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retymemory * Blog TELEGRAM MESSENGER APP SCAMS 7/14/2023 0 Comments Each individual or security admin should remediate this threat based on their desired security policy.” Sharabi told me that both individuals and organisations are at risk from these Telegram-enabled attacks, suggesting that “Telegram communications can be blocked in order to protect against this type of threat. If it’s on a PC at home, then make sure you install and run a high-quality antivirus program as soon as you can. If you have that file, then you need to delete it and take immediate advice from your company’s IT support desk if this is a work machine. Windows users can search for “C:\Users\ToxicEye\rat.exe” on their systems to see if they have been infected. Not only can this RAT steal data or begin a ransomware lockup of a user’s files, it can even hijack the mic and camera on a PC. The specific malware identified by Check Point is “ToxicEye,” a new remote access trojan, or RAT. MORE FROM FORBES iPhone Users Should Change Google Maps Settings After Data Harvesting Disclosure By “We believe attackers are leveraging the fact that Telegram is used and allowed in almost all organizations, utilizing this system to perform cyber attacks, which can bypass security restrictions,” says Check Point’s Idan Sharabi. But, as Check Point has now clearly shown, despite this the problem has not been addressed. Such use of Telegram bots goes back years. Telegram’s install-base is also vast and growing quickly, enabling attackers “to use their mobile devices to access infected computers from almost any location globally.” “Telegram is a legitimate, easy-to-use and stable service that isn't blocked by enterprise anti-virus engines, nor by network management tools,” Check Point says.īeyond that, an attacker can easily create a new bot without disclosing identifying information, making attribution and interception much harder. Telegram brings several benefits to attackers and their campaigns-primarily that the platform is known and trusted and so will evade many defences. “Dozens of new types of Telegram-based malware, have been found as ‘off-the-shelf’ weapons in hacking tool repositories on GitHub.” But once a crafted email attachment is opened on a user’s Windows PC, the bundled Telegram bot manages the links back to the attacker’s command and control server, managing the attack.Īs Check Point says, “the popularity of Telegram-based malware aligned to the growing usage of the messaging service worldwide” has become a “growing trend,” a trend that’s getting ever worse. The threats are sent to users through simple email campaigns. The malware itself is not spread by Telegram messages-which its why, as Check Point says, it doesn’t matter whether you have it installed or not. Telegram enabled cyber attack Check Point Even when Telegram is not installed or being used, it allows hackers to send malicious commands and operations remotely via the instant messaging app.” They can do anything-teach, play, search, broadcast, remind, connect, integrate with other services, or even pass commands to the Internet of Things.” Unfortunately, that’s not all those bots can do.Ĭheck Point, which also issued this new Telegram warning, says it has “tracked 130 cyber attacks that used malware managed over Telegram by attackers in the last three months. It provides seemingly limitless groups and channels, and a range of other sophisticated features, including its own “bot platform.”Īs Telegram explains, “bots are simply Telegram accounts operated by software-not people-and they'll often have AI features. Its architecture now serves more than 500 million users, through a spider’s web of connected endpoints and its own cloud back-end. Telegram is significantly more complex than its direct rivals, the likes of Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, iMessage and Signal. 0 Comments MAFIA II DIRECTORS CUT 7/14/2023 0 Comments Work began on Mafia II's script in 2003, with pre-production following in 2004. Mafia II is grittier, real, a darker world, and the effects are based in reality." The Official Playstation Magazine states: "A high body count is still promised in this tale set in a fictional city inspired by New York of the 1940s and '50s, but those casualties will come the hard way - through small-scale operations rather than mass firefights". Daniel Vávra, the writer and director of the original and the sequel, discussed the new angle of the game stating: "The old game was a tribute to gangster movies, a romantic vision. The game contains around two hours of in-game cutscenes with a screenplay of 700 pages. Soon enough, Vito, Joe, and Henry Tomasino find themselves battling with, for, against, and around three crime factions: the Falcone, Vinci and Clemente families. Their criminal ascension starts with Mike Bruski, a car mechanic who needs a certain type of car to chop for parts, and will pay $400 for one that the police are not tailing. Vito reunites with his old friend, Joe Barbaro, and the two quickly embark upon a life of crime. Army as a way of avoiding jail time for a botched robbery. The story begins with the player character Vito returning home from World War II. As the game progresses, Vito joins the Falcone Crime Family and becomes a "made man", as does his best friend Joe Barbaro. The storyline for Mafia II is a gritty drama and chronicles the rise of Vito Scaletta, the son of Sicilian immigrants. Empire Bay's radio stations complete the experience with a wide variety of popular music from the era. The game also introduces new weapons and includes a few from the original game. There are over 50 highly detailed vehicles, including sports cars, city buses, tractor trailers, station wagons, and more. The game introduces a cover mechanic not seen in the game's predecessor which allows the player to hide behind objects while in a shootout. The game experience of Mafia II involves realistic controls featuring a standard action and violent action button, as well as context sensitive situations. The Mac OS X version of Mafia II: Director's Cut was published by Feral Interactive and released on December 1, 2011. The game was released on Augin North America and Augin Europe. The game is set in 1940s - 1950s Empire Bay, a fictional city based on New York City, and is available for PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360. Development was announced on Augat the Leipzig Games Convention. The game was developed by 2K Czech, previously known as Illusion Softworks, and published by 2K Games. Mafia II is the third-person shooter sequel to Mafia. Joe's Adventures For game content see: Mafia II Portal 0 Comments TOO MANY THINGS FOR MAC TOPBAR 7/14/2023 0 Comments If your Mac has a Touch Bar, many apps-like Mail or Safari-let you customize it. To show a list of the hidden items, click the double arrows at the end of the toolbar. With just a click, you can open chatGPT and start chatting. When you resize a window, toolbar buttons can become hidden as the window narrows. MacGPT is a simple native app for macOS that lets you quickly access chatGPT from your menu bar. Choose View > Customize Toolbar, click the Show pop-up menu, then choose an option. Rearrange buttons: Hold down the Command key while you drag an item around in the toolbar, then drop the item when an open space appears.Īdd a button: Choose View > Customize Toolbar, then drag an item from the palette to the toolbar until a plus sign appears.Ĭhange how buttons appear: For some toolbars, you can show labels with the buttons. Remove a button: Hold down the Command key while you drag the item out of the toolbar until you see or hear a “poof” effect. While working in full screen for some apps, choose View > Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen. Hide or show the toolbar: Choose View > Hide Toolbar or View > Show Toolbar. Some apps give the option to remove icons from the top bar on Mac in their settings: chosen app > Preferences. On your Mac, do any of the following in an app: When the Mac OS menu bar fills up with too many icons on the upper right side, and begins to encroach on the space of the menu text, will the OS begin to make the menu bar taller and wrap the icons Or will the icons simply overflow / overlay the menu text This question assumes that Bartender is not installed. It is possible to remove third-party icons from the top bar on Mac by clicking on them and selecting Quit or Close, but this will stop the app from working until you reopen it. Get started with accessibility features.Use Sign in with Apple for apps and websites.Watch and listen together with SharePlay.Share and collaborate on files and folders How to Remove System Icons From the Menu Bar Icons linked to system controls can be easily removed from the menu bar in the following way: Hold down the Command () key.Then try removing any troublesome apps or login items that may not be. Sync music, books, and more between devices Restart your Mac by pressing the power button for around 6 seconds (if this doesn’t work, try booting in Safe mode).Make and receive phone calls on your Mac Disable the option Automatically hide and show menu bar.Use one keyboard and mouse to control Mac and iPad.Use Live Text to interact with text in a photo intensity by scrolling over menu bar icon General HazeOver settings: dimming intensity and.Make text and other items on the screen bigger.Install and reinstall apps from the App Store. 0 Comments HIDE THE PAIN HAROLD 7/14/2023 0 Comments But of course, we have made sure to change the picture now," Hanna Fellenius, a spokeswoman for Stockholm Region told Reuters. "We did not know it was a meme until we noticed this. "Harold" briefly fronted the website where Stockholm city residents can book their COVID-19 vaccines after the city used a stock photo of Arato from a photo agency database. Those images of a grey-bearded man wearing a smile but with sad, pained eyes became an internet meme dubbed "Hide the Pain Harold" as they were shared and reused with new, humorous captions by millions online. Harold is actually Hungarian man Andras Arato, who in 20 posed as a model for stock photographs. A Mascreenshot shows a part of a government website where Swedes can book COVID-19 vaccinations, featuring the "Hide the Pain Harold" meme. But I’m not actually a sad guy – I think I’m rather a happy one.A health authority in Sweden unwittingly used 'Hide the Pain Harold' - one of the internet's most-recognised figures - as the face of its COVID-19 vaccination booking website, officials said on Tuesday evening, adding the image had now been removed. Now, it’s role play: I’m Hide the Pain Harold. I did a bit of public speaking then, at conferences and lectures, but that was very different from appearing on television talkshows and YouTube videos. I’m proud that something more has come out of the last 10 years than just an idiotic smile. I am the face of a campaign for a mental health service in Hungary, similar to the Samaritans in the UK. We want it to be more than just a sad smile. I’ve never enjoyed a fame like that before sometimes it was frightening. Every time I walked down the street a crowd would gather, so they gave me bodyguards. Last month, I travelled to Chile and Colombia for some TV appearances that was the first time I felt like a real celebrity. Last year, I took 20 flights from Budapest to destinations all over the world: Europe, Russia and, increasingly, South America. I’m the face of Totum, the British discount card run by the National Union of Students – they got me to wear a bucket hat. The Hungarian hard rock band Cloud 9+ have a song called Hide The Pain, with me in the video. The German mail-order giant Otto flew me out to make commercials for them. A football website flew me to England to make a video about Manchester City I got to tour the ground and watch them play a Champions League game. People ask me to talk about my story, to demonstrate the power of memes. The fee for that commercial changed my wife’s mind about the meme. In one of the adverts, I travelled to Germany to buy a used car and it broke down halfway home if I had bought the same car through their company, the brand claimed, it wouldn’t have happened. I was given a role in a television commercial for a Hungarian car dealer. People noticed that I had taken ownership of the meme and got in contact to offer me work. So, in 2017, I created my own Facebook fan page and updated it with videos and stories from my travels. Some kind of brand had been made out of me and I would have been a fool not to make use of it. I knew that it was impossible to stop people making memes, but it still annoyed me that Facebook pages, some with hundreds of thousands of followers, were using my photograph as their profile picture, and pretending to be me. Still smiling through… Photograph: StockLite/Shutterstock 0 Comments MALODY PREVIEW MODE 7/14/2023 0 Comments If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time.Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content.Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection.Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine. There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.Using GameFAQs regularly with these browsers can cause temporary and even permanent IP blocks due to these additional requests. If you are using the Brave browser, or have installed the Ghostery add-on, these programs send extra traffic to our servers for every page on the site that you browse, then send that data back to a third party, essentially spying on your browsing habits.We strongly recommend you stop using this browser until this problem is corrected. The latest version of the Opera browser sends multiple invalid requests to our servers for every page you visit.The most common causes of this issue are: Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. 0 Comments REMOTE START LOW BATTERY GUARD 7/14/2023 0 Comments This may not seem to be a big deal at first. If you plan well to set up your generator in advance, having a remote starter will rescue you from going out into the rain, wind or snow in efforts to start up the generator. Often, inclement weather is the cause of the collapse of the primary power grid. A Big Deal?Ī remote start is crucial during lousy weather. It means you can quickly turn the lights on without needing to move around the vehicle. Indeed, you can have all of the appliances in your RV running well without having to get out of bed. If, for instance, you wish to use it with an RV, acquiring a remote start can be quite convenient.Ī remote start function gives you the ability to start your generator without having to walk outside. It depends on how you wish to use your generator and under what conditions. Others find the remote start feature quite convenient and essential. Many people might consider a remote start feature as merely an excessive option that hikes the price of an otherwise less-costly generator. Is a Remote Start Function a True Convenience or a Needless, Costly Item? The remote start function is especially useful working at night or, perhaps, early in the morning or when there’s a downpour outside. With a remote start feature, once you push the start button, it automatically sends a signal to the remote start kit, which allows the engine to start immediately without a hassle.Ī remote start generator is a beautiful machine. You are saved! What, Really, is a Remote Start Generator?Ī remote start feature, fitted in a generator, conveniently eliminates the need to be physically present at the location of your unit to start it. Then you remember: You won’t have to rush into the rain and darkness outside to reach the generator room and start the machine your generator has a remote start function and you can start it right there! How thankful you are! The storeroom is about a hundred meters away from the main house. What will you do to have power back in the house? At that moment, there is a sudden power outage, and everything goes dark! Dogs are barking outside, and the owls are hooting. 0 Comments DELL SONICWALL GLOBAL VPN 7/14/2023 0 Comments It runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems with no dedicated 64-bit download provided. Previous versions of the operating system shouldn't be a problem with Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista having been tested. We secure the entire digital attack surface from devices, data, and apps and from data center to. It can run on a PC with Windows 11 or Windows 10. Fortinet delivers cybersecurity everywhere you need it. access to corporate and academic resources over encrypted SSL VPN connections. Click on the Add (+) button on the Global VPN Client. Now, we need to add a new connection profile with respect to the SonicWall configuration. In step 1, we have successfully installed the SonicWall Global VPN Client on the test machine. is the latest version last time we checked. Download SonicWall Mobile Connect and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad. Step 5: Adding a New Connection Profile to SonicWall Global VPN Client. Download and installation of this PC software is free and 4. SonicWALL Global VPN is provided under a freeware license on Windows from network software with no restrictions on usage. Secure Connectivity: Easy setup and seamless connectivity to corporate network.Scalability: Easily scale to support more users, locations and applications.Network Visibility: View detailed real-time network information.Network Access Control: Control user access based on identity, location and device.Logging and Reporting: Monitor and analyze activity with detailed logs and reports.High Performance: Low latency and fast data transfer speeds.Flexible Deployment: Deployment options to match needs and environment.Endpoint Protection: Protect against malicious threats and vulnerabilities.Customization: Customizable settings to address specific needs.Compatibility: Compatible with all major operating systems.Centralized Management: Manage, monitor and deploy settings from a single console.Automation: Automatically detect and configure settings for secure and reliable connections.Application Control: Control access to applications and websites.Advanced Troubleshooting: Diagnose and troubleshoot connection issues quickly.Advanced Security: Encryption, authentication and content filtering.SonicWALL Global VPN Client comes as either a 32-bit or 64-bit setup file which should correspond to your version of Windows. This is helpful for preventing hacking attacks. The application includes support for WiFiSec security technology which is enabled by default when creating new connections. The program is known for being able to encrypt Internet connections from virtually anywhere in the world while providing access to corporate networks running the SonicWALL server. It is a required application in some cases when attempting to connect to certain corporate networks. SonicWALL Global VPN Client is a program which creates VPN (Virtual Private Networks). For IPSec VPN, SonicWall Global VPN Client enables the client system to download the VPN client for a more traditional client-based VPN experience.A VPN client which connects to corporate networks by Dell. For SSL VPN, SonicWall NetExtender provides thin client connectivity and clientless Web-based remote access for Windows, Windows Mobile, Mac and Linux-based systems. For remote client-to-host secure access, SonicWall offers both SSL VPN and IPSec VPN connectivity options. SonicWall VPN Clients offer a flexible easy-to-use, easy-to-manage Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution that provides distributed and mobile Users with secure, reliable remote access to corporate assets via broadband, wireless and dial-up connections. Remote access has become a business imperative. Businesses large and Small need to address the growing demands of more distributed work sites and an increasingly mobile workforce in order to compete in today's global marketplace. 0 Comments NOTARIZED BILL OF SALE EXAMPLE 7/14/2023 0 Comments Owner’s name, address and date of birth.Whether the vessel has toilet, sink or shower facilities.Signed commercial affidavit issued by the department stating that the vessel is used exclusively for commercial fishing, if applicable. * Maximum person capacity, as recommended by the manufacturer. * Whether the vessel is used on inland waters or tidal waters. * Whether the vessel has single or twin engines. * Manufacturer's hull identification number. * Type of fuel used for propulsion, such as gasoline, diesel or electric. * Type of propulsion, such as outboard, inboard, electric or sail. * Principal material from which the hull is constructed, such as fiberglass, wood or aluminum. * Principal state in which the vessel is used. * Length of vessel from the bow to the stern, in feet and inches. * Vessel’s color (a multicolored vessel shall list the predominate color first on the application and lesser colors next). * A bill of sale for a vessel must include the following information: Pursuant to Saf-C 3202.03, each applicant for a private or commercial vessel registration shall a complete Boat Registration Form, along with a bill of sale or other proof of ownership. * Real ID: Required Documents for Application (DSMV 634A). * Duplicate Certificate of Title Application (TDMV 18). * Duplicate Driver’s License or Non-Driver ID Application (DSMV 637). * Driver’s License Application (DSMV 450). * Motor Vehicle Records Request (DSMV 505). * Address or Name Change Request (DSMV 30). * FAQs – Driver Licenses/Non Driver IDs/CDL. * Apply For Your First Drivers License/Non Driver ID. * Duplicate Driver License or Non Driver ID. * Renew a Driver License/CDL/Non Driver ID. * Proof of payment of registration fees. * (A signed title form may be useful for this requirement, but boats are not titled in Tennessee) * If the vessel was purchased from an owner who had previously registered the boat in another state, proof of previous registration. * This form is not available online, but may be obtained through a County Clerk office, or from a dealership in the boat was purchased from a Tennessee dealer * An Application for Boat Certificate of Number. * Be prepared to pay all required registration fees. * If transferring an existing license plate to a newly purchased vehicle, a copy of existing registration. * $15,000 for property damage in an accident. * $50,000 for total injuries or deaths per accident. * $25,000 for each injury or death per accident. * Proof of insurance meeting the minimum state r equirements:. * For vehicles more than 30 years old or valued at less than $3,000, a Certification of Ownership. * If the vehicle is leased, a Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney. * If the buyer is residing in a county in which it is required, a certificate of emissions inspection from the Department of Environment and Conservation. * Odometer Disclosure Statement (Form RV-F1317001). * For new vehicles, the manufacturer’s statement of origin. * General Bill of Sale– Usually, this form is used between two private parties to prove the sale and purchase of any type of personal property.ĭownload: Adobe PDF, MS Word, OpenDocumentįirearm Bill of Sale– This document will prove the legal sale and purchase of a firearm. This is often needed during the process of titling and/or registration of a motor vehicle in the state.īoat Bill of Sale– This document would be used to prove the legal sale and purchase of a Watercraft in the state of Tennessee. Forms (4) Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale– This form will show the legal sale and purchase of a motor vehicle in the state of TN. Once complete, the buyer should keep a copy for their records and for registration purposes with the state. The transaction and the signing of the bill of sale should occur at the same time. It is a simple document that includes the parties, the purchase price or trade, and a brief description of the item being sold. A Tennessee bill of sale records the exchange of property between a buyer and seller for personal property. 0 Comments SOURCE 2 RTX 7/14/2023 0 Comments On Twitter, the team previews the remaster and shows how atmospheric the game world looks with improved lighting. Twitter user Pavel Djundik (thexpaw) took to the social network with a. In addition, the team hopes to improve all levels in terms of lighting and details. Valve's Source 2 engine could potentially receive RTX/ray tracing support, if a recent rumor happens to come to light. The project’s roadmap states that they wish to rework graphical assets and textures, partly manually and partly via AI upscaling, to get more details and sharpness out of Valve’s game world. This is precisely where the mod team wants to start with a future graphics remaster. Especially the textures and lighting leave a lot to be desired by today’s standards. It’s clear that it doesn’t offer as much graphically as it did back then. The DF team unite to test out a true PC classic in co-op, only this time with Pascal Gilchers ray tracing mod enabled. The original was released almost 19 years ago. HL2 VR: Preview of upcoming graphics upgrade I have to agree with my MIXED colleague Max: Half-Life 2 is the better game in VR. Regardless of Valve’s own progress on CS:GO Source 2, the Gabefollower team says it will eventually release its own version as an open-source game. Immersing myself in the virtual environments I remember from my youth is a spine-tingling experience. I also grabbed the crowbar last week and was impressed with how much attention to detail the development team put into bringing the first-person shooter into virtual reality and how smoothly the game runs on my PC. The long-awaited VR mod for Half-Life 2 has been well received by VR fans: After just a few days, the game has already received nearly 1,500 positive reviews on Steam. 0 Comments SPECTOR PRO REVIEWS 7/14/2023 0 Comments Korean made to Spector's specs ( couldn't resist the pun). Input jack is a dud and you will have to change it eventually. Quilted maple top, maple neck and EMG HZ pickups (passive with bass boost). On iPhone 13 Pro, the telephoto lens is properly labeled 3x instead of 2.5x. Love the look, sound and feel of this bass. The platform analyzes, captures, and monitors all users’ and user groups’ activities including: email received and sent, and website visited, chat/IM/BBM, programs/applications accessed. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more. The Spectur wont let you feel the ground With lots of cushion, this running shoe has a 'very vibration absorbing' ride describes one tester. With unmatched image control, clarity, and brightness, the wall cavity scope camera delivers you with a unique solution to improve the productivity of any professional. Spector 360 is a versatile, cloud-based employee monitoring solution designed for businesses of all sizes. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk. LCD display and 9mm aluminum head provide you with easy viewing in the tightest of spaces, while optional accessories that attach to the cable head add to the versatility. Spector Pro Computer & Internet Monitoring Software for Mac & PC. With a dense 640x480 digital image sensor and 4 LED lights, the cordless inspection camera delivers best-in-class image quality without shadows or glare. Kit features a ground-breaking rotating display enabling you to orient the image without having to fight the cable. The Milwaukee M12 M-SPECTOR 360 Rotating Inspection Scope 3 Ft. 0 Comments <<Previous AUTHOR Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. ARCHIVES July 2023 CATEGORIES All RSS Feed * Blog Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started