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Skip to content Schedule a Consultation (617) 431-4012 * FACE * Face Lift * Eyelid Surgery * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Removal * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Chin Liposuction * Ear Surgery * Mole Removal * Nose * Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Implant Failure Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty for Men * Asian Rhinoplasty * Functional Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty Simulator * Non-Surgical * FaceTite™ and AccuTite™ * Morpheus8 RF Remodeling * Agnes RF Contouring * Injectables * BOTOX® Cosmetic * Injectable Fillers * KYBELLA® * Scar Revision * Laser Treatments * Acne Treatment * IPL Skin Rejuvenation * Laser Hair Removal * Laser Skin Resurfacing * Laser Tattoo Removal * Spider Vein Removal * Reconstruction * Functional Rhinoplasty * Reconstruction after Mohs * Meet Dr. Ezzat * Honors and Awards * Our Staff * Reviews * Fly-In Program * Patient Financing * Blog * GALLERY * Face * Facelift * Blepharoplasty * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Excision * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Otoplasty (Ear Re-Shaping Surgery) * Mole Removal * Facial Contouring * Facial Reconstruction * Facial Reconstructive Surgery * Reconstruction after Mohs * Nose * African/Caribbean Rhinoplasty * Caucasian/European Rhinoplasty * East Asian Rhinoplasty * Hispanic/South American Rhinoplasty * Male Rhinoplasty * Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty * Reconstructive Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty * Southeast Asian Rhinoplasty * SPECIALS * CONTACT Select Page * FACE * Face Lift * Eyelid Surgery * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Removal * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Chin Liposuction * Ear Surgery * Mole Removal * Nose * Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Implant Failure Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty for Men * Asian Rhinoplasty * Functional Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty Simulator * Non-Surgical * FaceTite™ and AccuTite™ * Morpheus8 RF Remodeling * Agnes RF Contouring * Injectables * BOTOX® Cosmetic * Injectable Fillers * KYBELLA® * Scar Revision * Laser Treatments * Acne Treatment * IPL Skin Rejuvenation * Laser Hair Removal * Laser Skin Resurfacing * Laser Tattoo Removal * Spider Vein Removal * Reconstruction * Functional Rhinoplasty * Reconstruction after Mohs * Meet Dr. Ezzat * Honors and Awards * Our Staff * Reviews * Fly-In Program * Patient Financing * Blog * GALLERY * Face * Facelift * Blepharoplasty * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Excision * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Otoplasty (Ear Re-Shaping Surgery) * Mole Removal * Facial Contouring * Facial Reconstruction * Facial Reconstructive Surgery * Reconstruction after Mohs * Nose * African/Caribbean Rhinoplasty * Caucasian/European Rhinoplasty * East Asian Rhinoplasty * Hispanic/South American Rhinoplasty * Male Rhinoplasty * Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty * Reconstructive Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty * Southeast Asian Rhinoplasty * SPECIALS * CONTACT * FACE * Face Lift * Eyelid Surgery * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Removal * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Chin Liposuction * Ear Surgery * Mole Removal * Nose * Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Implant Failure Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty for Men * Asian Rhinoplasty * Functional Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty Simulator * Non-Surgical * FaceTite™ and AccuTite™ * Morpheus8 RF Remodeling * Agnes RF Contouring * Injectables * BOTOX® Cosmetic * Injectable Fillers * KYBELLA® * Scar Revision * Laser Treatments * Acne Treatment * IPL Skin Rejuvenation * Laser Hair Removal * Laser Skin Resurfacing * Laser Tattoo Removal * Spider Vein Removal * Reconstruction * Functional Rhinoplasty * Reconstruction after Mohs * Meet Dr. Ezzat * Honors and Awards * Our Staff * Reviews * Fly-In Program * Patient Financing * Blog * GALLERY * Face * Facelift * Blepharoplasty * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Excision * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Otoplasty (Ear Re-Shaping Surgery) * Mole Removal * Facial Contouring * Facial Reconstruction * Facial Reconstructive Surgery * Reconstruction after Mohs * Nose * African/Caribbean Rhinoplasty * Caucasian/European Rhinoplasty * East Asian Rhinoplasty * Hispanic/South American Rhinoplasty * Male Rhinoplasty * Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty * Reconstructive Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty * Southeast Asian Rhinoplasty * SPECIALS * CONTACT Search * FACE * Face Lift * Eyelid Surgery * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Removal * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Chin Liposuction * Ear Surgery * Mole Removal * Nose * Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Implant Failure Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty for Men * Asian Rhinoplasty * Functional Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty Simulator * Non-Surgical * FaceTite™ and AccuTite™ * Morpheus8 RF Remodeling * Agnes RF Contouring * Injectables * BOTOX® Cosmetic * Injectable Fillers * KYBELLA® * Scar Revision * Laser Treatments * Acne Treatment * IPL Skin Rejuvenation * Laser Hair Removal * Laser Skin Resurfacing * Laser Tattoo Removal * Spider Vein Removal * Reconstruction * Functional Rhinoplasty * Reconstruction after Mohs * Meet Dr. Ezzat * Honors and Awards * Our Staff * Reviews * Fly-In Program * Patient Financing * Blog * GALLERY * Face * Facelift * Blepharoplasty * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Excision * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Otoplasty (Ear Re-Shaping Surgery) * Mole Removal * Facial Contouring * Facial Reconstruction * Facial Reconstructive Surgery * Reconstruction after Mohs * Nose * African/Caribbean Rhinoplasty * Caucasian/European Rhinoplasty * East Asian Rhinoplasty * Hispanic/South American Rhinoplasty * Male Rhinoplasty * Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty * Reconstructive Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty * Southeast Asian Rhinoplasty * SPECIALS * CONTACT Select Page * FACE * Face Lift * Eyelid Surgery * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Removal * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Chin Liposuction * Ear Surgery * Mole Removal * Nose * Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Implant Failure Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty for Men * Asian Rhinoplasty * Functional Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty Simulator * Non-Surgical * FaceTite™ and AccuTite™ * Morpheus8 RF Remodeling * Agnes RF Contouring * Injectables * BOTOX® Cosmetic * Injectable Fillers * KYBELLA® * Scar Revision * Laser Treatments * Acne Treatment * IPL Skin Rejuvenation * Laser Hair Removal * Laser Skin Resurfacing * Laser Tattoo Removal * Spider Vein Removal * Reconstruction * Functional Rhinoplasty * Reconstruction after Mohs * Meet Dr. Ezzat * Honors and Awards * Our Staff * Reviews * Fly-In Program * Patient Financing * Blog * GALLERY * Face * Facelift * Blepharoplasty * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Excision * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Otoplasty (Ear Re-Shaping Surgery) * Mole Removal * Facial Contouring * Facial Reconstruction * Facial Reconstructive Surgery * Reconstruction after Mohs * Nose * African/Caribbean Rhinoplasty * Caucasian/European Rhinoplasty * East Asian Rhinoplasty * Hispanic/South American Rhinoplasty * Male Rhinoplasty * Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty * Reconstructive Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty * Southeast Asian Rhinoplasty * SPECIALS * CONTACT * FACE * Face Lift * Eyelid Surgery * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Removal * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Chin Liposuction * Ear Surgery * Mole Removal * Nose * Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Implant Failure Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty for Men * Asian Rhinoplasty * Functional Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty Simulator * Non-Surgical * FaceTite™ and AccuTite™ * Morpheus8 RF Remodeling * Agnes RF Contouring * Injectables * BOTOX® Cosmetic * Injectable Fillers * KYBELLA® * Scar Revision * Laser Treatments * Acne Treatment * IPL Skin Rejuvenation * Laser Hair Removal * Laser Skin Resurfacing * Laser Tattoo Removal * Spider Vein Removal * Reconstruction * Functional Rhinoplasty * Reconstruction after Mohs * Meet Dr. Ezzat * Honors and Awards * Our Staff * Reviews * Fly-In Program * Patient Financing * Blog * GALLERY * Face * Facelift * Blepharoplasty * Neck Lift * Brow Lift * Buccal Fat Excision * Cheek Lift * Chin Augmentation * Otoplasty (Ear Re-Shaping Surgery) * Mole Removal * Facial Contouring * Facial Reconstruction * Facial Reconstructive Surgery * Reconstruction after Mohs * Nose * African/Caribbean Rhinoplasty * Caucasian/European Rhinoplasty * East Asian Rhinoplasty * Hispanic/South American Rhinoplasty * Male Rhinoplasty * Mediterranean/Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty * Reconstructive Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Rhinoplasty * Southeast Asian Rhinoplasty * SPECIALS * CONTACT (617) 431-2596 Celebrate your Beauty Natural-looking results through subtle, skillful enhancements that bring out the best in your face. Request Your Consultation FACE The right combination of procedures can help you look refreshed, never “done”. LEARN MORE FACE NON-SURGICAL Injectables and laser treatments can help you age gracefully without surgery. LEARN MORE NON-SURGICAL Dr. Waleed Ezzat NOSE Nose surgery can improve form, function or offer a perfect combination of both. LEARN MORE NOSE FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION Put your best face forward again with the help of facial reconstructive surgery. LEARN MORE FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION REQUEST YOUR CONSULTATION * Full Name* * Email** * Phone* * Procedure of Interest* Procedure of Interest*BOTOX® CosmeticBrow LiftBuccal Fat RemovalCheek LiftChin and Jaw ContouringEar SurgeryEarlobe RepairEyelid SurgeryFace LiftFat InjectionsForehead Reduction/Hairline CorrectionFunctional RhinoplastyHair Laser RemovalHead & Neck Oncologic Reconstructive SurgeryInjectable FillersKeloidsKybellaLaser TreatmentsMole RemovalNeck LiftNeck LiposuctionReconstruction after MohsScar RevisionRevision RhinoplastyRhinoplastyRhinoplasty for Men * Message* * Subscribe * Send me email or text alerts about specials, offers and more. * CAPTCHA * Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ‹› MEET DR. EZZAT Waleed Ezzat, MD, F.A.C.S. is double board-certified in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and otolaryngology/head and neck surgery and Director of the Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Boston Medical Center. Nationally renowned as a leader, he offers a wide range of services, specializing in face, head and neck reconstructive procedures, congenital and traumatic deformities, and skin or tissue abnormalities resulting from a previous surgery or illness. He is a fellow of The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, The American Academy of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and The American College of Surgeons. MEET DR. EZZAT BEFORE & AFTER GALLERY * Blepharoplasty * Cheek Lift * Neck Lift * Facial Reconstructive Surgery * Reconstruction after Mohs * Rhinoplasty * Revision Rhinoplasty * Reconstructive Rhinoplasty BROWSE OUR GALLERY Schedule a Consultation 617-431-4012 Waleed Ezzat, MD, FACS Director, Boston Center for Facial Plastics 425 Boylston St., 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02116 Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday - Friday Individual experience, results, and recovery may vary. Results shown on our site are not a guarantee of the results you can achieve. Unless otherwise noted, images on this site are of models, not actual patients. * Facebook * Instagram * tiktok © 2024 Dr. Waleed Ezzat * Privacy Policy * Site Map * Accessibility Medical Marketing and Design by Sector45 EMAIL US LOCATION GALLERY Notifications