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Latest News

·Message Board  


Back again...

dyNasty - Jeez, it's been since september 4th that I updated the site, sorry but
a bad chain of events hit 5 days later, the World Trade Center and personnel
problems, but we're back. We're getting more crew soon and I will now try
working on the site and the projects very hard. Stay tooned.


Message Board Up

dyNasty - The message board is up, go, go on, post something.


Two Announcements

dyNasty - Well I just started working on Super Mario Bros.: The Adventure
Continues for PC, I think the Mario series deserves another Platform game, I'm
ripping the graphics off of Super Mario World for SNES and using them for the
game, I'm nearly done with the first level and will release a demo of it soon
next week. I was also considering adding a feature to play with not only Mario
or Luigi but also with Princess, Toad, Bowser (He aint bad in this one, just
like Mario RPG), Yoshi, and maybe Wario and Waluigi. Story aint out yet, but
will be soon. If you think that's a good idea or have some other ideas for the
game give me a holler in the message board, when that gets up. Now, on to the
second announcement, I started making a public RPG using RPG Maker 2000, I know,
I know, it doesn't have a good battle system but it has everything else, and if
I have time I'll change the battlesystem to something else like Secret of Mana
or something, I would write the game in C or C++ or something but I'm to lazy to
start another project in C, already started one and it's been like half a year
and I hardly have anything. That's the news for now and I have ripped some Mario
level backgrounds if anyone wants to use them just get theem in the downloads
section. Peace.


Finally The Site Is Up

dyNasty - Enjoy the site, more sections coming soon...e-mail me with any ideas
you might have. Thanks to Zophar's Domain for hosting me and my first hack
announcement for SNES is coming soon.