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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On February 09 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE
TLS certificate: Issued by R3 on February 9th 2023. Valid for: 3 months.
This is the only time was scanned on! Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
17 | | 28175 (On Line T...) (On Line Tecnologia e Integracao LTDA - EPP) | |
1 | 2606:4700::68... 2606:4700::6811:190e | 13335 (CLOUDFLAR...) (CLOUDFLARENET) | |
18 | 2 |
ASN28175 (On Line Tecnologia e Integracao LTDA - EPP, BR) |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
17 | |
2 MB |
1 | — Cisco Umbrella Rank: 196 |
6 KB |
18 | 2 |
Domain | Requested by | |
17 | |
1 | |
18 | 2 |
This site contains no links.
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
---|---|---|---| R3 |
2023-02-09 - 2023-05-10 |
3 months | | Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3 |
2022-08-03 - 2023-08-02 |
a year | |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 85EEDFF7632ADC7C338AF65540F19981
Requests: 18 HTTP requests in this frame
Page Title
REDSCON - SSP - Sistema para Segurança PúblicaSSP - Segurança PúblicaDetected technologies
Font Awesome (Font Scripts) ExpandDetected patterns
- <link[^>]* href=[^>]+(?:([\d.]+)/)?(?:css/)?font-awesome(?:\.min)?\.css
- <link[^>]* href=[^>]*?(?:F|f)o(?:n|r)t-?(?:A|a)wesome(?:[^>]*?([0-9a-fA-F]{7,40}|[\d]+(?:.[\d]+(?:.[\d]+)?)?)|)
- (?:F|f)o(?:n|r)t-?(?:A|a)wesome(?:.*?([0-9a-fA-F]{7,40}|[\d]+(?:.[\d]+(?:.[\d]+)?)?)|)
Page Statistics
0 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
18 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H/1.1 |
Primary Request
/ |
14 KB 14 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
font-awesome.min.css |
30 KB 6 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
Site.css |
29 KB 29 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
funcoes.js |
146 KB 146 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
funcoesSistema.js |
90 KB 90 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
md5.js |
9 KB 9 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
brasaoContagem.png |
557 KB 557 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
brasaoDefesaCivilContagem.png |
599 KB 599 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
brasaoGMC_novo.png |
101 KB 101 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
aguarde.gif |
782 B 782 B |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
wz_tooltip.js |
41 KB 41 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
imagem-inicial-sistema.png |
160 KB 160 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
escalas-de-trabalho.png |
9 KB 9 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
despacho.png |
5 KB 5 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
boletim-ocorrencia.png |
5 KB 6 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
inteligencia-dados-estatisticos.png |
5 KB 5 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
dhtmlgoodies_calendar.js |
53 KB 53 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
bottomBar.gif |
275 B 520 B |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
680 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
boolean| credentialless object| oncontentvisibilityautostatechange function| checkKeycode function| openPage object| calendarioJS undefined| popUpCalendar function| showPopUpCalendar function| novoClick function| salvarClick function| listarClick function| selecionarRegistro function| excluirClick function| acaoExcluirAjax function| removerDoisEspacos function| right function| calculaBilhao function| calculaMilhao function| calculaCentena function| calculaMilhar function| escreverValorPorExtenso function| verificaSenha function| alterarSenhaUsuarioClick function| salvarUsuarioClick function| alterarSenhaUsuario function| salvarAtualizarUsuarioClick function| campoPreenchimentoObrigatorio function| campoNumericoPreenchimentoObrigatorio function| comboBoxPreenchimentoObrigatorio function| getHHMM function| roundToInteger function| roundToTwoDecimals function| getNumberOfHours function| getMinutes function| getNumberOfMinutes number| tempoSessao number| segundosSessao number| mostrarTempoSessao function| showSessionTimeOut function| readCookie function| sendGPSLocation number| mostraSegundos function| PlaySound function| beep function| showtime function| goToPage function| acaoNovo function| acaoNovoComQueryString function| acaoSalvarAjax function| acaoInserirAjax function| acaoInserirMedidasAjax function| acaoSalvarAjaxComQueryString function| acaoSalvar function| acaoExcluir function| acaoPesquisarAjax function| acaoPesquisarAjaxComQueryString function| acaoSelecionarRegistroAjax function| acaoSelecionarRegistroAjaxComQueryString function| quantidadeCaracteresPermitida string| descricaoNoticiaCrime function| setDescricaoNoticiaCrime function| getHoraAtual function| getHoraAtualMaisMinutos function| compararHora function| redimensionar function| confirmacao function| calcular_idade function| Mascara function| execmascara function| leech function| Integer function| MatriculaMascara function| TelefoneMascara function| TelefoneCall function| Cpf function| Cep function| Cnpj function| Romanos function| Site function| Data function| Hora function| Valor function| Area function| numeroFormatado function| unselectedOnChange function| unselectedOnChangeNotRemovingFromUnselected function| selectedOnChange function| selectedOnChangeNotAddingToUnselected function| addAllOnChange function| addAllOnChangeNotRemovingFromUnselected function| removeAllOnChange function| removeAllOnChangeNotAddingToUnselected function| adicionarTodosOnChange function| removerTodosOnChange function| disponiveisOnChange function| disponiveisOnChangeSemRemover function| atualizarTextoTipificacao function| getPickListValues function| selecionadosOnChange function| selecionadosOnChangeSemRemover function| ordenarCombo function| inserirValorCombo function| criarArray function| criarArrayBiDimensional function| criarArrayTriDimensional function| setValorCampoDocumentoModelo function| popularSpans function| popularSpanMultiSelecao function| popularCampoSelecao function| popularCampoMultiSelecao function| opcaoExibirCampo function| escreverValorPorExtensoTemp function| escreverDiaPorExtenso function| escreverNumeroPorExtenso function| getValorDouble function| getValorMoeda function| getMesesEntreDatas function| getDiasEntreDatas function| converterPara_AAAAmmdd function| proximoDia function| seNumeroVazioPreencherCom function| seVazioPreencherCom function| toProperCase function| trim function| replaceAll function| propername function| validaCNPJ function| validaCPF function| validaAAAAmm function| formataTudo function| formataValor function| temUmPonto function| validaHora function| validaHoraSemLimite function| formataPlaca function| formataPlacaOnBlur function| formataPlacaOnKeyUp function| formataData function| formataDataMMAAAAOnBlur function| formataDataMMAAAA function| formataDataAAAAMM function| formataHora function| formataHoraComLimite function| temUmaVirgula function| formataNumeroComDecimal function| formataNumero function| formataNumeroInteiro function| maiusculas function| chassi function| formataTelefoneOnBlur function| formataTelefone function| FormataRG function| formataCPF function| formataData1 function| formataCEP function| formataCNPJ function| pop function| getNumeroDeData function| getData_ddmmAAAA_hhmm_Atual function| getData_ddmmAAAA_hhmmss_Atual function| getData_ddmmAAAA_Atual string| dtCh number| minYear number| maxYear function| isInteger function| stripCharsInBag function| daysInFebruary function| DaysArray function| validarData function| isDate function| ValidateForm function| completaFormatacaoData function| eNumero function| isNumber function| isSlashOrNumber function| isCollonOrNumber function| isBlankSpaceOrNumber function| formataDataHora function| compararDatas function| compararDatasMMAAAA function| compararHorarios function| soNumero function| soNota function| Limpar function| FormataMoeda function| formataDecimal function| temValor function| completaFormatacaoNota function| FormataNota function| nomeIndexOnKeyPress function| Calendario function| adicionarItemAoCombo function| remover undefined| httpRequest undefined| fimProcessamentoAjax function| comboAjaxOnChange function| textBoxAjaxOnFocus function| textBoxAjaxOnBlur function| textBoxAjaxOnKeyUp function| inserirLinhaTabela function| selecionarItemTabelaAjax function| finalizarTextBoxAjax function| processarRequisicaoTextBox function| processAjaxValue function| requisitarInformacaoAjaxRetornarDadosSeparadosPorVirgula function| processarRequisicao string| resultadoValorRequisicao function| getValorRequisicao function| processarRequisicaoRetornarValorSeparadosPorVirgula function| requisitarValoresAjax function| getValoresAjax function| getPaginaAjax function| gePaginaAjaxProcessada function| requisitarPaginaAjaxSimples function| processarRequisicaoPaginaSimples function| acaoAjax function| processarAcaoAjax function| requisitarPaginaAjaxSemValores function| requisitarPaginaAjax function| processarRequisicaoPagina function| requisitarPaginaOpenerAjax function| processarRequisicaoPaginaOpener function| requisitarPaginaAjaxComAcao string| mensagem string| msg string| acaoJavaScript function| processarRequisicaoPaginaComAcao boolean| telaPopup function| redimensionarPagina function| redimensionarMenu function| SomarData object| unidade object| dezena object| centena boolean| deReais number| segundosParaExpirarSessao undefined| telaDescricao function| abrirTelaDescricaoChamado undefined| mapa function| abrirMapaBoletimOcorrencia function| abrirMapaSelecaoGuarnicaoChamado function| abrirMapaChamado function| abrirMapaGuarnicao function| abrirMapaGuarnicaoChamado function| abrirMapaOrgao function| getLocation function| setLocation function| clickMenuBoletimOcorrencia undefined| paginaPopup function| abrirPopup function| showMenu function| exibirSubMenu undefined| idMunicipio undefined| nomeMunicipio undefined| telaCadastroPessoa undefined| telaLocalFato undefined| telaImpressaoBoletimOcorrencia undefined| telaSelecaoNomeEnvolvido undefined| telaSelecaoLocalFato undefined| telaSelecaoDataHoraFato undefined| telaImpressaoRelatorioPlantao undefined| telaImpressaoRelatorioOficioJuiz undefined| telaImpressaoMedidasProtetivas undefined| telaImpressaoAditamento undefined| telaImpressaoTermoDeclaracao undefined| telaImpressaoMemorandoIMLEmbriaguez undefined| telaImpressaoMemorandoICExamePericial undefined| telaImpressaoMemorandoIMLCadaverico undefined| telaImpressaoMemorandoIMLLesaoCorporal undefined| telaImpressaoMemorandoIMLCautelarPreso undefined| telaMemorandoInstitutoIdentificacao undefined| telaMemorandoInstitutoIdentificacaoImpPap undefined| telaExame undefined| telaImpressaoAutoExibicaoApreensao undefined| telaRequisicaoExameCorpoDelito undefined| telaRelatorioPdf undefined| telaNaturezaOcorrencia undefined| telaFielDepositario undefined| telaRecebedor undefined| telaTestemunha undefined| telaCadastroDespacho undefined| telaSelecaoVeiculo undefined| telaVisualizarHistorico undefined| telaSelecaoQuesito undefined| telaImpressaoMandadoIntimacao undefined| telaImpressaoRelatorio undefined| telaImpressaoMemorandoIMLExamePericial function| gerarGrafico function| baixarPlanilha function| processarRequisicaoGrafico undefined| telaMensagemUsuario function| editarMensagemUsuario function| printReport function| imprimirRelatorio function| visualizarHistorio function| abrirTelaSelecaoVeiculo function| mudarTipoGrafico number| telaCadastroHistorico function| abrirCadastroHistorico function| abrirCadastroTextoHistorico function| abrirVisualizacaoTextoHistorico function| exibirCamposAutoRestituicao function| exibirCamposAutoDeposito function| exibirCamposAutoResistencia function| exibirCamposAutoExibicaoApreensaoDelegado function| abrirTelaSelecaoFielDepositario function| abrirTelaSelecaoExibidor function| abrirTelaSelecaoTestemunha function| abrirTelaSelecaoTestemunhaAutoExibicaoApreensao function| abrirTelaSelecaoRecebedor function| abrirTelaSelecaoTestemunhaAutoRestituicao function| marcarTodosGestao function| tipificarBoletimOcorrencia function| tipificarRdOnChange function| abrirRelatorioPDF function| imprimirRelatorioPDF function| abrirRelatorio function| verificaSenhaUsuario function| salvarUsuario function| atualizarUsuario function| sexoOnChange function| salvarGestaoBO function| novoStatusCbGestao function| abrirBoletimOcorrencia function| idCabeloOnChange function| idSituacaoOnChange function| abrirTelaSelecaoNomeEnvolvido function| abrirTelaSelecaoFuncionarioEquipePlantao function| abrirTelaSelecaoLocalFato function| abrirTelaSelecaoLocalFatoPopup function| abrirTelaSelecaoQuesitoPopup function| abrirTelaSelecaoLocalFatoCorpoDelito function| selecionarNomeEnvolvido function| selecionarLocalFato function| selecionarLocalFatoConcatenado function| abrirTelaSelecaoDataHoraFatoCorpoDelito function| abrirTelaSelecaoDataHoraFato function| impressaoExameCorpoDelito function| impressaoExameCadaverico function| impressaoExameIcIi function| selecionarDataHoraFato function| impressaoBoletimOcorrencia function| impressaoOcorrenciaDefesaCivil function| impressaoRelatorioPlantao function| impressaoMedidasProtetivas function| impressaoRelatorioAditamento function| impressaoRelatorioTermoInformacao function| impressaoRelatorioMandadoIntimacao function| impressaoRelatorioTermoDeclaracao function| impressaoRelatorioMemorandoIMLEmbriaguez function| impressaoRelatorioMemorandoInstitutoIdentificacao function| impressaoRelatorioMemorandoInstitutoIdentificacaoImpPap function| impressaoRelatorioMemorandoICExamePericial function| impressaoRelatorioMemorandoIMLExamePericial function| impressaoRelatorioMemorandoIMLCadaverico function| impressaoRelatorioMemorandoIMLLesaoCorporal function| impressaoRelatorioMemorandoIMLCautelarPreso function| impressaoRelatorioTermoDepoimento function| impressaoRelatorioAutoDeposito function| impressaoRelatorioAutoResistencia function| impressaoOficioInstitutoIdentificacao function| impressaoOficioMaternidade function| impressaoOficioProgramaSentinela function| impressaoOficioAbrigoDeMaria function| impressaoRelatorioAutoRestituicao function| impressaoRelatorioAutoExibicaoApreensao function| impressaoRelatorioExame function| impressaoRelatorioOficioJuiz function| proprietarioResponsavel function| impressaoAutoExibicaoApreensao function| popularVitimaPessoaFisica function| popularRepresentanteVitima function| popularVitimaPessoaJuridica function| popularAutorConhecido function| popularAutorDesconhecidoComDescricao function| popularAutorDesconhecido function| selecionarPessoa function| abrirCadastroPessoa function| dataBoletimOcorrencia function| tipoAditamento function| horaBoletimOcorrencia function| cadastrarNovaVitima function| cadastrarNovoAutor function| adicionarPerfilUsuario function| excluirPerfilUsuario function| listarFilhos function| listarMenus function| salvarMenuClick function| acessarSistemaBotaoClick function| abrirPagina function| requisitarInformacaoPessoa function| processarRequisicaoInformacaoPessoa function| gerarRelatorio number| hexcase string| b64pad number| chrsz function| hex_md5 function| b64_md5 function| str_md5 function| hex_hmac_md5 function| b64_hmac_md5 function| str_hmac_md5 function| md5_vm_test function| core_md5 function| md5_cmn function| md5_ff function| md5_gg function| md5_hh function| md5_ii function| core_hmac_md5 function| safe_add function| bit_rol function| str2binl function| binl2str function| binl2hex function| binl2b64 object| config boolean| tt_Debug boolean| tt_Enabled boolean| TagsToTip function| Tip function| TagToTip function| UnTip object| tt_aElt object| tt_aV undefined| tt_sContent undefined| tt_t2t undefined| tt_t2tDad number| tt_scrlX number| tt_scrlY undefined| tt_musX undefined| tt_musY undefined| tt_over number| tt_x number| tt_y undefined| tt_w number| tt_h function| tt_Extension function| tt_SetTipPos function| tt_HideInit function| tt_Hide function| tt_GetElt function| tt_GetDivW function| tt_GetDivH function| tt_GetScrollX function| tt_GetScrollY function| tt_GetClientW function| tt_GetClientH function| tt_GetEvtX function| tt_GetEvtY function| tt_AddEvtFnc function| tt_RemEvtFnc function| tt_GetDad function| tt_MovDomNode object| tt_aExt object| tt_db boolean| tt_op boolean| tt_ie undefined| tt_ie56 boolean| tt_bBoxOld object| tt_body undefined| tt_ovr_ number| tt_flagOpa undefined| tt_maxPosX undefined| tt_maxPosY number| tt_iState undefined| tt_opa undefined| tt_bJmpVert undefined| tt_bJmpHorz undefined| tt_elDeHref object| tt_tShow object| tt_tHide object| tt_tDurt object| tt_tFade object| tt_tWaitMov boolean| tt_bWait string| tt_u function| tt_Init function| tt_MkCmdEnum function| tt_Browser function| tt_MkMainDiv function| tt_MkMainDivHtm function| tt_MkMainDivDom function| tt_GetMainDivRefs function| tt_ResetMainDiv function| tt_IsW3cBox function| tt_OpaSupport function| tt_SetOnloadFnc function| tt_HideSrcTags function| tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs function| tt_HideSrcTag function| tt_Tip function| tt_ReadCmds function| tt_AdaptConfig1 function| tt_AdaptConfig2 function| tt_MkTipContent function| tt_MkTipSubDivs function| tt_GetSubDivRefs function| tt_FormatTip function| tt_FixSize function| tt_DeAlt function| tt_OpDeHref function| tt_OpReHref function| tt_El2Tip function| tt_UnEl2Tip function| tt_OverInit function| tt_ShowInit function| tt_Show function| tt_ShowIfrm function| tt_Move function| tt_Pos function| tt_PosDef function| tt_PosAlt function| tt_CalcPosDef function| tt_CalcPosAlt function| tt_PosFix function| tt_Fade function| tt_SetTipOpa function| tt_OnScrl function| tt_OnCloseBtnOver function| tt_OnLClick function| tt_Int function| tt_GetWndCliSiz function| tt_SetOpa function| tt_Err function| tt_ExtCmdEnum function| tt_ExtCallFncs number| ABOVE number| BGCOLOR number| BGIMG number| BORDERCOLOR number| BORDERSTYLE number| BORDERWIDTH number| CENTERMOUSE number| CLICKCLOSE number| CLICKSTICKY number| CLOSEBTN number| CLOSEBTNCOLORS number| CLOSEBTNTEXT number| COPYCONTENT number| DELAY number| DURATION number| EXCLUSIVE number| FADEIN number| FADEOUT number| FADEINTERVAL number| FIX number| FOLLOWMOUSE number| FONTCOLOR number| FONTFACE number| FONTSIZE number| FONTWEIGHT number| HEIGHT number| JUMPHORZ number| JUMPVERT number| LEFT number| OFFSETX number| OFFSETY number| OPACITY number| PADDING number| SHADOW number| SHADOWCOLOR number| SHADOWWIDTH number| STICKY number| TEXTALIGN number| TITLE number| TITLEALIGN number| TITLEBGCOLOR number| TITLEFONTCOLOR number| TITLEFONTFACE number| TITLEFONTSIZE number| TITLEPADDING number| WIDTH undefined| rbo undefined| dvg undefined| ejt undefined| ide number| width number| height function| abrirRegistroOcorrencia function| abrirDespacho function| abrirEscala function| abrirIde number| timer function| efetuarLogoff boolean| turnOffYearSpan boolean| weekStartsOnSunday boolean| showWeekNumber string| languageCode boolean| calendar_display_time string| todayStringFormat string| pathToImages number| speedOfSelectBoxSliding number| intervalSelectBox_minutes number| calendar_offsetTop number| calendar_offsetLeft boolean| calendarDiv boolean| MSIE boolean| Opera object| monthArray object| monthArrayShort object| dayArray string| weekString string| todayString string| tempDayName number| theIx object| daysInMonthArray undefined| currentMonth undefined| currentYear undefined| currentHour undefined| currentMinute undefined| calendarContentDiv undefined| returnDateTo undefined| returnFormat boolean| activeSelectBoxMonth undefined| activeSelectBoxYear undefined| activeSelectBoxHour undefined| activeSelectBoxMinute boolean| iframeObj boolean| iframeObj2 function| EIS_FIX_EI1 function| EIS_Hide_Frame undefined| returnDateToYear undefined| returnDateToMonth undefined| returnDateToDay undefined| returnDateToHour undefined| returnDateToMinute undefined| inputYear undefined| inputMonth undefined| inputDay undefined| inputHour undefined| inputMinute boolean| calendarDisplayTime string| selectBoxHighlightColor string| selectBoxRolloverBgColor boolean| selectBoxMovementInProgress boolean| activeSelectBox function| cancelCalendarEvent function| isLeapYear boolean| activeSelectBoxDirection function| highlightMonthYear function| showMontNSropDown function| showYearDropDown function| showHourDropDown function| showMinuteDropDown function| selectMonth function| selectHour function| selectMinute function| selectYear function| switchMonth function| createMontNSiv function| changeSelectBoxYear function| changeSelectBoxHour function| updateYearDiv function| updateMontNSiv function| updateHourDiv function| updateMinuteDiv function| createYearDiv function| slideCalendarSelectBox function| createHourDiv function| createMinuteDiv function| highlightSelect function| highlightArrow function| highlightClose function| closeCalendar function| writeTopBar function| writeCalendarContent function| resizeIframe function| pickTodaysDate function| pickDate function| getWeek function| writeTimeBar function| writeBottomBar function| getTopPos function| getleftPos function| positionCalendar function| initCalendar function| setTimeProperties function| calendarSortItems function| displayCalendar function| displayCalendarSelectBox1 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Domain/Path | Expires | Name / Value |
---|---|---| | Name: JSESSIONID Value: 7BACAB7D16CD166A3B1CC51F0741FC4A |
1 Console Messages
A page may trigger messages to the console to be logged. These are often error messages about being unable to load a resource or execute a piece of JavaScript. Sometimes they also provide insight into the technology behind a website.
Source | Level | URL Text |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.