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COLEAD NEWS COLEAD * EN * FR * Home * * All news * * * * TOUTES LES ACTUALITÉS COLEAD NEWS * * * * TOUTES LES ACTUALITÉS EU AND GB MRL CHANGES IN 2024 (AUGUST-NOVEMBER 2024) NEWS * 01/12/2024 * Posted by: Gaetan Dermien * Category: Uncategorized No Comments Changes to EU and GB pesticide maximum residue levels COLEAD’s monitoring of pesticide regulations covers maximum residue limit (MRL) changes in both the EU and Great Britain (GB). Note that EU MRLs still apply in Northern Ireland (GB covers only England, Scotland, and Wales). * During the period August-November 2024, we have been highlighting significant changes to EU MRLs that affect 23 active substances, 12 of which are important for ACP export horticulture. During this same period, 10 changes to GB MRLs were published, 6 of which are important for ACP export horticulture. * During this period, the EU and GB did not notify the World Trade Organization (WTO) of additional proposed MRL changes. * Previously, the EU notified the WTO concerning its intention to lower MRLs for acetamiprid (G/SPS/N/EU/787), a widely used insecticide. A review by the European Food Safety Authority identified a lower acceptable daily intake (ADI) and a lower acute reference dose (ARfD), so for certain products lower MRLs are necessary to avoid health risks to consumers. The immediate implementation of the new ARfD caused significant market disruptions. The European Commission informed Member States that they should continue to apply the current MRLs and extended the grace period for implementing the new MRLs from 3 to 6 months. The new MRLs are now expected to come into force around August 2025. How will ACP producers/exporters be affected? Changes to EU/GB MRLs also apply to products that are exported to the EU/GB. Growers producing for export may need to adapt their practices to meet the new MRL or, if this is not possible, stop using these products and look for an alternative method of pest management. What should ACP producers/exporters do now? For each plant protection products (PPPs) and crop concerned, the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) in place will need to be verified and possibly adapted to ensure compliance with the new MRLs. The GAPs include dose rate, number of applications, and pre-harvest interval. In some cases, adaptations to the GAPs will allow the new MRLs to be met (see Crop Protection database). However, in many cases, especially where the level is reduced to the Limit of Determination (LoD), it may not be possible to meet the new MRL, and growers will have to look for alternative crop protection solutions. This is essential to avoid interception and destruction of exported produce at the EU/GB borders. In case there is no available alternative, manufacturers can consider the option of requesting an import tolerance. The process for approving an import tolerance MRL in the EU can take time and may imply costs. It is recommended to contact the PPP manufacturer to assess the feasibility. If you have any major concerns about these changes, and fear that you will be left without an effective and locally available alternative, please contact COLEAD at: In this news, ‘key active substances’ refer to those used/registered in one or more ACP country on horticultural crops that are frequently exported regionally or internationally. It is based on information extracted from the latest national lists of registered plant protection products made available by 34 ACP countries. To confirm if your country is included and the version of the list of registered products considered in this review, please refer to the list here. While COLEAD makes every effort to provide comprehensive information about relevant regulatory changes, it is possible that some Plant Protection Products (PPPs) or crops relevant to you are not included in our list of key substances/crops. We recommend therefore that you check the final section of this news, which details all the changes entering into application in 2024, to make sure that you are aware of any other changes that could affect you. This news is a quarterly update designed to inform you of any changes introduced during the past five months. If you require more frequent updates on EU MRL changes, we invite you to visit our AGRINFO website and subscribe to the twice-monthly AGRINFO newsletter on EU regulations. CHANGES TO EU MRLS DURING THE PERIOD AUGUST-NOVEMBER 2024 The European Commission (EC) has recently published new regulations that change certain EU MRLs. These concern 23 substances, including 12 that are of particular importance for ACP horticulture. These changes are presented in Table 1. In addition, previous changes are also planned to enter into force in 2024. Overall, the following substances present MRLs changes for key crops entering into force during the period August-December 2024, or later (Table 2): * Acrinathrin (applicable from 12 August 2024) * Famoxadone (applicable from 12 August 2024) * Sodium hypochloride (applicable from 12 August 2024) * Indoxacarb (applicable from 14 August 2024) * Hyrolysed protein (applicable from 28 October 2024) * Chitosan (applicable from 28 October 2024) * Flonicamid (applicable from 28 October 2024) * Azoxystrobin (applicable from 29 October 2024) * Mandipropamid (applicable from 29 October 2024) * Mefentrifluconazole (applicable from 29 October 2024) * Deltamethrin (applicable from 11 December 2024) * Metalaxyl (applicable from 11 December 2024) * Thiabendazole (applicable from 11 December 2024) * Trifloxystrobin (applicable from 11 December 2024) * Tebufenpyrad (applicable from 28 April 2025) * Fosetyl (applicable from 29 April 2025) * Flupyradifurone (applicable from 30 April 2025) * Thiacloprid (applicable from 12 May 2025) Clicking on the active substance names above will take you to the relevant AGRINFO records, where you will find more details on the changes and crops affected. Links to records are also provided in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 2 presents new MRLs for crop-PPP combinations that are important for ACP horticulture entering into force during the period August to December 2024, or later. CHANGES TO GB MRLS DURING THE PERIOD AUGUST-NOVEMBER 2024 During the period August to November 2024, the GB Health and Safety Executive (HSE) published changes to 10 active substances MRLs within Great Britain, including 6 that are of particular importance for ACP horticulture, see Table 3. * Flonicamid (applicable from 30 August 2024) * Isotianil (applicable from 30 August 2024) * Cyflufenamid (applicable from 7 October 2024) * Sulfoxaflor (applicable from 31 October 2024) * Methidathion (applicable from 05 May 2025) In addition, previous changes are also planned to enter into force in 2024. Overall, Table 4 presents substances concerned by MRLs changes for key crops entering into force during the period August-December 2024, or later. FURTHER PROPOSED MRL CHANGES All draft regulations on MRL changes are notified to the World Trade Organization (WTO) under the WTO Sanitary and Phytosanitary Information Management System for a commenting period of 60 days. This obligation applies to all member countries of the WTO, as the lowering of MRLs might lead to trade barriers. This is an opportunity to be informed in advance of proposed changes, and to take any necessary action before the new regulation comes into force. It is also an opportunity to submit concerns about potential difficulties (trade barriers) that these changes could create. WTO member countries can submit comments via their WTO National Contact Point. During the period August-November 2024, no further MRL changes from the EU or GB have been notified to the WTO. MRL CHANGES FOR ACETAMIPRID Acetamiprid is a widely used neonicotinoid insecticide for controlling sucking and chewing pests across a broad range of horticultural crops. It is extensively utilized in ACP countries, with over 600 registered products across 25 countries. Following a request by the European Commission to review the toxicological properties and MRLs for acetamiprid, EFSA (2024) identified a lower acceptable daily intake (ADI) and a lower acute reference dose (ARfD). For products where the existing MRLs caused the new ARfD to be exceeded, EFSA suggested lower MRLs that present no health risks for the consumer, see Table 5. In July 2024, the European Union notified the World Trade Organization Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO SPS) Committee of its intention to lower the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for acetamiprid (G/SPS/N/EU/787). However, the immediate implementation of the new ARfD following the SCoPAFF vote has caused significant market disruptions. Laboratories and producers have already begun applying the updated ARfD, resulting in numerous commodities being deemed non-compliant, even though the new MRLs have yet to take effect. The absence of transitional provisions for ARfD application has created challenges for growers, with lawful produce being prematurely classified as unsafe. In response to industry concerns, the European Commission informed Member States that compliance assessments should continue to use the current MRLs. Member States have been asked to work with retailers and laboratories to ensure adherence to this guidance. Additionally, the initial 3-month grace period for the new MRLs proved insufficient for the sector to adapt to the new MRLs. In response, the Commission extended the grace period for implementing the new MRLs from 3 to 6 months, with their entry into force now expected around August 2025. We will provide updates as soon as the EU regulation is officially published. Meanwhile, we encourage to monitor acetamiprid levels and good agricultural practices (GAPs) for crops such as apples, pears, quinces, apricots, sweet peppers, cucumbers, and courgettes. This will ensure that comprehensive data can be submitted to the Commission before February 2027, in preparation for the next scheduled review. WHAT SHOULD ACP PRODUCERS/EXPORTERS DO NOW? For each plant protection products (PPPs) and crop concerned, the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) in place will need to be verified and possibly adapted to ensure compliance with the new MRLs. The GAPs include dose rate, number of applications, and pre-harvest interval. In some cases, adaptations to the GAPs will allow the new MRLs to be met. However, in many cases, especially where the level is reduced to the Limit of Determination (LoD), it may not be possible to meet the new MRL, and growers will have to look for alternative crop protection solutions. This is essential to avoid interception and destruction of exported produce at the EU/GB borders. We invite you to consult COLEAD’s Crop Protection database which provides information on good agricultural practices. To date, it is one of the few sources of this information specifically dedicated to the horticultural sector in ACP countries. It includes the pesticide Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) set by the EU and Codex Alimentarius for key horticultural crops in ACP countries. It also provides the GAPs (dose rate, interval between treatments, pre-harvest intervals) that ensure compliance with these MRLs. The GAP data for the use of specific PPPs has been obtained from a combination of sources including COLEAD field trials, data from the manufacturers, and scientific literature. To prevent build-up of resistance, and to promote the use of low-risk substances, we recommend that users systematically check if alternative products are available. We recommend that you also access other databases and information sources, such as the CABI BioProtection Portal; this is a publicly available tool that provides information on registered biocontrol and biopesticides around the world. By specifying the country, crop, and/or pest/disease, users can easily discover a comprehensive list of registered products suited to their specific needs. Before applying any Plant Protection Products (PPPs) in a given country, it is important to ensure that the product is registered for use by the national competent authorities. In case there is no available alternative, manufacturers can consider the option of requesting an import tolerance. The process for approving an import tolerance MRL in the EU can take time and may imply costs. It is recommended to contact the PPP manufacturer to assess the feasibility. ALL MRL CHANGES PUBLISHED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF 2024 Table 6 shows all new MRLs that were published since the beginning of 2024. If any PPP that you use on crops for export to the EU or GB is listed here, we recommend that you check the regulation using the link provided. If you require additional information or face particular problems as a result of these changes, please contact COLEAD at: . This publication has been developped by the Fit For Market Plus programme, implemented by COLEAD within the framework of Development cooperation between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), and the European Union (EU). This publication has been produced with the financial support of the EU and the OACPS. Its contents are the sole responsibility of COLEAD and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the EU or the OACPS. 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We report on the latest developments in the EU Deforestation Regulation #EUDR ; #organic rules ; and #pesticide legislation. Plus – a report from @EUauditors on the state of food labelling concludes that consumers can get lost in a maze of labels. The regular #AGRINFO UPDATE email service reports on evolving #EU policies, regulations, and standards with potential impacts on agricultural value chains in low- and middle-income countries. Subscribe now to stay informed! #AGRINFO is a programme funded by the European Union. #Sustainability #Agriculture #FoodLabelling #EURegulations #GlobalTrade 5 December 2024 The 40th issue of #AGRINFOUpdate highlights upcoming increased import controls on certain products from #Bangladesh, #India, #Madagascar, #Rwanda, and #Vietnam, as well as changes to the list of countries permitted to export animal products to #EU. We report on the latest developments in the EU Deforestation Regulation #EUDR ; #organic rules ; and #pesticide legislation. Plus – a report from @EUauditors on the state of food labelling concludes that consumers can get lost in a maze of labels. The regular #AGRINFO UPDATE email service reports on evolving #EU policies, regulations, and standards with potential impacts on agricultural value chains in low- and middle-income countries. Subscribe now to stay informed! #AGRINFO is a programme funded by the European Union. #Sustainability #Agriculture #FoodLabelling #EURegulations #GlobalTrade 5 December 2024 #FIBL and #COLEAD host webinar for #DominicanRepublic #organic sector. On 6 December, under the #AGRINFO programme, and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL hosted a third event for the organic sector in the Dominican Republic. #FiBL experts presented a new study on challenges and opportunities posed by new #European organic rules, and current state of play of the national sector regarding compliance. The new Ministry of Agriculture national organic action plan was also highlighted. Over 100 participants took part in animated discussions. The event was opened and closed by the Delegation of the European Union in the Dominican Republic Union Europea RD, stressing the importance of adapting swiftly to new organic requirements to maintain and expand access to #EUmarkets. We thank all participants for their interest, engagement, and valuable contributions to the impact study – the full report will be available soon on the #AGRINFO Platform: Let’s continue working together towards a more sustainable and competitive organic sector! #AGRINFO is a programme funded by the European Union. #Banana #Cocoa #SustainableAgriculture #OrganicProduction #EURegulations #DominicanRepublic #republicadominicana 4 December 2024 #FIBL and #COLEAD host webinar for #DominicanRepublic #organic sector. On 6 December, under the #AGRINFO programme, and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL hosted a third event for the organic sector in the Dominican Republic. #FiBL experts presented a new study on challenges and opportunities posed by new #European organic rules, and current state of play of the national sector regarding compliance. The new Ministry of Agriculture national organic action plan was also highlighted. Over 100 participants took part in animated discussions. The event was opened and closed by the Delegation of the European Union in the Dominican Republic Union Europea RD, stressing the importance of adapting swiftly to new organic requirements to maintain and expand access to #EUmarkets. We thank all participants for their interest, engagement, and valuable contributions to the impact study – the full report will be available soon on the #AGRINFO Platform: Let’s continue working together towards a more sustainable and competitive organic sector! #AGRINFO is a programme funded by the European Union. #Banana #Cocoa #SustainableAgriculture #OrganicProduction #EURegulations #DominicanRepublic #republicadominicana 4 December 2024 Quick Fact Time and wrapping up this soil edition! Smarter soil management starts with testing, planning, and nurturing for healthier soils and sustainable practices. Did you learn something new? Which tip was your favourite? Let us know in the comments! Click here for all the details on the #FFM+ programme: #FFM+ is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). Une info rapide ? Voici celle du lundi Clôturons cette édition sur les sols ! Une gestion plus intelligente des sols commence par le test, la planification et le soin pour des sols plus sains et des pratiques durables. Avez-vous appris quelque chose de nouveau ? Quel conseil avez-vous préféré ? Dites-le nous en commentaire ! Envie d’en savoir plus sur le programme #FFM+ ? #FFM+ est un programme du #COLEAD financé par l'Union européenne et le Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #SantéDesSols #Durabilité #InnovationAgricole #FFM+ #ActionClimatique #GestionDesSols #SolsSains #SoilHealth #Sustainability #AgriInnovation #FFMPlus #ClimateAction #SoilManagement #HealthySoils 8 December 2024 Quick Fact Time and wrapping up this soil edition! Smarter soil management starts with testing, planning, and nurturing for healthier soils and sustainable practices. Did you learn something new? Which tip was your favourite? Let us know in the comments! Click here for all the details on the #FFM+ programme: #FFM+ is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). Une info rapide ? Voici celle du lundi Clôturons cette édition sur les sols ! Une gestion plus intelligente des sols commence par le test, la planification et le soin pour des sols plus sains et des pratiques durables. Avez-vous appris quelque chose de nouveau ? Quel conseil avez-vous préféré ? Dites-le nous en commentaire ! Envie d’en savoir plus sur le programme #FFM+ ? #FFM+ est un programme du #COLEAD financé par l'Union européenne et le Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #SantéDesSols #Durabilité #InnovationAgricole #FFM+ #ActionClimatique #GestionDesSols #SolsSains #SoilHealth #Sustainability #AgriInnovation #FFMPlus #ClimateAction #SoilManagement #HealthySoils 8 December 2024 Behind every agricultural project lies the story of resilient soil. supports a wide range of stakeholders—including entrepreneurs, farm owners, horticultural producers, and managers—in adopting practices that nurture soil fertility, conserve water, and reduce emissions. These steps are helping to build a more sustainable future. Discover more: #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #SoilHealth #Sustainability #ClimateAction #COLEAD #SoilHealth 17 December 2024 Behind every agricultural project lies the story of resilient soil. supports a wide range of stakeholders—including entrepreneurs, farm owners, horticultural producers, and managers—in adopting practices that nurture soil fertility, conserve water, and reduce emissions. These steps are helping to build a more sustainable future. Discover more: #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #SoilHealth #Sustainability #ClimateAction #COLEAD #SoilHealth 17 December 2024 #COLEADNews - Discover how organic and bio-organic fertilisers are driving sustainable agriculture and enhancing soil health across #Africa , along with the growing opportunities in this sector and how they can contribute to a greener, more resilient future . Read more here: #SoilHealth #Sustainability #Agriculture #OrganicFarming #COLEAD #Innovation 17 December 2024 #COLEADNews - Discover how organic and bio-organic fertilisers are driving sustainable agriculture and enhancing soil health across #Africa , along with the growing opportunities in this sector and how they can contribute to a greener, more resilient future . Read more here: #SoilHealth #Sustainability #Agriculture #OrganicFarming #COLEAD #Innovation 17 December 2024 #InspiredbyCOLEAD – Meet Dr Evelyn Maureen Acquaye, a #Ghanaian agripreneur driving change! From anesthetist to leader of Benyima Farms, Dr Acquaye combines sustainability, innovation, and empowerment. Her farm produces fresh fruit and Juice Up—a line of 100% natural juices tackling post-harvest losses. Through her Student Vendor Programme, she’s equipping Ghanaian youth with business skills and promoting healthier living. Dr Evelyn inspires us, and you? Read more: #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) #Innovation #Sustainability #Empowerment #YouthLeadership 14 December 2024 #InspiredbyCOLEAD – Meet Dr Evelyn Maureen Acquaye, a #Ghanaian agripreneur driving change! From anesthetist to leader of Benyima Farms, Dr Acquaye combines sustainability, innovation, and empowerment. Her farm produces fresh fruit and Juice Up—a line of 100% natural juices tackling post-harvest losses. Through her Student Vendor Programme, she’s equipping Ghanaian youth with business skills and promoting healthier living. Dr Evelyn inspires us, and you? Read more: #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) #Innovation #Sustainability #Empowerment #YouthLeadership 14 December 2024 Great to see Fairmiles' Dr Ebenezer Laryea and James MacGregor contributing to the roundtable on *Securing Inclusive & Sustainable Trade and Production,* highlighting the importance of climate justice and fair trade for marginalised communities. #ClimateJustice #SustainableTrade #FairmilesProject Dr Ebenezer Laryea • 3rd+ 1w • Grateful to God for another productive day in the job. Earlier today I had the pleasure of joining a panel of experts at a stakeholder roundtable event titled 'securing inclusive & sustainable trade and production.' This event was organised by ODI Global (Overseas Development Institute), the Hinrich Foundation and The Commonwealth Secretariat. I am thankful to have attended alongside my colleague from the Fairmiles project James MacGregor, to share findings from our recently published research on the climate justice implications associated with trade barriers and restrictions. I would say the one big takeaway from what I shared is that we need a global commitment to fair trade practices that prioritises marginalised communities, ensuring equitable access to markets and resources. This means establishing climate justice at the core of trade policy development and process, as well as investing more in green technologies and infrastructure in the global south. Crucially, we also need to provide the requisite research and knowledge exchange multinational corporations need to help them develop and implement climate change policies in a manner which; (a) aligns with climate justice and just transition principles, and (b) secures the rights of vulnerable populations within their supply chains. This is the exact effort at heart of the Fairmiles project, and I am very proud to see us at Aston University work alongside partners at Blue Skies,, Beanstalk.Global, ODI Global and the University of Exeter to help move the needle of progress on this in the right direction 3 December 2024 Great to see Fairmiles' Dr Ebenezer Laryea and James MacGregor contributing to the roundtable on *Securing Inclusive & Sustainable Trade and Production,* highlighting the importance of climate justice and fair trade for marginalised communities. #ClimateJustice #SustainableTrade #FairmilesProject 3 December 2024 #Brussels - #COLEADInternshipAlert is looking for an intern to support the Training Department. Contribute to developing innovative e-learning content, managing training activities, and supporting the monitoring and evaluation of programmes. Apply now by 10 January 2025 Learn more: #Internship #Training #Elearning #Opportunity #COLEAD 14 December 2024 #Brussels - #COLEADInternshipAlert is looking for an intern to support the Training Department. Contribute to developing innovative e-learning content, managing training activities, and supporting the monitoring and evaluation of programmes. Apply now by 10 January 2025 Learn more: #Internship #Training #Elearning #Opportunity #COLEAD 14 December 2024 Quick Fact Time Every soil is unique, and caring for it begins with precision! Close the soil knowledge gap with’s top resources and support. Thanks to the #FFM+ programme, funded by the #EU and Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), tailored support for soil management is just a click away. Click here for all the details : Une info rapide ? Voici celle du lundi Chaque sol est unique, et le soigner commence par la précision ! Réduisez les lacunes en matière de connaissances sur les sols grâce aux ressources et à l’accompagnement du Avec le programme #FFM+, financé par l’#UE et le Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), bénéficiez d’un appui sur mesure pour la gestion des sols. Envie d’en savoir plus sur le programme #FFM+ ? #SolsDurables #GestionDesSols #SustainableSoil #SoilManagement #FFM+ #LeSaviezVous #AgriFacts #SustainableAgriculture #MondayLearning #AgricultureDurable #InspirationDuLundi #FaitsAgricoles #COLEADMondayFact #ODD13 #InfoduLundiduCOLEAD #SDG13 19 December 2024 Quick Fact Time Every soil is unique, and caring for it begins with precision! Close the soil knowledge gap with’s top resources and support. Thanks to the #FFM+ programme, funded by the #EU and Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), tailored support for soil management is just a click away. Click here for all the details : Une info rapide ? Voici celle du lundi Chaque sol est unique, et le soigner commence par la précision ! Réduisez les lacunes en matière de connaissances sur les sols grâce aux ressources et à l’accompagnement du Avec le programme #FFM+, financé par l’#UE et le Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), bénéficiez d’un appui sur mesure pour la gestion des sols. Envie d’en savoir plus sur le programme #FFM+ ? #SolsDurables #GestionDesSols #SustainableSoil #SoilManagement #FFM+ #LeSaviezVous #AgriFacts #SustainableAgriculture #MondayLearning #AgricultureDurable #InspirationDuLundi #FaitsAgricoles #COLEADMondayFact #ODD13 #InfoduLundiduCOLEAD #SDG13 19 December 2024 #COLEADNews - This month, 17 #OACPS member countries were visited! Since the operational launch of the #FFM+ programme in July 2022, nearly 1,100 applications for support have been received by the end of November. Read more : #FFM+ is a programme funded by the #EU and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) #OACPS #FitForMarketPlus #Agriculture #SustainableDevelopment #COLEAD 3 December 2024 #COLEADNews - This month, 17 #OACPS member countries were visited! Since the operational launch of the #FFM+ programme in July 2022, nearly 1,100 applications for support have been received by the end of November. Read more : #FFM+ is a programme funded by the #EU and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) #OACPS #FitForMarketPlus #Agriculture #SustainableDevelopment #COLEAD 3 December 2024 Don't miss #AGRINFOUpdate39! We highlight new regulations on #food additives and #food safety controls . Stay up-to-date with the latest developments on the implementation of the #EU Deforestation Regulation #EUDR . Keep an eye on the latest #TRACES and #RASSF reports on non-compliant food imports . Plus, discover how to participate in the final public consultation on the #GLOBALG.A.P. Environmental Sustainability Solution #ESS . The new #AGRINFO Guide on evolving requirements for exporting #honey to the EU market is now available in Spanish . Our regular AGRINFO UPDATE email service keeps you informed on evolving #EU policies, regulations, and standards impacting agricultural value chains in low- and middle-income countries . Subscribe now to stay in the loop! #AGRINFO is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European Union. #EURegulations #GlobalTrade #AgriculturePolicy #EnvironmentalSustainability #HoneyExport 13 December 2024 Don't miss #AGRINFOUpdate39! We highlight new regulations on #food additives and #food safety controls . Stay up-to-date with the latest developments on the implementation of the #EU Deforestation Regulation #EUDR . Keep an eye on the latest #TRACES and #RASSF reports on non-compliant food imports . Plus, discover how to participate in the final public consultation on the #GLOBALG.A.P. Environmental Sustainability Solution #ESS . The new #AGRINFO Guide on evolving requirements for exporting #honey to the EU market is now available in Spanish . Our regular AGRINFO UPDATE email service keeps you informed on evolving #EU policies, regulations, and standards impacting agricultural value chains in low- and middle-income countries . Subscribe now to stay in the loop! #AGRINFO is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European Union. #EURegulations #GlobalTrade #AgriculturePolicy #EnvironmentalSustainability #HoneyExport 13 December 2024 #WorldSoilDay2024 - Healthy soils are the foundation of sustainable agriculture and key to achieving the #SDGs—from ensuring food security to addressing climate change. supports partners with soil analyses and tailored strategies adapted to specific contexts. Via the #FFM+ programme, horticultural companies gain tools to enhance soil health, optimise nutrients, and embrace sustainable practices. Read more about the #FFM+ programme: Let’s commit to Caring for Soils: Measure, Monitor, Manage for a sustainable and resilient future! #FFM+ is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) #WorldSoilDay #SoilHealth #Sustainability #SoilCare #ClimateAction #AgriInnovation 9 December 2024 #WorldSoilDay2024 - Healthy soils are the foundation of sustainable agriculture and key to achieving the #SDGs—from ensuring food security to addressing climate change. supports partners with soil analyses and tailored strategies adapted to specific contexts. Via the #FFM+ programme, horticultural companies gain tools to enhance soil health, optimise nutrients, and embrace sustainable practices. Read more about the #FFM+ programme: Let’s commit to Caring for Soils: Measure, Monitor, Manage for a sustainable and resilient future! #FFM+ is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) #WorldSoilDay #SoilHealth #Sustainability #SoilCare #ClimateAction #AgriInnovation 9 December 2024 #COLEADinKenya - In June 2024, a 4-day training on "Sustainable Soil Fertility Management" took place in #Nairobi through #FFM+. The aim? To help participants understand soil degradation, identify key soil properties, and apply best practices for healthier soils Let’s explore the first of several powerful testimonies highlighting the importance of soil health. Together, let’s create a sustainable future! #FFM+ is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). En juin 2024, une formation de 4 jours sur la "Gestion durable de la fertilité des sols" a eu lieu à #Nairobi via #FFM+. L'objectif ? Aider les participants à comprendre la dégradation des sols, identifier les propriétés clés du sol et appliquer les meilleures pratiques pour des sols plus sains. Découvrons le premier de plusieurs témoignages puissants mettant en valeur l'importance de la santé des sols. Ensemble, créons un avenir durable ! #FFM+ est un programme du #COLEAD financé par l'Union européenne et le Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #SoilHealth #SustainableFarming #SoilDay2024 #SoilFertil#NextKenya #Agriculture #TrainingImpact #SantéDesSols #AgricultureDurable #JournéeDesSols2024 #FertilitéDesSols #NextKenya #Agriculture #ImpactDeLaFormation 14 December 2024 #COLEADinKenya - In June 2024, a 4-day training on "Sustainable Soil Fertility Management" took place in #Nairobi through #FFM+. The aim? To help participants understand soil degradation, identify key soil properties, and apply best practices for healthier soils Let’s explore the first of several powerful testimonies highlighting the importance of soil health. Together, let’s create a sustainable future! #FFM+ is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). En juin 2024, une formation de 4 jours sur la "Gestion durable de la fertilité des sols" a eu lieu à #Nairobi via #FFM+. L'objectif ? Aider les participants à comprendre la dégradation des sols, identifier les propriétés clés du sol et appliquer les meilleures pratiques pour des sols plus sains. Découvrons le premier de plusieurs témoignages puissants mettant en valeur l'importance de la santé des sols. Ensemble, créons un avenir durable ! #FFM+ est un programme du #COLEAD financé par l'Union européenne et le Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #SoilHealth #SustainableFarming #SoilDay2024 #SoilFertil#NextKenya #Agriculture #TrainingImpact #SantéDesSols #AgricultureDurable #JournéeDesSols2024 #FertilitéDesSols #NextKenya #Agriculture #ImpactDeLaFormation 14 December 2024 #FocusWithCOLEAD – In the final month of the year, focus on #SDG13: taking action against climate change. With World Soil Day on 5th December, innovative practices are more crucial than ever in transforming our soils into true allies in the quest for a sustainable future. Together, we can enhance the resilience of our ecosystems. #FocusAvecLeCOLEAD – Le thème du dernier mois de l'année , se penche sur l'#ODD13 : agir contre le changement #climatique. Avec la Journée mondiale des sols le 5 décembre, des pratiques innovantes jouent plus que jamais un rôle clé pour transformer nos sols en véritables alliés dans la quête d'un avenir durable. Ensemble, nous pouvons renforcer la résilience de nos écosystèmes. #ODD13 #ChangementClimatique #JournéeMondialeDesSols #DéveloppementDurable #InnovationsVerte #SDG13 #ClimateChange #WorldSoilDay #SustainableDevelopment #COLEADAction #GreenInnovations 13 December 2024 #FocusWithCOLEAD – In the final month of the year, focus on #SDG13: taking action against climate change. With World Soil Day on 5th December, innovative practices are more crucial than ever in transforming our soils into true allies in the quest for a sustainable future. Together, we can enhance the resilience of our ecosystems. #FocusAvecLeCOLEAD – Le thème du dernier mois de l'année , se penche sur l'#ODD13 : agir contre le changement #climatique. Avec la Journée mondiale des sols le 5 décembre, des pratiques innovantes jouent plus que jamais un rôle clé pour transformer nos sols en véritables alliés dans la quête d'un avenir durable. Ensemble, nous pouvons renforcer la résilience de nos écosystèmes. #ODD13 #ChangementClimatique #JournéeMondialeDesSols #DéveloppementDurable #InnovationsVerte #SDG13 #ClimateChange #WorldSoilDay #SustainableDevelopment #COLEADAction #GreenInnovations 13 December 2024 Spotlight on Dobi AgriCo Limited in #Nieria From greenhouse crops like tomatoes and bell peppers to open-field staples such as maize and sesame, Dobi Agrico is leading the way in sustainable farming in Nigeria. With a GLOBALG.A.P. certification achieved in 2023, the company is dedicated to producing healthy, high-yield harvests all year round. In November 2023, Dobi Agrico’s team participated in’s Sustainable Soil Management Training via #FFM+, leveraging soil test results to co-develop a tailored nutrient management plan with expert coaching. Cultivating healthier soils for a sustainable future! #FFM+ is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #SoilHealth #SustainableFarming #COLEADImpact 7 December 2024 Spotlight on Dobi AgriCo Limited in #Nieria From greenhouse crops like tomatoes and bell peppers to open-field staples such as maize and sesame, Dobi Agrico is leading the way in sustainable farming in Nigeria. With a GLOBALG.A.P. certification achieved in 2023, the company is dedicated to producing healthy, high-yield harvests all year round. In November 2023, Dobi Agrico’s team participated in’s Sustainable Soil Management Training via #FFM+, leveraging soil test results to co-develop a tailored nutrient management plan with expert coaching. Cultivating healthier soils for a sustainable future! #FFM+ is a #COLEAD programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #SoilHealth #SustainableFarming #COLEADImpact 7 December 2024 Une info rapide ? Boost tes rendements avec cette astuce sur la gestion des sols ! Envie d’en savoir plus sur le programme #FFM+ ?Clique ici pour découvrir toutes les infos : Quick fact time Boost your yields with this soil management trick! Want to learn more about the #FFM+ programme? Click here for all the details : #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European Union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #LeSaviezVous #COLEAD #FFM+ #DidYouKnow #AgriFacts #SustainableAgriculture #AgricultureDurable #InspirationDuLundi #COLEADMondayFact #GestionDesSols #ChangementClimatique #InfoduLundiduCOLEAD #SoilManagement #ClimateChange 11 December 2024 Une info rapide ? Boost tes rendements avec cette astuce sur la gestion des sols ! Envie d’en savoir plus sur le programme #FFM+ ?Clique ici pour découvrir toutes les infos : Quick fact time Boost your yields with this soil management trick! Want to learn more about the #FFM+ programme? Click here for all the details : #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European Union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #LeSaviezVous #COLEAD #FFM+ #DidYouKnow #AgriFacts #SustainableAgriculture #AgricultureDurable #InspirationDuLundi #COLEADMondayFact #GestionDesSols #ChangementClimatique #InfoduLundiduCOLEAD #SoilManagement #ClimateChange 11 December 2024 Final reminder for Agri-MSME entrepreneurs! Regster here: Don't miss out on our free webinar, "Explore Financing Options and their Eligibility Criteria for Your Agri-Project", happening tomorrow, 3 December, from 11AM to 12PM (GMT+1). Organised by the #FFM+ programme, our experts will share insights about available funding types, instruments, and sources and break down their eligibility criteria. They will also provide you with practical advice for accessing finance and a Q&A session to address any of your concerns. Secure your spot now by registering here: #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European Union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #COLEAD #FFM+ #webinar #MSME #AccesstoFinance #Sourceoffunding #Agribusiness #entrepreneurship 9 December 2024 Final reminder for Agri-MSME entrepreneurs! Regster here: Don't miss out on our free webinar, "Explore Financing Options and their Eligibility Criteria for Your Agri-Project", happening tomorrow, 3 December, from 11AM to 12PM (GMT+1). Organised by the #FFM+ programme, our experts will share insights about available funding types, instruments, and sources and break down their eligibility criteria. They will also provide you with practical advice for accessing finance and a Q&A session to address any of your concerns. Secure your spot now by registering here: #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European Union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #COLEAD #FFM+ #webinar #MSME #AccesstoFinance #Sourceoffunding #Agribusiness #entrepreneurship 9 December 2024 #COLEADinTrinidadAndTobago - The team, via the #FFM+ programme, had a productive meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Land, and Fisheries of Trinidad and Tobago, led by the Permanent Secretary, with various department directors in attendance . #COLEAD presented a range of resources that could be beneficial to the ministry's departments. Several potential areas for collaboration were identified, aiming to foster sustainable agricultural development for Trinidad and Tobago . #FFM+ is a a programme funded by the European Union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #MALF #COLEAD #Agriculture #CapacityBuilding 16 December 2024 #COLEADinTrinidadAndTobago - The team, via the #FFM+ programme, had a productive meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Land, and Fisheries of Trinidad and Tobago, led by the Permanent Secretary, with various department directors in attendance . #COLEAD presented a range of resources that could be beneficial to the ministry's departments. Several potential areas for collaboration were identified, aiming to foster sustainable agricultural development for Trinidad and Tobago . #FFM+ is a a programme funded by the European Union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #MALF #COLEAD #Agriculture #CapacityBuilding 16 December 2024 #COLEADinTheGambia – On 28 November, members met in #Banjul to strengthen collaboration, share insights on challenges in the agricultural sector, explore synergies among businesses, and discuss strategies to amplify #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting brought together diverse perspectives, ideas and inspiring collective efforts to drive sustainable growth in in #TheGambia's agricultural landscape #Agriculture #Collaboration #Innovation #Development #TheGambia #GrowingPeople 35 December 2024 #COLEADinTheGambia – On 28 November, members met in #Banjul to strengthen collaboration, share insights on challenges in the agricultural sector, explore synergies among businesses, and discuss strategies to amplify #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting brought together diverse perspectives, ideas and inspiring collective efforts to drive sustainable growth in in #TheGambia's agricultural landscape #Agriculture #Collaboration #Innovation #Development #TheGambia #GrowingPeople 35 December 2024 Innovations and Inspirations from Autumn Trade Fairs 2024! Discover some of the exciting innovations and inspirations that were observed at Fruit Attraction and SIAL Paris this fall! From new fruit varieties to product and technological innovations, this is just a glimpse of the trends shaping the agri-food industry. Want to dive deeper? Join our free webinar on 3 December at 14:00 UTC, where we’ll uncover more insights and innovations gathered from some major trade fairs in 2024. Learn how these trends can influence your business strategies and keep you ahead of the curve. Register now using the link: Don’t miss out! #FFM+ #AGRINFO #NExTKenya #Innovation #AgriFoodTrends #Sustainability #AgriBusiness #COLEADWebinar 8 December 2024 Innovations and Inspirations from Autumn Trade Fairs 2024! Discover some of the exciting innovations and inspirations that were observed at Fruit Attraction and SIAL Paris this fall! From new fruit varieties to product and technological innovations, this is just a glimpse of the trends shaping the agri-food industry. Want to dive deeper? Join our free webinar on 3 December at 14:00 UTC, where we’ll uncover more insights and innovations gathered from some major trade fairs in 2024. Learn how these trends can influence your business strategies and keep you ahead of the curve. Register now using the link: Don’t miss out! #FFM+ #AGRINFO #NExTKenya #Innovation #AgriFoodTrends #Sustainability #AgriBusiness #COLEADWebinar 8 December 2024 Celebrating 40 years of CIRAD: Pioneering research for a sustainable agricultural future! is delighted to join CIRAD's 40th anniversary celebrations in #Brussels, a milestone marking four decades of pioneering agricultural research and innovation. This special event, under the theme "Building the Future of Agriculture in a Fragmented, Multipolar World in Crisis", will explore how research and innovation can address pressing challenges at both European and global levels. Date: 28 November 2024 Time: 12:45 - 17:00 Round table discussion: Hans-Willem van der Waal, AgroFair Europe BV and #COLEAD Board Member joins a distinguished panel including representatives from DG AGRI Kerslin Rosenow, DG RTD Rosalinda Scalia, DG INTPA Leonard Mizzi and RUFORUM Network Patrick Okori (Executive Secretary) to discuss:"How does the urgent and necessary transformation of agri-food systems involve new ways of thinking, acting and supporting research and innovation?" This is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, build collaborations, and reaffirm our shared commitment to transforming agri-food systems for a more sustainable and equitable future. Stay tuned for insights and highlights from this dynamic conversation! #CIRAD40Years #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #COLEAD 17 December 2024 Celebrating 40 years of CIRAD: Pioneering research for a sustainable agricultural future! is delighted to join CIRAD's 40th anniversary celebrations in #Brussels, a milestone marking four decades of pioneering agricultural research and innovation. This special event, under the theme "Building the Future of Agriculture in a Fragmented, Multipolar World in Crisis", will explore how research and innovation can address pressing challenges at both European and global levels. Date: 28 November 2024 Time: 12:45 - 17:00 Round table discussion: Hans-Willem van der Waal, AgroFair Europe BV and #COLEAD Board Member joins a distinguished panel including representatives from DG AGRI Kerslin Rosenow, DG RTD Rosalinda Scalia, DG INTPA Leonard Mizzi and RUFORUM Network Patrick Okori (Executive Secretary) to discuss:"How does the urgent and necessary transformation of agri-food systems involve new ways of thinking, acting and supporting research and innovation?" This is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, build collaborations, and reaffirm our shared commitment to transforming agri-food systems for a more sustainable and equitable future. Stay tuned for insights and highlights from this dynamic conversation! #CIRAD40Years #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #COLEAD 17 December 2024 #COLEADinTrinidadAndTobago – On 26 November, the members met, providing an opportunity to strengthen collaboration, share insights on the challenges within the agricultural sector, the synergies between the different businesses, and discuss strategies to reinforce #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting was rich with perspectives, and we are inspired to move forward together, advancing sustainable growth within #TrinidadAndTobago's agricultural landscape #Agriculture #Collaboration #Innovation #Development #TrinidadAndTobago #GrowingPeople 30 December 2024 #COLEADinTrinidadAndTobago – On 26 November, the members met, providing an opportunity to strengthen collaboration, share insights on the challenges within the agricultural sector, the synergies between the different businesses, and discuss strategies to reinforce #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting was rich with perspectives, and we are inspired to move forward together, advancing sustainable growth within #TrinidadAndTobago's agricultural landscape #Agriculture #Collaboration #Innovation #Development #TrinidadAndTobago #GrowingPeople 30 December 2024 Exciting news from in The #Gambia! is #LIVE in The #Gambia today, 27 November, for a participatory workshop on Gambian agri-food systems! This dynamic session brings together public and private stakeholders from The Gambia's agri-food sector, as part of preparations for an ambitious new #EU-funded programme to be launched in 2025: "Accelerating the sustainable and inclusive transformation of agri-food systems in The #Gambia". Workshop highlights: Presentation of COLEAD and its unique approach to promoting sustainable agriculture. Joint discussions to refine programme objectives and priority value chains. Exploration of partnership opportunities between government, private sector and development agencies. Distinguished speakers include: Enrica Pellacani, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to The Gambia Leena Malde, Vice President Jeremy Knops, General Delegate of Tarik Marc Kubach, Programme Officer, EU Delegation to The Gambia Maud Delacollette, Department Manager - Technical Assistance, Edouard Lehmann, Department manager - Research and Innovation brokerage, Babacar Samb, Agrifood expert – Facilitator The future of Gambian agri-food systems looks bright! Together we're working towards inclusive growth, improved market access and greater sustainability in agriculture. Stay tuned for updates from this transformative workshop! #COLEAD #SustainableAgriculture #AgriFoodSystems #TheGambia #Partnerships #Innovation #EUfunded #SDGs 24 December 2024 Exciting news from in The #Gambia! is #LIVE in The #Gambia today, 27 November, for a participatory workshop on Gambian agri-food systems! This dynamic session brings together public and private stakeholders from The Gambia's agri-food sector, as part of preparations for an ambitious new #EU-funded programme to be launched in 2025: "Accelerating the sustainable and inclusive transformation of agri-food systems in The #Gambia". Workshop highlights: Presentation of COLEAD and its unique approach to promoting sustainable agriculture. Joint discussions to refine programme objectives and priority value chains. Exploration of partnership opportunities between government, private sector and development agencies. Distinguished speakers include: Enrica Pellacani, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to The Gambia Leena Malde, Vice President Jeremy Knops, General Delegate of Tarik Marc Kubach, Programme Officer, EU Delegation to The Gambia Maud Delacollette, Department Manager - Technical Assistance, Edouard Lehmann, Department manager - Research and Innovation brokerage, Babacar Samb, Agrifood expert – Facilitator The future of Gambian agri-food systems looks bright! Together we're working towards inclusive growth, improved market access and greater sustainability in agriculture. Stay tuned for updates from this transformative workshop! #COLEAD #SustainableAgriculture #AgriFoodSystems #TheGambia #Partnerships #Innovation #EUfunded #SDGs 24 December 2024 #InspirerparCOLEAD – Découvrez Norbert Monkam, PDG d’AGRO PME Fondation au #Cameroun ! Depuis 2002, son entreprise forme des professionnels et accompagne les jeunes dans le développement rural et l’économie verte. Avec le soutien du, Norbert nous inspire l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat agroalimentaire, et vous ? #InspiredbyCOLEAD – Meet Norbert Monkam, CEO of AGRO-PME in #Cameroon! Since 2002, his company has been training professionals and supporting youth in rural development and the green economy. With the #COLEAD'support , Norbert inspires us innovation and entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector. And you? #AgriInnovation #GreenEconomy #YouthEmpowerment #COLEADImpact #FFM+ #COLEADauCameroun 6 December 2024 #InspirerparCOLEAD – Découvrez Norbert Monkam, PDG d’AGRO PME Fondation au #Cameroun ! Depuis 2002, son entreprise forme des professionnels et accompagne les jeunes dans le développement rural et l’économie verte. Avec le soutien du, Norbert nous inspire l’innovation et l’entrepreneuriat agroalimentaire, et vous ? #InspiredbyCOLEAD – Meet Norbert Monkam, CEO of AGRO-PME in #Cameroon! Since 2002, his company has been training professionals and supporting youth in rural development and the green economy. With the #COLEAD'support , Norbert inspires us innovation and entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector. And you? #AgriInnovation #GreenEconomy #YouthEmpowerment #COLEADImpact #FFM+ #COLEADauCameroun 6 December 2024 Only one week left until our Access to Finance webinar, organised by the #FFM+ programme. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn about different financing options and their eligibility criteria for your agri-projects on 3 December, from 11AM to 12PM (GMT+1). Our experts will provide: A review of funding types, instruments, and sources Detailed eligibility criteria for different funding instruments Practical tips for accessing finance A Q&A session to address your questions Register now using the link here: #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #COLEAD #FFM+ #webinar #MSME #AccesstoFinance #Sourceoffunding #Agribusiness #entrepreneurship 12 December 2024 Only one week left until our Access to Finance webinar, organised by the #FFM+ programme. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn about different financing options and their eligibility criteria for your agri-projects on 3 December, from 11AM to 12PM (GMT+1). Our experts will provide: A review of funding types, instruments, and sources Detailed eligibility criteria for different funding instruments Practical tips for accessing finance A Q&A session to address your questions Register now using the link here: #FFM+ is a programme funded by the European union and the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). #COLEAD #FFM+ #webinar #MSME #AccesstoFinance #Sourceoffunding #Agribusiness #entrepreneurship 12 December 2024 It’s today! Join the 4th #Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission to meet global buyers and expand your market opportunities! #TradeMission #GlobalOpportunities #AgriFood #COLEAD 4 December 2024 It’s today! Join the 4th #Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission to meet global buyers and expand your market opportunities! #TradeMission #GlobalOpportunities #AgriFood #COLEAD 4 November 2024 2+ #COLEADinJamaica - On a mission in #Jamaica, a team visited Home Choice Enterprise Limited —a women-owned company founded by Kareema Muncey in 2004. Home Choice Enterprise Limited shines in manufacturing and packaging an impressive array of agroprocessed food items, including: Peppered Shrimp Lime & Lemon Juice Ginger Extract Indian Curry Powder And a variety of flavour-packed sauces and condiments! The company also offers co-packaging arrangements, supporting businesses that want to package products under their own brand. An inspiration of #entrepreneurship and #innovation! #Kingston #WomenInBusiness #AgriProcessing 20 2+ November 2024 #COLEADinJamaica - On a mission in #Jamaica, a team visited Home Choice Enterprise Limited —a women-owned company founded by Kareema Muncey in 2004. Home Choice Enterprise Limited shines in manufacturing and packaging an impressive array of agroprocessed food items, including: Peppered Shrimp Lime & Lemon Juice Ginger Extract Indian Curry Powder And a variety of flavour-packed sauces and condiments! The company also offers co-packaging arrangements, supporting businesses that want to package products under their own brand. An inspiration of #entrepreneurship and #innovation! #Kingston #WomenInBusiness #AgriProcessing 20 November 2024 Only 3 days left! The 4th #Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission starts soon. Connect with international buyers and boost your business! Registration: #Countdown #TradeMission #AgriFood 5 November 2024 Only 3 days left! The 4th #Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission starts soon. Connect with international buyers and boost your business! Registration: #Countdown #TradeMission #AgriFood 5 November 2024 #COLEADinJamaica – On 21 November, the members met in #Kingston , providing an opportunity to enhance collaboration, share insights on the challenges within the #agricultural sector, and strategies to solidify #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting was rich with perspectives, and we are inspired to move forward together, advancing sustainable growth within #Jamaica's agricultural landscape. #Agriculture #Collaboration #Innovation #Development #Jamaica #GrowingPeople 23 November 2024 #COLEADinJamaica – On 21 November, the members met in #Kingston , providing an opportunity to enhance collaboration, share insights on the challenges within the #agricultural sector, and strategies to solidify #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting was rich with perspectives, and we are inspired to move forward together, advancing sustainable growth within #Jamaica's agricultural landscape. #Agriculture #Collaboration #Innovation #Development #Jamaica #GrowingPeople 23 November 2024 Discover the Citrus Market!! Our latest slide deck from’s #Citrus Webinar covers key insights on the latest trends in the citrus industry, from rising demand in Europe to eco-friendly packaging and health-driven changes. Get the quick overview in the slides and dive deeper into the full webinar on our YouTube channel. Watch now: #CitrusMarket #AgriFoodTrends #Sustainability #EcoPackaging #HealthTrends #MarketInsights #COLEAD 9 November 2024 Discover the Citrus Market!! Our latest slide deck from’s #Citrus Webinar covers key insights on the latest trends in the citrus industry, from rising demand in Europe to eco-friendly packaging and health-driven changes. Get the quick overview in the slides and dive deeper into the full webinar on our YouTube channel. Watch now: #CitrusMarket #AgriFoodTrends #Sustainability #EcoPackaging #HealthTrends #MarketInsights #COLEAD 9 November 2024 #AGRINFOUpdate38 is here Highlights: Latest #EU approvals of #organic control authorities/bodies and findings on non-compliant food imports. Decisions not to renew approvals for two #pesticides – tritosulfuron and metribuzin. Newly approved #PDO and #PGI designations for novel foods. EU proposal to continue suspending import duties on certain agricultural products. New #AGRINFO Guide Alert: A practical introduction to evolving requirements for exporting #honey to the EU market, including new listing obligations for countries and honey establishments. Stay informed with the #AGRINFO UPDATE email service, which reports on evolving #EU policies, regulations, and standards impacting agricultural value chains in low- and middle-income countries. #AGRINFO is a programme funded by the European Union #Innovation #Sustainability #Agriculture #EURegulations #GlobalTrade 23 November 2024 #AGRINFOUpdate38 is here Highlights: Latest #EU approvals of #organic control authorities/bodies and findings on non-compliant food imports. Decisions not to renew approvals for two #pesticides – tritosulfuron and metribuzin. Newly approved #PDO and #PGI designations for novel foods. EU proposal to continue suspending import duties on certain agricultural products. New #AGRINFO Guide Alert: A practical introduction to evolving requirements for exporting #honey to the EU market, including new listing obligations for countries and honey establishments. Stay informed with the #AGRINFO UPDATE email service, which reports on evolving #EU policies, regulations, and standards impacting agricultural value chains in low- and middle-income countries. #AGRINFO is a programme funded by the European Union #Innovation #Sustainability #Agriculture #EURegulations #GlobalTrade 23 November 2024 Only few days to go until the 4th #Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission kicks off (26-28 Nov)! Join us and connect with buyers from North America, Europe, and Central America. Register now to secure your spot and expand your market reach! Registration: #AgriBusiness #TradeMission #GlobalOpportunities #COLEAD #IICA #Networking #BusinessGrowth 5 November 2024 Only few days to go until the 4th #Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission kicks off (26-28 Nov)! Join us and connect with buyers from North America, Europe, and Central America. Register now to secure your spot and expand your market reach! Registration: #AgriBusiness #TradeMission #GlobalOpportunities #COLEAD #IICA #Networking #BusinessGrowth 5 November 2024 Discover Key Trends from 2024 Agri-Food Trade Fairs! When? Tuesday, 3 December at 13:00 UTC (45 minutes). Are you keeping up with the latest shifts in the agri-food sector? Join us as we unpack insights from major trade fairs in the agri-food sector, including FRUIT LOGISTICA, BIOFACH, SIAL Paris, and Fruit Attraction. This webinar is organised as part of the #FFM+, #AGRINFO, and #NExTKenya programs. AGENDA: Overview of 2024 international trade events Market dynamics and consumer preferences. Developments in logistics and regulations Innovations in varieties, products, and technology #COLEAD support for trade fairs presence Live Q&A session Register now to stay ahead of the curve: #AgriFoodTrends #TradeFair #Innovation #AgriBusiness #SustainableGrowth 16 November 2024 Discover Key Trends from 2024 Agri-Food Trade Fairs! When? Tuesday, 3 December at 13:00 UTC (45 minutes). Are you keeping up with the latest shifts in the agri-food sector? Join us as we unpack insights from major trade fairs in the agri-food sector, including FRUIT LOGISTICA, BIOFACH, SIAL Paris, and Fruit Attraction. This webinar is organised as part of the #FFM+, #AGRINFO, and #NExTKenya programs. AGENDA: Overview of 2024 international trade events Market dynamics and consumer preferences. Developments in logistics and regulations Innovations in varieties, products, and technology #COLEAD support for trade fairs presence Live Q&A session Register now to stay ahead of the curve: #AgriFoodTrends #TradeFair #Innovation #AgriBusiness #SustainableGrowth 16 November 2024 The 4th Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission targets producers from the CARICOM: Caribbean Community and buyers from Central #America, North America, #Europe, and other #Caribbean markets. It’s an opportunity to grow market reach, increase trade, and discover new business opportunities. Will you be joining ? Find out how you can participate! Registration: #AgriBusiness #MarketLinkages #SustainableDevelopment #TradeOpportunities #COLEAD 13 November 2024 The 4th Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission targets producers from the CARICOM: Caribbean Community and buyers from Central #America, North America, #Europe, and other #Caribbean markets. It’s an opportunity to grow market reach, increase trade, and discover new business opportunities. Will you be joining ? Find out how you can participate! Registration: #AgriBusiness #MarketLinkages #SustainableDevelopment #TradeOpportunities #COLEAD 13 November 2024 Une info rapide ? Voici celle du lundi sur les patates douces ! Quick Fact Time! Here's your Monday insight about sweet potatoes! #LeSaviezVous #COLEAD #FFM+ #SweetPotato #DidYouKnow #AgriFacts #HealthyEating #SustainableAgriculture #FoodForThought #MondayLearning #PatateDouce #AgricultureDurable #AlimentationSaine #InspirationDuLundi #FaitsAgricoles #MondayLearning #COLEADMondayFact 21 November 2024 Une info rapide ? Voici celle du lundi sur les patates douces ! Quick Fact Time! Here's your Monday insight about sweet potatoes! #LeSaviezVous #COLEAD #FFM+ #SweetPotato #DidYouKnow #AgriFacts #HealthyEating #SustainableAgriculture #FoodForThought #MondayLearning #PatateDouce #AgricultureDurable #AlimentationSaine #InspirationDuLundi #FaitsAgricoles #MondayLearning #COLEADMondayFact 21 November 2024 #Lomé - #COLEADJobAlert Le recrute un(e) Senior Project Manager pour renforcer le secteur agroalimentaire dans les pays #OEACP. Basé(e) à Lomé, vous coordonnerez des projets d’appui aux partenaires publics et privés. Date limite des candidatures avant le 22 novembre 2024 Pour en savoir plus : 1mo • #Lomé - #COLEADJobAlert Le recrute un(e) Senior Project Manager pour renforcer le secteur agroalimentaire dans les pays #OEACP. Basé(e) à Lomé, vous coordonnerez des projets d’appui aux partenaires publics et privés. Date limite des candidatures avant le 22 novembre 2024 Pour en savoir plus : 3 November 2024 #Lomé - #COLEADJobAlert Le recrute un(e) Senior Project Manager pour renforcer le secteur agroalimentaire dans les pays #OEACP. Basé(e) à Lomé, vous coordonnerez des projets d’appui aux partenaires publics et privés. Date limite des candidatures avant le 22 novembre 2024 Pour en savoir plus : 3 November 2024 is partnering with Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), CARICOM: Caribbean Community, FAO, and IESC - Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (formerly International Executive Service Corps) at the 4th Annual Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission from 26–28 November 2024. This mission will bring #agrifood businesses from the Caribbean, Central #America, North America, and #Europe together to build valuable market linkages. Stay tuned for more details on how you can participate! Registration: #AgriFood #TradeMission #COLEAD #Caribbean #Agriculture #SustainableGrowth Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana 4w • Be part of the Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission 4th edition. You’ll be able to connect with potential buyers, partners or suppliers in the sector. This is your opportunity to access a rich and diverse of agri-food market. If you want to participate, please complete the following pre-registration: Further information: 4 November 2024 is partnering with Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), CARICOM: Caribbean Community, FAO, and IESC - Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (formerly International Executive Service Corps) at the 4th Annual Caribbean Virtual Agri-Food Trade Mission from 26–28 November 2024. This mission will bring #agrifood businesses from the Caribbean, Central #America, North America, and #Europe together to build valuable market linkages. Stay tuned for more details on how you can participate! Registration: #AgriFood #TradeMission #COLEAD #Caribbean #Agriculture #SustainableGrowth 4 November 2024 Participez à notre webinaire sur les salons internationaux de 2024 ! Quand ? Mardi 26 novembre à 14h00 UTC (45 minutes) Au programme : découvrez les tendances et innovations majeures observées lors de plus de 15 salons agroalimentaires de 2024, tels que FRUIT LOGISTICA, BIOFACH, SIAL Paris, et Fruit Attraction ! À l’agenda : Les préférences des consommateurs post-#COVID Nouvelles variétés de fruits & innovations produits Évolutions en logistique & emballage Avancées technologiques avec l’essor de l’#IA Session de Questions/Réponses Ne manquez pas cette occasion – inscrivez-vous maintenant : Ce webinaire est organisé dans le cadre des programmes #FFM+, #AGRINFO du #COLEAD. #AgriBusiness #SalonsInternationaux #Innovation #Technologie #Agroalimentaire 6 November 2024 Participez à notre webinaire sur les salons internationaux de 2024 ! Quand ? Mardi 26 novembre à 14h00 UTC (45 minutes) Au programme : découvrez les tendances et innovations majeures observées lors de plus de 15 salons agroalimentaires de 2024, tels que FRUIT LOGISTICA, BIOFACH, SIAL Paris, et Fruit Attraction ! À l’agenda : Les préférences des consommateurs post-#COVID Nouvelles variétés de fruits & innovations produits Évolutions en logistique & emballage Avancées technologiques avec l’essor de l’#IA Session de Questions/Réponses Ne manquez pas cette occasion – inscrivez-vous maintenant : Ce webinaire est organisé dans le cadre des programmes #FFM+, #AGRINFO du #COLEAD. #AgriBusiness #SalonsInternationaux #Innovation #Technologie #Agroalimentaire 6 November 2024 #COLEADinSierraLeone – On 13 November, the members met, providing an opportunity to enhance collaboration, share insights on the challenges within the agricultural sector, and strategies to solidify #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting was rich with perspectives, and we are inspired to move forward together, advancing sustainable growth within #SierraLeone's agricultural landscape #Agriculture #Collaboration #GrowingPeople #COLEADinSierraLeone #GrowingPeople 35 November 2024 #COLEADinSierraLeone – On 13 November, the members met, providing an opportunity to enhance collaboration, share insights on the challenges within the agricultural sector, and strategies to solidify #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting was rich with perspectives, and we are inspired to move forward together, advancing sustainable growth within #SierraLeone's agricultural landscape #Agriculture #Collaboration #GrowingPeople #COLEADinSierraLeone #GrowingPeople 35 November 2024 #COLEADNews - #Flashback to 2005, when the #PIP programme by had already trained over 700 professionals in the #ACP horticultural sector and nearly 130 local experts as trainers. For Edward Ngenga, a farmer in #Kenya, there’s no limit to knowledge.” A lasting impact on the entire industry! Read more in the full article #ActuCOLEAD- #Flashback en 2005, lorsque le programme #PIP du avait déjà formé plus de 700 professionnels du secteur horticole ACP et près de 130 experts locaux en tant que formateurs. Pour Edward Ngenga, un agriculteur au Kenya, « il n’y a pas de limite à la connaissance. » Un impact durable pour toute la filière ! Découvrez-en plus dans l’article complet #COLEAD #FormationAgricole #ImpactDurable #AgricultureDurable #RenforcementDesCapacités #Horticulture #SavoirCestLePouvoir #AgriAlimentaire #AgriculturalTraining #LastingImpact #AgriculturalTraining #LastingImpact #SustainableAgriculture #CapacityBuilding #Horticulture #KnowledgeIsPower #AgriFood #ACP 8 November 2024 #COLEADNews - #Flashback to 2005, when the #PIP programme by had already trained over 700 professionals in the #ACP horticultural sector and nearly 130 local experts as trainers. For Edward Ngenga, a farmer in #Kenya, there’s no limit to knowledge.” A lasting impact on the entire industry! Read more in the full article #ActuCOLEAD- #Flashback en 2005, lorsque le programme #PIP du avait déjà formé plus de 700 professionnels du secteur horticole ACP et près de 130 experts locaux en tant que formateurs. Pour Edward Ngenga, un agriculteur au Kenya, « il n’y a pas de limite à la connaissance. » Un impact durable pour toute la filière ! Découvrez-en plus dans l’article complet #COLEAD #FormationAgricole #ImpactDurable #AgricultureDurable #RenforcementDesCapacités #Horticulture #SavoirCestLePouvoir #AgriAlimentaire #AgriculturalTraining #LastingImpact #AgriculturalTraining #LastingImpact #SustainableAgriculture #CapacityBuilding #Horticulture #KnowledgeIsPower #AgriFood #ACP 8 November 2024 During our mission to the Pacific, the Technical Assistance team had the privilege of visiting ZONAH UNITDE, a partner-beneficiary of the #FFM+ programme. As spice producer in #Fiji, ZONAH UNITED is transforming lives by empowering marginalized rural women—creating jobs from farmers to truck drivers, all while improving food safety through the #FFM+ programme. We’re proud to support their work in improving food safety management. #WomenEmpowerment #SustainableDevelopment #Fiji #FFMPlus #FoodSafety #CommunityImpact #ZonahUnited #SocialGood #EmpowermentInAction #InnovationInAgriculture 19 November 2024 During our mission to the Pacific, the Technical Assistance team had the privilege of visiting ZONAH UNITDE, a partner-beneficiary of the #FFM+ programme. As spice producer in #Fiji, ZONAH UNITED is transforming lives by empowering marginalized rural women—creating jobs from farmers to truck drivers, all while improving food safety through the #FFM+ programme. We’re proud to support their work in improving food safety management. #WomenEmpowerment #SustainableDevelopment #Fiji #FFMPlus #FoodSafety #CommunityImpact #ZonahUnited #SocialGood #EmpowermentInAction #InnovationInAgriculture 19 November 2024 #COLEADinZimbabwe – On 6 November, the members met in #Harare , providing an opportunity to enhance collaboration, share insights on the challenges within the agricultural sector, and strategies to solidify #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting was rich with perspectives, and we are inspired to move forward together, advancing sustainable growth within #Zimbabwe's agricultural landscape #Agriculture #Collaboration #Innovation #Development #Zimbabwe #GrowingPeople 57 November 2024 #COLEADinZimbabwe – On 6 November, the members met in #Harare , providing an opportunity to enhance collaboration, share insights on the challenges within the agricultural sector, and strategies to solidify #COLEAD's impact at the national level. The meeting was rich with perspectives, and we are inspired to move forward together, advancing sustainable growth within #Zimbabwe's agricultural landscape #Agriculture #Collaboration #Innovation #Development #Zimbabwe #GrowingPeople 57 November 2024 The COP29 Azerbaijan is happening now in #Baku, where crucial discussions on climate finance , green energy , and gender equality are taking place. Key themes like #biodiversity and nature will be explored on 14th and 15th November., is committed to supporting #sustainable agricultural practices that strengthen climate resilience , food security , and ecosystem sustainability , all while contributing to the #SDGs . We continue to build bridges for more #sustainability and #climatejustice . Stay updated: #Climate #COP29 #SustainableAgriculture #GreenEnergy #SDGs #Biodiversity #GenderEquality #COLEAD COP29 Azerbaijan 4w • Welcome to #COP29Azerbaijan. Today, world leaders and Parties convene for the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to engage in critical climate negotiations, to deliver deep, rapid and sustained emission reductions. Over the coming days, we will focus on enhancing ambition and enabling action, working towards inclusive, sustainable outcomes, and leave no one behind. #COP29 #COP29Azerbaijan 1 November 2024 The COP29 Azerbaijan is happening now in #Baku, where crucial discussions on climate finance , green energy , and gender equality are taking place. Key themes like #biodiversity and nature will be explored on 14th and 15th November., is committed to supporting #sustainable agricultural practices that strengthen climate resilience , food security , and ecosystem sustainability , all while contributing to the #SDGs . We continue to build bridges for more #sustainability and #climatejustice . Stay updated: #Climate #COP29 #SustainableAgriculture #GreenEnergy #SDGs #Biodiversity #GenderEquality #COLEAD 1 FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitterYouTube Channel * EN * FR Copyright © COLEAD 2023 * * Copyright © COLEACP We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.Thank you. I get it.Privacy policy ✓ Thanks for sharing! AddToAny More… AddToAny More…