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URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDVM4XYG
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 * Das ultimative Konversationsspiel für Erwachsene für Spieleabende: Ein von
   Menschenmengen getestetes Geschichtenerzählen fordert Familie und Freunde
   auf, sich wieder zu verbinden und mehr über sich selbst und einander zu
   entdecken! Dieses Storytelling Tactics Kartenspiel ist der perfekte
   Eisbrecher für Erwachsene, die Nähe und gemeinsames Lachen suchen. Eine
   Top-Wahl für Gruppeneinstellungen wie Trinkspiele, Spielabende für
   Erwachsene, Camping und mehr
 * 【Create Closeness Playing Adults Card Game】Wunderschön illustriert lässt Sie
   unser Reisepack-Gesprächsstarter-Kartenspiel die Menschen, mit denen Sie
   spielen, wirklich kennenlernen und verwandelt gewöhnliche Gespräche in
   sinnvolle, unvergessliche Interaktionen. Ein Tauchgang in verrückte
   Geschichten, die echte Verbindungen zu den Menschen um dich herum herstellen.
 * 【Einfach und lustig】 Die Aufforderungen sind lustig, einfach und für jeden
   Erwachsenen relativ. Dieses Kartenspiel ist leicht zu erlernen und eine
   todsichere Art, einige verrückte Geschichten aus fast jedem zu hören! Auch
   von Menschen, die Sie seit Jahren kennen!
 * Dive Deeper with your Loved Ones: another way to reanimling the romance in
   your relationship as a couple or coming closer to your friends. Dieses
   Kartenspiel für Erwachsene ist perfekt, um tiefer zu tauchen und mehr über
   Ihre Mitarbeiter außerhalb der Arbeit zu erfahren. Es wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre
   Bindungen zu stärken und ein tieferes Verständnis für Ihre Kollegen, Ihre
   Freunde und sogar Ihre Familie zu haben! Das perfekte Geschenk für alle, die
   Nähe und Lachen suchen und wunderbare Erinnerungen schaffen.
 * Spielanleitung: nur drei einfache Schritte. Ein Spieler zieht eine
   Story-Prompt-Karte. Alle anderen teilen eine wahre Geschichte basierend auf
   der Aufforderung. Die Person, die die Karte gezeichnet hat, wählt ihre
   Lieblingsgeschichte aus, die geteilt wurde. Dies ist ein Kartenspiel für jede
   erwachsene Gruppengröße zwischen 3-10 Spielern. Geeignet für Kinder ab 16



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    ganze Familie, schnelles und lustiges Kartenspiel mit Lebensmittelmotiv),
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    Erweiterungspaket – Strategiespiel für Erwachsene und Kinder, ab 14 Jahren,
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Verpackungsabmessungen 9,09 x 6,71 x 2,39 cm Artikelgewicht 109 g ASIN
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung
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You may see your colleagues often, but do you know their most embarrassing
moments? Their charming first encounters? Who were they in years past? Hear
quirky, surprising, and memorable stories from their past and present-day life.


While there's no shortage of fun card games for adults, our storytelling cards
are in a league of their own. Anchored by crowd-tested storytelling prompts,
these cards are more than just a game; they are an invitation to genuine
conversations. Dive into tales that are both hilarious and relatable, fostering
feelings of warmth, closeness, and shared humanity. It’s about revisiting old
memories, creating new ones, and finding connections that last beyond the game.


What sets our game apart is its impeccable design and attention to detail. Each
storytelling prompt is beautifully complemented by delightful illustrations,
making every card a masterpiece. As players engage, they’re not just recounting
stories, they’re also appreciating the detailed imagery of each card. This game
artfully merges the joy of sharing stories with striking visuals.


If you’re human, you’ve got a story to tell. Sometimes, all we need is a prompt
to get us going. tellitall’s story prompts are conversation starters designed to
get genuine conversations started, often with plenty of laughter.


Tellitall is an actual game with rules and a clear winner, far be it from us to
stop any intriguing discussions that may arise from the stories shared during


Enough about the weather already. Use tellitall’s story prompts to learn
interesting tidbits and tales you’ve never heard from your friends, family, and


With its straightforward gameplay, it's the top choice for group
settings,drinking games for adults party, catering to both newcomers and avid
adult game aficionados.


this is the card game for every adult group size between 3-10 players. These
cards are relatable and silly, it's the party game adults have been waiting for.


Dive into authentic, crowd-tested storytelling prompts. A top pick for games for
adults, these prompts induce hilarious, relatable tales, perfect for game nights
seeking closeness and shared laughter.



53 Spielkarten, 1 Anleitungskarte

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Some fun questions, I use different rules—here is why
I love these kinds of question games and conversation starters and so decided to
give these a try.First, the positive:—Compact, good quality (not flimsy) cards.
They are approximately the size of a regular deck of cards and so are easy to
tuck into a bag and take with you. You get 52 cards.—Some of the cards contain
interesting topics that are good for a casual group play like “your guilty bad
movie” / “a moment where you were really proud” / “a crazy travel mishap” /
“when you met your best friend”Now for the things that I didn’t like as much
(but might not bother you)—There are some cards that might be too in-depth or
otherwise not fit everyone. For example “a time when you threw a friend under
the bus” / “you woke up not knowing where you were” / “something you’ve never
shared with anyone” and then this one that assumes you are partnered: “awkward
interaction with your partner’s family”To help counteract these potentially
awkward situations, I use alternate rules.1. I have the first person draw three
cards and choose from them.2. You can skip your turn according to the regular
rules; I also allow the person to choose one of the other initial 3 cards if
they still want to participate. Otherwise, shy people or people for whom the
scenarios don’t fit won’t get to play as much


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Nisan Rich
5,0 von 5 Sternen Awesome storytelling game!!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 24. Januar 2024
Verifizierter Kauf
I bought this conversation card game for our friends’ game night and it was so
much fun! The stories were hilarious and the conversations kept going all night
long. Great prompts for real connections!

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4,0 von 5 Sternen Some fun questions, I use different rules—here is why
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 3. Oktober 2023
Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts( Was ist das? )
I love these kinds of question games and conversation starters and so decided to
give these a try.

First, the positive:
—Compact, good quality (not flimsy) cards. They are approximately the size of a
regular deck of cards and so are easy to tuck into a bag and take with you. You
get 52 cards.

—Some of the cards contain interesting topics that are good for a casual group
play like “your guilty bad movie” / “a moment where you were really proud” / “a
crazy travel mishap” / “when you met your best friend”

Now for the things that I didn’t like as much (but might not bother you)

—There are some cards that might be too in-depth or otherwise not fit everyone.
For example “a time when you threw a friend under the bus” / “you woke up not
knowing where you were” / “something you’ve never shared with anyone” and then
this one that assumes you are partnered: “awkward interaction with your
partner’s family”

To help counteract these potentially awkward situations, I use alternate rules.

1. I have the first person draw three cards and choose from them.
2. You can skip your turn according to the regular rules; I also allow the
person to choose one of the other initial 3 cards if they still want to
participate. Otherwise, shy people or people for whom the scenarios don’t fit
won’t get to play as much

4,0 von 5 Sternen Some fun questions, I use different rules—here is why
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 3. Oktober 2023
I love these kinds of question games and conversation starters and so decided to
give these a try.

First, the positive:
—Compact, good quality (not flimsy) cards. They are approximately the size of a
regular deck of cards and so are easy to tuck into a bag and take with you. You
get 52 cards.

—Some of the cards contain interesting topics that are good for a casual group
play like “your guilty bad movie” / “a moment where you were really proud” / “a
crazy travel mishap” / “when you met your best friend”

Now for the things that I didn’t like as much (but might not bother you)

—There are some cards that might be too in-depth or otherwise not fit everyone.
For example “a time when you threw a friend under the bus” / “you woke up not
knowing where you were” / “something you’ve never shared with anyone” and then
this one that assumes you are partnered: “awkward interaction with your
partner’s family”

To help counteract these potentially awkward situations, I use alternate rules.

1. I have the first person draw three cards and choose from them.
2. You can skip your turn according to the regular rules; I also allow the
person to choose one of the other initial 3 cards if they still want to
participate. Otherwise, shy people or people for whom the scenarios don’t fit
won’t get to play as much
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3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Really high quality game and fun
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 14. Januar 2024
Verifizierter Kauf
This conversation card game is great for adults, especially if you’re an
interesting one - then you can replay these prompts coming up with different
stories. But it is challenging and requires delving deep in some places you’re
not sure you wanna share:) Played this with my gf and the conversations got very

2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Beautiful Quality, Great Conversation Starter, Great for
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 29. September 2023
Verifizierter Kauf
A friend and I had a bunch of laughs and learned new things about each other
just leisurely rifling through the cards. There were only two of us, so we
didn't play the actual game, but it was still super fun. My friend would tell a
story, which then reminded me of a story...and the conversation just kept going.

The packaging, design and overall quality of the tellitall cards is beautiful. I
can tell that great care was taken to uniquely illustrate each prompt on sturdy
cardstock that has a texture similar to linen. And I love that the illustrations
were created by a Ukrainian artist.

These cards are great for talking about more than just the weather. The deck is
so portable, I'm going to take it along to a social event tomorrow night and
whip them out when the need arises. I'm sure I'll find out even more intriguing
facts about people. Should be a good time.

Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Beautiful Quality, Great Conversation Starter, Great for
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 29. September 2023
A friend and I had a bunch of laughs and learned new things about each other
just leisurely rifling through the cards. There were only two of us, so we
didn't play the actual game, but it was still super fun. My friend would tell a
story, which then reminded me of a story...and the conversation just kept going.

The packaging, design and overall quality of the tellitall cards is beautiful. I
can tell that great care was taken to uniquely illustrate each prompt on sturdy
cardstock that has a texture similar to linen. And I love that the illustrations
were created by a Ukrainian artist.

These cards are great for talking about more than just the weather. The deck is
so portable, I'm going to take it along to a social event tomorrow night and
whip them out when the need arises. I'm sure I'll find out even more intriguing
facts about people. Should be a good time.
Bilder in dieser Rezension

5 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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4,0 von 5 Sternen Not really a game, per se...
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 31. Oktober 2023
Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts( Was ist das? )
I can't really see using this as a game at a party or in a group setting,
really. But these are great suggestions or conversation prompts to use when
getting to know someone! If you're hitting the dating scene or trying to forge
deeper connections, keep this handy deck in your pocket/purse.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Best ice breaker game!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 26. September 2023
Verifizierter Kauf
This is a perfect game for playing with old friends or, as my favorite an
icebreaker with new people. It plays a little bit like cards against humanity
but with a more personalized layer where you can really get to know people and
hear past stories that may not come out otherwise. This has quickly become my
go-to game, and I love that you can play with a variety of group sizes. The best
is for 4 or more people.

5,0 von 5 Sternen Best ice breaker game!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 26. September 2023
This is a perfect game for playing with old friends or, as my favorite an
icebreaker with new people. It plays a little bit like cards against humanity
but with a more personalized layer where you can really get to know people and
hear past stories that may not come out otherwise. This has quickly become my
go-to game, and I love that you can play with a variety of group sizes. The best
is for 4 or more people.
Bilder in dieser Rezension

3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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3,0 von 5 Sternen Simple set of questions
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 28. Dezember 2023
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While interesting at the beginning, after tie or several plays these questions
will run out, even with sporadic play. Fine to bring out when unsure of the
choices for game night.

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1,0 von 5 Sternen Overpriced
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 2. Oktober 2023
Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts( Was ist das? )
The game is the size of a deck of cards. The story prompts are a mixed bag of
things that you could come up with on your own. They are simple things, like
"something you instantly regretted" ... "when you lost something important" ...
"when you had too much." Most of the promts seem negative and simple, not silly.
They need more to it if they want to call it a game. I felt as if they could
have put 5 prompts on each card instead of one, then they could add more to how
the game would be played.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen The Rules Make This Fun Not Awkward So Don't Skip Them
Rezension aus Kanada am 25. Oktober 2023
Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts( Was ist das? )
This game can go off the rails quickly if you have a bunch of talkative people
in your group and you let someone lead who thinks "winging it" without the rules
is a good way to play.

Lesson learned LOL.

The rules include time limits and prizes and extra time if the "prompt holder"
wants 2 or 3 people to elaborate to determine a winner for the round. This can
offer a great opportunity to hear more when a story is extra interesting.

At first I thought some of the prompts were a bit too personal.
That could be true if you don't follow the instructions/rules and talk for much
longer than the alloted minute )or 30 seconds if you have a bigger group).

These cards give you the opportunity to creat intrigue, get people curious about
you and become a better and more engaging story teller. It can help you to
recall stories that you can later use as ice breakers outside of the game too.

If you keep it lighthearted and fun and don't use the cards as a reason to rant
or complain or get into "TMI" mode, then it's a fun card game that makes
everyone feel closer either because you've shared a relatable tidbit or because
you've shared just a small piece of a bigger story that you can discuss one to
one when someone wants to learn more. Or not. No pressure!

And if the card feels too personal you are never forced to answer, you just lose
a card and have less chance of winning the game. But I'd encourage everyone
playing to get creative and also to be vague if the specifics would create
awkwardness instead of connection.

The cards and box are a good quality with interesting blue, yellow, black and
white people with various expressions in multiple positions on the front of the
cards. The backs are all a nice stain finish black with some yellow

An interesting benefit to this game is that if it starts to drag or looks like
it will be over too quickly, the prompt holder on each round could pick a winner
for the round that helped someone get to 3 cards quickly to end the game or keep
picking new winners to make it really last.

Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich
Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
4,0 von 5 Sternen Good icebreaker game
Rezension aus Kanada am 27. Oktober 2023
Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts( Was ist das? )
I found that this card game was very useful getting people to talk and bond.
It's a conversation-based game that helps people open up and get to know one
another. We used this deck of cards while camping with some friends (everyone
vaguely knew each other but not enough to be considered friends - although
having them as our mutual friends, we knew that they would have the same vibe
and be open to answer the more personal cards) and everyone had a blast - it's
honestly crazy hearing some stories of people when you would never expect it
from them. Since this is a game, no one felt pressured or uncomfortable reading
out the phrase and getting the story started.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen Great questions to build intimacy and connection with existing
friends, and even new friends
Rezension aus Kanada am 8. November 2023
Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts( Was ist das? )
I can tell the questions and topics that were put into this deck had a lot of
thought put into it by the creators.

These questions are able to dance on the fine line of funny, embarrassing,
nostalgic, without it becoming too personal and uncomfortable to answer for all
parties involved.

Flipping through the questions and topics, myself, has brought back some old
memories that I also had forgotten about-so I can only imagine how others will
respond when they have these questions and topics presented to them just the

The quality of the cards are great, shuffles well and the print is good.

I recommend this card game to those who have trouble asking questions or
starting conversations to get to know their friends more, or even to get to know
their new friends or even possibly a date/ romantic partner!

5,0 von 5 Sternen Great questions to build intimacy and connection with existing
friends, and even new friends
Rezension aus Kanada am 8. November 2023
I can tell the questions and topics that were put into this deck had a lot of
thought put into it by the creators.

These questions are able to dance on the fine line of funny, embarrassing,
nostalgic, without it becoming too personal and uncomfortable to answer for all
parties involved.

Flipping through the questions and topics, myself, has brought back some old
memories that I also had forgotten about-so I can only imagine how others will
respond when they have these questions and topics presented to them just the

The quality of the cards are great, shuffles well and the print is good.

I recommend this card game to those who have trouble asking questions or
starting conversations to get to know their friends more, or even to get to know
their new friends or even possibly a date/ romantic partner!
Bilder in dieser Rezension

Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
4,0 von 5 Sternen Cute idea for parties or retreats where you want to get people
opening up together
Rezension aus Kanada am 27. September 2023
Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts( Was ist das? )
- Cute and visually appealing
- Great for parties and "truth or dare" style games
- Some questions lead to hilarious conversations
- Good size and sturdy texture for easy handling

- Some questions may feel too personal
- Artwork style might not be everyone's favorite
- Unclear instructions on the cards, but easy to improvise

I recently tried out the "tellitall Storytelling Card Games for Adults," and
it's been quite an interesting addition to our game night arsenal.

Let's start with the pros. These cards are undeniably cute. The illustrations,
despite not being my personal favorite style, add a playful touch to the game.
They're perfect for parties and could even be used as prompts for a fun game of
"truth or dare."

Some of the questions on these cards are absolute gems. They have the power to
turn a regular gathering into a night of uproarious laughter and unforgettable
moments. The size and texture of the cards are just right, especially for those
of us with smaller hands. They feel sturdy and are easy to shuffle.

However, there are a few cons to consider. While most questions are
light-hearted and entertaining, a few feel uncomfortably personal, depending on
the company you're with. The unclear instructions on the cards can be a bit
confusing, but we found it easy to make up our own rules as we went along.

Overall, "tellitall" is a delightful option for hanging out with friends or any
group of people. It's an excuse to get everyone talking, opening up, and sharing
stories, which can be especially fun when you want to break the ice or simply
enjoy a night of laughter and connection.

Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen
5,0 von 5 Sternen Provocative deck allowing you to get to know your opponents,
fun, portable, great design
Rezension aus Kanada am 30. Oktober 2023
Vine Kundenrezension eines kostenfreien Produkts( Was ist das? )
The tellitall card game is meant to be played with 3 -10 adults. Fairly easy
game play, one person draws a card and everyone else has a minute to come up
with a story based on the prompt. Then the person who drew the card picks the
winner. Similar style of play to Cards Against Humanity. But unlike that game,
here winning 3 cards wins the game as opposed to person with most prompts. The
game encourages good banter and storytelling without getting too personal "be
cool rule".

I have tried playing it with 2 people total as well and it provides a great way
to get to know someone. There won't be a winner. The cards have cool modern art
designs to them and well written legible prompts. Plenty of questions on
different thought-provoking and provocative topics.

Perfect game for camping, cottage or travel, small pack of cards that's very

5,0 von 5 Sternen Provocative deck allowing you to get to know your opponents,
fun, portable, great design
Rezension aus Kanada am 30. Oktober 2023
The tellitall card game is meant to be played with 3 -10 adults. Fairly easy
game play, one person draws a card and everyone else has a minute to come up
with a story based on the prompt. Then the person who drew the card picks the
winner. Similar style of play to Cards Against Humanity. But unlike that game,
here winning 3 cards wins the game as opposed to person with most prompts. The
game encourages good banter and storytelling without getting too personal "be
cool rule".

I have tried playing it with 2 people total as well and it provides a great way
to get to know someone. There won't be a winner. The cards have cool modern art
designs to them and well written legible prompts. Plenty of questions on
different thought-provoking and provocative topics.

Perfect game for camping, cottage or travel, small pack of cards that's very
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