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<form ng-submit="$ctrl.onSubmit($event)" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
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<form ng-submit="$ctrl.onSubmit($event)" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
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Name: newPasswordForm

<form bp-form-status="" ng-submit="$ctrl.onSubmit()" class="dont-disable-form ng-pristine ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" name="newPasswordForm">
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<form ng-submit="LoginCtrl.login()" class="ng-pristine ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-required">
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Name: registerPassword

<form bp-form-status="RegisterCtrl.getLastResponse().errorMessages" class="dont-disable-form ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-pattern" name="registerPassword" autocomplete="off" ng-submit="$ctrl.onSubmit()">
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  <div class="u-space-bottom-3">Please complete your registration</div>
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        original-placeholder="" aria-describedby="err_user_first_name" aria-invalid="true"><label class="sr-only" for="user_first_name">First name</label>
      <div class="form-notice">
        <div class="form-notice__message form-notice__message--required" id="err_user_first_name"> Please enter your first name. </div>
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        for="user_last_name">Last Name</label>
      <div class="form-notice">
        <div class="form-notice__message form-notice__message--required" id="err_user_last_name"> Please enter your last name. </div>
    <div class="form-field field-untouched field-valid-parse field-invalid-required field-valid-pattern field-empty field-pristine field-invalid"><input type="password" name="password" id="password" value="" autocomplete="new-password" placeholder=""
        required="required" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}" title="Passwords must be 8 characters or more, and must contain a number and an uppercase letter" data-ng-model="RegisterCtrl.user.password"
        class="ng-pristine ng-untouched form-element ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-pattern" original-placeholder="Password" aria-describedby="err_password" aria-invalid="true"><label class="sr-only" for="password">Password</label>
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        <div class="form-notice__message form-notice__message--required" id="err_password"> Please enter your password. </div>
        <div class="form-notice__message form-notice__message--pattern"> Your password must be 8 characters or more, and must contain a number and an uppercase letter. </div>
  <input class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn--primary" type="submit" ng-class="{ 'btn--loading': RegisterCtrl.registrationIsInProgress() }" ng-disabled="RegisterCtrl.registrationIsInProgress()" value="Make it happen">

<form ng-submit="$ctrl.save()" class="remote-register-email ng-pristine ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-required">
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      <input ng-attr-id="{{ ::$ctrl.emailInputId }}" ng-model="$ctrl.RegisterCtrl.user.email" name="email" type="email" bp-autofocus-me="true" required="true"
        class="ng-pristine form-element ng-empty ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-touched" id="register_email_input_1" aria-describedby="err_register_email_input_1" aria-invalid="true" placeholder="">
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      <div class="form-notice__message form-notice__message--required" id="err_register_email_input_1">Please enter your email</div>
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    <bp-register-errors errors="$ctrl.errors" errors-status="$ctrl.errorsStatus"><!----></bp-register-errors>

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The Draft Top 3.0 Draft Top $30 / $24 $30

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The Bighorn Pile Fleece Overshirt Line of Trade $125 / $65 $125 / $65 More


Best Seller
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Damascus & Dyed Bone Pocket Samurai Folder Titan International $85 $85

Best Seller
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Outlander Waterproof Boot Lems $190 $190 More Options

Blue Steel


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The XL - Personal Concrete Fireplace FLIKR $150 $150

Best Seller
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Walnut & Glass Bubbler Pipe Marley Natural $120 $120

Best Seller
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The Starboard Donegal Sweater Line of Trade $70 $70 More Options





Best Seller
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Magnetic Knife Block Marcellin $80 $80 More Options

Best Seller
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Canvas Weekender Bag Line of Trade $75 $75 More Options



Light Gray

+2 +1

Best Seller
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Weekender Dopp Kit Line of Trade $35 $35 More Options


Best Seller
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The Lawn Mower Manscaped $85 $85

Best Seller
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CBD Bath Bombs Set Vital You $50 $50

Best Seller
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Mini Tactical Tomahawk Hatchet SOG $60 $60

Best Seller
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Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival Simon & Schuster
$17 $17

Best Seller
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The Montana Fleece-Lined Corduroy Trucker Jacket Line of Trade $140 $140 More

Dark Moss

Moto Black

Best Seller
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The Garment Duffel Halfday $98 $98 More Colors
Marine Blue

Hunter Green

Deep Crimson

Best Seller
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Barisieur Coffee Alarm Clock Joy Resolve $445 $445 More Options


Sold Out
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Stuffed Waffle Maker, Cast Aluminum Wonderffle $69

Best Seller
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Smart Moon Lamp Gingko $199 $199 More Options

Esquire Select
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ReFillable Candle System, Ultimate Pack Fill Mill $105 $105 More Options
Light Grey Concrete

Dark Grey Concrete

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Insulated Dry Bag Cooler Wren $50 $50 More Options
Light Gray



Best Seller
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Portable Aluminum Picnic Table Oniva $190 $190

Best Seller
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Compact Camp Chair Wren $75 $75 More Options

Field Green


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The Summit Flannel Shirt Line of Trade $65 $65 More Options




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