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* News * Politics * Guns/2A * Videos * Culture * Faith * Store * Right Report Sign in Welcome!Log into your account your username your password Forgot your password? Password recovery Recover your password your email Search Monday, October 18, 2021 Sign in Welcome! Log into your account your username your password Forgot your password? Get help Password recovery Recover your password your email A password will be e-mailed to you. DC Clothesline Airing Out America's Dirty Laundry * News * Politics * Guns/2A * Videos * Culture * Faith * Store * Right Report VACCINE HOLOCAUST NOW ACCELERATING: VAERS DATA SHOW NEARLY 4,000% INCREASE IN VACCINE DEATHS IN 2021 (SO FAR) VS. THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 2020 By Mike Adams - May 7, 2021 Share Facebook Twitter Email Share Tweet Share Pin (Natural News) According to government data published at VAERS.hhs.gov, just 82 people died in 2020 after being vaccinated. But so far in 2021, there are 3,317 deaths that have been reported following covid-19 vaccinations. That’s an increase of nearly 4000%, and we’re barely into the second quarter of 2021 (versus the entire year of 2020). Less than half of the US population has been vaccinated so far, which means as that number increases, the deaths will increase, too. If this trend continues, we are likely to see somewhere between 12,000, – 15,000 post-vaccine deaths reported to the VAERS system by the end of calendar 2021. Urologist: 90% of Men with E.D. Don't Know About This Easy Fix (Try It Tonight) Smart Life Reports x Ads by Revcontent Find Out More > 57,402 Here’s the VAERS data captured on May 6th, 2021, when searching for “death” following vaccination: take our poll - story continues below Completing this poll grants you access to DC Clothesline updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Informed medical observers note that VAERS only captures anywhere from 1% to 10% of actual deaths or symptoms, which means that, reasonably, anywhere from 33,000 to 330,000 Americans have already died after taking covid-19 vaccines. TRENDING: * Bombshell: UNVaxxed FEMA Nurses Replacing Texas Nurses Who Refused Vaxx (Video) 7k views And the murderous vaccine industry is just getting warmed up. IT’S LIKELY THAT 50,000 AMERICANS HAVE ALREADY BEEN KILLED BY COVID VACCINES So far, they’ve only managed to vaccinate the “low-hanging fruit” of oblivious, gullible Americans who are too stupid to realize the government is lying to them. Now, they’re meeting so-called “vaccine hesitancy,” and they’re rolling out financial rewards, free beer and other silly incentives to try to inject another few million Americans who are dumb enough to trade their lives for a free beer. (It’s not free then, is it?) My well-educated guess is that right now, covid-19 vaccines have likely killed around 50,000 Americans. This puts the covid vaccine on par with the number of Americans killed in the entire Vietnam War. That makes sense because the vaccine industry is waging war on humanity, and by the time they’re done, they hope to exterminate billions. This number is likely to exceed 250,000 by the end of this year, putting vaccine atrocities in the category of being, as Tucker Carlson said last night, “The single deadliest mass vaccination event in modern history.” “VACCINE VIOLENCE” IS NOW BEING INFLICTED UPON INNOCENT AMERICANS IN AN ACT OF ORGANIZED, COORDINATED GENOCIDE AGAINST HUMANITY We are witnessing a vaccine holocaust being inflicted upon humanity, and no one is allowed to say that anyone has suffered any harm whatsoever from the vaccine. To do so gets you banned, blacklisted and smeared. If you happen to be particularly effective at telling the truth about this vaccine holocaust, you will be named, doxxed and targeted by a complicit media that now works as the propaganda enforcement arm of the medical mafia. The Center for Public Integrity, a non-profit that claims to speak truth to power, recently hired a journalist to terrorize family members of Ty and Charlene Bollinger, hoping to dig up personal / family dirt that could be used to smear them in the press. As I just wrote about yesterday, NATURE has published an article by a deranged pediatrician in Texas who is essentially demanding United Nations shock troops hunt down and silence all “anti-vaxxers” around the world, using “counteroffensive” measures and anti-terrorism enforcement squads armed with weapons. Brighteon.com/7f831fef-269d-48bb-96b2-56baa5c43d29 This is sheer madness. Yet NATURE thought it qualified as “science,” somehow. Truthfully, the pharma-controlled institutions of science and medicine have become a clear and present danger to the survival of humanity. You Might Like Watch Tucker Carlson drop a truth bomb on the vaccine industry when he asks why so many Americans are dying after taking covid-19 vaccine injections: Brighteon.com/2a2fd903-220a-4b4f-86bf-0f78aaa8fd2a As we have recently documented, the covid-19 vaccine is a self-replicating biological weapon system funded by Bill Gates, DARPA and the NIH to exterminate the human race. Many who have taken the vaccine shot are already dead, and millions more will die in the years ahead, in the United States alone. Surviving this vaccine holocaust requires avoiding the deadly vaccine and even avoiding those who have taken it, as they are transmitting infectious components that are harming others nearby. You can see all the data for yourself at VAERS.hhs.gov Share Tweet Share Pin You Might Like YOUR DAILY BRIEFING: FIGHT ONLINE CENSORSHIP! Get the news Google and Facebook don't want you to see: Sign up for DC Clothesline's daily briefing and do your own thinking! Subscribe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Share Facebook Twitter Email Previous articleEXTERMINATION machine unmasked: Why vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people sick, Pfizer document admits vaccinated people “shed” infectious particles, the spike protein is the bioweapon Next articlePeople Are Literally Eating Rotten Meat To Get High Mike Adams RIGHT REPORT Brian Mast: ‘Even liberal DC media won’t defend bad spending’ The Floridian PRESIDENT TRUMP Just DRAGGED Biden’s Filthy DOJ’s Merrick Garland ACROSS THE FLOOR AFF Is Latest Aspirin Backtracking An Example Of ‘Fudging The Science’ For COVID? The Lid BREAKING: Mother Of Ashli Babbitt Drops A BOMB- SHE’S PISSED OFF! AFF Can This Single Stunning Action Blow Apart Big Tech Bias? Conservative Firing Line YOUR DAILY BRIEFING: FIGHT ONLINE CENSORSHIP! Get the news Google and Facebook don't want you to see: Sign up for DC Clothesline's daily briefing and do your own thinking! Subscribe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRENDING NOW Ads by Revcontent THIS VIDEO WILL SOON BE BANNED. WATCH BEFORE IT'S DELETED Secrets Revealed UROLOGIST: 90% OF MEN WITH E.D. DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS EASY FIX (TRY IT TONIGHT) Smart Life Reports THIS WEIRD METHOD CAN RESTORE YOUR VISION NATURALLY (WATCH) Smart Life Reports EINFACHE METHODE, UM DAS SEHVERMÖGEN SELBST WIEDER HERZUSTELLEN! KEINE OP! Apotheken umschau The content you see here is paid for by the advertiser or content provider whose link you click on, and is recommended to you by Revcontent. As the leading platform for native advertising and content recommendation, Revcontent uses interest based targeting to select content that we think will be of particular interest to you. 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