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let darkness and the shadow of death stain it let a cloud dwell upon it let the
blackness of the day terrify it in Jewish Gematria equals: 5852:l20e5t100
0d4a1r80k10n40e5s90s90 0a1n40d4 0t100h8e5 0s90h8a1d4o50w900 0o50f6 0d4e5a1t100h8
0s90t100a1i9n40 0i9t100 0l20e5t100 0a1 0c3l20o50u200d4 0d4w900e5l20l20
0u200p60o50n40 0i9t100 0l20e5t100 0t100h8e5 0b2l20a1c3k10n40e5s90s90 0o50f6
0t100h8e5 0d4a1y400 0t100e5r80r80i9f6y400 0i9t100
let darkness and the shadow of death stain it let a cloud dwell upon it let the
blackness of the day terrify it in English Gematria equals: 6090:l72e30t120
0d24a6r108k66n84e30s114s114 0a6n84d24 0t120h48e30 0s114h48a6d24o90w138 0o90f36
0d24e30a6t120h48 0s114t120a6i54n84 0i54t120 0l72e30t120 0a6 0c18l72o90u126d24
0d24w138e30l72l72 0u126p96o90n84 0i54t120 0l72e30t120 0t120h48e30
0b12l72a6c18k66n84e30s114s114 0o90f36 0t120h48e30 0d24a6y150
0t120e30r108r108i54f36y150 0i54t120
let darkness and the shadow of death stain it let a cloud dwell upon it let the
blackness of the day terrify it in Simple Gematria equals: 1015:l12e5t20
0d4a1r18k11n14e5s19s19 0a1n14d4 0t20h8e5 0s19h8a1d4o15w23 0o15f6 0d4e5a1t20h8
0s19t20a1i9n14 0i9t20 0l12e5t20 0a1 0c3l12o15u21d4 0d4w23e5l12l12 0u21p16o15n14
0i9t20 0l12e5t20 0t20h8e5 0b2l12a1c3k11n14e5s19s19 0o15f6 0t20h8e5 0d4a1y25
0t20e5r18r18i9f6y25 0i9t20


Results by Jewish Gematria WordJewishEnglishSimpleSearches i tried this and it
worked ask siri who am i
it brought up my contact
information 5852 5250 875 372 and i cried for help but
my voice hath not reached
out of the darkness and i
looked unto the height
that the light in which i
had had faith might help
me 5852 7620 1270 315 david icke is from the
isle of white which is
the headquarters of
satanic child molesting
and baby sacrificing
ringleaders 5852 6348 1058 305 soon the abomination will
stop you kill him all day
long in the name of
rights the buck stops
here this will end 5852 6564 1094 254 justin ricci didnt even
have the guts to attend
fairport high school
through most of senior
year 5852 5928 988 203 beyonce has a song called
pretty hurts how would
you know b 5852 3762 627 191 and if someone in
authority compels you
into service for a mile
go with him two miles 5852 5220 870 190 then jesus went home and
once again a crowd
gathered so that he and
his disciples could not
even eat 5852 5202 867 180 tim there is zero
justification for your
behavior including you
michael jones 5852 4872 812 172 can you now see why you
could never win ha ha ha
ha ha ha 5852 2976 496 124 shut it you dont know
the detailsams statistics
to vaccines and the whole
propaganda 5852 5208 868 116 what is sweet succes
tunes in my bon bon
rappers and in super bon
bon soul coughing bonus 5852 5532 922 115 jo koy die that was what
you were born to do come
back as lioness 5852 3714 619 114 each of the people who
werent crossed out will
also have their mind and
body free 5852 4488 748 112 every festival every hip
festival has chips in
there tickets tracking or
did he hop the fence 5852 5226 871 107 canana aviv is an idf
unit eighty two hundred
hacker that owns gematri
x 5852 4098 683 105 well youre just out of
excuses for not killings
me you phony f c u k s 5852 4662 777 97 what did they do to me to
allow the condition that
i had been in and who and
what did it 5852 4410 735 90 what is the function of a
snowstorm y o u r n o t f
u n n y j o l l y 5852 4050 675 87 come talk to daddy sierra
stop driving by you know
why there here 5852 4050 675 85 i recognize your pattern
of trying to induce fear
in me i need you not fear
breath my air coward 5852 5526 921 85 the nervous witch who
outed her brother as cia
agent before we met in
person 5852 4470 745 83 what is the function of a
snowstorm your not funny
jolly 5852 4050 675 83 they said it was going to
be biblical but trumps
fans didnt realize he was
the devil himself 5852 5022 837 79 the omni verse the all
song joyful song the
third eye vision into a
matrix of illusions 5852 5520 920 77 gods own people are
deceived about christs
message they are also
deceived about a man god
used in this end time 5852 5814 969 63 we must be the change we
desire to see in others
first before the world
will change 5852 4566 761 59 c o m e t a l k t o d a
d d y sierra stop
driving by you know why
there here 5852 4050 675 59 rabbithole follow the
withe rabbitt were we go
one we goo all 5852 3420 570 59 bilby says you are in
danger now where ever
you may go 5852 3324 554 55 america has been an
illusion built around the
jewish war machine lie of
nuclear weapons 5852 4698 783 55 you are not the one who
chooses if you should be
forgiven said the victim
to the criminal 5852 5268 878 53 and252bcurse252byou252bwi
eams252bunheard 5852 4686 781 51 it really is coming my
neighbors house and its
been going on non stop
for more than a decade
they are a mixed race
hebrew family 5852 6774 1129 51 lady in her 60 s was
beaten daily as a child
and teen then think on
what you have done to her
also 5852 4884 814 49 a marketa zmatlova beck
vilified the divine gene
yet used the divine gene
for blood rituals 5852 4902 817 45 donald lee crawford
junior disguises himself
as a black man to steal
away black women 5852 4500 750 43 the failed crack smoking
witch jamie abdullah rat
out her brother cia agent
joseph abdullah as being
a cia early in her failed
operation 5852 6588 1098 41 gematrix sag mir die
wahrheit was ist mein
glück samira gottschalk
geboren 27111991 möchte
alles richtig machen und
erwachen 5852 6300 1050 41 they declaimed about
famine and pestilence as
being scourges of god
while the scientists were
building granaries and
draining cities 5852 7002 1167 39 decode was soll ich nur
mit der wahrheit machen
genau sie euch nicht
sagen nur zwei leude 5852 4776 796 39 for all who lost homes
businesses to rebuild
structures right way
roads bridges exc 5852 5412 902 39 you know the number of a
man how come you dont
know the number of a song 5852 4332 722 37 have no fear truth
tellers there are no gang
stalkers its a jewish
urban legend like nuclear
explosions 5852 6006 1001 35 i have the keys to
everything none of you
are allowed to access my
program 5852 4458 743 33 the netflix messiah
series was cancelled for
telling too much truth
episode 1 part 3 full
breakdown at markalanking
dot com 5852 6894 1149 31 what is sin just negative
consequence that works
against you 5852 3978 663 29 dhs gang stalking devil
on his roof adjusting the
sonic weapon antenna for
attacking yeshua christ
reborn 5852 6108 1018 29 talks in four dimensions
grows square roots
humanity two well beings 5852 4764 794 29 sois jesus ja sondes
bien orion belt la
lumiere luit nee ib see
devil les tenebres
des anti christ lont
point recu 5852 6552 1092 27

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Check gematria results for let darkness and the shadow of
death stain it let a cloud
dwell upon it let the
blackness of the day terrify
it in
Hebrew Gematria let darkness and the shadow of
death stain it let a cloud
dwell upon it let the
blackness of the day terrify

Results by English and Simple Gematria WordJewishEnglishSimpleSearches we are
many they are few
its time to take the
power from the sadistic
satanists that run this
planet 6857 6090 1015 431 who will be the first to
proclaim that the living
king of kings has
defeated them by opening
the book of gematria 5599 6090 1015 406 and the third one poured
out his bowl into the
rivers and the fountains
of the waters and they
became blood 6327 6090 1015 394 hier ist der herr des
lichts an untergeordnetem
platz er wird verletzt
vom herrn der finsternis 6504 6090 1015 393 and i know my comics
wizard guide rights and
love and cherish them u
cant attack me when i am
no threat an am queit 7320 6090 1015 379 and lets not forget the
royal t r a n n i e s did
queen elizabeth murder
and cannibalize native
american canadian
children 5080 6090 1015 376 allowing the iranians to
inspect their own nuclear
sites is like allowing
the inmates to run the
jail 6513 6090 1015 374 all you can think about
is how to get what i have
and what i am rather than
caring about me and what
i need as a person 7885 6090 1015 365 fill everyone in that is
interested about the b u
l l s h i t of non
capturable or killable
holy guardian angels 4908 6090 1015 361 nsa threat alert i advise
buckley with illegal seti
access is become a
greater threat than any
alien base in revolt 6118 6090 1015 357 i dont care if theyre
deceived mind controlled
intoxicated or possessed
because they are hell
torment and death 4856 6090 1015 356 did you lie when you
promised to judge the
poor with righteousness
and when you said i am a
just god 8586 6090 1015 352 a keylink bewteen spoke
twenty two of the inner
wheel of isaiah and spoke
twenty two of the bible
wheel 9817 6090 1015 350 are we ai in a simulation
yes but do we have
immortal souls and only
consciousness is real as
tesla said 6771 6090 1015 350 cheryl kay potter michael
leroy utleys ten
commandments will show
you the way to salvation 8558 6090 1015 346 requirement requirement
requirement requirement
requirement requirement
requirement 4368 6090 1015 346 alison mccarthys io and
stalks zeus and helps
poseidon or hermippe in
taking credit for zeus
works 5536 6090 1015 344 grokster your ip address
is and has been logged
dont think you cant get
caught you are not
anonymous 5296 6090 1015 343 the day after i named
shannon foley she walks
by me in the grocery
store late at night when
nobody was there 7301 6090 1015 334 theobold jamzen has no
business dealing with a
low level false messiah
cointel agent like steven
james dishon 7600 6090 1015 333 sunday october twenty six
nineteen sixty nine left
hand pentagon birthmark
lucinda embry wayland 7173 6090 1015 332 do you understand that
gods anger at you will
kill me because it is too
powerful for me to
contain it 6263 6090 1015 326 i kiss your heart i dream
about you i love you so
very much dont worry
truth will be revealed 9232 6090 1015 323 i pray the shechinah
suffers infinetly as she
truly deserves she is an
unclean beast worse than
swine 6982 6090 1015 320 if you want to enter the
garden of eden and eat
from the fruit you say it
is movement and repose
backwards 7006 6090 1015 320 there will be
consequences for the
choice these artists have
made as there is with
every choice a person
makes 6649 6090 1015 319 super smash bros ultimate
will be the game for
jesus christ as i will
win the throne of that
game for him 6749 6090 1015 312 the pink hat ordo
praedicatorum manufacture
rasta toots pay like
solomon the original
dirty ole man 4379 6090 1015 311 islam covers women to
protect them from men
they attain to personal
purity which is holiness 6483 6090 1015 310 for john truly baptized
with water but ye shall
be baptized with the holy
ghost not many days hence 9032 6090 1015 310 when they call you a
narcissist but you take
it as a compliment so
they can go on with their
digital life 6542 6090 1015 310 i have finally attained
that to which i have
aspired to i have crafted
a small self sufficient
life with just god and i 7723 6090 1015 310 the lord has sought out a
man after his own heart
and the lord has
appointed him to be ruler
over his people 5197 6090 1015 309 the blonde haired
antichrist will enslave
even the highest angels
and will reign forever if
he is not stopped 6591 6090 1015 308 i apologize i will no
longer be accepting new
information for it is
the way to control my
movements 7287 6090 1015 306 rothchilds feel their
support towards us is
truly relevant and worthy
of the undertakings 6953 6090 1015 306 i worry about japan if
nibiru hits i ask god to
save them if there is a
disaster from the skies i
dont know 6774 6090 1015 301 obama signs executive
order for minimum wage
hike for the servants of
the antichrist commerce
system 6180 6090 1015 300 my purpose in life is to
show eternal praise and
worship to father god and
master lord jesus christ 6290 6090 1015 298 let me go crazy on you
crazy on you isnt that
what i did when i broke
down after mom died i
went crazy 9613 6090 1015 289 fate program rewrote
revelation secret
service stole fate in
presidents daily
attenuation meeting 6010 6090 1015 288 a voice roll words will
usually be delivered at
the rate of fourty five
to sixty beats per minute 8569 6090 1015 288 thought creates reality
sacred prayers sacred
dances sacred songs work
because thought creates
reality 5775 6090 1015 286 he that is slow to anger
is better than the mighty
and he that ruleth his
spirit than he that
taketh a city 5114 6090 1015 280 i took a picture of my
activity with the yale
door handle pats of one
handle today i am
alejandroeliasgallardom 6517 6090 1015 276 i dont like marxism but
maybe the feminists were
right about inequality
your future begins now 6884 6090 1015 275 the earth really is going
to be destroyed because
there is no other option
because i cannot live my
life at all 5080 6090 1015 275 the lion has roared who
will not be afraid the
sovereign lord jehovah
has spoken who will not
prophesy 8585 6090 1015 271 micaiah replied look you
will see which way on the
day when you will enter
the innermost room to
hide 8635 6090 1015 257 tribe of benjamin
ferguson missouri hit and
run flash mob use king
davids tactic of dividing
the police forces 5421 6090 1015 256

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