sw.ktrmr.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://t2.ktrmr.com/surveyw.aspx?i.project=D6233&s=GEN24&id=1&chk=na&pid=auto&grp=3&jn=212457482
Effective URL: https://sw.ktrmr.com/mrIWeb/mrIWeb.srf?i.project=D6233&s=GEN24&id=1&chk=na&pid=auto&grp=3&jn=212457482&korsid=4B0284B...
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On October 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: mrFormPOST /mrIWeb/mrIWeb.srf

<form name="mrForm" id="mrForm" action="/mrIWeb/mrIWeb.srf" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="I.Engine" value="engine15"><input type="hidden" name="I.Project" value="D6233"><input type="hidden" name="I.Session"
    value="c62tlb6aoexu6gasnjzqvdtso5uasaaa"><input type="hidden" name="I.SavePoint" value="Email"><input type="hidden" name="I.Renderer" value="HTMLPlayer"><var id="sharedContent" src="Images/"><!--x--></var>
  <div class="container" style="">
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          <div></div><span class="mrQuestionText" style="">​​​<img src="/SPSSMR/ImageCache/ImageCache.aspx?Project=D6233&amp;File=en-US/images/Kantar_logo_black.png" class="img-responsive img-fluid waves-effect waves-light"><br>You've reached this
            page because you clicked on the unsubscribe link for Kantar.<br><br><strong>By entering your email address below, you are indicating that you no longer wish to receive invitations to take a specific survey from
              Kantar.</strong><br><br><strong>REQUIRED INFORMATION AND PERMISSION</strong><br><br>Please enter your email address below. If you provide an incorrect or invalid email address, we cannot honor your unsubscribe request.<br><strong>You
              should be aware that to honor your request, your email address will be shared with all the companies with which we partner, not just the company from which you received the email that led you to this page.</strong><br>You should allow
            10 days for your unsubscribe request to be effective.</span><br>
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              summary="​​​<mrRef RefType='img' src='images/Kantar_logo_black.png'></mrRef><br/>You've reached this page because you clicked on the unsubscribe link for Kantar.<br/><br/><strong>By entering your email address below, you are indicating that you no longer wish to receive invitations to take a specific survey from Kantar.</strong><br/><br/><strong>REQUIRED INFORMATION AND PERMISSION</strong><br /><br/>Please enter your email address below. If you provide an incorrect or invalid email address, we cannot honor your unsubscribe request.<br /><strong>You should be aware that to honor your request, your email address will be shared with all the companies with which we partner, not just the company from which you received the email that led you to this page.</strong><br />You should allow 10 days for your unsubscribe request to be effective."
              class="mrQuestionTable table table-bordered" style="display: table;">
                  <td id="Cell.0.0" class="mrGridCategoryText" style="text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(236, 236, 236);">
                    <span class="mrQuestionText" style="">Email Address</span>
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      <span class="mrBannerText" style="">
          projectName = 'd6233';
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          id = 'GEN24_3587172970';
          serial = 42449;
          isTest = false;
          cursorInOpens = '0';
          projectVersion = '1';
          comp = 'Incomplete';
          deviceType = 'PC'.toUpperCase();
          sampleSource = 'GEN24';
          tJSON = {
            "themeName": "default",
            "themeVersion": "2.2"
    <script src="Images/LAF/Lib/js/1.0/mdb.min.js">
    <script src="Images/SE/lib/qarts/2.1/app_dev.js">

Text Content

You've reached this page because you clicked on the unsubscribe link for Kantar.

By entering your email address below, you are indicating that you no longer wish
to receive invitations to take a specific survey from Kantar.


Please enter your email address below. If you provide an incorrect or invalid
email address, we cannot honor your unsubscribe request.
You should be aware that to honor your request, your email address will be
shared with all the companies with which we partner, not just the company from
which you received the email that led you to this page.
You should allow 10 days for your unsubscribe request to be effective.

Email Address

Test - v1


Respondent DetailsObjectValueProjectd6233