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Submission: On January 31 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Submission: On January 31 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
1 forms found in the DOM<form id="createOrderForm" class="mx-auto w-full max-w-4xl pb-12">
<div class="md:pt-4">
<div class="relative">
<div class=" border-smoke dark:border-darker-gray flex gap-8 border-b-[1px]"><button class="dark:border-smoke group pb-4 hover:mb-[-1px] hover:border-b-2 mb-[-1px] border-b-2" aria-label="variable rate" aria-pressed="true" tabindex="-1"
type="button"><span class="font-display uppercase transition-colors dark:group-hover:text-flashbang-white group-hover:text-darker-gray text-new-black dark:text-flashbang-white" tabindex="-1">variable rate</span></button><button
class="dark:border-smoke group pb-4 hover:mb-[-1px] hover:border-b-2 false" aria-label="fixed rate" aria-pressed="false" tabindex="1" type="button"><span
class="font-display uppercase transition-colors dark:group-hover:text-flashbang-white group-hover:text-darker-gray text-darker-gray dark:text-smoke" tabindex="-1">fixed rate</span></button>
<div class="mb-[2px] flex items-center pb-4 leading-[0]">
<div id="toggle-id" class="leading-none"><svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="" class="cursor-pointer" data-testid="tooltip-trigger">
<circle cx="8" cy="8" r="7.5" stroke="var(--tooltip-icon)"></circle>
d="M7.327 9.805c0-.223.005-.411.016-.566a1.65 1.65 0 01.086-.416c.044-.126.11-.24.199-.343A2.18 2.18 0 018 8.14c.116-.1.231-.204.347-.314.115-.113.219-.227.31-.343.095-.12.172-.24.23-.363a.855.855 0 00.086-.367c0-.294-.083-.508-.25-.644-.166-.135-.409-.203-.728-.203a1.32 1.32 0 00-.357.049.878.878 0 00-. 0 00-.22.26.876.876 0 00-.086.383H5.6c.003-.329.068-.614.194-.856.125-.245.295-.448.51-.61.213-.16.465-.28.753-.357.29-.08.602-.121.938-.121a3.9 3.9 0 011.014.12c. 0 .229-.04.438-.122.628a2.41 2.41 0 01-.316.527c-.13.162-.277.316-.444.465a19.95 19.95 0 01-.494.425 2.412 2.412 0 00-.24.256.806.806 0 00-.127.228c-.023.077-.039.162-.046.256-.006.09-.01.2-.01.329H7.327zm-.209 1.465c0-.106.02-.205.057-.295a.674.674 0 01.422-.397.97.97 0 01.347-.058c.126 0 .24.02.341.058a.674.674 0 01.428.396c. 0 .103-.02.2-.062.29a.638.638 0 01-.163.232.744.744 0 01-.265.15.957.957 0 01-.341.058.973.973 0 01-.347-.058.751.751 0 01-.26-.15.638.638 0 01-.162-.232.751.751 0 01-.057-.29z"
<div role="tooltip" class="react-tooltip styles-module_tooltip__mnnfp styles-module_dark__xNqje font-text dark:bg-darker-gray z-50 whitespace-normal text-center normal-case leading-normal sm:text-sm false styles-module_clickable__Bv9o7"
style="max-width: 18rem; left: 169px; top: 31px;">
<div><strong>VARIABLE RATE:</strong> Live market EXCHANGE RATE displayed until you SEND funds to for your SHIFT. Once funds are deposited, the exchange rate becomes LOCKED-IN.<br><br><strong>FIXED RATE:</strong> The EXCHANGE
RATE for selected coins is LOCKED-IN for 15 minutes once a quote has been generated. You must first enter the exact COIN AMOUNT you wish to SEND before creating your order.</div>
<div class="react-tooltip-arrow styles-module_arrow__K0L3T" style="left: 140px; top: -4px;"></div>
<div class="right-0 top-0 flex h-full justify-center pt-6 sm:absolute sm:pt-0 md:pb-4">
<div class="font-display text-darker-gray dark:text-flashbang-white flex items-center"><span class="font-display">1 ETH <span class="font-text">≈</span> 0.0525 BTC</span></div>
<div class="pt-4">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-x-1 gap-y-1 sm:flex-row">
<div class="flex-1">
<div class="mb-1 md:my-2"><button aria-label="Select token You send" class="dark:bg-new-black bg-flashbang-white group relative z-0 h-40 w-full rounded-md p-0 shadow-sm disabled:opacity-100 md:h-60" type="button">
<div class="dark:border-flashbang-white border-new-black dark:group-focus:shadow-outline-white group-focus:shadow-outline-new-black h-full rounded-md border border-b-[6px]">
<div class="relative h-full w-[99%]" aria-live="polite" aria-busy="false">
<div class="dark:border-r-darker-gray border-r-new-black dark:bg-new-black
dark:text-flashbang-white bg-flashbang-white text-new-black 'place-items-center' mx-2 flex h-full
w-[95%] justify-center py-0 pl-2 pr-2 text-lg">
<div class="flex place-items-center gap-2">
<div class="just relative mr-3 grid"><img aria-hidden="false" src="/assets/eth-1f94df85.svg" alt="Ethereum logo" class="h-24 w-24 rounded-full" style="display: unset;"><img aria-hidden="false" src="/assets/eth-1f94df85.svg"
alt="ethereum-icon" class="drop-shadow-xs-strong absolute bottom-[-6px] right-[-6px] block h-10 w-10 rounded-full" style="display: unset;"></div>
<div class="pl-2">
<div class="flex">
<div class="flex flex-col items-start"><span class="font-display dark:text-smoke text-new-black block text-left text-sm pb-2 md:pb-2" id="You send-label">You send <img src="" alt=""></span>
<div class="flex flex-col">
<div class="text flex w-auto items-center pr-2 text-left text-3xl md:text-3xl"><span class="mr-2 font-bold">ETH</span></div><span
class="dark:text-light-smoke hidden w-auto text-left text-lg md:bottom-4 md:block">Ethereum</span>
<div class="bg-pixel-blue border-pixel-blue font-display mt-2 inline-block rounded border bg-opacity-10 px-1.5 py-1 text-sm font-normal leading-5 md:mt-2">ethereum <span class="font-display hidden lg:inline-block">
<div class="relative mt-0 mb-3 flex items-center justify-center md:my-0">
<div class="dark:bg-new-black bg-flashbang-white absolute z-10 rounded-full md:top-[102px]"><button class="dark:text-flashbang-white text-new-black dark:border-flashbang-white bg-flashbang-white
dark:bg-new-black dark:focus:shadow-outline-white focus:shadow-outline-new-black flex h-12
w-12 items-center justify-center rounded-full border p-3 disabled:cursor-not-allowed group" type="button" aria-label="Reverse shift"><svg viewBox="0 0 18 16" fill="none" xmlns=""
class="w-6 rotate-90 transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out sm:group-hover:-rotate-180 sm:group-hover:opacity-80 sm:group-focus:-rotate-180 sm:group-focus:opacity-80 sm:rotate-0">
<path d="M16.4861 8.29883L1.49874 8.29883" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round"></path>
<path d="M12.8788 13.3657L16.622 9.62247C16.8931 9.35137 17.0454 8.98369 17.0454 8.6003L17.0454 8.01214C17.0454 7.62875 16.8931 7.26106 16.622 6.98997L12.8788 3.24671" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round">
<div class="flex-1">
<div class="mb-1 md:my-2"><button aria-label="Select token You receive" class="dark:bg-new-black bg-flashbang-white group relative z-0 h-40 w-full rounded-md p-0 shadow-sm disabled:opacity-100 md:h-60" type="button">
<div class="dark:border-flashbang-white border-new-black dark:group-focus:shadow-outline-white group-focus:shadow-outline-new-black h-full rounded-md border border-b-[6px]">
<div class="relative h-full w-[99%]" aria-live="polite" aria-busy="false">
<div class="dark:border-r-darker-gray border-r-new-black dark:bg-new-black
dark:text-flashbang-white bg-flashbang-white text-new-black 'place-items-center' mx-2 flex h-full
w-[95%] justify-center py-0 pl-2 pr-2 text-lg">
<div class="flex place-items-center gap-2">
<div class="just relative mr-3 grid"><img aria-hidden="false" src="/assets/btc-5a8131ec.svg" alt="Bitcoin logo" class="h-24 w-24 rounded-full" style="display: unset;"><img aria-hidden="false" src="/assets/btc-5a8131ec.svg"
alt="bitcoin-icon" class="drop-shadow-xs-strong absolute bottom-[-6px] right-[-6px] block h-10 w-10 rounded-full" style="display: unset;"></div>
<div class="pl-2">
<div class="flex">
<div class="flex flex-col items-start"><span class="font-display dark:text-smoke text-new-black block text-left text-sm pb-2 md:pb-2" id="You receive-label">You receive <img src="" alt=""></span>
<div class="flex flex-col">
<div class="text flex w-auto items-center pr-2 text-left text-3xl md:text-3xl"><span class="mr-2 font-bold">BTC</span></div><span
class="dark:text-light-smoke hidden w-auto text-left text-lg md:bottom-4 md:block">Bitcoin</span>
<div class="bg-pixel-blue border-pixel-blue font-display mt-2 inline-block rounded border bg-opacity-10 px-1.5 py-1 text-sm font-normal leading-5 md:mt-2">bitcoin <span class="font-display hidden lg:inline-block">
<div class="my-2">
<div class="py-2">
<div class="relative"><label class="font-display dark:text-smoke text-new-black block text-left text-sm mb-1" for="settleAddress">Receiving address</label>
<div class="relative"><input id="settleAddress" autocomplete="off"
class="font-text border-new-black dark:border-flashbang-white bg-flashbang-white dark:bg-new-black dark:focus-visible:shadow-outline-white focus-visible:shadow-outline-new-black dark:focus-visible:border-flashbang-white focus-visible:border-new-black dark:invalid:border-punk-red invalid:border-punk-red input-text block h-20 w-full rounded-md border border-b-[6px] px-6 text-lg focus-visible:outline-none disabled:hover:cursor-not-allowed sm:text-xl undefined pr-[5.5rem]"
spellcheck="false" name="settleAddress" placeholder="Your BTC address"><button type="button"
class="dark:text-flashbang-white text-new-black dark:focus:shadow-outline-white focus:shadow-outline-new-black absolute top-[0.625rem] right-3 z-10 rounded-md p-3"><span class="sr-only"></span>
<div class="h-8 w-8"><img class="invert dark:invert-0" src="/assets/qr-code-a5b1ac05.svg" alt="Scan QR Code"></div>
<div class="transform md:absolute md:right-24 md:top-[calc(50%+0.5rem)] md:-translate-y-1/2" style="opacity: 1; height: auto; visibility: visible;">
<div class="flex w-full justify-center pt-6 text-center md:mt-0 md:block md:w-auto md:pt-0"></div>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-x-2 gap-y-4 pt-4 md:flex-row md:justify-center"><button disabled=""
class="dark:text-new-black dark:bg-pixel-blue bg-new-black text-flashbang-white not-disabled:hover:opacity-[0.85] disabled:text-dark-gray font-text flex items-center justify-center rounded-[0.25rem] no-underline text-center uppercase transition-all disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50 min-w-[15rem] text-lg h-16 gap-4 px-6 w-full"
<div class="dark:border-darker-gray border-smoke flex min-w-[12rem] flex-1 items-center justify-center md:justify-end lg:border-b lg:py-4"></div>
Text Content
ShiftStakeIntegrateHistory Connect Wallet 0 XAI 1 svxai = 1.2825 XAI0.03%1 XAI = 0.136257 USD2.53%Staking APY: 10.93%0.16% NO SIGN-UP CRYPTO EXCHANGE Shift between BTC, ETH, BCH, XAI and 100+ other cryptocurrencies. The best exchange rates, no account required. Step 1: Choose coin pair Step 2: Send ETH Step 3: Receive BTC variable ratefixed rate VARIABLE RATE: Live market EXCHANGE RATE displayed until you SEND funds to for your SHIFT. Once funds are deposited, the exchange rate becomes LOCKED-IN. FIXED RATE: The EXCHANGE RATE for selected coins is LOCKED-IN for 15 minutes once a quote has been generated. You must first enter the exact COIN AMOUNT you wish to SEND before creating your order. 1 ETH ≈ 0.0525 BTC You send ETH Ethereum ethereum Network You receive BTC Bitcoin bitcoin Network Receiving address Shift TRUSTED BY Trezor Invity BtcPay Cake Wallet SHIFT PROCESS 1 Select the coins to SHIFT 2 Deposit the coin to the address shown 3 Receive the swapped coins in your wallet RECENT SHIFTS FromTo Time From 59.02 To 0.2378 Completed3 minutes ago From 18.6669 To 0.0611 Completed4 minutes ago From 29 To 26.789 Completed5 minutes ago From 4 To 91.895 Completed5 minutes ago From 200 To 194.251 Completed6 minutes ago From 0.024 To 10.311 Completed21 minutes ago From 0.00077 To 0.1372 Completed25 minutes ago From 0.00066 To 0.0117 Completed29 minutes ago From 0.00044 To 0.0793 Completed1 hour ago From 0.00044 To 0.0791 Completed1 hour ago VOLUME 🎈 Past 24 Hours $1,532,777 Past Week $8,706,338 Past Month $40,698,246 Past Year $427,409,495 All Time $1,251,637,991 All Time $1,251,637,991 STAKING STATS Xai/USD 0.1361 6.36% Staking APY 10.93% 1.12% Total Value Locked $15,762,540 2.45% INTEGRATE SIDESHIFT * Rapid trading * 24/7 customer support * No sign-up from your users required Learn More The No Sign-Up Crypto Exchange. Shift between BTC, ETH, BCH, XAI and 100+ other cryptocurrencies, no account required. 🎈 TreasuryIntegrationsAPIEmbedJobs AccountRefer a humanFAQBrand Assets Listed CoinsXAI White PaperStatisticsResearch © 2024Terms & Conditions