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Text Content

Splash uses cookies in efforts to continue improving your product experience. By
closing this banner or by continuing to use Splash, you agree to our practices.
For more information please review our Privacy Policy.

privacy policy

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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2020

1. This Privacy Policy describes the policies and procedures of One Clipboard,
Inc. d/b/a Splash (“Splash”, “we” or “us”) on the collection, use and disclosure
of your information on splashthat.com (the “Site”) and the services,
applications, and other features or functionality available on or through the
Site (collectively, the “Services”). Splash receives information about you from
various sources, including through your user account/profile with Splash, your
use of the Services, and from various third party websites and other services.

2. What does this privacy policy cover?

2.1 This Privacy Policy covers Splash’s processing of Personal Data that Splash
gathers when you are accessing and using the Services. As used in this Privacy
Policy, “Personal Data” means any information that can be used to individually
identify a person, and “processing” generally covers actions that can be
performed in connection with data such as collection, use, storage
and disclosure.

2.2 This Privacy Policy also covers Splash’s treatment of any Personal Data that
Splash’s business partners share with Splash or Splash shares with its business
partners. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of third parties,
and their sites, services or applications that Splash doe not own or control, or
to individuals that Splash does not employ or manage (“Third Parties”). While we
attempt to provide access only to those Third Parties that share our respect for
your privacy, we cannot take responsibility for the content, actions or privacy
policies of those Third Parties. We encourage you to carefully review the
privacy policies of any Third Parties you access.

2.3 If you are a resident of the European Union (“EU”), United Kingdom,
Lichtenstein, Norway, or Iceland, you may have additional rights under the EU
General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) with respect to your Personal
Data, as outlined below. One Clipboard, Inc. d/b/a Splash may be the controller
of your Personal Data processed in connection with the Services. If you have any
questions about this Privacy Policy or whether any of the following applies to
you, please contact us at privacy@splashthat.com. Note that we may also process
Personal Data of our customers’ end users or employees in connection with our
provision of services to customers, in which case we are the processor of
Personal Data. If we are the processor of your Personal Data (i.e., not the
controller), please contact the controller party in the first instance
to address your rights with respect to such data.

3. What Personal Data does Splash collect from you?

3.1 We collect Personal Data about you when you provide such information
directly to us, when third parties such as our business partners or service
providers provide us with Personal Data about you, or when Personal Data about
you is automatically collected in connection with you use of our Services.

3.2 Information we collect directly from you: We receive Personal Data directly
from you when you provide us with such Personal Data, including without
limitation the following:

3.3. First and last name
3.4. Email address

3.5. Mailing address
3.6. Telephone number
3.7. Age/birthday
3.8. Company name and job title

3.9 All event information you upload to Splash (which can include Personal Data
if you choose to include Personal Data in such content), such as information
about your events, attendees, customers, vendors, contacts, fees and venues


4. By providing email addresses or other information of non-users to Splash, you
represent that you have authority to do so. All information that you enter or
upload about your non-users will be covered by Splash’s Terms of Service,
accessible at https://splashthat.com/terms, and this Privacy Policy. We disclaim
responsibility for the information of non-users that you provide to us in the
course of your use of the Services.

5. In order to collect payments on your behalf from event attendees and
customers, and provide payments to you and your vendors, we, using either
Braintree Payments or Stripe, Inc. as a third-party payment processor, collect
payment information from you, your attendees and customers, your vendors, and
other parties to whom we provide payments on your behalf and from whom we
collect payments on your behalf. This information is used solely to collect and
provide payments related to the Services, and is only stored by Braintree
Payments or Stripe, Inc., as applicable. You should review the terms of service
and privacy policies of the relevant payment processor: (i) Braintree Payments,
available at https://www.braintreepayments.com/legal/payment-services-agreement,
https://www.braintreepayments.com/legal/bank-agreement, and
https://www.braintreepayments.com/legal/braintree-privacy-policy or (ii) Stripe,
Inc., available at
https://stripe.com/us/ssa, https://stripe.com/us/connect-account/legal, and

6. Information we receive from third party sources:

We have built services from some third parties into the Site, and those third
parties provide us with Personal Data about you, such as the following:

6.1 Account information for third party services: If you interact with a third
party service when using our Services, such as if you use a third party service
to log-in to our Services (for example, signing up for an account with Facebook
Connect), or if you share content from our Services through a third party social
media service, the third party service will send us information about you, such
as information from your public profile, if the third party service and your
account settings allow such sharing. The information we receive will depend on
the policies and your account settings with the third party service.

6.2 Information from our advertising partners: We receive information about you
from some of our service providers who assist us with marketing or promotional
services related to how you interact with our Site and Services.

6.3 Information from our service providers: We receive information collected by
third parties about
your use of the Services. For example, we may use analytics service providers to
analyze how you interact and engage with the Services and our advertisements, so
we can learn and make enhancements to offer you a better experience. Some of
these entities may use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to collect
information about your use of the Services and other websites, which may include
tracking activity across time and unaffiliated properties, including your IP
address, web browser, pages viewed, time spent on pages, links clicked and
conversion information. Third parties may also help us provide you with customer
support, and provide us with information so that we may help you use our

7. Information we automatically collect when you use our Services:

Some Personal Data is automatically collected when you use our Services, such as
the following:

7.1 IP address
7.2 Device identifiers
7.3 Web browser information
7.4 Page view statistics
7.5 Browsing history
7.6 Usage information and click tracking
7.7. Transaction information (e.g. transaction amount, date and time such
transaction occurred)
7.8. Cookies and other tracking technologies (see below for more information)
7.9. Log data (e.g. access times, hardware and software information)

8. Additional Information about Cookies:

8.1 The Services use cookies and similar technologies such as pixel tags, web
beacons, clear GIFs, and JavaScript (collectively, “Cookies”) to enable our
servers to recognize your web browser and tell us how and when you visit and use
our Site and Services, to analyze trends, learn about our user base and operate
and improve our Services. Cookies are small files – usually consisting of
letters and numbers – placed on your computer, tablet, phone, or similar device
when you use that device to visit our Site. We sometimes combine information
collected through Cookies that is not Personal Data with Personal Data that we
have about you, for example, to tell us who you are or whether you have an
account with us. We may also supplement the information we collect from you with
information received from third parties.

8.2 Cookies can either be “session Cookies” or “persistent Cookies”. Session
Cookies are temporary Cookies that are stored on your device while you are
visiting our Site or using our Services, whereas “persistent Cookies” are stored
on your device for a period of time after you leave our Site or Services. The
length of time a persistent Cookie stays on your device varies from Cookie to
Cookie. We use persistent Cookies to store your preferences so that they are
available for the next visit, and to keep a more accurate account of how often
you visit our Services, how often you return, how your use of the Services may
vary over time. We also use persistent Cookies to measure the effectiveness of
advertising efforts. Through these Cookies, we may collect information about
your online activity after you leave our Services. Your browser may offer you a
“Do Not Track” or “DNT” option, which allows you to signal to operators of
websites, and web applications, and services that you do not wish such operators
to track certain of your online activities over time and across different
websites. Because we collect browsing and persistent identifier data, the
Services do not support Do Not Track requests at this time, which means that we
may collect information about your online activity both while you are using the
Services and after you leave our properties.

8.3 Some Cookies are placed by a third party on your device and may provide
information to us and third parties about your browsing habits (such as your
visits to our Site or Services, the pages you have visited and the links and
advertisements you have clicked). These Cookies can be used to determine whether
certain third party services are being used, to identify your interests,
to retarget advertisements to you and to serve advertisements to you that we or
others believe are relevant to you. We do not control third party Cookies.

8.4 We use the following types of Cookies:

8.4.1 Essential Cookies. Essential Cookies that are required for providing you
with features or services that you have requested. For example, certain Cookies
enable you to log into secure areas of our Site or Services. Disabling these
Cookies may make certain features and services unavailable.

8.4.2 Functionality Cookies. Functional Cookies are used to record your choices
and settings regarding our Services, maintain your preferences over time and
recognize you when you return to our Services. These Cookies help us to
personalize our content for you, greet you by name, and remember your
preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

8.4.3 Performance/Analytical Cookies. Performance/Analytical Cookies allow us to
understand how visitors use our Site and Services such as by collecting
information about the number of visitors to the Site, what pages visitors view
on our Site and how long visitors are viewing pages on the Site.
Performance/Analytical Cookies also help us measure the performance of our
advertising campaigns in order to help us improve our campaigns and the
Services’ content for those who engage with our advertising. For example,
Google, Inc. (“Google”) uses cookies in connection with its Google Analytics
services. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google
Analytics about your visits to the Services is subject to the Google Analytics
Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy. You have the option to opt out of
Google's use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page at
www.google.com/privacy_ads.html or the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add- on
at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.

8.4.4 Retargeting/Advertising Cookies. Retargeting/Advertising Cookies.
Retargeting/Advertising Cookies collect data about your online activity and
identify your interests so that we can provide advertising that we believe is
relevant to you. For more information about this, please see the section below
“Additional information about interest-based advertisements.”

8.5 You can decide whether or not to accept Cookies. One way you can do this is
through your internet browser’s settings. Most browsers have an option for
turning off the Cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting
new Cookies, as well as (depending on the sophistication of your browser
software) allow you to decide on acceptance of each new Cookie in a variety of
ways. You can also delete all Cookies that are already on your computer. If
you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every
time you visit a site and some Services and functionalities may not work.

8.6 To explore what Cookie setting are available to you, look in the
“preferences” or “options” section of your browser’s menu. To find our more
information about Cookies, including information about how to manage and delete
Cookies, please visit https://ico.org.uk/for-the-
public/online/cookies/ or http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.

9. Additional information about interest-based advertisements:

9.1 We may serve advertisements, and also allow third party ad networks,
including third party ad servers, ad agencies, ad technology vendors and
research firms, to serve advertisements through the Services. These
advertisements may be targeted to users who fit certain general profile
categories or display certain preferences or behaviors (“Interest-Based Ads”).
Information for Internet-Based Ads (including Personal Data) may be provided to
us by you, or derived from the usage patterns of particular users on the
Services and/or services of Third Parties. Such information may be gathered
through tracking users’ activities across time and unaffiliated properties. To
accomplish this, we or our service providers may deliver Cookies, including a
file (known as a “web beacon”) from an ad network to you through the Services.
Web beacons allow ad networks to provide anonymized, aggregated auditing,
research and reporting for us and for advertisers. Web beacons also enable ad
networks to serve targeted advertisements to you when you visit other websites.
Web beacons allow ad networks to view, edit or set their own Cookies on your
browser, just as if you had requested a web page from their site.

9.2 Through the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) and Network Advertising
Initiative (“NAI”), several media and marketing associations have developed an
industry self-regulatory program to give consumers a better understanding of and
greater control over ads that are customized based on their online behavior
across different websites. To make choices about Interest-Based Ads from
participating third parties, including to opt out of receiving behaviorally
targeted advertisements from participating organizations, please visit the DAA’s
or NAI’s consumer opt out pages, which are located at
http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/ or www.aboutads.info/choices. Users
in the European Union should visit the European Interactive Digital Advertising
Alliance’s user information website http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/.


9.3 We do not share your Personal Data with advertisers without your consent.
However, if you click on or otherwise interact with an advertisement there is a
possibility that the advertiser may place a Cookie in your browser and note that
it meets the criteria they selected.

10. How Do We Use Your Personal Data?

10.1 We process Personal Data to operate, improve, understand and personalize
our Services. For example, we use Personal Data to:


10.1.1 Create and manage user profiles
10.1.2 Communicate with you about the Services
10.1.3 Protect against or deter fraudulent, illegal or harmful actions
10.1.4 Allow you to create or attend events, and tell others about those actions
10.1.5 Sell or purchase tickets to events
10.1.6 Contact you about Service announcements, updates or offers
10.1.7 Personalize website content and communications based on your preferences
10.1.8 Provide support and assistance for the Services
10.1.9 Discover others who might be interested in the Services
10.1.10 To identify trends and other statistical information that may be useful
to our business
10.1.11 Comply with our legal or contractual obligations
10.1.12 Resolve disputes
10.1.13 Enforce our Terms of Service

10.2 We will only process your Personal Data if we have a lawful basis for doing
so. Lawful bases for processing include consent, contractual necessity and our
“legitimate interests” or the legitimate interest of others, as further
described below.

10.3 Contractual Necessity: We process the following categories of Personal Data
as a matter of “contractual necessity”, meaning that we need to process the data
to perform under our Terms of Service with you, which enables us to provide you
with the Services. When we process data due to contractual necessity, failure to
provide such Personal Data will result in your inability to use some or all
portions of the Services that require such data.

10.3.1 First and last name
10.3.2 Email address
10.3.3 Mailing address
10.3.4 Telephone number
10.3.5 User content, for example, all event information you upload to Splash
(which can include Personal Data if you include Personal Data in such content)
10.3.6 IP address

10.4 Legitimate Interest: We process the following categories of Personal Data
when we believe it furthers the legitimate interest of us or third parties.

10.4.1 First and last name
10.4.2 Email address
10.4.3 Mailing address
10.4.4 Telephone number
10.4.5 User content, for example, all event information you upload to Splash
(which can include Personal Data if you include Personal Data in such content)
10.4.6 IP address

10.5 Examples of these legitimate interests include:

10.5.1 Protection from fraud or security threats
10.5.2 Operation and improvement of our business, products and services
10.5.3 Marketing of our products and services, directly to you and to others
10.5.4 Provision of customer support
10.5.5 Compliance with legal obligations
10.5.6 Completion of corporate transactions

10.6 Consent: In some cases, we process Personal Data based on the consent you
expressly grant to us at the time we collect such data. When we process Personal
Data based on your consent, it will be expressly indicated to you at the point
and time of collection.

10.7 Other Processing Grounds: From time to time we may also need to process
Personal Data to comply with a legal obligation, if it is necessary to protect
the vital interests of you or other data subjects, or if it is necessary for a
task carried out in the public interest.

11. How and With Whom Do We Share Your Data?

11.1 We share Personal Data with vendors, third party service providers and
agents who work on our behalf and provide us with services related to the
purposes described in this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Service. These parties

11.1.1 Payment processors
11.1.2 Fraud prevention service providers
11.1.3 Analytics service providers
11.1.4 Hosting service providers
11.1.5 Marketing service providers
11.1.6 Staff augmentation and contract personnel
11.1.7 Co-location service providers
11.1.8 Telecommunications service providers

11.2 We also share Personal Data when necessary to complete a transaction
initiated or authorized by you or provide you with a product or service you have
requested. In addition to those set forth above, these parties also include:

11.2.1 Other users (where you post information publicly or as otherwise
necessary to effect a transaction initiated or authorized by you through the
11.2.2 Social media services (if you interact with them through your use of the
11.2.3 Third party business partners who you access through the Services,
including vendors
11.2.4 Other parties authorized by you

11.3 We also share Personal Data when we believe it is necessary to:


11.3.1 Comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including
from law enforcement or other government agencies.
11.3.2 Protect us, our business or our users, for example to enforce our terms
of service, prevent spam or other unwanted communications and investigate or
protect against fraud. This includes exchanging information with other companies
and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
11.3.3 Maintain the security of our products and services.

11.4 As part of the Services, you will receive from Splash email and other
communications. You acknowledge and agree that by availing yourself of the
Services, you allow Splash to send you email and other communication that it
determines in its sole discretion relate to your use of the Services.

11.5 We also share information with third parties when you give us consent to do
so. Furthermore, if we choose to buy or sell assets, user information is
typically one of the transferred business assets. Moreover, if we, or
substantially all of our assets, were acquired, or if we go out of business or
enter bankruptcy, user information would be one of the assets that is
transferred or acquired by a third party, and we would share Personal Data with
the party that is acquiring our assets. You acknowledge that such transfers may
occur, and that any acquirer of us or our assets may continue to use your
Personal Data as set forth in this policy.

11.6 If you have expressly provided your consent, in certain situations Splash
may co-promote content or services to you with businesses with whom Splash is or
may become affiliated with, and may share your Personal Data with such
affiliates. If you have not provided your consent, we will not share your
Personal Data with such affiliates for co-promotions.

12. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Data?

12.1 We retain Personal Data about you for as long as you have an open account
with us or as otherwise necessary to provide you Services. In some cases we
retain Personal Data for longer, if doing so is necessary to comply with our
legal obligations, resolve disputes or collect fees owed, or is otherwise
permitted or required by applicable law, rule or regulation. Afterwards, we
retain some information in a depersonalized or aggregated form but not in a way
that would identify you personally.

13. What Security Measures Do We Use?

13.1 We seek to protect Personal Data using appropriate technical and
organizational measures based on the type of Personal Data and applicable
processing activity. For example, all Personal Data is encrypted. You need to
prevent unauthorized access to your account and Personal Data by selecting and
protecting your password appropriately and limiting access to your browser by
signing off after you have finished accessing your account. Splash endeavors to
ensure that user account information is kept private. However, Splash cannot
guarantee the security of user account information. Unauthorized entry or use,
hardware or software failure, and other factors, may compromise the security of
user information at any time.

14. Do We Store the Personal Data of Children?

14.1 As noted in the Terms of Service accessible at
https://splashthat.com/terms, we do not knowingly collect or solicit Personal
Data from anyone under the age of 16. If you are under 16, please do not attempt
to register for the Services or send any Personal Data about yourself to us. If
we learn that we have collected Personal Data from a child under age 16, we will
delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child
under 16 may have provided us Personal Data, please contact us at

15. What Do Users in the European Union Need to Know?

15.1 Rights Regarding Your Personal Data:

15.2 by law, users in the EU, United Kingdom, Lichtenstein, Norway, or Iceland
have certain rights with respect to their Personal Data, including those set
forth below. For more information about these rights, or to submit a request,
please visit https://splashthat.com/privacy/data-rights-request. Please note
that in some circumstances, we may not be able to fully comply with your
request, such as if it is frivolous or extremely impractical, if it jeopardizes
the rights of others, or if it is not required by law, but in those
circumstances, we will still respond to notify you of such a decision. In some
cases, we may also need to you to provide us with additional information, which
may include Personal Data, if necessary to verify your identity and the nature
of your request.

15.3 Access: You can request more information about the Personal Data we hold
about you and request a copy of such Personal Data. You can also access certain
of your Personal Data by emailing privacy@splashthat.com.

15.4 Rectification: If you believe that any Personal Data we are holding about
you is incorrect or incomplete, you can request that we correct or supplement
such data by emailing privacy@splashthat.com. You may also be able to correct
some of this information directly by making updates to your account.

15.5 Erasure: You can request that we erase some or all of your Personal Data
from our systems.

15.6 Withdrawal of Consent: If we are processing your Personal Data based on
your consent (as indicated at the time of collection of such data), you have the
right to withdraw your consent at any time. Please note, however, that if you
exercise this right, you may have to then provide express consent on a
case-by-case basis for the use or disclosure of certain of your Personal Data,
if such use or disclosure is necessary to enable you to utilize some or all of
our Services.

15.7 Portability: You can ask for a copy of your Personal Data in a
machine-readable format. You can also request that we transmit the data to
another controller where technically feasible.

15.8 Objection: You can contact us to let us know that you object to the further
use or disclosure of your Personal Data for certain purposes, such as for direct
marketing purposes.

15.9 Restriction of Processing: You can ask us to restrict further processing of
your Personal Data.

15.10 Right to File Complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint about
Splash’s practices with respect to your Personal Data with the supervisory
authority of your country or EU Member State.

16. Transfers of Personal Data

16. 1 The Services are hosted and operated in the United States (“U.S.”) through
Splash and its service providers, and if you do not reside in the U.S., laws in
the U.S. may differ from the laws where you reside. By using the Services, you
acknowledge that any Personal Data about you, regardless of whether provided by
you or obtained from a third party, is being provided to Splash in the U.S. and
will be hosted on U.S. servers, and you authorize Splash to transfer, store and
process your information to and in the U.S., and possibly other countries. If
you reside in the EU or Switzerland, you hereby consent to the transfer of your
data to the U.S. pursuant to EU-U.S. or Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks,
respectively, the details of which are further set forth below.

17. Splash has certified to the EU.-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield
Frameworks set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection
and use of Personal Data transferred from the EU and Switzerland to the U.S.,
respectively. For more information about the Privacy Shield Program, and to view
Splash’s certification, please visit www.privacyshield.gov. Splash is committed
to the Privacy Shield Principles of (1) notice, (2) consent, (3) accountability
for onward transfer, (4) security, (5) data integrity and purpose limitation,
(6) access and (7) recourse, enforcement and liability with respect to all
Personal Data received from within the EU and Switzerland in reliance on the
Privacy Shield. The Privacy Shield Principles require that we remain potentially
liable if any third party processing Personal Data on our behalf fails to comply
with these Privacy Shield Principles (except to the extent we are not
responsible for the event giving rise to any alleged damage). Splash’s
compliance with the Privacy Shield is subject to the investigatory and
enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

18. Please contact us at privacy@splashthat.com with any questions or concerns
relating to our Privacy Shield Certifications. If you do not receive timely
acknowledgment of your Privacy Shield-related complaint from us, or if we have
not resolved your complaint, you may also resolve a Privacy Shield-related
complaint through JAMS, an alternative dispute resolution provider located in
the United States. You can visit
https://www.jamsadr.com/file-an-eu-us-privacy-shield-or-safe-harbor-claim for
more information or to file a complaint, at no cost to you. Under certain
conditions, you may also be entitled to invoke binding arbitration for
complaints not resolved by other means.

19. European Union-Based Member Representative

19. Individuals and data protection supervisory authorities in the EU and the UK
may contact our data protection representatives according to Articles 27 EU and


EU: DP-Dock GmbH, Attn: Splash, Ballindamm 39, 20095 Hamburg, Germany

UK: DP Data Protection Services UK Ltd., Attn: Splash, 16 Great Queen Street,
Covent Garden, London, WC2B 5AH, United Kingdom



20. California Privacy Rights

Effective January 1, 2020, pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act of
2018 (“CCPA”), California residents have certain rights in relation to their
personal information, subject to limited exceptions.  If you are a California
resident, you can visit https://splashthat.com/privacy/ccpa and
review the Splash CCPA Privacy Notice.

21. What If You Have Questions Regarding Your Personal Data?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our data practices
generally, please contact us using the following information:


233 Broadway, 28th Floor

New York, NY 10279


22. Changes to this Privacy Policy:

21.1 Splash may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Use of information
we collect now is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such
information is used. If we make changes in the way we use Personal Data, we will
notify you by posting an announcement on our Site or Services or sending you an
email. Users are bound by any changes to the Privacy Policy when he or she uses
the Services after such changes have been first posted.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Text goes here
Text goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

What time does the event start?

The event starts at 9am.

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