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Home / Blog / 5XX HTTP Error Codes: Where does the problem come from?


 * 19 October 2020
 * by: Aisha Javed
 * in: BlogPost
 * Tags: #InternalServerError #500InternalServerError #HTTP500 #500Error
   #gatewaytimeout #serviceunavailable, Xorlogics
 * note: no comments

HTTP error status codes with the prefix “5” – also e.g. “500” or “502” – are
server-side error codes that indicates if an internet request is successful or
failed. This means there isn’t much you can do on the client side to fix the
error. However, these error messages are not always clear. Specially for the
“500 Internal Server Error” error message. This error message indicates that an
error has occurred while connecting to the server and, therefore, the requested
page could not be loaded and the server-side problem needs to be resolved before
subsequent requests can succeed. Fortunately, there are different methods to
find the origin of such a problem.

500 Internal server error can be caused and appear in different ways depending
on different web servers, operating systems, and browsers you work with. But
they all communicate the same thing. Below are just a few of the many variations
that you can see on the web:


 * 500 Internal Server Error or simply Internal Server Error
 * HTTP 500 or HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error
 * 500 Error or HTTP Error 500
 * 500 Internal Server Error. Sorry something went wrong
 * The website cannot display the page – HTTP 500
 * Is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500.
 * Error 503 -service unavailable
 * Error 504 gateway timeout

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Viewing the above-mentioned server errors are not just annoying, but they can
have a direct impact on sales and revenue if it’s an e-commerce website. All of
these cannot be traced back to a poor connection and are caused by the remote IT
infrastructure. They indicate that the server is unable to answer a particular
request because it lacks information or is having problems processing it.
Unfortunately, most messages are not very informative at first – they give an
indication of the cause without specifying the reason or steps for a solution.
Thus, a solution is difficult for the person concerned to find without
preparation and under time pressure. In many cases, however, the error can
either be rectified by quick and simple countermeasures or at least temporarily
avoided until a comprehensive analysis of the cause has been completed. In the
best-case scenario, server monitoring detects the potential danger before
visitors are affected by the partial server failure.


In order to categorizee and to facilitate the search for a solution, the server
errors are arranged in different sub-areas and often their first digit provides
information about their cause. The 5 in error 500, error 502, error 503 or error
504 indicates an origin that is related to the configuration or the internal
communication between individual services. It usually indicates that technical
problems have occurred that prevent the server from working properly. The
necessary countermeasures and the solution to this malfunction including a data
backup are the responsibility of the operator and require the extended rights
that only the web host has. With a few exceptions, they are not related to a
visitor’s device.


The inaccurate information of a status message such as error 500 should in
principle not be judged negatively, since every statement about a possible
problem could reveal possible weak points in security. As a web host or
administrator, there is also the option of viewing the corresponding logs in
order to derive the origin and solution. These give exact details about the
error 500 and its origin as well as necessary steps to solve the problem.


Because it is unspecific, it is not an easy task to find a solution to error 500
in a short period of time. In some cases, it simply refers to a temporary
failure of a certain service or this responds with incomplete data, for example
due to a simultaneous update. Before an intensive analysis of the situation or a
radical solution such as a change in the IT infrastructure, an in-depth and
repeated operational test should be carried out, in which the specified error
500 proves to be completely reproducible. Depending on the situation, the
following steps are recommended as a solution:


 * Informe the web host
 * Restart individual services such as web, database or file servers
 * Reboot the full server
 * Analysis of the log files
 * Look for external or internal reasons for spontaneous failure
 * Checking of relevant and possible to improbable conditions during operation

In order to be able to analyse error 500 and to gain the time necessary for a
solution, it makes sense in some cases to temporarily redirect the website to
another server. In this way, a permanent solution can be set up and tested in a
secure environment without affecting the ongoing operation and accessibility of
a website.



 * HTTP API Errors
 * 5xx Internal Server Error: Explanations, Fixes and Troubleshooting



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