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Limited-time only: 10% OFF with code DAILY10 "Close" * Shop * Supergreens * Vitality * Recharge * All Superfoods * About * Why Superfoods * Resources Manage Subscription Search Site navigation Cart Search "Close (esc)" View more Close (esc) Close (esc) Close (esc) Close (esc) Close (esc) Close (esc) Close (esc) Close (esc) Close (esc) EVERYDAY HEALTHY GREENS POWDER: SUPERGREENS Your daily dose of nutrients in just one scoop 40 verified reviews -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our best-seller is back in stock! Cover your daily greens to transform your health. All-natural and packed with 20+ organic superfoods, probiotics and digestive enzymes to help boost your digestion, immunity and energy. Cost per serving$1.82 Organic superfoods20+ Added sugarsZero $39.99 $59.99 Single subscription 33% OFF Best for starting your new healthy habit 30 servings Delivered monthly Free shipping Easily cancel anytime $69.99 $119.99 Double subscription 42% OFF Best for two daily drinkers or increased usage 60 servings Delivered monthly Free shipping Easily cancel anytime Subscription details x How subscriptions work Products are automatically delivered on your schedule. No obligation, modify or cancel your subscription anytime. Learn more... Powered by $39.99 $59.99 Single subscription 33% OFF Best for starting your new healthy habit 30 servings Delivered monthly Free shipping Easily cancel anytime $59.99 One-time purchase Subscription details x How subscriptions work Products are automatically delivered on your schedule. No obligation, modify or cancel your subscription anytime. Learn more... Powered by Add to cart I take Supergreens daily to ensure that I get all the nutrients I need. Becky W. New York NY, June 2022 Verified review GET YOUR GREENS TODAY Add Supergreens to your cart MAKES UP FOR WHAT YOUR NUTRITION LACKS. 93% of customers report feeling healthier overall when taking Supergreens daily Digestion* Promotes gut health Reduces bloating Immunity* Improves recovery Helps prevent illness Energy* Increases metabolism Supports stress relief THE EASIEST WAY TO GET YOUR DAILY GREENS Just one scoop of natural, plant-based certified organic ingredients to fulfill your daily nutrition needs. VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN FRIENDLY All of the ingredients are plant-based making Supergreens suitable for vegans, vegetarians and omnivores. MADE IN NATURE, NOT IN A LAB Think: kale, spiralina, chlorella and barley grass. Our ingredients are found in nature not in a lab. HIGHEST QUALITY INGREDIENTS Clean and natural. No GMOs, No herbicides or pesticides, No artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, sugars or sweeteners. See our full ingredient list â Ă Full ingredient list CHLORELLA Chlorella is rich in Vitamins A, B, C, Iron and Folic Acid that stimulate the immune system, blood pressure, cholesterol, detox and digestion.* SPIRULINA Spirulina is a source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and C and multiple minerals, micronutrients, and beneficial antioxidants.* KALE Kale is loaded with antioxidants, Vitamins B, C, K, a high dose of Calcium that helps support strong bones and fibers that support normal digestive health.* NETTLE LEAF Nettle leaf is known to support the body's natural inflammatory pathways, upper respiratory health and healthy prostate function.* BURDOCK ROOT Burdock promotes healthy digestion and encourages healthy skin care by promoting normal liver function and supporting the detoxification process in the body.* BARLEY GRASS Barley grass provides nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, aminoacids, antioxidants and enzymes that help support a normal immune system and the body's effort to fight short term infections.* DANDELION Dandelion is a rich source of Vitamins A, B and C and is used to support the liver and gallbladder, promoting digestion and supporting the detoxification process.* NOPAL CACTUS Nopal cactus juice supports normal blood sugar levels, normal prostate health, and normal cholesterol levels in a healthy individual.* DULSE Dulse helps support normal blood pressure, as well as bone strength and resilience due to its significant levels of Calcium and Potassium.* ALFALFA Alfalfa is a herb with antioxidants, Vitamins C and K and minerals whose benefits have been linked to supporting blood sugar levels and normal functioning cholesterol in healthy individuals.* BROCCOLI Broccoli's has a wide array of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds, and glucoraphanin, a compound that is converted into a beneficial antioxidant during digestion.* MORINGA Moringa is one of the most super of all superfoods: 25x the Iron found in spinach, 3x the Potassium of bananas, and 7x more Vitamin C than oranges!* PEPPERMINT LEAF Peppermint leaf supports the stomach muscles and helps improve the flow of bile and with congestion levels, shrinking the swollen membranes in the nose.* GINGER ROOT Ginger promotes normal production of inflammatory markers acting on the immune system and promoting healthy circulation and inflammatory responses in a healthy individual.* Iâve been using this product for about 6 weeks and I really â¨like it. It has boosted my energy and helped strengthen my immune system. Kim T. San Diego CA, May 2022 Verified review GET ALL YOUR GREENS IN ONE SIMPLE SCOOP. Easy to drink while still getting all my daily vitamins and greens in! Holly K. Denver CO, June 2022 Verified review Grown in real soil, made on home soil. Our products are naturally made and sourced locally from farms around the world using the highest quality ingredients. We're made in the USA and support the local economy. No dropshipping. Read our story WHATâS IN IT * 100% certified organic ingredients * 20+ organic superfoods * 7.2 billion probiotics * Digestive enzymes * One serving of daily greens WHATâS NOT IN IT * Sugars * Dairy * Sweeteners * Artificial flavors * Gluten HOW TO PREPARE SUPERGREENS ADD IT TO YOUR SMOOTHIE A smoothie is the perfect way to get your greens in. It blends seamlessly with your favorite ingredients to create a refreshing drink. MIX IT WITH WATER Supergreens is simple to mix with water. Use a spoon and stir until it dissolves completely. Itâs never gritty. MIX IT UP WITH YOUR FAVORITE MILK Grab some milk or your favorite milk alternative and stir it up. Enjoy a cold summer option by adding ice. YOU DONâT HAVE TO LIKE VEGGIES TO LIKE SUPERGREENS Verified Enso customers share their thougths on how Supergreens tastes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slightly sweet, very fine powder that dissolves quickly without any bitter after taste. Amie J. Boston MA, May 2022 Verified review Taste is everything. Enso was great-tasting and mixed well without any visible clumping. Shawn C. Austin TX, June 2022 Verified review The taste is superior to any other green powder I've tasted. Kira G. Scottsdale AZ, April 22 2022 Verified review Greens powders are backed by evidence GREENS POWDERS ARE BACKED BY SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE In one four-week study in 10 healthy people, two tablespoons (10 grams) of greens powder taken daily lowered blood levels of oxidatively damaged proteins by 30%.1 In a 90-day study in 40 people with high blood pressure, two tablespoons (10 grams) of greens powder taken daily decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by about 8%. The control group observed no improvement.2 It is usually impossible to eat the recommended five servings of all vital nutrients per day. Green powders are one of the richest sources of vital minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and carotenoids. These carotenoids are also called rainbow nutrients [9] as these nutrients come from colorful foods).3 SOURCES: 1 Rao V, Balachandran B, Shen H, Logan A, Rao L. In vitro and in vivo antioxidant properties of the plant-based supplement greens+â˘. Int J Mol Sci. 2011;12(8):4896-908. doi: 10.3390/ijms12084896. Epub 2011 Aug 3. PMID: 21954333; PMCID: PMC3179140. 2 Zhang J, Oxinos G, Maher JH. The effect of fruit and vegetable powder mix on hypertensive subjects: a pilot study. J Chiropr Med. 2009 Sep;8(3):101-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2008.09.004. PMID: 19703665; PMCID: PMC2732245. 3 Minich, Deanna M. âA Review of the Science of Colorful, Plant-Based Food and Practical Strategies for "Eating the Rainbow".â Journal of nutrition and metabolism vol. 2019 2125070. 2 Jun. 2019, doi:10.1155/2019/2125070 Recommended by registered dieticians I recommend Supergreens religiously to all my clients. After consistent use, it has helpled my clients with severe digestive issues completely heal their gut. The probitics make it stand out compared to several other greens powders on the market. Michelle Rodgers, Registered dietician, 19 years experience Verified review FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT ARE SUPER GREENS POWDERS? Greens powders are natural dietary supplements designed to enhance your vitamin and nutrient intake and help you meet your daily recommended fruit and vegetable consumption. These supplements offer a wealth of benefits, such as maintaining healthy energy levels, aiding in digestion and metabolism, and helping to boost immunity. Greens powder supplements can also help you achieve healthy weight loss goals. For the most part, greens powders are not consumed on their own but are mixed into water, any kind of milk, or other liquids. Each vegetable powder mix contains its own carefully selected blend of ingredients. Though formulations of green superfood powders vary, some common ingredients include dried leafy greens, green vegetables, green tea leaf extract, seaweed, apple powder, organic barley grass, reishi mushroom powder, chia seeds, fresh fruits, and milk thistle. Since ingredients vary from brand to brand, so do flavors. While many greens powders tend to taste fairly grassy and have a more natural flavor, our Supergreens powder has a refreshing mint taste. WHEN SHOULD YOU TAKE SUPERGREENS POWDER? Supergreens can be consumed at any time of the day and still produce excellent results. However, it may be optimal to have Supergreens in the morning, as it can provide you with a boost of energy to kickstart the day. Your superfood smoothie can also serve as a healthy alternative to coffee, as it includes ingredients that have energizing properties, but that also help calm the mind for a balanced day. CAN SUPERGREENS POWDER REPLACE VEGETABLES? Although Supergreens is designed to help you meet your recommended daily vegetable intake, it does not replace the bodyâs need for the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber contained in whole vegetables. Whole vegetables are necessary for achieving gut wellness, appetite regulation, and heart health. That said, as long as you are still consuming vegetables on a fairly regular basis, Supergreens will help you close some nutritional gaps in your daily diet. DOES SUPERGREENS HELP WITH BLOATING? Enso Supergreens incorporates ingredients such as probiotics and digestive enzymes that help relieve bloating. CAN SUPERGREENS POWDER BOOST MY IMMUNITY? Enso Supergreens powder is packed with the vitamins and minerals you need to maintain a healthy immune system. Micronutrients such as vitamin C help prevent infections, while vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that helps protect your body against free radicals. DOES SUPERGREENS POWDER DETOXIFY MY BODY? While your liver is what removes toxins from your body, Supergreens contains ingredients that can assist with the bodyâs detoxification and digestive process. The probiotic blend and enzyme complex are two of the most important factors included in Enso Supergreens that assist with digestion and gut health. HOW TO USE ENSO SUPERGREENS POWDER Enso Supergreens is most commonly combined with beverages such as water, milk, milk substitutes, and smoothies. If you want to supercharge your daily smoothie, you can add whole fruits like bananas and berries to your greens blend. These healthy beverages are usually consumed first thing in the morning, after a workout, or in between meals, but there are endless ways to incorporate a greens powder into your daily diet. If you donât want to have your powder in a drink, get creative and incorporate the supplement into meals. Some people like to add greens powder to soup or mix it into homemade salad dressing or scrambled eggs. We recommend that users consume Enso Supergreens daily to get the best results from this natural supplement. The more consistently this greens powder is used, the greater the effect it will have on your body. WHAT CAN YOU MIX SUPERGREENS POWDER WITH? It is most common to mix Supergreens powder with a liquid such as water, milk, or a smoothie. However, some people like to spice things up by mixing their powder with vegetable dips, salad dressings, eggs, and more WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A SUPER GREENS POWDER? Nutrients Whether you want to increase your energy levels or youâre looking for something to help with digestion, everyone has a unique reason for adding a greens powder to their diet. Consider what health benefits you are seeking before purchasing a greens supplement. Whether you have one particular goal or numerous health and lifestyle ambitions, knowing your intentions will help guide your purchasing decision. Itâs always a good idea to look closely at the ingredients and nutrition facts before buying a greens powder. For example, some brands provide a diverse array of antioxidants, while others feature a higher fiber content. For the most part, the greater the variety of greens included in your blend, the better, as this tends to correlate with more nutrients. Organic By choosing an organic product, you can feel confident that your greens powder is made with all-natural ingredients and is free from synthetic fertilizers and artificial ingredients. Most greens powders are organic, but you should always double-check the product label to confirm this information. Donât rely on marketing buzzwords such as âall-natural.â If a product is 100% organic, the phrase âUSDA Certified Organicâ will be included somewhere on the label. Additives While many greens powders are aimed at providing individuals with the necessary vegetables and healthy nutrients they need in their diets, the best supplements will also provide further benefits. Before purchasing, check the label to see if the greens powder contains additional protein and probiotics. Probiotics are âgood bacteriaâ that are particularly beneficial for people struggling with digestion and gut health. A probiotic blend can help prevent illnesses while also tackling issues such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and ulcerative colitis. Additionally, youâll want to steer clear of products that include high amounts of added sugar. Aside from plant-based sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit, itâs best to stay away from greens powders that include artificial sweeteners. Clean ingredients When looking at the ingredient lists on popular greens powders, scan them for âclean ingredients.â This term refers to unprocessed ingredients from natural sources. This includes fresh produce, whole foods, and other nutritional supplements that help support a healthy diet. Try to find a product with ingredients that you recognize as real foods. Sourcing and labeling Before purchasing a greens powder, read the label carefully. If a product is 100% free of fertilizers and antibiotics, it will have a USDA Organic seal. Frequently, the label will also include third-party testing certifications that vouch for the purity and strength of the product. Taste Last, but certainly not least, you want to find a product that tastes good. If you dislike the taste, chances are that you will gradually stop taking it. The good news is that some greens powders have been specifically designed with the taste of the product in mind. Before purchasing a product, read some reviews to find out what previous customers have said about the taste. Try to avoid greens powders that are described as having a grassy taste. Itâs also worth noting that adding powdered greens to a creamy beverage, such as almond milk or a protein shake, can make green superfoods much more enjoyable to drink. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF ENSO SUPERGREENS POWDER? Digestion Enso Supergreens powder contains ingredients that promote gut health. Probiotics and enzyme blends have been incorporated into the powder to help aid with digestion. Probiotics are live bacteria that help support gut health. Probiotics can help ease conditions such as abdominal pain, congestion, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Papain is an enzyme that helps alleviate pain and inflammation and aids with digestion. Pepsin is an enzyme that helps break down dietary proteins so they can be absorbed and digested. Immunity Enso Supergreens contain ingredients that have been linked to a healthier immune system, including sources of antioxidants that protect the bodyâs cells from free radicals. Micronutrients such as Vitamins A, B-6, C, E, zinc, selenium, iron, and copper can also help improve an individualâs immunity to disease. Wheatgrass is an excellent source of many different vitamins and minerals and is especially high in Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as iron. Longevity Enso Supergreens powder is packed with antioxidants that can help protect your body against cell damage. Ingredients such as organic spirulina, alfalfa grass, whole leaf barley grass, and kale powder are all rich in beneficial antioxidants. Weight loss Consuming an Enso Supergreens organic powder can also assist with weight loss. This greens powders is rich in proteins that are essential in building and maintaining lean muscle tissue. Matcha, burdock root, and dandelion powder are examples of ingredients that can aid with weight loss. In particular, burdock root is most commonly used as a diuretic for healthy weight management. Antioxidants Enso Supergreens powder is rich in antioxidants that can help combat free radicals â harmful molecules that may contribute to the risk of cancer. Antioxidants can also lower the risk of chronic illnesses and cardiovascular disease. Nutrient dense Enso Supergreens powder is rich in nutrients that provide essential nourishment and help prevent certain health conditions. Kale, seaweed, matcha, and other nutrient-dense ingredients provide individuals with vital proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water. Blood sugar Keeping blood sugar levels within a target range is vital for lowering the risk of long-term health problems such as vision loss and kidney disease. Ingredients such as burdock root and dandelion powder have proved beneficial for regulating blood sugar levels and reducing cholesterol. JOIN THOUSANDS OF HAPPY SUBSCRIBERS "This is the first greens that both my daughter and I will drink. Taste is everything. We've tried others that were hard to drink. Enso was great-tasting and mixed well without any visible clumping. Pretty good addition to our family routine!" Marcio & Vanessa Hoffart, CA "Signed up for auto delivery. I feel great when I take this product every morning. It makes me have an abundance of energy and my immune system seems much better." Lilian B Rector, NJ "It became easy for me to get vitamins and vegetables into my diet. It tastes fresh and has all the qualities I value. I'm enjoying the results and it only gets better with prolonged use." Elisha Lopez, FL Customer Reviews 4.8 Based on 41 Reviews 5 â 88% 36 4 â 10% 4 3 â 0% 0 2 â 0% 0 1 â 2% 1 Customer Photos i 97reviewers would recommend this product Write a Review Ask a Question * Reviews * Questions Write a review Author Name Email Location Rating Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Title of Review How was your overall experience? Questions Do you recommend this product? Yes No Photos Upload Thank you for submitting a review! Your input is very much appreciated. Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! FacebookTwitter Be the first to review this item SortWith Photos Most Recent Highest Rating Lowest Rating Most Helpful Filter Reviews: Ă SortWith Photos Most Recent Highest Rating Lowest Rating Most Helpful Clear filter More Filters BL 11/16/2022 Becky L. United States I recommend this product EXCELLENT PRODUCT I feel a burst of energy in the morning when I drink my greens. ⤠Everyday healthy greens powder: Supergreens Share  |   Facebook  â˘Â Twitter Was this helpful?  0    0 RA 11/09/2022 Rodriguez, A. United States I recommend this product SUPER GREENS Decided to buy this because Iâm bad with eating my greens. So far I love it. Everyday healthy greens powder: Supergreens Share  |   Facebook  â˘Â Twitter Was this helpful?  0    0 11/09/2022 ENSO SUPERFOODS Hi there Aravel, Thanks so much for sharing your review with us. You're not alone: 90% of Americans have a hard time eating the recommended amount of daily greens. So you're in fact exactly why we created this product in the first place! We want to make it easier for everyone and anyone to have more greens in their lives so their health can benefit from it. Keep it up! Stay healthy, - EnsĹ Team JL 10/29/2022 James L. United States I recommend this product YOUR PRODUCT IS AWESOME 𤊠Well I donât like eating greens . My joints in shoulders and form arms and knees all ache , take this supergreens and all my aching went away and I have more energy . This is a superior product. Only thing you should shrink the bottle just to the size of the powder in jar. Plus easier to scoop out when low . Save you as a company as well saving that plastic to build another canister. Everyday healthy greens powder: Supergreens Share  |   Facebook  â˘Â Twitter Was this helpful?  0    0 11/01/2022 ENSO SUPERFOODS Hi James -- thanks so much for your review! We're so glad to hear that you're getting the most out of our Supergreens and feeling the health benefits yourself. There's nothing like a consistent intake of healthy and natural nutrients, especially greens. Keep it up! And great feedback on the package. We have good news for you: we are currently changing our packaging to make it better for customers and the planet. Stay tuned for more soon! All the best, - EnsĹ Team BL 10/20/2022 Becky L. United States I recommend this product đĽđĽđĽ More energy for busy day Everyday healthy greens powder: Supergreens Share  |   Facebook  â˘Â Twitter Was this helpful?  0    0 10/20/2022 ENSO SUPERFOODS Hi there Becky, Thanks so much for your review! We loved hearing that Supergreens is giving you more energy for busy days. We know that when life gets busy, it becomes especially hard to prioritize healthy habits. Kudos to you for keeping it up! The extra energy you're feeling from our product comes from the vitamins and minerals that are naturally occurring in all these nutritious greens! Stay healthy! - EnsĹ Team NB 10/15/2022 Nancy B. United States I recommend this product FEELING GOOD! I really like the taste and it certainly makes me feel more energized! Everyday healthy greens powder: Supergreens Share  |   Facebook  â˘Â Twitter Was this helpful?  0    0 10/20/2022 ENSO SUPERFOODS Hi there Nancy, Thanks so much for your review. We're so glad to hear that you really like the Supergreens taste and that -- even better! -- it is making you feel more energized. We put a lot of effort to find just the right combination of ingredients to provide the best taste and health benefits, so it makes us happy to hear that we're hitting it for you. Stay healthy! - EnsĹ Team * < * << * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * >> * > MEET OUR OTHER PRODUCTS Everyday healthy greens powder: Supergreens $59.99 Subscribe to get special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals. Enter your email Subscribe We will never share your email with third parties. READ THE LATEST ARTICLES FROM OUR BLOG Read our blog What is Alfalfa? Health Benefits, Side Effects & More What is Chlorella and What Does it Do? A Complete Guide What is Spirulina and What Does it Do? The Ultimate Guide Enso Supergreens Scholarship ABOUT College opens many doors and teaches young adults how to live independently. This change can come at a cost, and new college students may find it challenging to care for their mental, physical, and spiritual health. We're awarding the Holistic Health Scholarship to help students make a healthy transition as they begin college, and any high school senior who plans on pursuing a college degree may apply. Our goal at Enso Superfoods is to help you thrive, and we want to help college students cultivate healthy habits as they begin their college journey. SCHOLARSHIP DETAILS Amount: $500 Application deadline: November 1, 2022 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS High school senior Current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident HOW TO APPLY You can apply for this scholarship on the Bold.org scholarship platform. Simply set up a free account and submit your application for the Mind, Body, and Soul Scholarship, along with a short essay answering the following prompts: What about college excited you the most? How do you maintain a healthy mind, body, and soul amidst the challenges you face in school? Apply here SCHOLARSHIP FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS When is the scholarship deadline? The application will be open through November 1, 2022. What is the scholarship prize? The scholarship award is $500. When will the winner be chosen and notified? Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. Recipients will be chosen based on the merit of their application. How will the scholarship be paid? We will send the $500 award check to the recipient in their name. How will my application information be used? Enso Superfoods manages this scholarship with the support of the Bold.org scholarship platform. Bold.org takes student confidentiality and privacy incredibly seriously. Please refer to the application page on Bold.org for full details. Apply here Menu Menu * Shop * About * Why Superfoods * Contact * FAQ * Shipping * Privacy Policy * Cookie Policy Sign up and save Sign up and save Subscribe to get special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals. Enter your email Subscribe * Amazon * American Express * Apple Pay * Diners Club * Discover * Meta Pay * Google Pay * Mastercard * PayPal * Shop Pay * Venmo * Visa Š 2022 Enso Superfoods *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including Lead, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/food. "Close (esc)" Jodi from Blanchard, Oklahoma Recently bought Everyday healthy greens powder: Supergreens! 28 minutes ago Verified by ONE