneurial businesses on
their exit strategies.

Tony Ford
Executive Vice Chairman

Tony is a well-known figure within the M&A industry with a wealth of
professional knowledge. He can demonstrate considerable experience in mid-market
transactions and achieving deal values above his client’s expectations. He has
first-hand experience of acquiring, selling and floating his own companies.

Andrew Melbourne
Chief Financial Officer

As a qualified accountant, with over 12 years’ experience, Andrew adds financial
and commercial value to clients by leading the transaction process, developing
fully integrated financial models and enhancing management information to
maximise buyer interest.

John Hunt
Corporate Finance Director

John has over 20 years Corporate Finance experience in the accountancy
profession with Coopers & Lybrand (PwC) and BDO. He has been Managing Director
of a company in the Renewable Energy Sector in UK, as well as working
internationally in Scandinavia and also the USA.

Jay Singh
Corporate Finance Director

Jay is a Chartered Accountant and an experienced corporate financier.  He spent
most of his career working in Top 10 Accountancy Practices and also ran his own
corporate finance boutique. Jay has completed in excess of 100 transactions that
include acquisitions, disposals and private equity deals.

John Rigby

John has over 18 years of operational, sales and commercial management
experience within M&A. He specialises in developing a thorough understanding of
a business in order to drive optimum shareholder value. Under John’s leadership,
the Group’s holding company successfully floated on the London Stock Exchange in

Simon Daniels
Sales Director

Beginning his career in marketing strategy, Simon is highly knowledgeable within
growth strategies and the M&A marketplace. As an integral member of the team, he
operates a decisive role in developing creative sale strategies for clients in
order to achieve their exit objectives.

Stuart Lees
Executive Director

Stuart is a highly respected corporate financier and was previously Managing
Director of Altium and Head of Corporate Finance at Arthur Andersen. He has been
Group CEO of Latium Holdings during which time they acquired Ultraframe plc,
Spectus Systems, Kestrel Building Products and the successfully disposed of
Everest Home Improvements.

Dave Gardner
Managing Director

Dave is an experienced Corporate Finance Director responsible for managing many
sizeable transactions to private equity, trade and overseas buyers. He is highly
experienced, with over 15 years spent advising entrepreneurial businesses on
their exit strategies.



Although nothing is normal about the current climate, we are still maintaining a
direct and uncompromised line of contact between ourselves and those wanting to
sell or acquire a business.

We have strong and experienced teams across each department, combined with an
automated business model which uses the latest data and proprietary technology,
enabling us to carry on offering the same service, uninterrupted by the physical
location of our experts.

We have always been mindful that face-to-face interactions are not always
possible – and therefore our staff are well versed in conducting meetings
remotely where preferred or required, ensuring that that quality of information
and guidance is not compromised. Therefore we are able to still ‘meet with
clients’ via conference or video call.




+44 (0) 161 258 0118

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Trafficking statement, Sitemap

Copyright © 2024 KBS Corporate Sales Ltd (KBS) is a subsidiary of K3 Capital
Group Limited. Registered number: 04141555 Registered address: KBS House, 5
Springfield Court, Summerfield Road, Bolton, BL3 2NT A list of Directors is
available for inspection at the registered address.



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