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Text Content




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 * donations



 * expulsions

 * necessity of antisemitism



 * Jesus in the Talmud

 * the Holy Trinity

 * forgiveness



 * the Church on the Jews

 * Mystery of the Jewish People

Who is human?


 * abortion

 * Jews and Blacks



 * Goy Guide to World History

 * How they do it

 * disarming goyim

 * Chabad

 * the lobby

 * banksters

 * Rothschilds

 * Swindlers list

 * assassins

 * hate pimps

 * Epstein Mossad

 * Jew media

 * metastases

 * kosher internet

 * aftermath

 * shapeshifters

 * marranos

 * donmeh

 * kosher racket

 * Muslims

 * burning churches

 * goy accomplices

 * Catholic action



 * World Wars

 * Ritual Murder

 * Israelis target children

 * organ harvesting

 * 1948

Big Lies


 * Torah encourages lies

 * Jesus was a Jew

 * Hebrew Bible

 * Kol Nidre

 * Noahide deceit

 * synagogue and state

 * holocaust

 * Nuremberg

 * Judeo-Christian

 * the Romans did it

 * land without a people

 * save any life

 * false flags

 * name calling

 * high IQ



 * pedophilia and sodomy

 * Torah on women

 * Torah on trannies

 * potty voyeurs

 * sicko sages



 * kabbalah

 * transmigration



 * documentaries

 * ethical vaccines

 * sacred art

 * memes

 * funny videos

 * cosmology

 * theological certainty

 * levels of sin

 * dispositions for a good death

 * fallacies

 * archive

 * raw data




 * Mary

 * marks of the Church

 * sola scriptura

 * once saved

 * private interpretation

 * do this

 * idols

 * purgatory

 * Christian Zionism

 * call no man father

 * asleep

 * Sunday worship

 * Inquisition

 * phony victims

 * Christmas

 * slavery

 * blushing

 * Marxists

 * New Order of Pharisees

 * Jorge

 * Opus Dei

 * dishonorable mentions



 * jew flu


 * third temple

 * Putin

 * Trump

 * Kushner

 * get the memo

 * Soros

 * self-reflection

 * China

 * Japan

 * Italy

 * France

 * Iceland

 * Hungary

 * Poland

 * Ireland

 * Britain

 * Antarctica

 * two Lucys

 * search


1 - 22



Ҥ 712 It [the Holy Catholic Church] firmly believes, professes, and teaches
that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, of the Mosaic law,
which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites, sacrifices, and sacraments,
because they were established to signify something in the future, although they
were suited to Divine worship at that time, after our Lord’s coming had been
signified by them, ceased, and the Sacraments of the New Testament began; and
that whoever, even after the passion, placed hope in these matters of law and
submitted himself to them as necessary for salvation, as if faith in Christ
could not save without them, sinned mortally. Yet it does not deny that after
the passion of Christ up to the promulgation of the Gospel they could have been
observed until they were believed to be in no way necessary for salvation; but
after the promulgation of the Gospel it asserts they cannot be observed without
the loss of eternal salvation. All, therefore, who after that time observe
circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, it declares
alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal
salvation, unless someday they recover from these errors….


Ҥ714 The Most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that
none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also
Jews, and heretics, and schismatics, can ever be partakers of eternal life, but
that they are to go into the eternal fire ‘which was prepared for the devil, and
his angels,’ (Matthew 25:41) unless before death they are joined with Her; and
that so important is the unity of this Ecclesiastical Body, that only those
remaining within this unity can profit from the sacraments of the Church unto
salvation, and that they alone can receive an eternal recompense for their
fasts, alms deeds, and other works of Christian piety and duties of a Christian
soldier. No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if he
pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved unless they abide within
the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”


Cantate Domino, from the infallible ecumenical Council of Florence under His
Holiness Pope Eugene IV defining the Solemn Doctrine: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla
Salus (“Outside the Church, there is no salvation.”), promulgated by papal bull,
February 4, 1444 [Florentine calendar] in Denziger, Enchiridion Symbolorum, The
Sources of Catholic Dogma, § 712-714


This site is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii.


This site is an educational primer about Judaism and its effect on history,
culture, and current events. The information has been carefully compiled, mostly
from Judaic sources: the rabbis, their “holy” books, and Judaic, especially
Israeli, media. As you can see for yourself, we offer some commentary, but much
is in their own words. Many of the leads to primary sources are from the heavy
lifting of those listed in the Resources section. Our thanks and perpetual
prayers go to them.


Internet hyperlinks are provided when available to allow readers to verify
quotes and for research leads. The posting of a hyperlink or video does not
imply  agreement with all linked content.  When webpages and videos draw
attention, they are often taken down.


Anonymity here forces readers to deal with facts and disallows the
stock-in-trade of the rabbis, deceit and the distractions of name-calling, and
character assassination, but that won’t stop them from trying.


Since we are practicing Catholics, we work and pray for the conversion of all
souls, so that all may be saved, but our primary mission here is to protect
Catholics from misinformation, subversion, and heresies that are so prevalent
today. Only Truth leads to salvation.


Since we are practicing Catholics, we oppose all Master Race creeds and we
oppose all crimes against humanity, including economic crimes against humanity.


Please quote the materials here far and wide. Use this material to expose and
defeat Satan and his synagogue. Most importantly, pray the Rosary every day.





 * donations



 * expulsions

 * necessity of antisemitism



 * Jesus in the Talmud

 * the Holy Trinity

 * forgiveness



 * the Church on the Jews

 * Mystery of the Jewish People

Who is human?


 * abortion

 * Jews and Blacks



 * Goy Guide to World History

 * How they do it

 * disarming goyim

 * Chabad

 * the lobby

 * banksters

 * Rothschilds

 * Swindlers list

 * assassins

 * hate pimps

 * Epstein Mossad

 * Jew media

 * metastases

 * kosher internet

 * aftermath

 * shapeshifters

 * marranos

 * donmeh

 * kosher racket

 * Muslims

 * burning churches

 * goy accomplices

 * Catholic action



 * World Wars

 * Ritual Murder

 * Israelis target children

 * organ harvesting

 * 1948

Big Lies


 * Torah encourages lies

 * Jesus was a Jew

 * Hebrew Bible

 * Kol Nidre

 * Noahide deceit

 * synagogue and state

 * holocaust

 * Nuremberg

 * Judeo-Christian

 * the Romans did it

 * land without a people

 * save any life

 * false flags

 * name calling

 * high IQ



 * pedophilia and sodomy

 * Torah on women

 * Torah on trannies

 * potty voyeurs

 * sicko sages



 * kabbalah

 * transmigration



 * documentaries

 * ethical vaccines

 * sacred art

 * memes

 * funny videos

 * cosmology

 * theological certainty

 * levels of sin

 * dispositions for a good death

 * fallacies

 * archive

 * raw data




 * Mary

 * marks of the Church

 * sola scriptura

 * once saved

 * private interpretation

 * do this

 * idols

 * purgatory

 * Christian Zionism

 * call no man father

 * asleep

 * Sunday worship

 * Inquisition

 * phony victims

 * Christmas

 * slavery

 * blushing

 * Marxists

 * New Order of Pharisees

 * Jorge

 * Opus Dei

 * dishonorable mentions



 * jew flu


 * third temple

 * Putin

 * Trump

 * Kushner

 * get the memo

 * Soros

 * self-reflection

 * China

 * Japan

 * Italy

 * France

 * Iceland

 * Hungary

 * Poland

 * Ireland

 * Britain

 * Antarctica

 * two Lucys

 * search




 * * educate the world about the fundamentally genocidal Master Race tenets of
     Judaism and the history inspired by that Jewish supremacism
   * apprehend all perpetrators and accomplices of crimes against humanity,
     including economic crimes against humanity—accomplices, enablers,
     agitators, enforcers, mouthpieces, talking heads, puppets, middle
     management, political prostitutes, change agents, and other shabbos goyim
   * prosecute the perpetrators and accomplices in fair and open trials
   * punish the guilty
   * repatriate all ill-gotten gains, especially what has been stolen by usury,
     bribery, and other fraud by dynastic looters
   * leave the innocent alone!



For it is the day of the vengeance of the Lord, the year of recompenses of the
judgment of Sion.

Isaias 34:8






 * donations



 * expulsions

 * necessity of antisemitism



 * Jesus in the Talmud

 * the Holy Trinity

 * forgiveness



 * the Church on the Jews

 * Mystery of the Jewish People

Who is human?


 * abortion

 * Jews and Blacks



 * Goy Guide to World History

 * How they do it

 * disarming goyim

 * Chabad

 * the lobby

 * banksters

 * Rothschilds

 * Swindlers list

 * assassins

 * hate pimps

 * Epstein Mossad

 * Jew media

 * metastases

 * kosher internet

 * aftermath

 * shapeshifters

 * marranos

 * donmeh

 * kosher racket

 * Muslims

 * burning churches

 * goy accomplices

 * Catholic action



 * World Wars

 * Ritual Murder

 * Israelis target children

 * organ harvesting

 * 1948

Big Lies


 * Torah encourages lies

 * Jesus was a Jew

 * Hebrew Bible

 * Kol Nidre

 * Noahide deceit

 * synagogue and state

 * holocaust

 * Nuremberg

 * Judeo-Christian

 * the Romans did it

 * land without a people

 * save any life

 * false flags

 * name calling

 * high IQ



 * pedophilia and sodomy

 * Torah on women

 * Torah on trannies

 * potty voyeurs

 * sicko sages



 * kabbalah

 * transmigration



 * documentaries

 * ethical vaccines

 * sacred art

 * memes

 * funny videos

 * cosmology

 * theological certainty

 * levels of sin

 * dispositions for a good death

 * fallacies

 * archive

 * raw data




 * Mary

 * marks of the Church

 * sola scriptura

 * once saved

 * private interpretation

 * do this

 * idols

 * purgatory

 * Christian Zionism

 * call no man father

 * asleep

 * Sunday worship

 * Inquisition

 * phony victims

 * Christmas

 * slavery

 * blushing

 * Marxists

 * New Order of Pharisees

 * Jorge

 * Opus Dei

 * dishonorable mentions



 * jew flu


 * third temple

 * Putin

 * Trump

 * Kushner

 * get the memo

 * Soros

 * self-reflection

 * China

 * Japan

 * Italy

 * France

 * Iceland

 * Hungary

 * Poland

 * Ireland

 * Britain

 * Antarctica

 * two Lucys

 * search


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