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By Raymond Ibrahim Apr 12, 2022 2:32 PM ET
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Alberto Pizzoli/Pool Photo via AP

Pope Francis, a leading advocate of Doormat Christianity, is at it again.
Although it is traditional for papal podiums to depict the crucifix, during his
recent visit to the island of Malta, Pope Francis ditched the cross lest it
offend Muslim migrants. As the archdiocese of Malta openly admitted, “The podium
will not be adorned with a crucifix, given that the majority of migrants are

Instead, the podium backdrop used by Francis consisted of recycled plastic
bottles with red blobs meant to highlight the two primary reasons Francis was
visiting Malta — to defend migrants and the environment. “When you look deeper,
you will see that the sea is made of recycled plastic bottles, because there is
more plastic than fish in our sea,” artistic director Carlo Schembri explained.
“And the red blobs are life jackets — the lives of people lost at sea.”

While this was meant to highlight the hazards illegal Muslim migrants experience
while crossing the Mediterranean, one wonders (but doubts) if Francis remembered
the dozens of Christian migrants who were intentionally thrown overboard and
drowned in the Mediterranean by their Muslim counterparts.

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Meanwhile, Dr. Philip Beattie, an economist at the University of Malta,
explained the reality of his island’s migrant situation. “The majority of the
illegal immigrants trafficked to Malta on rickety boats leaving the Libyan
coastline are not genuine refugees, but economic migrants — and are mainly
Muslim young men aged between 18 and 28,” he said.

Beattie also got to the heart of the matter:

> Saint Paul preached “Christ crucified — a stumbling block to Jews and
> foolishness to Gentiles” [1 Cor. 1:23] when he brought the gospel to Malta.
> The Apostle boasted in the scandal of the Cross. Why is the pope ashamed of
> the Cross before Muslims, especially during Lent?

Perhaps it’s not just shame; perhaps Francis, whose Maltese mission was in large
part to support the many Muslim migrants who have flooded the tiny island,
removed the cross as a precaution — lest offended Muslims cause a scene and thus
compromise his presentation of them as poor victims in need of more state aid
and concessions. After all, as is well documented in this article, Muslims past
and present have engaged in an unwavering pattern of desecrating and destroying
the cross, especially in churches and Christian cemeteries.

The fact that Francis’s shameful conduct took place in Malta is especially
ironic, if not ominous, for Malta was the scene of one of the worst Islamic
invasions of history, one worth remembering.

On May 18, 1565, Muslims, in the guise of Ottoman Turks, savagely besieged
Malta. The defenders of that tiny island were led by the Knights of Saint John
(formerly the Hospitallers).

The Ottomans proceeded to subject the tiny island to, at that time, history’s
most sustained bombardment (some 130,000 cannonballs were fired in total). “I
don’t know if the image of hell can describe the appalling battle,” wrote a
contemporary. “… the fire, the heat, the continuous flames from the
flamethrowers and fire hoops; the thick smoke, the stench, the disemboweled and
mutilated corpses, the clash of arms, the groans, shouts, and cries, the roar of
the guns … men wounding, killing, scrabbling, throwing one another back, falling
and firing.”

The vastly outnumbered Knights of Christ fought tooth and nail. Many of them
were ritually mutilated, their hearts and entrails pulled out to cries of
“Allahu Akbar.” Afterwards — and speaking of the crucifix that Francis is
ashamed of — the Muslim invaders mockingly nailed their bodies to crosses and
set them adrift in the harbor.

Despite this, the Knights and Maltese defenders so persevered that months later,
on Sept. 11, the Muslim invaders raised the siege and retreated.

Today, Islamic invasions of Europe continue, though under the guise of a
“refugee crisis” — one that the head of the Catholic world is doing all he can
to facilitate. Not in the name of Christianity, as evidenced by his abandonment
of the cross, but supposed humanism, even as many migrants continue acting like
their invading and conquering forbears, including by destroying the hated cross.

Jean Parisot de Valette (1494–1568) was the grand master of the Knights of Saint
John in 1565. “His disposition is rather sad,” wrote a contemporary of Valette,
but “for his age [71], he is very robust,” and also “very devout.” Days prior to
the Islamic siege of Malta, Valette explained to his men what was at stake:

> A formidable army composed of audacious barbarians is descending on this
> island; these persons, my brothers, are the enemies of Jesus Christ. Today it
> is a question of the defense of our Faith as to whether the book of the
> Evangelist [the Gospel] is to be superseded by that of the Koran? God on this
> occasion demands of us our lives, already vowed to His service. Happy will
> those be who first consummate this sacrifice.

Amazingly, everything he said is now explicitly or implicitly rejected by the
current pope — even though Valette’s words are largely still applicable: masses
of people who not infrequently behave like “audacious barbarians” are still
“descending on this island,” as well as all of Western Europe, even though they
are and openly behave as “the enemies of Jesus Christ.”  Moreover, “Today it is
[still] a question of the defense of our Faith as to whether the book of the
Evangelist is to be superseded by that of the Koran.”

And in the midst of such an existential struggle, the so-called vicar of Christ
is doing everything in his power to compel Christians to drop their guard and
take in and appease more and more Muslims — even as he abandons the cross of
Christ, lest it offends these selfsame Muslims.

Surely Valette — whom the capital of Malta is named after in honor of his
sacrifice — is turning in his grave.

Raymond Ibrahim is author of the new book, Defenders of the West: The Christian
Heroes Who Stood Against Islam


Raymond Ibrahim, an expert in Islamic history and doctrine, is author of Sword
and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the
West (2018); Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013);
and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). He has appeared on C-SPAN, Al-Jazeera, CNN, NPR,
and PBS, and been published by the New York Times Syndicate, Los Angeles
Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, Weekly Standard, Chronicle of Higher
Education, and Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst. Formerly an Arabic linguist at
the Library of Congress, Ibrahim has guest lectured at many universities,
including the U.S. Army War College, briefed governmental agencies such as U.S.
Strategic Command, and testified before Congress. He has been a visiting
fellow/scholar at a variety of Institutes—from the Hoover Institution to the
National Intelligence University—and is currently a Shillman Fellow at the David
Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Friedman Rosen Fellow at the Middle East
Forum, and a Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute. His full biography is
available here.  Follow Raymond at Twitter and Facebook.

For media inquiries, please contact communications@pjmedia.com

Read more by Raymond Ibrahim


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