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Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Adam-Kirk-Pruden/author/B002LGMM02?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled...
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Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln .us Liefern nach Deutschland Kindle-Shop Wähle die Kategorie aus, in der du suchen möchtest. Alle Kategorien Automobil Baby Bücher Computer Damenmode Elektronik Filme und Fernsehen Gepäck Gesundheit & Haushalt Haustierbedarf Heim und Küche Herrenmode Industriell und Wissenschaftlich Kindle-Shop Kunst und Handwerk Mode für Jungen Mode für Mädchen Musik, CDs & Vinyl Musik-Downloads Prime Video Sales & Angebote Schönheit & Körperpflege Software Spielzeug und Spiele Sport und Freizeit Videospiele Werkzeug & Heimwerken Suche Amazon DE Hallo, anmelden Konto und Listen Warenrücksendungen und Bestellungen 0 Einkaufswagen Anmelden Neuer Kunde? Starte hier. Meine Listen Neue Liste anlegen Liste finden Mein Konto Konto Bestellungen Empfehlungen Browserverlauf Watchlist Gekaufte und geliehene Videos Kindle Unlimited Inhalte und Geräte Spar-Abo-Artikel Mitgliedschaften und Abonnements Musikbibliothek Anmelden Neuer Kunde? Starte hier. Alle INTERNATIONALE EINKÄUFE BENACHRICHTIGUNG FÜR ÜBERGANG Wir zeigen dir Artikel, die nach Deutschland geliefert werden. Um Artikel anzuzeigen, die in ein anderes Land geliefert werden, ändere bitte deine Versandadresse. FORTFAHREN DIE ADRESSE ÄNDERN Angebote des Tages Kundenservice Wunschlisten Geschenkkarten Verkaufen bei Amazon Kundensupport bei Behinderungen Im Gaming-Shop einkaufen Ein Kindle kaufen Kindle eBooks Kindle Unlimited NEU: Prime Reading Bestseller und mehr Kategorien Kindle Vella Amazon Buchclubs Kindle Buchangebote Kindle Singles eMagazine Inhalte und Geräte verwalten Erweiterte Suche 1. Adam Kirk Pruden + Folgen Folge uns, um immer Updates zu Neuerscheinungen, Sonderangeboten (einschließlich Werbeangebote) und verbesserten Empfehlungen zu erhalten. * Startseite * Über den * Alle Bücher * Mehr ADAM KIRK PRUDEN ÜBER DEN AUTOR Adam Kirk Pruden grew up in the itsy-bitsy town of Roxobel, North Carolina. His earliest attempt at creative writing occured when he was about age nine, in the third grade. His talent was neither recognized nor appreciated at this time and unfortunately resulted in... Vollständige Biografie lesen AM BELIEBTESTEN A Week in the Miserable Life of Lloyd Canard 4,0 von 5 Sternen 1 4,0 von 5 Sternen. 1 Kundenrezensionen. Kindle Ausgabe 0,00 $ oder 4,39 $ zum Kaufen BÜCHER Alle Formate Sortieren nach: Beliebtheit 3 Titel A WEEK IN THE MISERABLE LIFE OF LLOYD CANARD 44,0 von 5 Sternen1 von Adam Kirk Pruden Lloyd Canard is a simple man struggling through a life of greater than average bad luck. In one week he suffers encounters with idiotic supervisors; moronic subordinates; an eccentric nagging wife; is accused of killing an already dead cat; forced to attend a PETA conference; is verbally berated by a mime; caught in a pedophile sting; pursued by a dim-witted detective; is on an airplane with mechanical problems; and faces a near death out-of-body experience. When he is safely home in the everyday tedium of his miserable life Lloyd contemplates that he doesn't have things so bad after all. Lloyd Canard is a simple man struggling through a life of greater than average bad luck. In one week he suffers encounters with idiotic supervisors; moronic subordinates; an eccentric nagging wife; is accused of killing an already dead cat; forced to attend a PETA conference; is verbally berated by a mime; caught in a pedophile sting; pursued by a dim-witted detective; is on an airplane with mechanical problems; and faces a near death out-of-body experience. When he is safely home in the everyday tedium of his miserable life Lloyd contemplates that he doesn't have things so bad after all. Mehr anzeigen Format: Kindle Ausgabe * Kindle Ausgabe 0,00 $ oder 4,39 $ zum Kaufen * Taschenbuch 10,49 $ Kostenlos mit Kindle Unlimited-Mitgliedschaft Jetzt lesen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jetzt mit 1-Click® kaufen ® Alle Details ansehen Verkauft von Amazon.com Services LLC. RELATIONSLIPS: DEFINITELY NOT A DATING GUIDE 4.64,6 von 5 Sternen4 von Adam Kirk Pruden Most people have a couple stories about bad dates and failed relationships, but most people are not stupid enough to publish their experiences for the entire world to read. Here lie the bare revelations of one man’s failures at meeting, dating and developing successful relationships with women. “My last boyfriend used to tie me up, gag me and get pretty rough. I left him after six years because I felt he didn’t respect me.” Christina revealed to me on our second date. Ilene said “I know what you’re thinking.” I only responded “Yeah?” “Yes” she said, “you’re looking at my crutches.” “I don’t think you mentioned that” I answered. “Well” she explained “I was afraid it would scare you away if you knew about the amputation.” Emily confided in me “I have to tell you that I am not a real woman…but it’s okay.” My response was “How the hell can you think something like that would be okay?!” Her simple explanation was “Well I really do like to wear women’s clothing so it shouldn’t make a difference.” “A little more alcohol and you’ll probably fall off the boat and make a fool of me!” I noticed that Lynn suggested my falling off the boat as more of an inconvenience to her rather than any actual concern for my safety, but considering what I’d already put her through today I kept my mouth shut. I picked up a Bible and began reading verses of interest quietly to the young boy seated next to me. Yuni surprised the entire room by jumped up and yelled “Stop whispering things about me!” “Now that we are dating I expect you to be a real man and start paying some of my bills: Maybe my car payment or the rent” Marie explained to me on our second date. “I didn’t mean to lead you on by giving you my number” Kassie cautioned me when I called the number she had given me. "You breathe too much" my loving wife stated. http://www.RelationslipsBook.com Most people have a couple stories about bad dates and failed relationships, but most people are not stupid enough to publish their experiences for the entire world to read. Here lie the bare revelations of one man’s failures at meeting, dating and developing successful relationships with women. “My last boyfriend used to tie me up, gag me and get pretty rough. I left him after six years because I felt he didn’t respect me.” Christina revealed to me on our second date. Ilene said “I know what you’re thinking.” I only responded “Yeah?” “Yes” she said, “you’re looking at my crutches.” “I don’t think you mentioned that” I answered. “Well” she explained “I was afraid it would scare you away if you knew about the amputation.” Emily confided in me “I have to tell you that I am not a real woman…but it’s okay.” My response was “How the hell can you think something like that would be okay?!” Her simple explanation was “Well I really do like to wear women’s clothing so it shouldn’t make a difference.” “A little more alcohol and you’ll probably fall off the boat and make a fool of me!” I noticed that Lynn suggested my falling off the boat as more of an inconvenience to her rather than any actual concern for my safety, but considering what I’d already put her through today I kept my mouth shut. I picked up a Bible and began reading verses of interest quietly to the young boy seated next to me. Yuni surprised the entire room by jumped up and yelled “Stop whispering things about me!” “Now that we are dating I expect you to be a real man and start paying some of my bills: Maybe my car payment or the rent” Marie explained to me on our second date. “I didn’t mean to lead you on by giving you my number” Kassie cautioned me when I called the number she had given me. "You breathe too much" my loving wife stated. http://www.RelationslipsBook.com Mehr anzeigen Format: Kindle Ausgabe * Kindle Ausgabe 0,00 $ oder 4,39 $ zum Kaufen * Taschenbuch 9,99 $ Kostenlos mit Kindle Unlimited-Mitgliedschaft Jetzt lesen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jetzt mit 1-Click® kaufen ® Alle Details ansehen Verkauft von Amazon.com Services LLC. RELATIONSLIPS von Adam Kirk Pruden Format: Taschenbuch * Taschenbuch Derzeit nicht verfügbar. Alle Details ansehen ADAM KIRK PRUDEN + Folgen Folge uns, um immer Updates zu Neuerscheinungen, Sonderangeboten (einschließlich Werbeangebote) und verbesserten Empfehlungen zu erhalten. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verwalten Sie Ihre Follower Anzeigen und verwalten, wem du bei Amazon folgst. Feedback für diese Seite einreichen Wie schlagen wir uns? Sende uns Kommentare zu unseren Autorenseiten. Author Central aufrufen Bist du ein(e) Autor(in)? Besuche Author Central, um deine Bücher, dein Profilbild und deine Biographie zu aktualisieren. 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