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Confirm Selection Less details

 * Accommodation
 * Deals

Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Other Hotels
 * Maxime Hotel
 * Hotel Real Palácio
 * Holiday Inn Express Aeroporto
 * Holiday Inn Express Plaza Saldanha
 * Holiday Inn Express Avenida da Liberdade
 * Holiday Inn Express Alfragide

Cascais & Oeiras
 * Grande Real Villa Itália Hotel & Spa
 * Hotel Real Oeiras

 * Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
 * Real Marina Residence
 * Real Marina Hotel & Spa
 * Real Bellavista Hotel & Spa

 * Holiday Inn Express Porto City Centre
 * Holiday Inn Express Porto Exponor

 * Português

en pt
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Christmas Parties for Groups and Companies
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From 222€ per night (2 adults)
Family Holidays with half board
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Football Winter Off-Season Training Package
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% buffered00:00

Advantages of direct booking
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Holidays in a beachfront resort


The Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort e Hotel Spa is a 5 star hotel, located in
Albufeira, in Algarve, with direct access to Santa Eulália beach. More than a
hotel it’s a destination where you can live a remarkable experience in one

Have you thought about enjoying a stay, whether for work or holidays, with
family or friends, in a place where you will find all the amenities, services
and features for your visit?

To meet different needs and occasions, the Grande Real Santa Eulália has 344
rooms of which 29 are suites and 155 are Villas, with typologies Studios,
1-Bedroom and 2-Bedroom (Villas are fully equipped).

Notice: The indoor pool is open seasonally and is currently closed until
September 30th. The thalassotherapy circuit is open all year round.

Read more about us

There are three restaurants and bars with a diverse offer that will transform
all your meals into unique and memorable moments.

During your stay, relax in one of the heated outdoor swimming pools, for adults
and children. Or relax and live a unique sensory experience at the Real Spa
Therapy. Here you can enjoy an indoor thalassotherapy pool, sauna, jacuzzi,
Turkish bath or a fantastic gym. Choose one of the treatments or massages

The little ones have a world full of activities waiting for them at the Realito
Kids Club.

In the evening, have fun at the Le Club, to the sound of the most renowned DJ’s.

The Grande Real Santa Eulália also has available 15 meeting rooms for all types
of meetings and events.


Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa has 155 Villas specially designed
for families, with areas between 41m2 and 76m2. These Villas are ideal for
family holidays and have…

Read more
Sea view Suites

The suites with an area over 54 m2, the 19 Sea View Suites of the Grande Real
Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa privilege natural light and the remarkable

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Standard Rooms Sea view

Wake up with a view of the beach in one of the 54 sea view rooms of the Grande
Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa. The Santa Eulália’s beach…

Read more

Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa has 155 Villas specially designed
for families, with areas between 41m2 and 76m2. These Villas are ideal for
family holidays and have…

Read more
Sea view Suites

The suites with an area over 54 m2, the 19 Sea View Suites of the Grande Real
Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa privilege natural light and the remarkable

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Standard Rooms Sea view

Wake up with a view of the beach in one of the 54 sea view rooms of the Grande
Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa. The Santa Eulália’s beach…

Read more

Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa has 155 Villas specially designed
for families, with areas between 41m2 and 76m2. These Villas are ideal for
family holidays and have…

Read more
 * Sea view Suites
 * Standard Rooms Sea view
 * Villas

View all


A hotel with a stunning view of the beach and with direct access to the beach.

Perfect location
This resort hotel is located on Santa Eulália beach in Albufeira.
Free Wi-Fi
Free WI-FI throughout the Hotel.
Real Spa Therapy with Thalassotherapy
A spa where pleasure brings health and well-being.
Outdoor swimming pool
Four outdoor swimming pools available, one of which heated.
Direct beach access
The Hotel has direct access to Santa Eulália beach.
Family Holidays
With spacious rooms and fully equipped Villas, this resort hotel is the ideal
option for a family holiday.
Kids Club
The little ones have a world full of activities waiting for them at the Realito
Kids Club.
Everything within your reach
A resort with everything for perfect holidays.
Venues for several events
This hotel offers several options and environments to hold any type of event,
meeting or conference.
Discover more


Book now
Live the family holidays you've always dreamed of, in Algarve
Family Holidays with Half Board

(Price per night/2 adults) Are you already dreaming of a perfect holiday in
Portugal? Come discover Grande Real Santa Eulália, our luxurious 5-star beach
resort located in Albufeira. Enjoy the…

Discover more
Surprise your loved one with a romantic getaway in Albufeira, Algarve.
Romantic Getaway in Albufeira

(The price shown is for the Add-on) Spend romantic time with your loved one with
a stunning view of Santa Eulália’s beach in Albufeira, Algarve. Book at the
Grande Real…

Discover more
Celebrate your Wedding Night in Albufeira with a breathtaking view over Santa
Eulália beach
Wedding Night in Albufeira

(The price shown is for the Add-on) Your wedding night is very important and
must be celebrated in a special atmospheres. After a perfect wedding day, bride
and groom deserve…

Discover more
Start your day with breakfast with a sea view
Villas with breakfast

At Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa, we believe that a good day
starts with an excellent breakfast. Therefore, this summer we have a special
offer for our…

Discover more
Have you started planning your Christmas Party?
Christmas for Groups and companies

Do you want to anticipate the organization of the long-awaited Christmas Parties
this year? Whether for your group of friends or family, or to gather your entire
team and celebrate…

Discover more
Book now
Live the family holidays you've always dreamed of, in Algarve
Family Holidays with Half Board

(Price per night/2 adults) Are you already dreaming of a perfect holiday in
Portugal? Come discover Grande Real Santa Eulália, our luxurious 5-star beach
resort located in Albufeira. Enjoy the…

Discover more
Surprise your loved one with a romantic getaway in Albufeira, Algarve.
Romantic Getaway in Albufeira

(The price shown is for the Add-on) Spend romantic time with your loved one with
a stunning view of Santa Eulália’s beach in Albufeira, Algarve. Book at the
Grande Real…

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Celebrate your Wedding Night in Albufeira with a breathtaking view over Santa
Eulália beach
Wedding Night in Albufeira

(The price shown is for the Add-on) Your wedding night is very important and
must be celebrated in a special atmospheres. After a perfect wedding day, bride
and groom deserve…

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Start your day with breakfast with a sea view
Villas with breakfast

At Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa, we believe that a good day
starts with an excellent breakfast. Therefore, this summer we have a special
offer for our…

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Have you started planning your Christmas Party?
Christmas for Groups and companies

Do you want to anticipate the organization of the long-awaited Christmas Parties
this year? Whether for your group of friends or family, or to gather your entire
team and celebrate…

Discover more
Book now
Live the family holidays you've always dreamed of, in Algarve
Family Holidays with Half Board

(Price per night/2 adults) Are you already dreaming of a perfect holiday in
Portugal? Come discover Grande Real Santa Eulália, our luxurious 5-star beach
resort located in Albufeira. Enjoy the…

Discover more
Surprise your loved one with a romantic getaway in Albufeira, Algarve.
Romantic Getaway in Albufeira

(The price shown is for the Add-on) Spend romantic time with your loved one with
a stunning view of Santa Eulália’s beach in Albufeira, Algarve. Book at the
Grande Real…

Discover more
Celebrate your Wedding Night in Albufeira with a breathtaking view over Santa
Eulália beach
Wedding Night in Albufeira

(The price shown is for the Add-on) Your wedding night is very important and
must be celebrated in a special atmospheres. After a perfect wedding day, bride
and groom deserve…

Discover more
Start your day with breakfast with a sea view
Villas with breakfast

At Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa, we believe that a good day
starts with an excellent breakfast. Therefore, this summer we have a special
offer for our…

Discover more


Estrada de Albufeira - Olhos de Água
8200-269 Albufeira - Portugal
(+351) 289 598 000
(+351) 289 598 001
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to Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
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A shared joy is a double joy

300 days of sunshine per year
Algarve – Olhos de Água and Albufeira
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View all
Kayak Travel Awards 2022 – Grande Real Santa Eulalia Resort & Hotel Spa
Traveller’s Choice Award 2021 – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Hoteis.com – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Expedia Travelers Rated – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Traveller Review Awards 2022 – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Kayak Travel Awards 2022 – Grande Real Santa Eulalia Resort & Hotel Spa
Traveller’s Choice Award 2021 – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Hoteis.com – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Expedia Travelers Rated – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Traveller Review Awards 2022 – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Kayak Travel Awards 2022 – Grande Real Santa Eulalia Resort & Hotel Spa
Traveller’s Choice Award 2021 – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Hoteis.com – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa
Expedia Travelers Rated – Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa

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Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort & Hotel Spa 5 stars on Santa Eulália beach in
Albufeira, Algarve

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Surprise the ones you love with a special gift Gift Vouchers

Discover the special deals available at the Grande Real Santa Eulália Resort &
Hotel & Spa for your stay. Deals

Booking a journey has never been easier Book now
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Check-in 27 sep 2024
Check-out 28 sep 2024
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0 Children
1 Adult 2 Adults 3 Adults 4 Adults 5 Adults
0 Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 Children 4 Children


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