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urlscan Pro
Malicious Activity!
Public Scan
Effective URL: http://157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/cc.php
Submission: On August 10 via manual from PH — Scanned from NL
This is the only time 157472.ao-alkmaar.nl was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: Potentially Malicious
Targeting these brands: Spanish Government (Government)Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
1 1 | 2a06:98c1:312... 2a06:98c1:3121::3 | 13335 (CLOUDFLAR...) (CLOUDFLARENET) | |
13 | | 62068 (SPECTRAIP...) (SPECTRAIP SpectraIP B.V.) | |
1 | 2a00:1450:400... 2a00:1450:4001:827::2008 | 15169 (GOOGLE) (GOOGLE) | |
15 | 3 |
ASN62068 (SPECTRAIP SpectraIP B.V., NL)
PTR: 45-14-225-143.matreon.network
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl |
ssl.google-analytics.com |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
13 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl |
448 KB |
1 |
ssl.google-analytics.com — Cisco Umbrella Rank: 398 |
17 KB |
1 |
1 redirects
itsssl.com |
765 B |
0 |
sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es Failed |
15 | 4 |
Domain | Requested by | |
13 | 157472.ao-alkmaar.nl |
1 | ssl.google-analytics.com |
1 | itsssl.com | 1 redirects |
0 | sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es Failed |
15 | 4 |
This site contains no links.
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
*.google-analytics.com GTS CA 1C3 |
2022-07-18 - 2022-10-10 |
3 months | crt.sh |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 14C7B07DDB2F9FB2E8D6A186FC4356D6
Requests: 15 HTTP requests in this frame
Page Title
Su reembolsoLogotipo de la Agencia Tributaria . Sede electrónicaIcono Calendario, fecha y hora oficialSe abre en ventana nuevaSe abre en ventana nuevaSe abre en ventana nuevaSe abre en ventana nuevaPage URL History Show full URLs
HTTP 301
http://157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/cc.php Page URL
Detected technologies
PHP (Programming Languages) ExpandDetected patterns
- \.php(?:$|\?)
Google Analytics (Analytics) Expand
Detected patterns
- google-analytics\.com/(?:ga|urchin|analytics)\.js
jQuery (JavaScript Libraries) Expand
Detected patterns
- jquery.*\.js(?:\?ver(?:sion)?=([\d.]+))?
Page Statistics
0 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Page URL History
This captures the URL locations of the websites, including HTTP redirects and client-side redirects via JavaScript or Meta fields.
HTTP 301
http://157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/cc.php Page URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
15 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H/1.1 |
Primary Request
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/ Redirect Chain
54 KB 15 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Redirect headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/Acceso%20con%20datos%20de%20su%20DNI_NIE_files/ |
45 KB 19 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/Acceso%20con%20datos%20de%20su%20DNI_NIE_files/ |
270 KB 60 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/Acceso%20con%20datos%20de%20su%20DNI_NIE_files/ |
504 B 583 B |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/Acceso%20con%20datos%20de%20su%20DNI_NIE_files/ |
16 KB 3 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/Acceso%20con%20datos%20de%20su%20DNI_NIE_files/ |
7 KB 2 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/Acceso%20con%20datos%20de%20su%20DNI_NIE_files/ |
813 KB 283 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/Acceso%20con%20datos%20de%20su%20DNI_NIE_files/ |
89 KB 31 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/Acceso%20con%20datos%20de%20su%20DNI_NIE_files/ |
31 KB 32 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria/img/ |
315 B 315 B |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/static_files/common/dep/aduanas/asweb/script/ |
315 B 483 B |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es/Sede/ |
0 0 |
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/ |
315 B 483 B |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/static_files/common/internet/script/ |
315 B 483 B |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ssl.google-analytics.com/ |
45 KB 17 KB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
Failed requests
These URLs were requested, but there was no response received. You will also see them in the list above.
- Domain
- sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es
- https://sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es/Sede/inicio.html
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
Potentially malicious activity detected
Disclaimer: These verdicts should be used to detect potentially malicious websites, not as a final verdict!
Phishing against: Spanish Government (Government)560 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| oncontextlost object| oncontextrestored function| structuredClone object| launchQueue object| onbeforematch object| navigation object| _gat object| _gaq function| ObjectNIF_old function| ObjectNIF function| todayAsString function| $NIF function| validarNif function| comprobarFinNif function| submitFormulario function| fechaValida string| lang function| showHideAEAT function| pintaLogos function| pintaEntorno function| inputTrailingicon function| readyLogos function| dgcGetSite function| setCookie function| setCookieMs function| getCookie function| getUnescapedCookie function| deleteCookie function| gup function| insertaAPI function| usarAnalytics function| muestraConfirm function| muestraMensajeConfirm function| confirmModal function| muestraProcesando function| ocultaProcesando function| cargarNovedadPaginado function| creaEnlacesPaginador function| mostrarPaginaNovedad function| cambiarPaginaNovedad function| alertaEntorno function| applyScrollTable function| tablaScrollMovil function| isAndroid function| isIOS function| incluirDescargaAppPIE function| incluirDescargaApp function| incluirDescargaAppListener function| isPreview function| waitUntilElementLoaded function| isAnyIE function| isIE function| isFirefox function| versionEmulada function| compruebaVersion function| cierraVersionControl function| toTrim function| existeAccesoUsuario function| setUsuario function| getAccesofromCookie function| procesaAcceso function| esEmpleadoPublico function| pintaUsuario function| eliminaAccesoUsuario function| elinimaUsuarioYalertasCabecera function| pintaAlertasUsuario function| tratamientoUsuarios function| urlRedireccionDesconectar function| controlCierreSesion function| compruebaCookieActiva function| gestionIdioma function| checkMisAlertasService function| tratarRespuestaAlertasService function| tratarRespuestaAlertas function| mostrarAlertas function| activarMejorasBuscador function| mostrarAvisoMisAlertas function| getIdiomaParaCookie function| cambiaIdioma function| activarDesconexion function| desconexionDialog function| desconectarApp function| cargaSelectorConjuntoElementos function| aplicarTipoAccesoDirecto function| cargarSelectorAccesoTramite function| contieneDominioValido function| contieneAccesoTramiteValido function| envioAutenticacionGuiada function| comprobarBuscadorMovil function| moverBuscadorMovil function| moverBuscadorEscritorio function| isMobile function| cambioMovil function| applyVistaMovil function| applyVistaClasica function| ajustarEstilosProcedimiento function| cargarDescripcionTitulo function| cargarMenuDerecha function| plegarComponentes function| isHome function| isBuscador function| muestraAvisoRenovacion function| renuevaSesion function| noHacerNada function| getFechaDeCookie function| cookieCaducadaUsuario function| setCookieTimeout function| cierraDialog function| cierraAvisoError function| muestraAvisoError function| estaEnArray function| colocacionIconosBOE function| setFocusRelojListener function| pintarFechaOficial function| obtenFechaServidor function| cargaScriptGuardaFechaServidor function| actualizaReloj function| iniciaAnalytics function| insertarEventosTramites function| eventoTramites function| seguimientoTramite function| eventoAyudaTramite function| insertarEventoAyudaTramite function| insertarEventosPDU function| iniciaTareasAnalytics function| fijarRechazoAnalytics function| autocompleteIntencion function| cerrarIntencion function| cambiarRadioIntencion function| doPressSearchBox function| ejecutaBuscar function| getResponsiveFromCssClass function| getLiteral function| getLiteralForControlCookieText function| getControlCookie function| getGroupSwitchValue function| isInArray function| processingModal function| getUrlParam function| getAllUrlParams function| getUTCnow function| userIsLogged function| getDateFromCookie function| replaceIcon function| getUniqueId function| urlWithLang function| isProd function| isWebApp function| esMenorAxs function| esMenorAsm function| esMenorAmd function| esMenorAlg function| esMenorAxl function| esMenorAxxl function| esMenorAxxxl function| initResponsive function| aplicaMenuResponsive function| menuResponsive function| menuResponsiveOff function| setToolTipHeader function| applyToolTipHeader function| getHeaderAndFooterFromHome function| setHeader function| setFooter function| addProcessingModal function| toCollapse function| toCollapseCSS function| collapseIconChangeValidated function| autoShowCollapse function| toModal function| getModalButton function| backToDOM function| toModalCSS function| toModalFromCSS function| launchNewMessageModal function| addEventBtnCollapseList function| listCollapse function| applyListCollapse function| addListHideTabEvent function| expandListHide function| cambiaIcono function| iconChangeEvent function| gropSwitchEvent function| setLanguageSelectValue function| applyLangEvents function| getLang function| initCarouselNotCircular function| generalActions function| userManagement function| setUser function| processAccess function| getAccessFromCookie function| removeUserAccess function| closeSessionControl function| userAccessExists function| redirectToDisconnection function| setUserAlerts function| manageAlertResponseService function| manageAlertResponse function| myAlertsModal function| showAlerts function| checkAlertsService function| publicEmployee function| removeButtonEventDisconnect function| setButtonEventDisconnect function| setUserName function| addUser function| logoutUsers function| disconnectionModal function| removeUsersAndAlerts function| userLoogedResponsive function| showPersonalAreaType function| accessFunctions function| startAccessEvents function| directAccess function| guidedAuthetication function| HasValidDomain function| HasValidAcces function| AnalyticsWorks function| startAnalytics function| tracingStaticsEvent function| tracingPDUEvent function| tracingProcedures function| tracingHelpProcedures function| analyticEvent function| noEvent function| noAnalyticsAccess function| setFocusClockListener function| showOficialDate function| getServerDate function| updateOficialDate function| setDisclaimerModal function| closeDisclaimerModal function| positionsElements function| setPositionsFooterAeatBackdrop function| positionsFeaturesManagement function| menuFinderEvents function| HelperControl function| servirAyudasAdi function| createHelpButton function| sendFormAdi function| cursorChange function| closeAdi function| servirITB function| environmentsAlerts function| testEnvironmentAndUrl function| iniciarUtilidades function| show function| hide object| init string| svglogoAgencia string| menuMovil string| icoCamara string| icoPdf string| svglogoDoue string| logoClave string| logoTea string| genericLogo function| customInputs function| hideHeaderFooter function| isWebviewAPP string| fondoCabecera object| initial string| site object| varList object| listInit string| gDomain boolean| isProdDomain string| _rootSite object| sedeUtils object| desconectar object| pin24h object| controlCookies object| accesoTramiteSelector object| analyticsUtils string| dominioPagina object| busquedas object| responsiveExtensions object| parseLang object| parseLangApp object| langForSelect object| parserAccessFromCokie object| parseAccessToLongString object| parseLongStringToAccess object| sede_Utils string| txtRegExpDomain object| regExpDomain object| regExpDomainPRO string| defaultClassCollapse string| defaultIcon_open string| defaultIcon_close number| initialNumberId string| urlGenerarPDF object| _controlCookies string| idiomaPagina undefined| aplicaPaginado string| ua string| urlMarketAndroid string| imgMarketAndroid string| urlMarketIOS string| imgMarketIOS string| urlQR string| imgQR function| aeatjQuery boolean| dropTestCookie number| cookieTestDuration string| cookieTestName string| cookieTestValue object| aeat_id_usr_sede number| nAccesos undefined| controlCierreSesionId boolean| gestionar boolean| movilOn undefined| cookieCancelada undefined| expiracion undefined| laCookie number| tiempoControl object| cookiesActivas number| posicionEnArray undefined| zInicial boolean| contadorTimeOutCookie object| avisoRenovacionTratado string| _lang string| lng object| b undefined| collapseId string| defaultClassModal object| cookie object| listHide number| limit number| accessNumber undefined| logoutControlId boolean| manage boolean| redirect number| hHeader number| hFooter number| hWindow number| hBrujula number| hMarginContainer object| templateWithRightComponent string| constName undefined| timeOutAdi string| urlAyudasAdi string| urlClickToCall function| $ function| jQuery function| moment object| ___FONT_AWESOME___ object| FontAwesomeConfig object| FontAwesome boolean| avisoErrorRenovacionVisibleREFRENTAV boolean| avisoErrorRenovacionVisiblepin24V boolean| avisoErrorRenovacionVisibleWWW12V function| Popper object| Util function| Tooltip function| Dropdown function| Collapse function| Modal string| host_dirrec boolean| infraIsInternet string| lowercaseLetters string| uppercaseLetters string| naveg string| strHtml object| CamposObl undefined| buscaNIFCIF undefined| LaURL string| variables object| tosCachos object| peticion function| trim function| VentanaAyuda function| Ventana function| Pestana function| VentanaPestana object| UrlCaracteresReservados function| UrlEscapedUTF8 function| UrlUnescapedUTF8 function| UrlEscapeCaracter function| Motivo function| esLetra function| esDigito function| esNumero function| esNumeroDec function| esAlfanumerico function| esAlfabetico function| esObligatorio function| RepasoCamposOblig function| esFecha function| numeroEntre function| eliminarCaracter function| filtrarTextarea function| solohost2 function| irMenu function| lee_cookie function| escribe_cookie function| ElPrompt function| get_cookie function| set_cookie function| delete_cookie function| eliminarCaracteres function| resetear function| leeFiTexto function| leeFiBinario object| listaElem boolean| creadaListaElementos function| pulsadoIntro function| crearListaElementos function| sigCampo function| buscaCampoPorLista function| sigCampoTradicional function| sigCampoComun function| buscaCampoComun function| getCampo function| base_nets function| base_iexpl function| LeerExplorer function| LeerMozilla function| leerFichero function| decode64 function| enlaceConConfirm function| enlaceConConfirmVentanaNueva function| enlaceConConfirmPestanaNueva function| submitConConfirm function| enlaceSubmitConConfirm function| foco object| ventanaCalen object| auxCampo object| auxFormato object| arrMascaras function| Calendario function| PonerANull function| dameFechaInicial function| CambiarFechaConCampo function| getVarDom function| cancelaSaltoInput function| callbackQueryModoAyuda function| IsNumeric boolean| primerslap boolean| segundoslap function| formateafecha function| esFechaValida function| comprobarSiBisisesto function| enConstruccion function| initUtilidadesX function| getScriptFechas function| callbackHandleX function| iniciaCarga function| getInternetExplorerVersion function| checkIEVersion function| limpiarDesplegables function| enlaceConPost function| Ltrim function| Rtrim function| Trim function| PonCeros function| Blancos function| refrescoConParametroFiltrado function| deshabilitarF5 function| anadirErrorDit function| limpiarEtiquetaDit function| quitarErroresDit function| ditCopiarDesdePortapapeles function| ditCopiarAlPortapapeles function| ditCambiarValorCampo function| getElementsByClassName function| querySelector function| querySelectorAll function| tieneClassCss function| addEventHandler function| Tabs function| getUrlTabFiltrada function| initHorizontalTabs function| obtenerMenus boolean| stIsIE function| sortQuitaAcentos number| _timer function| dean_addEvent function| removeEvent function| handleEvent function| fixEvent function| forEach undefined| qm_si undefined| qm_li undefined| qm_lo undefined| qm_tt undefined| qm_th number| qm_ts undefined| qm_la undefined| qm_ic undefined| qm_ib undefined| qm_ff string| qp string| qc string| qm_t number| qm_o number| qm_s number| qm_s2 number| qm_s3 number| qm_n number| qm_v function| qm_create function| qm_bo function| x0 function| qm_a function| qm_uo function| qa function| qm_oo function| qm_gcs function| x2 function| qm_kille function| qm_pure function| qm_convert function| qm_ibullets_init function| qm_ibullets_preload function| qm_ibullets_init_items function| qm_ibullets_position function| qm_ibullets_hover function| qm_ibullets_hover_off function| qm_ibullets_active function| qm_ibullets_wait_relative function| qm_over_select function| qm_kb_init function| qm_kb_press function| qm_kc_hover_off function| qm_kc_hover function| qm_kc_fnl function| qm_kc_get_parent_item function| qm_kc_getnp function| qm_apsubs function| qm_get_offset function| qm_get_doc_scrollxy function| qm_get_doc_wh function| crearMenu function| reverseFecha function| obtenerFechaDit function| setFechaDit function| CalendarioDatepicker boolean| ditFechasValidas function| ditValidarFechas function| ditPonerAlertaValidacion function| darVueltaFechasInputDate function| formatFecha object| MobileUtils object| MobileUtilsLogs object| NATIVE_DRIVER_ERROR_CODES object| ClientValidation object| NativeDriver object| NativeDriverMock function| _t object| sorttable object| qmad object| Modernizr boolean| sospechoAzul boolean| nieFecha boolean| enlaceCertificado number| k number| y number| x8 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Domain/Path | Expires | Name / Value |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/-/terileeze/terilee/teril/Triib/tributaria | Name: INT-MENSAJE Value: |
itsssl.com/ | Name: PHPSESSID Value: aguj9embc3pv48ahb6dr81gjo2 |
itsssl.com/ | Name: short_3DpDE Value: 1 |
157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/ | Name: aeat-language Value: es_ES |
.157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/ | Name: __utma Value: 119864264.62522401.1660097134.1660097134.1660097134.1 |
.157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/ | Name: __utmb Value: 119864264.0.10.1660097134 |
.157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/ | Name: __utmc Value: 119864264 |
.157472.ao-alkmaar.nl/ | Name: __utmz Value: 119864264.1660097134.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) |
6 Console Messages
A page may trigger messages to the console to be logged. These are often error messages about being unable to load a resource or execute a piece of JavaScript. Sometimes they also provide insight into the technology behind a website.
Source | Level | URL Text |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.